
Chapter 14: The 9th-Inning Showdown

As a bus arrived at the stadium, the filming team became busy.

"They've arrived."

"Are you capturing everything well? This is the most important part of this broadcast."

[Yes, we're filming it well.]

"Seems like you're paying close attention, too."

"Of course. The reason we scheduled this season's second part around the U.S. was specifically for this."

"It's the first time a Triple-A team is playing on Korean TV."

The Florida Knights, a Triple-A team under the LA Angeles.

They finished the season in third place in the Triple-A league and are considered one of the top farm teams in Major League Baseball.

There were two reasons they were able to arrange this game.

"It's possible because they're the Angels. LA has the highest Korean population in the U.S., and the Angels are a popular team in Korea."

"And Baek Seung-jin's role was also significant."

"It's fortunate that we've maintained a good relationship with the Angels."

Baek Seung-jin had debuted in the Major Leagues with the Angels.

Even after retiring, he kept a special relationship with them, and his bridge-building role helped secure this appearance.

"But there are so many spectators."

Director Yang and writer Im looked around the stadium.

Today, they had specifically booked the best-equipped baseball stadium in the area.

Although it had less than 500 seats, it was reasonably well-equipped.

It was filled with locals who had come after hearing the news of the Knights' visit, as well as those who had flown in to see Jung-woo and the team.

"I told you, didn't I?"

Director Yang said with a triumphant expression.

"I said Jung-woo would make an impact."

"Yeah, I admit it."

Years of working together had often left them amazed.

Director Yang's eye for talent was impressive.

"Alright, let's get ready."

It was time to prepare for the finale of their U.S. tour.


Jug-woo couldn't tear his eyes away from his smartphone.

Me: So, a lot of pro team reps are here today.

So-yeon: Are you really going back to a pro team? -emoticon

The emoticon with a dog's hopeful eyes reminded him of So-yeon, making him smile.

Me: I just need to make a decision.

So-yeon: Awesome! So, are you going back to the Firebirds?

Me: I'm not sure yet. I haven't heard all the terms. I plan to have meetings with teams once I return to Korea.

So-yeon: Okay! You'll handle it well no matter what. Make the decision that feels right for you!

Me: Thanks. I need to get ready for the game now.

So-yeon: Fight hard today!! Don't get injured!! -emoticon

Me: Got it! Love you.

So-yeon: Me too~

They ended their chat with emoticons of two puppies hugging.

Putting down his phone, Baek Seung-jin, who was sitting next to him, asked.

"Who were you texting? You haven't stopped smiling. A girlfriend?"


"That's nice. How long have you been together?"

"We've been together since high school."

"Wow, so it's been about ten years?"

"It will be ten years next year."

"It would be meaningful to have a ten-year anniversary celebration after returning to the pros."

"I hope so too."

Next year, September 1st, would mark their ten-year anniversary.

If he secured a pro contract before then, he would be able to show himself playing in the major leagues.

"If you've been together that long, she must have been very disappointed when you were released."

"Instead, she supported me. She said she believed in me."

Baek Seung-jin's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe someone like her existed.

"You should marry her."

"Yeah, I agree."

"Seriously. If you miss out on someone like her, you'll regret it forever."

"I agree."

Jung-woo thought that he couldn't find someone as good as So-yeon.

At that moment, Director Yang came in and gave a brief on today's game.

"Today's game will be nine innings. There won't be a cold game, and most pitchers will pitch for only one or two innings, so all the pitchers will get a chance to play. Baek Seung-jin will be the starting pitcher."

"Wait, wasn't it supposed to be Jung-woo?"

"The plan changed. Baek Seung-jin will pitch first, and Jung-woo will pitch last."

Director Yang's intent was clear.

He wanted to place the high-profile pitcher at the end to keep viewers from switching channels.

Thus, Jung-woo was scheduled to pitch last.

"So, since this is the last game, let's all avoid injuries and end on a high note."



The Florida Knights' practice began.

On the mound, Eric Phil's warm-up pitches continued.

The sound of his fastball hitting the glove made the eyes of the team representatives widen.

"Wow… that's incredibly fast."

"His stuff is great. Why is a pitcher of that level in Triple-A?"

The stadium was well-equipped with a scoreboard and a speed gun.

The speed displayed was 91 miles per hour.

But due to his impressive stuff, it felt even faster.

Check this off. Add him to the list of candidates for next year's foreign players.

"Got it. I'll contact the agent immediately."


Quick-moving teams had already put Eric Phil on their list of potential candidates.

"This is a huge level difference, isn't it?"

"Indeed. No matter how great the former players of Team Yashin were, they've been retired for at least 2-3 years, so their bodies have gotten stiff."

In baseball, as with all elite sports, skill declines from the moment of retirement.

Training, which was a daily routine, stops.

Though they are still significantly better than average people, they cannot compare to active players.

Especially when facing a current Triple-A player, they are no match.

"Well, we didn't come here to see retired players."

"What's important is Jung-woo. But why is Baek Seung-jin warming up?"

The team representatives noticed Baek Seung-jin warming up, while Jung-woo, who was supposed to start, was resting in the dugout.

He didn't look like a player who was about to start.

"Manager Kim, is Jung-woo still starting?"

"That's what I heard, but it seems it's been changed."

"Ugh, I guess we have to watch the whole game then."

They could only click their tongues in frustration.

Meanwhile, a white man watching from the Knights' side was smiling as he waited for Baek Seung-jin's appearance.

"Looks like we'll finally see Mr. Baek's pitching again."

The middle-aged man next to him asked.

"That person was once a promising prospect with the Angels, right?"

"He was more than just a prospect; he even took on the role of the number one starter. If it weren't for injuries, he would have made a significant mark in the Major Leagues."

"Is it really that impressive?"

"During his prime, he was fantastic."

Ray Muncy, the general director of the Knights, reminisced about the past.

But his reverie didn't last long.


"It's a hit!!"

"Run! Run!!"

The first batter hit a single.


"Ball, base on balls!"

The second batter walked, advancing the runners.

A staff member commented.

"Even if he was once a legend, now he's just an old man."


The staff member's comment about a once-impressive player not sitting well with Ray.

Just then, the momentum of Baek Seung-jin's pitches changed.




Ray Muncy clenched his fist and raised his voice.

"Anyone would think you were the director of the other team."


Baek Seung-jin was a beacon of hope for LA.

His pitching had a romantic quality.

Even though he was often referred to as a bust, he never gave up and continued to play in the Major Leagues.

Despite a glamorous start, he had become a journeyman, moving from team to team.

But he never gave up.

Ray knew how tough that was.

That's why he respected him even more.

'In such circumstances, he eventually achieved the most wins by an Asian, and that record still stands.'

It might be broken soon, but for now, the record was still his.

And even after retiring, Baek Seung-jin didn't give up.


"Got it!!"

"Second base!!"

The hit ball was caught by the second baseman.

He tossed it lightly to the shortstop.



The runner heading from first to second base was out.

The shortstop quickly threw the ball to first base.




Ray Muncy clenched his fist again.

The staff member shook his head.

"If that's the case, why don't you just wear their uniform?"

"Hmm, should I?"

"Oh boy…"

Baek Seung-jin, relieved by the double play, recorded the third out with a fly ball to right field before leaving the mound.

"Even in retirement, Baek is still great."

Though his pitching form wasn't as dynamic as before, watching him pitch evoked nostalgia.

'I'm glad we accepted today's game.'

Ray thought that just watching his pitching made it worthwhile to accept the game.


The game surprisingly remained close.

But the balance shifted in an instant.


"This one's gone."

The leadoff batter for the fourth inning, Breed, hit a ball over the center field fence.

The Sharks, having scored first with a home run, picked up the pace.



Back-to-back hits changed the momentum.

The Team Yashin dugout fell silent.

"It's over."

"Looks like it."

The team representatives concluded that the game was finished.

At that moment, Baek Seung-jin shouted from the mound.

"Hey, hey! It's just getting started! If we give up a run, we need to take it back right away!! Ui-il, get on base first! Hit it hard and run like mad, shaking that big butt!"

"Ah, come on, hyung! Why are you suddenly talking about my hips? I'm already so self-conscious about it!"

Baek Seung-jin's lively Jeolla-do dialect during his excitement caused laughter in the dugout.

"Ha-ha! He's getting all fired up."

"Man, why don't you lose some weight if you're going to shake that butt around?"

"Hey! If you don't do it right, I'll break those skinny legs of yours!"

"Stop being so noisy!"

The former rival, Young-jun, shouted back at the dugout before heading to the batter's box.

Then something amazing happened.



The pitcher's first pitch came inside, and Ui-il didn't miss it, swinging his bat.

The well-hit ball soared straight into the right-field fence.

"Run! Run!!"

"Make sure you get to second base!!"

"Shake that butt properly!!"

With cheers and not-so-serious encouragement from his teammates, Ui-il slid into second base and punched the air towards the dugout.

"Did you see that?!!"

"Saw it!!"

The camera captured the celebration of the two former rivals, and smiles spread across the faces of the two PDs.

'Very good.'


The expectation that the Knights would easily overwhelm Team Yashin was wrong.

"Nice job."

"They're really fighting back."

"It looks like the competitive spirit from their heyday hasn't faded."

Even though his skills had declined since retirement,

he had a belly, and his joints weren't what they used to be,

his competitive spirit remained unchanged.

The desire not to lose.

That was something he wouldn't lose to anyone.

Team Yashin showcased that spirit, making Season 1 a hit.

And that was true even against a Triple-A team.

"If we can hold them off in the 9th inning, there's a chance."

At Kim Tae-sung's words, the two superiors nodded.

"It's just a 3-run difference. We can definitely turn it around."

The score was 7 to 4.

It was a score where the game could be tied at any moment.

The top of the 9th inning was crucial.

On the mound was Jung-woo, who was finally coming in.

"Finally out there."

"Entering in the toughest moment."

"That means his stuff is really good."

Jung-woo started his warm-up pitches on the mound.



Each pitch he threw made a powerful sound as it hit the glove.

Ray Muncy, the director, watched intently.

A staff member commented.

"The stuff is really good."

"Yeah. Of all the pitchers so far, he's the best. Especially the movement on his pitches is excellent."

"If we end up getting reversed here, it's going to be awkward."

The opponent was a team from a variety show.

Even if they lost, they wouldn't suffer.

On the other hand, a loss for the Knights would be risky.

But Ray Muncy took it lightly.

"We could lose. If victory and defeat were determined solely by strength, we'd always beat the Oakland Peoplites."

"Well, that's true…"

"Still, you're not entirely wrong. Go and tell Coach John to get Billy ready."

"Got it."

While Ray Muncy was preparing something,

Coach Sung approached Jung-woo after his warm-up pitches.

"You're in good condition today too."

"Thank you."

"I hope you show the same boldness you did on the first day."

Jung-woo smiled and nodded at those words.

"I'll definitely show it."

Satisfied with the response, Coach Seong patted Jung-woo on the shoulder and left the mound.

The batter stepped into the box, and the umpire's voice echoed across the field.

"Play ball!!"

Top of the 9th inning.

Jung-woo's pitching began.



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