
The Morning After

I awoke aching from temple to temple and from the top of my rib cage to the soles of my feet. Yay! My arms and neck were fine.

More pressing at the moment, though, my bladder was dangerously full.

I tossed back the covers and sat up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I was focused on making a bathroom run.

I squealed when I stepped on a warm lump that groaned from the impact of my foot. Instantly, I pulled my feet up on the top of the bed before looking over the side.

King lay wrapped in an unfamiliar blanket, a forearm lying across his eyes. As he awoke, he shifted to a more comfortable position.

"What are you doing here?"

I didn't wait for a response. The full bladder took precedence. I crawled off the foot of the bed but immediately regretted it as I stretched sore muscles and asked those same muscles to support my weight.

I bit back a groan, but not quick enough.

"Are you okay?" King asked.

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