
Chapter 18: The Cardinal's Struggle Part 1

March 31st, in the year of the Lord 1450

Entry to the journal of Padre Rodrigo Borjas, Cardinal of Castile, Right-hand Advisor of the King


March 31st, 1450

10 Ante Meridiem


Today is a tiring day. I met the young man who is the nephew of my good friend, Juan. The young man looks promising, steady at a young age, and not yet initiated to the secrets of the world. I am not sure what is happening in the Vatican that Juan sent me his nephew, I just hope that he has the same aptitude in learning the Heaven's Arts as his uncle.


Something strange also passed by me this morning while I was doing my devotion. A faint scent, whom I associate with beings from Impyerno suddenly passed by me inside the Cathedral. I am not sure whether it was my imagination earlier, but since I met Tomas' companion and smelled the same scent, I am sure about one thing. Either some Nightcrawlers escaped the prison or a Demon from Impyerno passed through the veil and is now roaming.


As a Knight and a servant of God, I am obliged to investigate this matter. I will also send a missive to the Vatican so that they can send someone to suppress this matter. 



6 Post Meridiem

I just woke up from a spiritual battle. I'm afraid I'm tainted. I will consult with the Lightworkers tomorrow and try to communicate with the Vatican again.


I met a faceless Demon with his legions. I am afraid that they are planning something big. I only hope I can suppress this till I can teach young Tomas to hold on.


He has no name, I am not strong enough to injure his spiritual form. If I can find his host, I am sure I can imprison him with the help of the Lightworkers.


For now, I will try to find a cure for my taint. So help me God.





The next day greeted the Cardinal with a gloomy weather. The sky is gray and the clouds are moving faster than normal. The warm spring sun was replaced by a cold morning. After his morning devotion, the Cardinal hurried out of the compound after telling his companion to inform Tomas to wait for him at his study. He will not join the young man for breakfast and can only hurry to the house beneath the cliff.


Although strange tales from the locals of Castille surround the cliffs, only Rodrigo knew that this was a holy and protected area of the Lightworkers. Limping, he made his way through, making sure that his white cloak and gold mask covered him perfectly. Upon reaching the Oak tree, he knocked in a pattern and muttered something under his breath.


The oak creaked and twisted its body before a light sucked the Cardinal and took him to the realm of the Lightworkers.


"We welcome you Rodrigo, The Knight and Priest." Said a tall stick figure covered in barks and moss.


"Greetings my friend, I am here to visit Lumina."


"Hmm.. Follow me. By the way, you have the stench in you. I hope you survive." The figure replied as if not concerned whether he lived or died.


Understanding their nonchalant attitude, Rodrigo paid him no mind. He just followed the meandering creature that was headed to the thatched cottage shrouded in mist. An old woman can be seen tending to the plants talking to them as if they replied back to her.


"Good day to you Sister Lumina." Rodrigo greeted the old woman.

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