
174 be successful

"You... you say you are the Great General Wei Hu?" Ye Jiu couldn't believe it.

"What, don't I look the part?" General Wei Hu teased as he spoke.

It's like barking up the wrong tree.

She had always thought that General Wei Hu must be an old man with a fierce look and a face full of whiskers, after all Si Rong and Si Bei both called him an old thing, so Ye Jiu subconsciously felt that he must be very old.

But unexpectedly, not only was he not an old man, he also didn't look anything like what she had imagined.

It was also her own fault, for she had only been watching Prince Jing at the tea house, even though General Wei Hu was right at the forefront riding a horse, and she didn't even glance at him.

"Yes, very much so!" Ye Jiu's lips twitched uncontrollably.

"Hahaha..." Another round of hearty laughter came, as General Wei Hu praised, "What a cute lass!"

"Hehe... Hehe..." Ye Jiu also laughed awkwardly.

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