
The Secret Meeting

Chapter 156

Jake had just finished getting his armour from Dame and also inviting him into his Guild by informing him that the leader was the werewolf slayer so Dame was more than inclined to join.

After the contraction was successful and showing Dame everything that had to do with the system, Jake walked out of the shop so he could get a headstart to the hand to hand combat club building for his Guild's first ever meeting.

But as he exited the shop, he got a message on his watch.

"Will Jake Lucas please make his way to the hand to hand combat club's building ASAP." The voice said.

"What the heck! What the hell is going on?" Jake asked as he stared blankly at the watch.

"Why would I get a message on my watch telling me to head off to the hand to hand combat club? Who even sent me this message?"

"Could it be one of the authorities? Have they found out about my intentions? But how?" Jake asked already worried.

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