On getting to school , Julius and Amy separated with Amy going to class and Julius moving to his locker.
"Hey there freak eyes" , a drawling voice said from behind Julius .
It was Parker. The shameless bully was snickering with a group of his buddies at the joke he probably thought was funny. Their attempts to pick on Julius started a few weeks back when Parker's girlfriend falsely accused Julius of ogling her. Their attempts so far was made up of harmless taunts but Julius knew that they would soon make it physical and he was ready for them. . He had been taught self defence by Master Kras though what Master Kras considered 'self defence ' was literally a battle art far more sophisticated than what they were taught at school mixed with a splash of military training . So Julius was confident in his ability to come out victorious in a fight with them though not unscathed but he wasn't going fight them unless they came at him first.
Julius basically ignored them and walked to his classroom where one of his few friends , David.
"My oh my, you're eyes are red Julius ...Have you been crying ?",David said with a stupid grin on his face as a way of greeting.
"Shut up Short stack"
David was an incredibly smart kid , boasting of an IQ surpassing most people's . After Amy , he was the one who knew Julius best.
When Julius settled down , "How's it going ?" , he asked
"ohh everything's great ......buuuut" , Julius' eyes narrowed as David said that that last part with mischievous glints dancing in his eyes.
"Look what I got " David said handing Julius a piece of paper
In a messy scrawl
[Would you be my girlfriend?]
Then in a different handwriting
[Yes ....Love Christabel]
Julius's heart fell as he read the note . Julius's love life was nothing spectacular as he generally avoided social interactions . Even people he considered his friends ,which could be counted on one hand , knew next to nothing about him( Argus just didn't make for good social conversation).Probably due to his life style Julius never felt an attraction to any girl.... except for Christabel . He met her along with David as they were together along with two others in a group project and remained close ever since- all of Julius' friends aside from Amy were part of that group project. Julius had long decided to tell her how he felt but continued procrastinating. ..... Now he missed his chance.
Julius finally tore his eyes away from the note and met David's gaze. David suddenly smiled
"Bullseye", David said then burst into laughter. Julius finally let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He then stared at David with murder in his eyes.
Sometimes having a friend like David could be troublesome.
'Wait I don't remember telling him , how did he know'
As if to answer the unsaid question, "Did you really think I wouldn't notice ?...<laughter >Odds are she already knows". Julius suddenly tensed
"WHAT!? ... are you ser..."
The question trailed off as Christabel accompanied by Hans[another member of the project buddies] walked into the class.
Hans was a somewhat huge guy and also a member of the school rugby team. His parents were both guardians ,his mother being a Runetamer while his father a regular. Although runes can't be inherited traces of his mother's ice-related powers showed in his physiology. Basically ,he got an inexplicable boost in strength whenever he consumed chilled drinks.
Christabel on the other hand was of average height (the same height as Julius ) . Her full blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders as her vibrant green eyes sparkled with mirth . Her rosy lips were curved into a smile as she took her seat beside Julius.