

"Our work on consciousness transfer could be vital to the progress of humanity, if only we could get some f....", "What a bunch of crazies",Argus said as he turned off the holoprojector .He didn't believe whatever those deranged scientists were saying nor did he particularly care.

He grabbed his keys then rushed out of the house whistling a jolly tune . This good mood was brought about because of the fact that his wife was about to put to bed. He dove into his car then drove like a bat out of hell towards the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later, he was seated comfortably in his wife's ward content with just looking into his wife's eyes..words weren't needed . Soon he grinned, mischief dancing in his electric blue eyes

"So ..How's Argus Delhivia jnr doing?"

"What do you mean Argus Delhivia jnr",Anne replied with an equally mischievous smile "Or you seem to have forgotten our bet "

Argus groaned as he recalled.

A few months prior, he and his wife bet on a game of chess to decide the name of their son. But try as he might , Argus still ended up being beaten by his quick witted wife.

"You're still not going to tell me his name, are you ?"

"Nope ,it's a surprise "

"And you aren't going to consider Argus Delhivia jnr ...It's a fantastic name, you know?"

"Most definitely not "

"Hmmm ...that's a shame "Argus said still smiling.

They filled the time with small talk about this and that till a squadron of nurses came and escorted his wife to the theatre.

Just before her bed entered the room ,Anne winked at him saying," It's Julius" .and then she was gone .

Argus stood outside pondering for a few seconds

'Not Argus jnr ,but manageable'

Before long he was pacing and praying amidst occasional screams emanating from the theatre.

'She's in good hands ',Argus told himself.

He knew because he personally scouted for the best hospital he could find and paid an unimaginable sum for his wife's wellbeing .

Money wasn't a problem.

Argus soon got tired of pacing then decided to sit on one of the benches provided. As he took a step towards the bench, the world went dark.

"Seriously, a light out " Argus said as he threw his hands up in the air. He then shook his head silently lamenting money not well spent.

Suddenly...."ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!",a deep baritone scream echoed across the corridor, freezing Argus's blood in his veins.

Argus, unthinking ,dashed into the operating theatre. He froze as he saw a baby laying on the table .

He took a forced step forward and then the baby opened his eyes . Vibrant bloodred pupils gazed back at Argus.He forced himself to look away from the infant.

"Where's my..."

The question died in this lips as he noticed that the surgeons and the walls of the theatre were painted with blood and gore.

Feeling his chest grow heavy , Argus looked down and realised that he too was standing on what was once his wife.

At that moment, as if on cue ,the baby's crying broke the deafening silence enveloping the room.

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