
Chapter 73 More to My Past

Freya’s P.O.V

I must have appeared visibly shaken when we arrived at the café Downtown, because the second Cameron saw me, he was on his feet and rushing over to my side the next instant.

“What’s wrong?” He looked from me to Sarah as he wrapped an arm around me. “What happened? Freya?”

“I think we should take a seat first.” Sarah motioned for the rest of the group to move to the very back of the restaurant, where no one would be able to overhear our conversation.

“Let’s go.” Cameron held on to me tightly as he led me to the back as Alex and Darcia followed suit and moved seats for us, taking their drinks with them.

Once we were seated, Cameron took the seat beside me and began to inspect any exposed part of my skin for injuries. “Are you hurt anywhere? Did someone say something to you? Freya? Please, tell me what’s wrong?”

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