
Chapter 7: Are You Underestimating the Pride of the Uchiha?

Tsunade could say with absolute confidence:

In Konoha, there aren't many people wealthier than our little rich girl, Kushina.

"Stop hesitating. This is a one-time offer. If you don't take it, you can go ask the old man. But think about how he'll react when he finds out—your situation is way too delicate."


Kushina was completely caught in Tsunade's web. She thought about it for a long time but still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, though she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Fine, but you better teach him properly. I'll give you the forty thousand ryo only if he actually learns it. Otherwise, no deal."

"Don't worry, it's in good hands," Tsunade said, patting her not-yet-impressive chest with confidence. With Takuya's stellar grades, teaching him should be easy, right? Hopefully, he wouldn't be like that blockhead Nawaki, who nearly drove her insane.

As long as money was involved, Tsunade was all about helping out. She wished for more deals like this—she'd never have to worry about gambling funds again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several kunai whizzed through the air as Minato launched himself at Takuya, who was perched on a tree branch.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

With lightning-fast reflexes, Takuya deflected the incoming kunai and aimed a kick at Minato.


There was a soft explosion as Minato's body turned into a log—a substitution jutsu.

"Ha! Got you... What the—?!"

Minato's real body had looped around from another angle, thinking his plan had worked, only to be met with Takuya's fist. With a grunt, Minato was sent flying, crashing into a tree and sliding down its trunk.


Minato sucked in a breath, rubbing his chest. "Takuya, we're just training! Do you have to go that hard?"

"And how did you figure out I used a clone?"

"That half-baked clone technique was obvious," Takuya said as he jumped down from the tree, pulling Minato back to his feet. With a teasing grin, he added, "Trying to fool me with that? You've got a lot to learn, kid."

"I'm done! Every time, it's the same!" Minato huffed, frustration written all over his face. That smug grin... I really want to punch it, but I just can't beat him! It's hopeless!

Minato decided to throw in the towel. He felt like Takuya had him completely figured out. No matter what strategies or attacks he used, Takuya always countered them with ease. What's the point of training if I'm just a punching bag?

"Alright." Takuya nodded, not pressing the issue. After all, it was always Minato who suggested these sparring sessions, even though he was the one getting beaten every time. Still, after a bit of time had passed, Minato would always forget the pain and challenge him again.

The two went back to their own training routines.

As he watched Takuya practicing his swordsmanship, Minato couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

"Takuya, you're practicing Uchiha sword techniques. Won't the Uchiha have a problem with that?"

"A problem? Why would they?"

Takuya looked at him, puzzled.

"My mother taught me swordsmanship, and some of the jutsu scrolls were left by my parents. It's not like I stole them from the Uchiha shrine. Why would they care?"

"Are you underestimating the pride of the Uchiha?" Minato asked, incredulous.

"...Forget I said anything. The Uchiha really are a bunch of prideful maniacs."

"Want to learn? I can teach you."

"No thanks."

Minato was tempted, but he wasn't a Uchiha. The last thing he wanted was to stir up trouble. Takuya's skills were inherited from his parents, and he did have Uchiha blood, but Minato had nothing like that. Better not to create problems for himself.

Before becoming Jiraiya's student, life hadn't been easy for Minato. Despite his talent, he had no access to advanced jutsu or resources. Like other civilian ninjas, all he could do was grind through the basics and endlessly practice the jutsu taught at the academy.

"That's enough for today. Let's head back. We can't keep them waiting too long," Takuya said, referring to Kushina and Tsunade. Without them, Takuya and Minato would have trained until dark.


Minato wiped the sweat from his brow, gathering up his undamaged tools while reluctantly discarding the ones that had broken. The high cost of ninja gear made Minato, who relied on a pension to get by, scrimp and save wherever he could.

Back in the village, the group dispersed, each heading home.


When Takuya arrived at his doorstep, he found someone waiting—a certain someone he'd just parted ways with not long ago.

"Is there something you need, Lady Tsunade?"

"Not bad," Tsunade remarked, eyeing the groceries in Takuya's hands with amusement. "What's the matter? You're not going to invite me in?"


Takuya silently opened the door.

Tsunade didn't hesitate, following Takuya into his modest home. She glanced around, taking in the small, slightly shabby space. Takuya couldn't tell what she was thinking as she nodded to herself now and then, leaving him completely baffled.

He made a cup of tea and set it on the table, tentatively asking, "Are you staying for dinner?"

"Don't mind if I do."

Tsunade plopped down on the straw mat like she owned the place, leisurely sipping her tea. She looked less like a guest and more like a landlord inspecting her property.

Takuya had no idea what Tsunade was doing at his house. Was it about Kushina? Did she want to tell him to stay away from her? That didn't seem likely. Takuya hadn't been actively seeking out Kushina, so there was no reason for Tsunade to go out of her way to confront him.

Whatever. If she has something to say, she'll say it. If not, no big deal.

Shrugging, Takuya headed into the kitchen to start dinner. It was still a bit early, but he figured the sooner he fed Tsunade, the sooner he could send her on her way.

"Mmm, this is good!"

As soon as the meal was ready, Tsunade dug in with gusto, her table manners doing little to match the refined image of "Lady Tsunade." Watching her eat like that made Takuya's eye twitch slightly. He only took a few bites before putting his chopsticks down, observing Tsunade as she devoured her food.

"I'm usually too busy, and Nawaki's cooking is terrible. As for Kushina... never mind." Tsunade grumbled between mouthfuls, complaining about Nawaki's poor cooking skills.

If Nawaki heard this, he'd probably hide in the bathroom and cry. Shouldn't you, as the elder sister, be doing the cooking? It's not like you're lazy or anything, right?

Seeing that Tsunade was nearly done, Takuya finally asked, "So, is there a reason you came to see me?"

"Take a guess. If you guess right, I'll give you a reward," Tsunade said, setting down her bowl and chopsticks with a satisfied burp. She hadn't enjoyed a meal this much in a long time, though she worried that eating like this too often might make her gain weight.

Looking down at her still-not-so-large chest, she sighed in relief. Even if I gain a little weight, at least Jiraiya won't have any more excuses to call me flat.

Stupid Jiraiya! Next time, I'll knock that smirk off his face.

Unaware of Tsunade's inner monologue, Takuya just shook his head. Guess? You think I'm going to play that game with you?

Not happening. If you've got something to say, just say it.

When Takuya didn't press her further and instead started clearing the table, Tsunade felt a bit frustrated. Kids these days are hard to fool.

"Hey! Aren't you afraid I'm here to warn you to stay away from Kushina?" she called out.

As he set the dishes in the sink and ran the water, Takuya replied without turning around, "I doubt that. My relationship with Kushina is just that of classmates—nothing that would warrant such a big fuss from you."

This kid really isn't easy to trick, Tsunade thought, propping her chin on her hand. "Takuya, since I've eaten two meals at your place today, I'm going to give you a reward. Interested?"

A reward? You've got to be kidding me.

Takuya glanced back at Tsunade, paused for a moment, and then said, "No thanks. If having two meals means I have to accept a reward, I'd rather not."

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Even if it does fall into your lap, it's likely a trap. The best way to avoid getting caught is to steer clear of these so-called 'rewards.'


Can we even have a normal conversation? Tsunade was grinding her teeth, resisting the urge to punch something. Nawaki was never this difficult.

Strangely, Tsunade found herself missing her simple-minded little brother.

"No way! You're taking this reward whether you like it or not!"

If you don't take the reward, how am I supposed to get my forty thousand ryo?

Note: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 11 at patreon.com/Emik01.

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