
Chapter 53: Meeting Pope Bibi Dong, and the Grand Soul Arena of Wuhun City!

As the luxurious carriage halted before the resplendent Pope's Palace, Hu Liena couldn't contain her excitement. "Come on, I'll take you to meet my teacher!" she chirped, eagerly tugging Lin Yu's hand as they descended from the carriage.

Standing before the grand structure, Lin Yu couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. The palace was an awe-inspiring sight—a cylindrical building entirely gilded in gold, topped with a glass dome that sparkled in the sunlight like a vision from a dream.

But Lin Yu didn't have much time to take in the palace's splendor. Hu Liena led him inside, through the vast main hall, and onward to a smaller, more private chamber in the back. This was the place where Bibi Dong, the Pope of Wuhun Hall, often resided and handled her affairs.

Outside the chamber's massive doors, two squads of Holy Temple Knights stood vigilant, clad in shining silver armor and armed with broad swords. Their presence was imposing, but Hu Liena moved with ease, clearly familiar with the surroundings.

After a brief moment to send one of the knights inside to announce their arrival, Hu Liena and Lin Yu were soon granted permission to enter.

Inside, the grand hall was dimly lit, the temperature cool and soothing. As they moved toward the back of the chamber, Lin Yu looked up and saw a figure seated upon a throne—a regal woman, dressed in a flowing purple robe adorned with the Pope's crown, her hand resting on a scepter encrusted with glittering gemstones. Her face was strikingly beautiful, exuding both grace and authority. Lin Yu couldn't help but be awestruck. She's stunning!

Although the world of Douluo Continent didn't declare Bibi Dong as its greatest beauty, among all the women Lin Yu had encountered—like Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing—none could yet compare to the mature and powerful aura that Bibi Dong radiated. She was in a league of her own.

Hu Liena broke the silence, her voice brimming with excitement. "Teacher, I successfully recruited Lin Yu into Wuhun Hall! His martial soul is indeed support-type. On our way back, Ju Douluo and I helped him hunt a soul beast in the Star Dou Forest. After absorbing the soul ring, his first soul skill turned out to have incredibly powerful healing capabilities. Even though he's just at the Soul Master level, his healing rivals that of some Soul Elders!"

"In fact," Hu Liena continued, "I think his martial soul might even surpass the Nine Heart Begonia—the so-called best healing-type martial soul in the world!"

Bibi Dong nodded, her gaze falling on Lin Yu with satisfaction. A gentle smile crossed her face as she spoke, her voice calm and commanding. "Welcome to Wuhun Hall, child. Your timing is perfect. Our Wuhun City Junior Soul Master Academy will be starting soon, and Hu Liena will help you get settled there."

"The promises she made to you—Wuhun Hall will fulfill them all. Starting this month, after the necessary arrangements are made, everything you've been promised will be delivered to you."

"If you have any questions or need help with anything, you can always ask Hu Liena. She will assist you."

"Since you're new to Wuhun City, I'm sure you're still getting used to it. You can stay in the residence next to Hu Liena's."

"Hu Liena, you may take him now. The day is still young; if he wishes to explore the city, feel free to show him around."

With that, Hu Liena happily led Lin Yu out of the Pope's Palace. The pair descended from the hill on which the palace was perched and arrived at the residential district nestled at its base. This was no ordinary neighborhood—it was an exclusive area, surrounded by beautiful scenery and filled with luxurious homes.

On the way, Hu Liena explained, "Not just anyone can live here. You have to be someone of significance in Wuhun Hall—a high-ranking official, or a Soul Saint-level Red Bishop, or a commander in the Holy Temple Knights. Or, like us, a top-tier talent with innate soul power above level eight!"

Because of these strict criteria, many of the homes here remained unoccupied. But that only made the privilege of living here more precious.

After taking Lin Yu to the management office, Hu Liena used Bibi Dong's authority to obtain the key to the residence next to hers. She handed it to Lin Yu and then led him to his new home.

The courtyard where Lin Yu would be staying was still empty, but Wuhun Hall would soon furnish it. In the meantime, Hu Liena took Lin Yu on a tour of Wuhun City, visiting various landmarks and attractions.

Lin Yu was particularly interested in the Wuhun Hall library—after all, that was one of the main reasons he joined Wuhun Hall in the first place.

After a full day of exploring the city, Hu Liena suggested that they go watch a Soul Battle at the Grand Soul Arena that evening.

In the world of Douluo Continent, where entertainment was scarce and Soul Masters held a special status, watching Soul Battles was a beloved pastime for nearly everyone.

Together, they arrived at the Grand Soul Arena—a massive, imposing structure with a yellowish-brown exterior, shaped like an upside-down bowl. The arena was bustling with people streaming in from all directions, while brilliant lights flashed across the night sky from its top.

"Let's go in!" Hu Liena urged.

Once inside, Lin Yu found the interior to be a stark contrast to the outside—a gleaming white hall with marble floors. The space was divided by a large stone monument into two sections: one for Soul Masters to register and sign up for battles, and the other for spectators to buy tickets.

Hu Liena, of course, led Lin Yu to the ticketing area, and soon they were seated in one of the smaller arenas, watching a one-on-one Soul Battle in the Soul Elder category.

For Lin Yu, witnessing a Soul Master battle for the first time was exciting—the flashy moves and powerful soul skills were indeed spectacular. However, he quickly realized that the fights were somewhat predictable. The combatants mostly tested each other's defenses before using their soul skills to strike. The outcome often boiled down to whose soul skills were stronger, with little room for creativity or tactics.

It left Lin Yu feeling that even a brawl between two skilled hammersmiths would be more suspenseful and engaging than these battles.

However, during the matches, Lin Yu did spot two familiar faces. One was a tall, muscular young man with fiery red hair, wearing a black bodysuit that resembled molten lava. His martial soul was the Lava Lord, and Hu Liena introduced him as Yan.

The other was a handsome youth with short black-and-red hair, dressed in elegant silver robes, wielding a pair of crescent moon-shaped blades as his martial soul. This, Hu Liena said, was Xie Yue—her older brother.

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