
The Rise of James Howlett

The world had changed drastically over the years, and by 1914, tensions between global powers had reached a boiling point. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria set off a chain reaction of events that led to the outbreak of World War I.

The war quickly became one of the most brutal and devastating conflicts the world had ever seen, with millions of soldiers and civilians caught in the crossfire.

World War I, often referred to as "The Great War," was a conflict that involved most of the world's great powers, which were divided into two major alliances: the Allies and the Central Powers. The war was fought on multiple fronts, including the Western Front in France and Belgium, the Eastern Front in Russia, and various other theaters across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

The Western Front became infamous for its trench warfare, where soldiers lived and fought in horrid conditions, often for months or years on end, with little ground gained or lost. The introduction of new weapons, such as machine guns, poison gas, tanks, and aircraft, made the war even more deadly and marked the beginning of modern warfare. The war dragged on for four long years, with neither side able to gain a decisive advantage until the very end.

James had spent years honing his abilities, but he knew that he still lacked the practical combat experience needed to fully master his powers. When the war broke out, he saw it as an opportunity to gain that experience, while also contributing to a cause greater than himself. Though he was wary of revealing his true nature, he decided to join the Allied forces as a volunteer.

Using the name James Howlett, he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force and was soon sent to the Western Front. His enhanced senses, strength, and regenerative abilities made him an invaluable asset on the battlefield. However, he kept his true power level hidden, using his skills in a way that wouldn't draw too much attention.

In the trenches, James quickly became known for his courage and skill in battle. He would often lead scouting missions into No Man's Land, the deadly area between the opposing trenches, and return with vital intelligence.

His powers made him unstoppable in close combat, and his keen senses allowed him to detect enemy movements long before they were visible to others.

Despite the horrors of war, James remained focused on his goal: to gain as much combat experience as possible. He fought in several major battles, including the Battle of the Somme, where the Allies suffered heavy casualties but learned important lessons that would eventually lead to their victory.

Throughout the war, James observed the evolution of modern combat tactics, the importance of strategy and logistics, and the psychological toll that warfare took on soldiers.

He learned to control his instincts in the heat of battle, developing a more disciplined and tactical approach to fighting.

As the war dragged on, the Central Powers began to weaken due to a combination of military defeats, economic hardship, and internal unrest.

In 1918, the Allied forces launched a series of successful offensives that pushed the Germans back on all fronts. James played a key role in these final battles, using his experience and abilities to help break through the enemy lines.

On November 11, 1918, the war finally came to an end with the signing of the Armistice, which marked the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front. The war had claimed the lives of millions and left much of Europe in ruins, but it had also brought about significant political and social changes that would shape the world for decades to come.

James emerged from the war as a seasoned warrior, with a deep understanding of the complexities of combat and the harsh realities of the world. He had gained the experience he sought.

After the harrowing experiences of World War I, James knew that if he was going to survive in this rapidly changing world, he needed more than just physical power—he needed financial resources and influence.

With the world beginning to rebuild in the 1920s, James saw opportunities everywhere, especially given his unique advantage of knowledge from the future.

One of the first avenues James explored was the booming stock market of the 1920s. The post-war economic boom, often referred to as the "Roaring Twenties," was characterized by rapid industrial growth, technological innovation, and a booming stock market. James used his knowledge of key companies and industries that would flourish in the future to make strategic investments.

He put his money into emerging industries like automobiles.

James was careful to diversify his portfolio, investing not only in stocks but also in real estate. He bought land in areas he knew would grow in value over time, such as properties in burgeoning cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. By the mid-1920s, he had amassed a considerable fortune, his investments paying off handsomely as the economy continued to thrive.

In addition to his investments, James decided to start his own business ventures which he decided to name Howlett Enterprises.

With his advanced knowledge of technology and industry, he set up a manufacturing company that produced goods he knew would be in high demand. He focused on consumer products like household appliances and electronics, anticipating the future popularity of these items as they became more affordable and widely available.

In just a few years of being in this universe James went from a nobody to someone with considarable influence.

After years of travel, business ventures, and amassing a substantial fortune, James decided it was time to take a break from the constant hustle and bustle of his life.

The world was changing rapidly, and while he had successfully navigated its many challenges, he longed for a period of peace and reflection. With this in mind, he decided to return to Whitehaven, the small town in Canada where his journey had begun.

The journey back to Whitehaven was filled with nostalgia. As the train found its way through the Canadian landscape, James reflected on the many adventures he had experienced since leaving his hometown. It became his home in this world.

When James arrived in Whitehaven, he was greeted by the familiar sight of the town's quaint streets and friendly faces. The town had grown slightly, with a few new buildings and businesses, but it still retained the charm and tranquility that he remembered. He took a deep breath of the crisp, clean air, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

As he walked through the town, he was greeted by old acquaintances and new faces alike. Many of the townspeople recognized him, though they marveled at how little he seemed to have aged. James greeted them warmly, happy to be back among familiar surroundings.

James made his way to the McCoy residence, eager to reconnect with the family that had been so kind to him all those years ago.

He found Henry and Mary McCoy in their small garden, tending to their plants. They looked up as he approached, their faces lighting up with recognition and joy.

"James! Is that really you?" Henry exclaimed, embracing him warmly. "It's been so long!"

Mary joined in the embrace. "We've missed you, James. It's so good to see you again."

James smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in years. "It's good to be back. I've missed you all as well. By the way where's Hank?"

Henry then jestured James to come in, "He's been out of town. Will be back in few weeks."

"Don't tell him I came here, we'll give him a surprise."

Then they all talked about somethings. After catching up with the McCoys, James made his way to the home he had built on the land he had purchased years ago.

The house was a beautiful, sturdy structure, a testament to his hard work and success.

For the next few weeks, James settled into a routine of relaxation and reflection. He spent his days exploring the forests around Whitehaven, enjoying the natural beauty and tranquility that the town offered.

He also spent time with the McCoy family, sharing stories of his travels and listening to their own tales of the town's growth and changes.

Few days later he learnt that Hank's back in town and decided to visit him.

James made his way to Hank's clinic, where he knew his old friend would likely be busy with patients. As he stepped through the door, the familiar smell of antiseptic and the sight of the bustling clinic brought a smile to his face.

Hank looked up from his desk, where he was writing notes for a patient. His eyes widened in surprise, and a broad smile broke across his face. "Well, I'll be damned. Look who finally decided to come back."

James chuckled. "Miss me, Hank?"

"More than you know," Hank replied, getting up to give James a firm handshake, which quickly turned into a friendly hug. "It's been, what, over a decade?"

"Something like that," James said, nodding. "I've been... busy."

Hank raised an eyebrow. "Busy? That's putting it mildly, I bet. Come on, let's catch up. I've got some time before the next patient."

They moved to Hank's office, where the doctor poured them each a drink. They sat down, and James took a moment to savor the familiar warmth of the town's hospitality.

"Is alcohol even allowed here?" James asked genuinely surprised.

"It's a private collection, don't tell to anyone, I'll use some medicines to make the smell go away. So, what brings you back after all these years?" Hank asked, genuinely curious.

James leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his drink. "I've seen a lot, Hank. Traveled the world, made some money, learned more than I ever thought possible. But in the end, I guess I just wanted to come back to where it all started. Maybe even take a break."

Hank nodded thoughtfully. "A break, huh? I suppose even a man like you needs one eventually. You know, not much has changed here, but I think you'll find that comforting."

"I already do," James admitted. "And what about you? How's life been treating you?"

Hank shrugged. "Can't complain. The clinic's doing well. I've been keeping busy, helping people, just like my old man taught me. But I have to say, it's good to see you. This place has felt a bit... quieter without you around."

James smiled at that. "I'm glad to be back. Maybe we can pick up where we left off."

"Here's hoping," Hank said, raising his glass. "To old friends and new beginnings."

They clinked glasses, and for the first time in years, James felt at peace. The world could wait. For now, he was home, surrounded by the people and the place that had once been his entire world.


In the days that followed, James settled back into the rhythm of small-town life. He spent his mornings working on his property, ensuring his home was in perfect condition after all these years.

Afternoons were often spent with Hank, who was more than happy to have his friend back.

They reminisced about old times, shared stories of their adventures—Hank's in medicine, and James's exploits, which he always kept vague. But Hank didn't press for details, respecting the secrets James chose to keep.

One evening, as they sat on the porch of James's house, watching the sun set over the town, Hank turned to him. "So, what's next for you, James? I can't imagine you sitting still for too long."

James smiled, looking out at the horizon. "Maybe I'll just enjoy the peace and quiet for a bit."

Hank laughed. "You, enjoying peace and quiet? Now that's something I'd like to see."

James chuckled along with him. "Yeah, me too. But who knows? Maybe this place will keep me grounded for a while."

As the stars began to appear in the night sky, the two friends sat in silence enjoying the view.


The next morning, From the edge of the mountain, the small town of Whitehaven lay nestled in the valley below, its peaceful streets and quaint homes oblivious to the group of figures that had gathered above.

A young woman, strikingly beautiful with long black hair cascading down her back and deep brown eyes that gleamed with determination, stepped forward. She peered down at the town, her sharp gaze scanning every detail as if she could see everything happening below.

"Is this really the place, Selene?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Another woman, standing beside her, radiated a mature, commanding presence. Her dark hair and equally dark eyes held a depth that spoke of ancient knowledge and untold power. This was Selene, a being with wisdom and strength that far surpassed her youthful appearance.

"Believe me, Laura," Selene replied, her voice calm and assured. "This is where he is. The one who will lead us to the rise."

Laura, who was the current leader of their small pack of seven werewolves, turned to Selene with a furrowed brow. "Are you sure the Alpha is here?"

Selene met Laura's questioning gaze with an enigmatic smile. "Magic, my dear. Magic is how. It has guided us here, and it will guide him to his destiny. You may not see it yet, but soon, you will understand."

Laura remained silent. The idea that someone in this quiet town could be the Alpha they sought, the one destined to lead them in a time of great need, seemed impossible. Yet, Selene's certainty was hard to ignore.

As the last light of day faded into darkness, the two women stood in quiet contemplation. The other members of the pack lingered nearby.

The mountain air grew colder, but neither woman moved, their eyes locked on the town below. In the distance, the faint glow of lanterns and the quiet hum of life in Whitehaven continued, blissfully unaware of the forces that had arrived on their doorstep.

Laura finally broke the silence with her voice filled with resolve. "If he is here, then we will find him. And if he truly is the Alpha, then our pack will follow him to whatever end."

Selene nodded "Indeed. But be patient, Laura. The time will come."


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