
News of Winterfell and King's Landing

The third field which Jon had selected was- food or more especially food restaurants or inns.

Jon had decided to introduce varieties of food from his previous life to the world of Westeros or Essos. Although he was no expert chef, he was sure that in the world where the taste buds were so bland his food items would be a sure hit.

For the past 20 days, he had trained 40 men and 40 women in different food items. These items included Pasta, Noodles, Pizza, Mexican Taco and other cuisine, Indian spicy cuisine, various dessert items, etc.

In this process, Jon had tried to keep the maximum process as centralised as possible.

For example, he had not taught these 80 people the process to make the raw noodle or the pizza base. Though a lot of things had to be divulged, Jon tried to keep that information at minimum.

Another set of people were be taught to make these items. They would be permanently stationed at a fixed place and would work. Then these base material would be shipped to other places where these restaurants would function.

In addition to that Jon had issued stern warning against revealing the methods to any other person. He was sure that when the need would be arising, he would be able to eliminate every person who would either divulge the secrets or who would learn the secrets.

He knew that in the beginning if such incidents occurred, he would need to del them ruthlessly. He would set an example setting a precedent of fear.

This method was not limited only to the food business. Every worker involved in the construction business or the alcohol business was given the same warning. If they divulged the secrets of their work, fate of death awaited them.





Ned Stark was sitting in solar. His face was marred by a frown as he rummaged through various documents on his table.

It had been more than 3 months since, Jon had disappeared from Winterfell.

He had vehemently searched for Jon. Using all the resources, he was capable of mustering, Ned had left no stone unturned. But he only got disappointment.

During the investigation when he trying to learn about why would Jon flee the safety of the walls of Winterfell, many things had come to light. Under his stern pressure, every worker employed in Winterfell uttered the truth.

He learned about the behaviour Jon was subjected to in Winterfell. How he was allotted the menial tasks meant for servants. How servants, motivated by his wife, mocked Jon for his status. He learned how his wife treated Jon.


All this came as a chock to Ned. He was aware that Catelyn had no love lost for Jon but he had never imagined that she would outright hate him. That her hatred would be reflected in her behaviour.

He knew he was also to blamed. He had never paid attention to these trivial matters and now no regret was going to bring Jon back.


Jon's act had put a strain in his relation with his wife. Catelyn was not even hiding that she was happy that the 'bastard' had fled the castle.

How he wished he could tell Catelyn that Jon was no bastard. That his status was probably the greatest among all the nobles of the Westeros.

Rob, other than him, was the only one who had a tint of understanding and sadness but even so how much a 12 year old boy could understand?

Sansa, now a sweet little girl of 10 years had no such affection for Jon. She was merely interested to be 'lady like' and was following in the footsteps of her mother.

Arya and Bran were too small to even understand what has happened. Even so, Arya would sometimes cry as she missed her big brother.




(Kings' Landing)


It was a rare occasion as King Robert Baratheon would be joining the meeting of the small council.

Varys looked around the members of the small council with intrigue. On the seat, closest to the chair of the king sitting was Lord Jon Arryn, hand of the king and Lord Paramount of the Vale.

Directly opposite him was Stannis Baratheon, the king's brother and master of ships and also the Lord of Dragonstone.

Next to Jon Arryn was the grand maester Pycelle. Varys himself as the master of whisperers was sitting next to the grand maester.

And directly opposite Varys sat, Peter Baelish the newly appointed master of coins. Peter Baelish had had a dramatic rise in his career and Varys was well aware of the reasons.

The council should have had a more person, the master of laws but that position was currently vacant and Jon Arryn held the additional responsibility.

No doubt that Robert Baratheon was keeping the position for his second brother Renly Baratheon when he comes of age.


Varys' thoughts were broken when the door of the small council opened with a bang. The small council stood up as their king entered in the room with a glass of wine in his hands.

Robert Baratheon was not the same formidable warrior anymore whose presence struck a terror in the mind of the enemies. He had turned fat; his instincts would have naturally gone down and for years he had not picked up a weapon.

He sat on his seat with a grunt, "Sit down everyone."

"Your Grace," everyone muttered a greeting and took their seat.

Robert's eyes turned towards Varys, "Tell me, spider. What news do you have that you insisted for me to join this meeting?"

Varys with his ever smiling expression stood up to deliver the news while everyone's attention shifted on him.

"Your Grace," he sighed. "My birds sing a very peculiar news from Essos or specifically from Astapor."

"They sing of a certain boy of 10- and 2-years name days. His name is Lord Aeos. They say that the boy using his cunning and deceit have taken over Astapor and now rules the former city as its new king."


This news came as a shock to everyone.

"You say a boy of 10 and 2 years name days? Are you sure Lord Varys?" Asked Jon Arryn.

"My birds don't lie, lord hand," Varys replied.

"Describe the events in detail, spider," growled Robert as he took a large mouthful of the wine.

"Yes, your grace," said Varys. He then narrated the events leading the downfall of Astapor.

As the story progressed everyone listened with a tint of disbelief. What Lord Aeos had accomplished was almost unimaginable.

When Varys finished his story, Robert let out a small chuckle.

"It is nothing more than pure luck… a fluke," scoffed Stannis. "The boy would die soon out of his own recklessness. To claim to build the greatest empire the world has ever seen… he sure has got a big mouth."


Robert laughed, "A fluke you say Stannis… even so he took over Astapor with two teenagers." He laughed loud as he spoke.


"I don't know if he is capable enough to do what he has claimed but I know that he will definitely leave a mark of his name in the history," he boomed.


"Varys, though this news is indeed significant," continued Robert. "I want the news of the two Targaryen spawns from Essos."


Varys sighed, "Tracing them is turning hard, your grace. Even my birds have sung very little about them."

"Tell me what it is," ordered Robert.




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