

A teenage boy of 20 years lay on his death bed waiting for the death to take over him.

He was born in quiet a rich and affluent family and should have had a comfortable life. But fate was not in his favour.


In his childhood the boy was affected by a terminal illness with no available for the illness. The illness left him weak and most of his time was spend on his bed. Along with this he suffered tremendous amount of pain on regular intervals. The pain made him go crazy and he could nothing but cry in agony.


Despite all his sufferings the boy never cursed the gods, heavens, fate or whatever one may call it. All because the family he had.

His family comprising of his family and two elder siblings adored the boy with all what they could. The boy felt extremely lucky to be blessed with such a family.


In all his agony, books were his only partner. His main hobby was collecting and accumulating knowledge.

Finally, today was the day he would be gone forever. He could feel, death, slowly approaching him and he was happy.


He would be free of the curse of pain and the heart of his family's members would not ache seeing him cry in agony. Although they would be in grief for a very long time, they would be free from the regular pain they would feel seeing the boy suffering.


The boy thought for his family one more time before he closed his eyes and his soul was whisked away from his body.


289 AC



In a slightly cold room, a six year old boy snapped open his eye. The boy was confused as hell, as he remembered dying, lying on his deathbed.

Even though his memories were a bit groggy he still remembered things clearly. But before he could continue to think more, his mind was flooded with large amount of information.

The information about a bastard boy living in a large castle. The information about the hatred the lady of the castle had for him, along with many other things.


The was overwhelmed with all what he learned and was still confused on what to think and what to think, it was as if some voice was booming in his mind.


You are one of a kind, boy. People in your condition, even if they don't believe in my existence, curse at me for their entire life.

On the other hand, you never uttered a word against me in your entire life of 20 years. Even though were not truly a believer in me, you considered yourself lucky to blessed with such a family. I truly admire your character, boy.


So, I have granted you another life. Enjoy as much as you could. Don't take too much burden and do what you want to do.


The boy felt as if the voice was gone, but it boomed again.


Oh! And to help in your journey, I have granted you some gifts.

Firstly, you will be able to freely perfect the powers of your lineage. Practice it well.

Secondly, you will have a greatly enhanced physique and great mastery of fighting skills and weapon skills.

And thirdly, on your journey you will have to choose a few companions. So, I have granted you the ability to give your blood essence to three people who are willing to bow down to you. Although the essence will not make them as strong as you but will definitely make them much better than an average human.

And yes, do check some gifts your father had collected for his unborn child at the place he last met your mother.


With this the voice in his mind stopped and the boy stood up and was silent for few moments. He then walked towards the winter of the room and pushed it open.

As soon as the window opened, chilly and biting air rushed inside the room. The boy paid the cold no heed and gazed at the vast landscape visible from his windows.


After few minutes of second, the boy started to chuckle. In no time his chuckle turned into a laughter and then into a maniac laugh.

The boy for the first time in years felt free. He felt alive. Not being able to move, not being able to see the world with his own eyes was something he had always regreted.


At this moment, he felt something shifting inside his. The ambitions he had lacked, the hunger for power he had lacked because of his disability coursed in his veins. He felt invigorated… he felt excited.

His eyes resolved and he saw himself standing at the pinnacle of this world.

"I am going to rule all these lands. I am going to build the biggest empire the world has ever seen," laughed the boy.




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