
174 Twenty-Five Million? You Might As Well Make A Bold Guess

In fact, some inexplicable news has surfaced over the past month, raising countless questions. Ye Chen mentioned that he and Mayweather were already deep in discussions regarding the details of an impending match. Not long after, he brought up that he and Ava had also scheduled an appointment for a cross-border clash. There's an undeniable buzz in the air, and rumors like these tend to pop up from time to time. Initially, Ye Chen was utterly perplexed by it all. Now, he suspects that the UFC might be behind these rumors, intending to create hype around the fighters. Nevertheless, he hasn't yet reached out to Dana for clarification.

Boxing, as a sport, has evolved over hundreds of years into a finely-tuned discipline. With the skills Ye Chen possesses today, he believes he would hold his own against Mayweather in a purely boxing context, relying on his physical prowess to potentially overcome him. However, when it comes to Ava, who usually weighs around 168 pounds, there are other factors to consider, especially regarding size and strength. One thing is certain: it has been proven that Ava possesses the power to knock out adversaries of such caliber. Although Ye Chen is confident in his abilities, he understands that it takes more than just assurance to succeed in this arena.

On the other hand, if the confrontation were to take place inside the Octagon, Ye Chen is convinced he could take down Ava in thirty seconds flat. A dedicated team was waiting to receive them at the venue. Since it was her alma mater, and the school had made repeated invitations to Catwoman, she accompanied Ye Chen without a second thought. New York University is renowned for its prestige, substantial resources, and a remarkable atmosphere on campus.

It was just past noon, and students filled every corner of the university. Some lounged on the lawns, resting in the sun, while others congregated in small groups, engaging in animated conversations. As Ye Chen observed these students, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over him. This visit marked his first time stepping onto a university campus, which was amusing given that he never even completed high school. The memories of a carefree campus life had long faded from his mind.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice broke through his thoughts. Four or five female students approached, and their eyes lit up as they recognized Catwoman immediately. While fighting stars may not be common knowledge among the average college girl, Ye Chen was a different story; he was well-known and perhaps even admired, given his connection to a popular figure. Many of the female students were likely preoccupied with the latest gossip regarding their favorite celebrities, and how could they not know of him?

Before long, Ye Chen and Catwoman found themselves the center of attention amid the bustling student body. Those who had come to watch or partake in the festivities seemed unnecessary in comparison. Students eagerly lined up, phones in hand, seeking the perfect opportunity to snap photos with Ye Chen and Catwoman. Given that they were both there to participate in a forum aimed at exchanging ideas, this was not unexpected.

The UFC had recognized the potential in this event and had allocated a film crew to document a special episode at New York University featuring Ye Chen. Additionally, the significance of this event was not lost on the university, which also sent a photography team to capture every moment. The primary objective was to facilitate a face-to-face interaction between Ye Chen and current sports students, fostering impactful discussions. This kind of activity is commonplace: notable figures in finance often visit to share wisdom, and renowned musicians are invited to inspire students pursuing music careers.

In the lecture hall, the majority of attendees were sports students, though a handful of spectators had shown up merely for entertainment or to satiate their curiosity. Clark, Wusman, GSP, and Ye Chen took turns at the podium to share their insights. The host began: "First of all, I would like to thank the four of you for joining us at our school for this exchange meeting." The audience erupted into applause and cheers, with many students visibly eager for what was to come. It was evident that some among them had gained admission to New York University not through academic criteria, but through their athletic prowess. Consequently, they regarded these successful figures as role models for their aspirations.

"The first person I'd like to introduce is Kamaru Usman, the former welterweight champion. I trust everyone here is familiar with him…"

"This is Georges St-Pierre, GSP, another former champion regarded by many as the god of his weight class."

"And of course, we have Ye Chen, who is famously known as the boyfriend of your senior sister Annie, and is currently both the UFC lightweight and welterweight champion, hailing from Daxia…"

Naturally, when the host mentioned Ye Chen, the level of cheers and excitement from the audience reached a new high, distinctly surpassing that of the other introductions. To these students, Ye Chen was emblematic of success, embodying the life they all aspired to achieve: wealth, fame, and a stunning partner—a veritable dream life.

"The stunning individual next to Ye Chen is Clark," the host remarked with a playful nudge directed at a nearby cluster of male students. "I think it's safe to assume you're all quite familiar with her… no introduction necessary."

Clark was often hailed as one of the most beautiful women within the UFC, and although her competitive record might not have shone as brightly, she had undoubtedly cultivated a devoted fanbase abroad.

Before long, Ye Chen and his companions shared their experiences with the eager audience, and then the interactive question-and-answer session commenced. The first student to rise was a tall, broad-shouldered individual with distinctive dreadlocks. From the moment Ye Chen saw him, he had a gut feeling the man played rugby. His hunch was confirmed as the man introduced himself and asked, "Although I play rugby, I admire fighting. I'd love to know, Ye Chen, do you think I have any chance of defeating Francis Ngannou?"

Though the question was half-serious, it drew laughter from the audience.

"I believe you absolutely can! I support you wholeheartedly. I've sparred with Francis, and you're taller and stronger than him... Would you like me to set up a match for you?" Ye Chen bantered, clearly aware that there would be no real competition between them. Despite the rigorous training and physical conditioning of rugby players, it's an entirely different ballgame when facing someone of Ngannou's caliber.

Another student chimed in, "Hello! I'm a wrestler and I focus particularly on UFC wrestlers... I wanted to ask GSP if you've faced off against Ye Chen before? Do you believe you could come out on top now, considering the age difference?" The student hesitated, seemingly uncomfortable suggesting that GSP might be too seasoned for the current competition level, especially since he was over forty.

Yet GSP wasn't one to back down. With a smile, he asserted, "Yes, Ye Chen is formidable, but I refuse to stop my training. I truly feel I'm still at my peak. If the UFC wanted to arrange this super fight, why wouldn't I be confident?" Turning his gaze toward Ye Chen and then back to the inquisitor, he added, "If there's any doubt, I could fight Ye Chen right now, provided he's on board."

The audience erupted in mock disapproval. Ultimately, they all understood GSP was merely joking. Another enthusiastic student then stood up, saying, "My dream is to join the UFC and achieve the superstardom of Ye Chen or Conor. Ye Chen, you're my idol. There's a rumor going around on the internet that your earnings for the last event surpassed 25 million. Is there any truth to that? Additionally... would you be willing to sign my gloves after?" He eagerly produced a brand new pair of fingerless gloves bearing Ye Chen's branding from his backpack.

"Twenty-five million, you say?" GSP, Wusman, and Clark, seasoned veterans of the industry, raised their eyebrows, skeptical yet intrigued. With Ye Chen's standing, such figures seemed plausible. However, Ye Chen just laughed and tossed back, "Twenty-five million? You ought to be bold with your guesses."

The room exploded with excitement. In this age group, who doesn't envisage making a million dollars as soon as they step into their careers? All students harbor dreams of embarking on their professional journeys, emerging as industry superstars within a few short years.

"Thirty million?" someone shouted from the crowd, eagerly joining the discussion.

Ye Chen simply shook his head, still smiling.

At that moment, the atmosphere was electric, and even Wusman, GSP, and Clark appeared taken aback. Usman exclaimed, "It can't possibly be thirty-five million, right?"

Ye Chen remained unfazed, maintaining his smile. He wasn't trying to boast; Dana had anticipated that someone would pose such a question during the event, consequently advising Ye Chen to help promote UFC's interests. The highest earners in any industry inevitably draw the attention of fresh talent.

There's no denying that financial motivation plays a significant role. Thus, any confidentiality agreement in Ye Chen's case was futile, as the UFC sought to promote him as its current flagship talent.

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