
Delivery Girl: Vixen II Order #6

I don't own DC

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!" (T) Vixen bounced up and down, her big beautiful breasts swinging up and down as her fingers clawed the muscular chest on the man beneath her. Thrusting his hips up into her as they passionately writhed together. "OH! BLOODY! HELL! YES!!!" slamming down onto him as they gasped, and shivered… his hot load rushing up into her as she flopped onto his chest and started kissing him. "Mmgh…" His hands slid down under the sheets and grasped her very respectable but not quite as impressive as Tasha's black ass and squeezed. "MMh! Wanker…" she cooed, wiggling on his lap, before abruptly rolling off him. "OOoh…"

Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach wrapped his arm around her, pulling her naked and wet body close as they sighed together. "…One of these days we're going to have to meet up and not have sex."

"MMMn Why? It's half the fun love." Edward had to admit, she wasn't wrong, rubbing her sweaty body. "…Now come on, you only climaxed three times." She licked his ear, and wrapped her leg around his. "What's the matter? Am I tiring you out, Love?"

"It just so happens…" he began with a grin, "That I played a few rounds of ball with Jacob today.

"MMn-hmmn…" she cooed, kissing his neck, then his cheek, then his lips as he continued to try and explain himself.

"And I had to sit for a boring trial all day." He added, "So coming home to-mwah-you is… much more tiring."

"Oh Love, you better hope I take that as a compliment." She cooed, kissing and rubbing his chest with her truly spectacular breasts.

"Do you?" he mumbled, her lips on his as she chuckled.

"I'll let it slide…" she said, "Since you're going to be busy for awhile…" her own hands sliding down her hand down his abs to his flaccid recently spent dick. Only for his phone to buzz. "…Don't you answer it." She ordered as he blinked and sighed.

"You know I have to." He replied, slapping his hand onto his nearby dresser, and yanking the phone from its charger.

"It's always work!" Vixen replied bluntly but he quickly retorted.

"It's not always work." He said, "It could be Jacob-" he said concernedly, "In fact, it's-" but then he stopped, "…Shit." He took a breath, "It's HER." He replied as Vixen scowled, knowing who he was talking about… he knew how much she didn't like hearing about his ex-wife. "Haah." He braced himself, then answered, pulling the phone to his ear. "Is Jacob okay?" after a moment he sighed in relief. "You're calling at almost midnight I needed to ask if Jacob was okay, it's not-." But he stopped and seemed to stare at the opposite wall. "What? Tomorrow?"

Vixen frowned, getting an odd feeling of déjà vu, and she promptly rolled off her handsome boyfriend's bed and walked to the bathroom to shower. The Mood effectively killed, she ran her fingers through her hair, turned on the shower, and began to wash the handsome judge's sweaty stink off of her.

But even the roar of her boyfriend's shower spray couldn't stop her from overhearing him roaring at his ex-wife. "Of course, I want to spend time with Jacob but I CAN'T!" Vixen blinked under the water, pulling her head away and letting the shower head splatter on her neck and chest, flowing between her cleavage or off her big beautiful black breasts like a waterfall. Actually functioning as an umbrella to the rest of her body, briefly anyway. She pushed her hair out of her face, squeezing out the water. "I told you I have a grand jury to oversee-" After a second, "That is NOT what I said! I don't want Jacob to be home alone with nobody to watch him!" After another second, he growled. "Roddy can't watch him! Roddy can barely feed himself-I'll call you back." He snapped, hanging it up his phone and tossing it irately over his shoulder onto the bed and groaning in frustration.

Vixen, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around her body and walking out to find Edward grabbing his underwear and its clothes. "Where are you going?" she snapped as Edward growled.

"Not now." He snapped, she let it slide, "My Ex-wife left Jacob home ALONE to fly halfway across the country for a damn filming!" he cursed, "I need to pick him up, bring him home… then figure out what he's going to do for the rest of the week." He said as Britney frowned at him. "I'm not even going to be home for the next few days!" he groaned, "She was supposed to take care of him!" he yanked on a shirt, "For the week!" he sighed. "Sorry."

Vixen sighed, arms crossed, breasts wobbling as she stared at Edward, who was now staring at the ceiling, seemingly deep in thought. "You don't have anyone to watch him?"

"Roddy will be with me. And I wouldn't trust any of my ex-wife's friends. I don't even know their names." Vixen sighed again, then after another second.

"Do you-?"

"Maybe I-?"

They spoke at the same time, then they paused as Edward raised an eyebrow at her and she grabbed her own clothes… they were unfortunately tossed all over the room. So it took her a little longer to grab them and stuff her sexy body into them. "What were you going to say?" asked Edward but Britney quickly replied.

"What were you going to say?" she asked.

"Oh, ladies first." He replied, with a slight smirk on his ruggedly handsome and neatly shaven face. She clasped on a purple bra and yanked her shirt down over her magnificent breasts before turning to him.

"I'll watch Jacob." She said as Edward looked… actually rather touched.


"Yeah. I'll talk it over with my boss and work a few early shifts for the week." She said casually. "Off by 3:00, pick up Jacob from school and bring him back here." She then eyed Edward sternly, "What were you going to say?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to take care of Jacob for me." He said, "Honestly, I didn't think you would."

"What? I like Jacob! And your ex-wife is a cunt." She declared, grabbing his keys from the dresser, "Let's go get your kid."

…He was a little turned on right now.

Taking Edward's car, they drove through Gotham City, Upper East Gotham to be specific. An old brownstone apartment building that she parked in front of. Edward had told her the address and as a Superbabe she had an innate sense of direction. She skidded Edward's car to a stop out front, parking it as he looked at her. "Are you coming with me?"

"Do you want me to use her couch as a loo?" she replied bluntly as Edward seemed to take that answer as a 'negative'.

"I'll be right back then…" he said, getting out of the car and heading into the apartment building. Once he was out of sight, however, her head swung forward onto the wheel of his car.

"BLOODY NORAH…" WHAM "What possessed me?" WHAM! "To offer to babysit!" looking somewhat terrified. Before immediately slipping into her hand into her pocket she yanked out her phone. She flicked through her cell, then once she got to the 'S' section she tapped the number. "Answer answer answer." She mumbled, holding the phone to her ear.

BUuur. Buuur.

"THIS BETTER BE GOOD." Sierra growled once she answered her phone. "I'm in the middle of something!"

"Sierra, I fucked up." Vixen grumbled, and Sierra sighed loudly.

"…Haah… Sorry baby, Girl talk." Vixen then heard some light and slightly disappointed grunting from Tom, followed by footsteps. "Alright. Where's the body?" Sierra asked seriously as Vixen groaned in response.

"Girl, why is that always the first thing you go to?" Vxien mumbled nervously, her right leg bouncing and fidgeting nervously.

"It's Gotham. Though to be fair, I guess Jackie is the one more likely to be the cause of a corpse in our apartment…" Vixen was briefly taken aback by that for a second before shaking it off. "What's the problem then? How did you fuck up?"

"Haah… I offered to watch Jacob for a week." Vixen replied tiredly and was met with silence on the phone. "…Ello? Sierra?"

"I'm going to hang up now." Sierra declared suddenly.

"No-No! Don't hang up!" Vixen groaned, "…Seriously. I just… SAID IT." Vixen mumbled, "I don't do that. I can't be responsible for a young kid."

"Look it's just keeping an eye on him, right? He's like what? 10? Just keep your clothes on, watch some TV, cook him some food, it's easy. All you have to do is make sure he doesn't do anything weird or dangerous… and maybe lock the bathroom door more."

"…We both know I can't cook!"

"You can cook, you just cook English food." Sierra replied, then after a long moment of silence she added. "Look you'll be FINE. It's not like he hates you right?" replied Sierra and Vixen scowled at the statement.

…DID Jacob like her? Usually, when she's around Jacob, Edward's there as well. So obviously his son would be in his most well-behaved state. What if he was secretly a little wanker, his mother was a bitch!

"Look, just relax… and don't try to force it. Just keep an eye on him. I got to go. I think I heard Jackie and Tom always gets fidgety when he's naked and she's around." Vixen looked up just in time to see Edward giving Jacob a piggyback, carrying a large duffle bag in his other hand, clearly Jacob's to-go bag.

"Yeah, talk to you later." She said quickly, getting out of the car, and slipping her phone into her pocket as she opened the back seat for Edward, slipping a sleepy Jacob into the back seat and opening the trunk of the car. "So did you tell him?" Vixen asked as Edward tossed the duffle bag into the car and shut the trunk.

"I might have mentioned it." He noted, "But he's also more than half-asleep so we might have to repeat it. They then went back into the car, but now Edward was driving, calmly returning to his suburban home as Jacob mumbled sleepily. But he didn't wake up until they returned to Edward's home.

"Dad? What's going on?" he mumbled, draped on his father's back as Vixen carried the duffle bag, both of them entering his room and laying him down on his bed.

"…Well." He mumbled as Vixen put the bag down, hands on her waist.

"I'm going to be watching you this week love." She said bluntly, "That alright with you?"

"…Kay." Jacob seemed to accept that and rolled over, quietly snoozing as Edward and Vixen walked out of his bedroom and quietly shut the door.

"…Went better than I thought," Vixen noted but Edward shrugged.

"Again. Probably hasn't sunk in yet." He eyed her, "…You'll be fine?"

"Of course, I'll be bloody fine. I'm fantastic." She said with her usual British stiff upper lip, and Edward smiled, leaned forward, and gave her a kiss on them.

"You are. I should be back by the end of the week. Just make sure he's not pigging out of junk food and soda and it'll be fine." Vixen frowned.

"Does he have any allergies?" Edward shook his head.

"Not that we're aware off." He then wrapped his arm around her back and led her back to his bedroom. "But he can be a picky eater." Vixen raised an eyebrow at that but Edward shrugged, "…But I suppose you can just order Superbabes. Your menu is enormous."

"Ah… right." Vixen mumbled. "…I need to call my boss and tell her I can't work nights for a while." She slipped her phone out of her pocket again, already finding Superbabes's number. "Wish me luck." She mumbled, and pushed the contact, bringing it to her ear.

Turns out Orders was significantly more understanding than expected… though she was going to have to work mornings, off just a little before three and on her way to Gotham Elementary to pick up Jacob, take him home, and then just… hang out for a while. Make sure he does his homework and keep him feeding him so he doesn't die.

Simple, and she doesn't even have to bathe him or take him on walks…

"So you're heading out early then?" Jae-Hwa declared in full Red Lantern regalia.

"I have responsibilities now." Vixen wearing a slightly looser shirt today than normal. "…I mean FOR now." She corrected, passing Jae-Hwa and her thick Korean punk-girl booty out of the locker rooms followed by Jae-Hwa and standing in the lounge. "I got to get to Gotham Elementary to pick him up." She said, checking her watch and quickly heading out the back.

"Good luck." Jae-Hwa replied, "Wish I could leave early I'm here for another few hours." Vixen waved and then steadily jogged to her car, slid right into the driver's seat, and promptly sped off toward Gotham Elementary…

The school was positively flushed with dozens of cars in the lot of waiting parents as she checked her watch, and heard the faint sound of the school bell, signaling the freedom of all who heard it inside. She drummed her fingers on the wheel, and watched all the kids filter out the front door. It then occurred to Vixen that maybe Jacob wouldn't recognize or remember her car… she did share it with Sierra and Jackie after all.

So she popped her door opened, and stood up, out of her car, leaning on the slightly paint-chipped hood but even in her slightly looser clothes she was still getting the odd look, yeah most of that was because she was a gorgeous woman with fantastic tits… others were probably wondering who the sexy chocolate 'Milf' was… okay 'Milf' is a stretch, maybe… older sister? She liked that better…

…Let's maybe avoid the whole 'mom' or 'stepmom' thing for now.

It was then she saw him, walking out of school, bag over his shoulder and casually scanning the parking lot the way all kids did, hoping for a quick getaway… she then raised her arm and waved. Jacob grinned and bounded off the steps and charged across the parking lot. "Ello Love." She cooed, unable to turn it off fast enough.

"Hey! I didn't think you were coming."

"You wot?" she replied irately, but he grinned at her, "…Cheeky blighter." She smiled prettily back and slipped into the car with him, he sat in the front seat. "Buckle up." She said, Jacob already doing so as she pulled out of the parking lot. "So I'm going to be picking you up, and watching you the rest of the week." She said as Jacob nodded.

"Yeah. You told me."

"I just wanted to make sure I did. Not even I believe it." She replied.

"Are we going to your place?" he replied as she raised an eyebrow at that.

"No. Your Dad's… though." She frowned, "Now that I think about it I think I need to pick some things up there. Since I'll be staying at your house for a while. You don't mind if we make a pit stop yeah?" she asked as Jacob shook his head, smiling sheepishly.

"No. I always wondered where you lived when you are not at our place."

"Well, It's not a bloody palace." She grinned as he snickered. "It's the accent, isn't it? Think we all live in bloody castles." Jacob laughed, though he sounded a little nervous. Her fingers fidgeted on the wheel, and she quietly drove on until reaching a traffic light… then it occurred to her that maybe she should tell Jackie and Sierra to put on clothes, just in case.

She parked outside her apartment, "Come on then." She said, smiling as Jacob hopped out of her car, and followed her inside past the doorman, up the stairs, and shifting her keys into the lock and twisting it open. Jacob was right behind her as she entered. "I hope you all are decent." She declared.

"Decent-ish." Jackie declared from the couch, watching TV and naturally slurping on a shake. Wearing a tank top and shorts. Her feet were up on the arm as she spotted Jacob, who was looking at her curiously. "Sup." She said, before "SLURP."

"Hey." Jacob said surprised, waving at her and she waved back and he looked around the apartment. Only to feel Vixen's hand on his head, ruffling his hair as she headed to her room.

"Where's Sierra?" Vixen asked, addressing Jackie and heading into her bedroom.

"Bedroom." Jackie replied and slurped. "She's got night shift." And she slurped again. "…Tom's in there to being her pillo-" but she stopped remembering Jacob was in the apartment and Vixen glared at her. "…Never mind." Then slurped again… and frowned. Eyeing her empty shake cup, and sat up... Getting off the couch and heading towards the kitchen… "Hey kid want a milkshake?" she asked dismissively as Jacob quickly replied.

"Sure!" And then he noticed how… particularly eye-catching Jackie's backside was, and stared for a second before turning his head and trying not to stare, his face now as red as Jackie's hair.

Superbabes… jumpstarting puberty without even trying.

"Don't get charged up on sugar!" Vixen declared from her bedroom, packing some more clothes into a small rolling bag. She had some clothes at Edward's home… but what she had there she shouldn't really wear around Jacob.

"He'll be fine." Jackie said, yanking a vanilla tube of Ice cream from the freeze, one of many… and dumping the contents into the very often used blender, before adding milk, a touch of vanilla extract, and then turning on the churning roar. All with a completely straight face as Jacob watched the milkshake being formed… Jackie then poured him a glass a small amount, and then gave the rest to herself.

"Alright. All good." Vixen walked out of her room with her small rolling suitcase behind her. "Jackie I'll bring the car back tomorrow when I drop him off at School."

"MMgh." Jackie mumbled around her straw, already slurping her shake and heading back to the couch. Jacob sporting an impressive milk mustache as he watched her and her pawg backside go… Vixen's eyes flicked between them before she playfully elbowed Jacob who turned red again and tried to hide his face in his cup. But he, unlike Jackie, didn't have a lot of shake to work with.

But he chugged down the contents of his cup and put it in the sink before following Vixen out of the apartment, "Ah! Brain freeze!" he hissed, rubbing his head.

"Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth." Jackie declared tiredly before slurping her shake again.

"What?" mumbled Jacob, unsure why he'd do that, but he did it, trying to stop the throbbing as Vixen rubbed his head again.

"She knows what she's talking about." she added before chuckling at his earlier wandering gaze. "Little pervert." she obviously didn't say it to his face, it was always going to be a risk-taking him into her apartment. She's just thankful Jackie wasn't in panties, and Sierra didn't come bouncing out of her bedroom. So she tossed her suitcase into the backseat, and got in, driving off towards the Suburbs.

"So… that was your roommate?" Jacob suddenly asked, apparently, he could use his tongue again.

"One of them." Vixen replied, with a knowing smile. "T'other one was asleep."

"So are you guys friends?" he asked and Vixen seemed to think about it.

"I like to think so." She smiled, "…Why? Want me to put in a good word for you?" she teased as Jacob quickly looked out the window and replied just as quickly.

"Ew! Gross" he mumbled as she chuckled, speeding through Gotham.

She parked her car in the driveway, and got out with Jacob, grabbing her suitcase from the backseat, following Jacob to the front door and inside, taking her suitcase to Edward's bedroom, where she'll be sleeping all alone, dropping her bag on 'her' side of the bed and returning to the living room to find Jacob already turning on the TV to a baseball game. "Don't you have homework?" she asked as Jacob raised his backpack.

"Yeah. I do it while watching TV."

"…Uh huh." She said, then smiled smugly. "…You do know I'll be reporting to your Dad tonight right?" Jacob stared at her for a second, then he pressed the power button on the remote and turned the TV off. "Thought so. Come on. Whip it out, I'll help you with it." She flopped onto the couch beside him as he took out his homework… She chose to ignore the words she used. When you speak in innuendo long enough it's hard to turn off. But Jacob didn't seem to notice so she just continued on anyway. "Alright, what are you doing?"

"Uh…" he pulled out a couple of worksheets. "Fractions?"

"Sure, love." She crooned.

And then she helped Jacob with his homework, she barely had to do anything to be fair, but once he was done he was right back to baseball. Her to, to be fair, she enjoyed sports as well and Jacob loved baseball so SHE needs to love baseball, it was like cricket anyway… sort of.

She cheered when Jacob cheered, she booed when he booed, and groaned when his team struck out. And then it got later and later… then. "Bloody Hell, look at t'time." She checked the clock and got up from the couch. "Let's see what your Dad has in t'fridge…" she declared as Jacob got up and followed her. "Let's have a look." After a moment of looking in the fridge however, all she saw was milk and eggs. Then she vaguely recalled that Edward doesn't really shop unless Jacob is with him… otherwise, he's fairly spartan. "Huh… how do you feel about eggs for dinner?"

"How about takeout?" he grinned sheepishly. Her eyes narrowed at him, then she slowly shut the fridge door.

"Take out huh?" she grinned, "How about Superbabes then?" she replied, "They deliver."

"And you get a discount." He said as Vixen flinched.

"Well we'll see about that…" she mumbled, "What do you want?" she asked reaching into her pocket and getting her phone.

"Blood Sausage, Dim Sum and a Pixie." He said excitedly as she hesitated and eyed him.

"…Pull the other one." She replied as Jacob just grinned and shrugged.

"What? It's tasty."

"…What's bloody wrong with Pizza?" she smirked, before tapping Superbabes and putting it to her ear.

Time: 5:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Grace? Great! Think you could get an order of Dim Sum, Blood Sausage, a Pixie and… a Wonder Woman meal?"

"Who is this?"

"You wot?!"

"I'm just kidding! Yeah, I'll get it whipped up for you. You coming to get it or-?"

"Nah, a delivery is fine. Just send it my way."

"Yeah sure. Let me see who I can-Oh! Hey! One second... It'll be right over."


"Great. Thanks love." She then hung up the phone, "Alright, should be twenty minutes." She said as a thunderous BOOM suddenly rattled the house. "Bloody hell!" it was so loud they thought it was a bomb going off… however, suddenly the sound of pitter-pattering rattled on the house as a veritable torrent of water sprayed the house… Vixen moved to the front windows as a flash and BOOM echoed over the house as a veritable storm out of nowhere rattled the windows. "…Bloody Supervillains." She grumbled irately, immediately tacking it up to some sort of wild supervillain shenanigans…

Positively pouring rain, it was Gotham after all, but thunder and lightning rattled and cracked as if it had just stalled right over the house. "Oh Bloody hell." She mumbled surprised, "This came out of nowhere didn't it?" she asked as she and Jacob watched it pour down… and now the street was flooding with collected water, flowing down into overstuffed storm drains or moving on like impatient line jumpers to the next storm drain.

"Yeah… but it's kinda cool though." Jacob replied as the thunder rattled the windows and the lightning briefly brightened the house. "Whoa." Vixen chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Why don't you go take a bath love, by the time you're done t'food will be here." She declared

"Yeah alright." He said, pushing away from the window and heading towards the closest bathroom. Vixen watched the rain for a minute longer before turning the TV to the closest news channel, and trying to figure out where the storm came from to little to no response…

Then after several more minutes of thunder and lightning… a car sped into the driveway, sending a cascade of water like a tsunami down the street river. A shapely frame got out and rushed to the front door with a bag in hand and rapidly knocked. "SUPERBABES!"

Time: 6:25 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs( Judge Edward's house)

"Open the door!" Vixen rushed to the front door, opening it up as a dripping-wet Jae-Hwa rushed in. Wearing tight, now wet jeans, a red tank top, and her red leather jacket she flicked her red and black hair out of her face and scowled at Vixen. "…Do a girl a favor and grab me a towel huh?"

"Yeah hold on." Vixen rushed to the laundry room, grabbed a towel for her, and quickly returned. Jae-Hwa peeled off her leather jacket, hanging it on a nearby coat hanger before wrapping the towel around her smooth, sexy shoulders.

"I am not going back out there." She declared. "It's CRAZY." She wiped her face, "Mind if I crash here?" she asked as Vixen raised an eyebrow.

"Oh YEAH." She began sarcastically, "That's a great Idea! I'll tell my Judge boyfriend that an ex-con stayed in his house while he was away." But she then looked outside and realized that she didn't have the heart to kick Jae-Hwa out in the storm. "…You can crash on the couch. Let's see if I can find some sheets." She said, heading back to the laundry room, but not before putting Jacob and her dinner on the table.

She returned with a spare pillow and blanket, tossing both on the couch as Jae-Hwa continued drying herself off. "So how's it going?" she asked, drying her two-tone hair as Vixen shrugged.

"It's going well. How about you? Why are you here and out of uniform?"

"It's the dinner rush." Jae-Hwa replied, "We couldn't spare the bodies, so since I was finishing my shift, Grace asked me to drive out your food, you're welcome." And considering Jae-Hwa's apartment building was only a 15 minute walk away, it was quite a detour. BOOM. The walls echoed again as Jae-Hwa glanced out the window. "Shit…"

"Well. Dry off, and stay modest. It's not just me here I have a 10-year-old who I've already introduced to Jackie…" she said, unloading the bag of food and laying it out. "…And now I think he has a 'type'." She smirked knowingly. The 'Type' being Thickness.

And if there was one thing Jae-Hwa and Jackie had in common it was incredible THICKNESS.

"I'll be on my best behavior." Jae-Hwa replied, finishing her hair as Jacob soon returned in baseball pajamas but froze upon sighting Jae-Hwa. "Hey." She said casually like she was trying to talk down a wild animal.

"Jacob this is Jae-Hwa." Vixen said, "…And I kinda like her, so I don't want her going back out in this storm-" BOOM! The storm complied as if to emphasize how dangerous it is driving out there.

"Okay…" he replied as Jae-Hwa then began drying off her lower body, though she couldn't really take off her pants to do so.

"Mind if I borrow you laundry room Jacob?" she asked, as he nodded slowly.

"Sure?" he said as she smiled at him and ruffled his head as Vixen pointed to the laundry room.

"It's right in there. There might be some bathrobes too if you don't mind." She added a Jae-Hwa and her thickness wobbled into the laundry room, and she wisely shut the door behind her. Jacob, no longer distracted by the attractive Korean woman, turned his hungry eyes to the food on the table and took a seat. "Eat up love." Said Vixen eating her own food as the storm continued.

Soon however Jae-Hwa walked out of the laundry room wearing one of Edward's bathrobes, and even on her comparatively smaller body her curves could still be clearly seen. She sat down beside Vixen watching Jacob eat his Dim Sum and blood sausage… with an equally odd look on her face. And soon enough after everyone ate, Vixen loaded the dishwasher and they all watched another hour of TV before Jacob was promptly sent to bed.

"Night." He had declared as Vixen and Jae-Hwa both replied fondly.

"Night." He then yawned and shut his bedroom door just in time for another rumble of thunder. The two of them then watched an action movie yet the rain still came down it wasn't until Vixen's butt jiggled that she realized she was supposed to call Edward. "Bollocks." She then pulled her phone up to her ear. "Ello." She cooed sweetly as Edward's voice chuckled on the other end.

"Hey. So… how'd it go?"

"It went great. We did his homework, he took a bath, he had his dinner. Everything's fine." Thunder rattled over the house.

"MMn. What did you have for dinner?" he asked as she playfully replied.

"Shouldn't you be asking what I'm wearing love?" he chuckled, "We ordered Superbabes, got it delivered…" She then eyed Jae-Hwa and decided to just rip off the band-aid. "The storm here is pretty bad though." She said "So… she's going to spend the night." She added, "Is that alright?"

"Well I trust you, so it's fine." Edward replied calmly.

"Oi, Jae-Hwa, say ello." She said as Jae-Hwa raised an eyebrow, before answering into the proffered phone.

"Hello. Thanks for the shelter." Jae-Hwa replied as Vixen took it back to her ear.

"She's gonna crash on the couch." Vixen added and Edward hummed thought

"Alright… I just wanted to check-in. I think I'm going to crawl into bed soon." He declared, "It's been a long day and I don't have you to keep me warm in this hotel room."

"Oh, poor baby." She replied but then paused. "…You know what?" she grinned, "Don't fall to sleep yet. I got an idea." She suddenly grabbed Jae-Hwa's hand and yanked her along off the couch before hanging up her phone.

"Oh no." Jae-Hwa bemoaned as Vixen went to the bedroom and shut the door.

Time: 9:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Unknown Hotel)

Edward, after being hung up on, went and took a shower before returning his muscular body back to his temporary bed, significantly missing his sexy chocolate girlfriend to keep him warm. Sliding under the blankets and plugging in his phone. Before realizing that a video was sent to him from the previously mentioned sexy chocolate girlfriend…He leaned his phone on the bedside lamp, before opening it up and getting a shot of sexy but familiar brown breasts.

Edward smirked, then pushed the play button. The familiar pair of brown breasts wiggled subtly and Vixen pulled away, sitting on her knees at the edge of his bed as she sat in a slightly bronzed colored bra and panties… she grabbed her big soft breasts, and pushed them together, squeezing them seductively as she raised her arms about her head and began bouncing on her knees. With a smug smile on her face, she bounced up and down on her knees, her breasts swinging up and down in her tight bra as she jiggled and wiggled them.

"Ello love. Something to keep you warm at night." Vixen purred, before bringing her arms down and cupping her breasts, holding them out as Jae-Hwa strutted into view, wearing a far too-tight purple thong and bra. Her magnificently thick Korean girl booty in full view as she faced away from the camera. Slowly, the sexy Korean girl bent her knees, pushing her ass out and setting it onto Vixen's chest as Vixen grinned at the camera.

"Chest full o'booty!" she cheered, bouncing her breasts up against Jae-Hwa's ass as she began to twerk, wobbling her ass down and slapping on Vixen's chest as they bounced their magnificent bodies against each other. Skin on skin clapping together as eventually Vixen stopped slapping her tits on Jae-Hwa's ass, but did kiss one of her bouncing cheeks, clapping a hand onto the other one and getting a fistful. "MMgh!"

Jae-Hwa then moved onto the bed, crawling onto on her hands and knees she kept twerking, shaking her booty for the camera as Vixen got up from the floor, crawling onto the bed she slowly turned, running her heavy breasts on Jae-Hwa's back until they spilled over her wobbling booty and rested on top of the thick Korean girl. Vixen's tongue lolled from her mouth as she grabbed at Jae-Hwa's meaty, wobbling ass cheeks like she was going to take a bite out of it.

Clap Clap Clap. Lightly clapping her hands on them, and giving them chaste, sultry kisses as Jae-Hwa kept twerking. "MMn…" sinking her hands into Jae-Hwa's ass cheeks before pushing off and sitting on Jae-Hwa's upper back, shaking her huge breasts side to side with her twisting torso as she reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. Her breasts swinging about and throwing her lingerie aside, and raising her arms again, shaking and bouncing her breasts with her movement before using her hands, extending her tongue and alternatingly lifting up her left and right tit in her hands. She then lifted her nipples to her lips, sucking on them as she pulled her hands away and, letting her nipples slip from her lips and jiggle onto her chest. Before subtly shaking again, making them dance as she smiled at the camera, then with both hands, she blew kisses at the camera. "Mwah!" jiggling her breasts again with Jae-Hwa's clapping ass cheeks, before the video abruptly ended.

He was about to call her when she sent another video, he sighed and then played it. Vixen's tongue lolled from her mouth as Jae-Hwa's ass bounced up and down inches from it. Holding the phone out with one hand she smacked Jae-Hwa's ass cheeks with the other hand. Bounce-Bounce-Bounce CLAP! Bounce-Bounce-Bounce CLAP! Looking smug as Jae-Hwa kept twerking… the video was a lot faster than the first, but it was still arousing and it made Edward laugh.

It had just finished when another one was sent. This time Focused on Vixen as the sexy-punk Korean girl fondled her big breasts from behind, bouncing them together. Vixen moaned as the video started slowing down, bouncing in slow motion, before shifting to Jae-Hwa and Vixen dancing together, still in slow motion and completely naked. Vixen bounced up and down as Jae-Hwa bent her knees and twerked again while Vixen soon twisted her torso again. Sticking her tongue out with a big smile on her face as once again the video stopped.

Edward stared at the videos now on his phone, glanced down at his erection, then sighed. Throwing off the blanket, and heading back to the bathroom for a fresh shower… then he came back and grabbed his phone for… reviewing purposes.

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Judge Edward's Home)

"There. Happy now?" Jae-Hwa asked as she tossed the borrowed lingerie aside and tossed back on Judge Edward's very comfy robe.

"Hmmn." She replied, absently checking her messages as she walked towards the bathroom, before getting a series of satisfied emojis containing eggplants and squirting, then put her phone down. "Yes."

"Cool." Jae-Hwa then crawled back into bed, and flopped on Edward's side, relaxing comfortably as Vixen rinsed off in the shower. In return for providing a bit of twerking fanservice, Jae-Hwa got to sleep in the bed too. It's not like they've done worse together. Eventually, Vixen walked out of the shower in another robe, some reason they had so many, she tied it off with her breasts barely restrained by the robe. The roar of thunder and lightning echoed around them. Vixen grabbed her phone and bounced into bed.

"Looks like he liked my present." She noted as Jae-Hwa sighed, legs crossed and relaxing.

"Gee, I wonder why?" she noted sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah. Get it out of your-"Suddenly a resounding boom echoed around them, and out went the power. "…Bugger." She grumbled, realizing what happened, "Power out…" She sent Edward an informative measure before getting off the bed. "I'm going to check on Jacob." She said, moving towards the bedroom door and swinging it open. "Oh. Ello love I was just about to check on you."

Jacob froze in front of the door and looked rather sheepish in the darkness. "Uh. I was… going to check on you, Britney." Britney smirked as thunder rattled and lightning flashed, lighting up the young boy's concerned face.

"Know what love? Why don't you keep me company?" Britney grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed. "Don't want you wandering around in the dark." She said, setting him between her and Jae-Hwa as he yawned… the second his head touched the pillow he was practically asleep. Jae-Hwa glanced at the sleeping boy as Britney lay beside him.

"…Now the bed's crowded." She said as Britney shrugged.

"His bed's open." She said as Jae-Hwa frowned, and shrugged.

"…Well then I guess he gets to brag about sleeping with two superbabes when he's older." Jae-Hwa said, as she closed her eyes to the sounds of thunder and lightning, leaving Britney awake and texting Edward.

First Day: Acing it.


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