
Delivery Girl: Divine Order #3

I don't own dc

Divine stood between a pair of Japanese Schoolgirls, smiling prettily as they all posed for the camera of a Japanese Schoolboy, taking a picture of them all together. "Arigatōgozaimasu!" they cheered bowing at her before giggling and rushing out of Superbabes. Divine waved and walked through the door to the lounge. "They were nice." She said, "Though I think there was a language barrier."

"You're naturally photogenic." Said Catwoman (I) from the couch, "It's probably all the cosplay you've been doing with Izzy." Divine blushed.

"How do you know about that?" she asked as Catwoman cocked a sexy eyebrow at her.

"Who do you think takes her pictures when she dresses up? Seriously gorgeous keep up." She said, going back to reading a fitness magazine with the Lucious Latina Lucy Lopez on the cover. "By the way." She added thoughtfully, "You do know we're supposed to charge people to take pictures with us right?"

"We are?" Divine replied, "When I was at that convention with Izzy we didn't charge anyone for pictures."

"Yeah because Izzy has a soul." Declared Black Canary, who had just arrived "Ow!" suddenly hit on the back of the head with a small plushie as Orders entered with Platinum. "You-OOooh!" Black Canary, stomped her foot in frustration, making her big breasts wobble in her shirt. "Where did you even come from!?"

"Mother's house." declared Platinum frankly. "Are you asking for Specifics? Because I believe my schematics came from-"

"Thank you, Darcy!" Black Canary interrupted as Orders walked past her and towards the counter.

"Platinum: pick up the plushie. Black Canary: get changed. Divine: start charging for pictures." Orders sat down and picked out a crossword book today. "Is there anything I missed?"

"Aren't you clairvoyant?" snapped Black Canary sarcastically, walking into the locker room as Platinum reloaded Orders' ammunition by dropping off the adorably tiny plushie on the counter.

"I am that's why I told you to get changed." Orders replied, already clicking on deliveries. "You're on the 2 for 1 with Catwoman and your ass has a date with a very girthy black man."

"Seriously?!" snapped Black Canary as Orders replied.

"No. He's actually Hispanic, but you'll be walking funny when you return later, that's always funny to watch." Orders replied casually, before winking a purple eye at Catwoman who laughed under her breath. She was pretty certain Orders was screwing with Black Canary... not so much about being ordered but who was doing the ordering.

"Divine is there something you wanted?" Orders added bluntly.

"I wondered-"

"What you do off the clock is your business, but this is mine." Replied Orders casually, "And if people just come in here with cameras and take pictures without permission or paying is an insult to everyone's time." She looked up at her. "Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." Replied Divine as Orders added.

"Make people pay for your time in this job. It's important and practical." Orders replied, "We're already serving them food in skimpy clothing, if they want a souvenir they should have to pay for it."

"She also gets a cut of it. So that might have something to do with it." Catwoman added in, tossing the magazine on the couch.

"That's beside the point." Orders replied crisply.

But Catwoman was already getting up to push Divine playfully back onto the floor. "Now come on, might as well get those tips before we get sent out!" she declared as Black Canary and Platinum also walked out, heading onto the floor... but as predicted it wasn't long before Black Canary and Catwoman were heading out on their 2 for 1 that may or may not end up with Black Canary walking funny at the end.

Divine herself seemed to get a few more asks for pictures from more Japanese students... there must be a school visit or something. Until she was positively swathed in tips and picture money. Sticking out of her bra straps like a furry fringe, as she began plucking them like stray feathers.

"Why are there so many Japanese Students tonight?" she mumbled as Orders looked up from her crosswords.

"Oh something about bomb threats at the airport." She noted casually as Divine jumped in surprise.

"...Did you threaten to bomb the airports?"

"What? No. That fucking clown did." Orders replied dismissively, "Batman already captured him. But all the planes have been grounded they're searching all of them now."

"Couldn't you just tell them?"

Orders' purple eyes flashed. "Yes. But I'd rather take in all those hungry students and their fascination with Gaijin girls in skimpy costumes."

"...You are a shrewd woman aren't you Orders?..." Divine mumbled thoughtfully.

"It's my job to be practical, it's your job to be sexy." She replied, "Speaking of-" she then reached for the phone.

Time: 9:21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey. Hello. We want the Divine Dim Sum. 3 servings please."

"Three orders of Divine Dim Sum, anything else?"

"Delivered... by Divine, right?"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the Police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please..."


Orders hung up the phone and ripped off the receipt, "Here." Holding it up for Divine who took it from her hand to check it over. The food soon slid out of the kitchen across the counter. "Off you go." Divine took the food from the counter, double checking the receipt as she walked out towards the company car, sliding into the front seat and slowly driving off into Gotham.

She wasn't a Gotham native so she wasn't exactly aware of her destination. But when she pulled up to Gotham High she was more than a little confused. She double-checked the receipt for the address and, sure enough, she was exactly where she was supposed to be. She parked the car in the empty parking lot, got out and approached the front doors to the school... she hesitated and checked it... it wobbled and remained locked.

She raised her gloved hand and knocked. "...Superbabes?"

Time: 9:24 PM. Place Gotham Highschool (Locked Front Doors)

"Special Delivery service?" she hesitated, wondering what she was doing at a highschool when-

"Psst! Hey! Over here!" she turned her head to see the youthful looking young man, probably a senior or at least 18 years old... Orders was insistent on things like that. He waved her over, "Come on!" he said excitedly as she turned and followed him to a side door. He opened it, "Come on in!"

"This is a highschool..." she said bluntly as he nodded.

"Yeah we thought it would be hot." He said, as she realized he was wearing what could be a school uniform... Long pants, white shirt, black tie... it must be a uniform because nobody would wear a tie unless they had too. He led her down the hallway, passing several empty classrooms... and towards the boy's locker rooms...

She assumed anyway, Russian Schools aren't like American ones, but it certainly smelled like a boy's locker room. He took the food from her hand, putting it on the bench before he waved at her body. "Take your clothes off." he said as she blinked at him, but slowly began to strip off her clothes. "Wait about 3 minutes and-" he hesitated, watching the gorgeously buxom and dark-haired Superbabes stripping down and casually displaying her marble-sculpted body, and was briefly at a loss for words. "Then... follow me..." he said, before awkwardly walking and looking at her, heading into the shower section of the locker rooms.

Divine waited for what she assumed was three minutes before walking into the showers to find two more guys waiting for hear wearing the same 'uniforms' before grinning eagerly at her naked body. One was taller and bulkier with a healthy muscular physique, dusky skin, and long curly black hair, he looked Samoan, or some sort of pacific islander. The other was a hefty blonde man, stocky and maybe a little overweight but not in an unhealthy way.

"Holy shit look at her!" the blonde gasped, already approaching her and feeling her muscles and breasts eagerly. "We're really going to get to have sex with this Lady!" he said excitedly as the first guy adjusted a camera on a tripod.

"Hell yeah." Declared the muscular Samoan, "I told you. Superbabes is crazy sexy."

"This is going to be so hot." Declared the first guy, "Come on let her under the shower."

"...Are you going to be recording this?" she asked curiously.

"Uh. YEAH..." he replied, suddenly nervous. "...Is that not allowed?"

"As long as you pay for my time." She replied, though now that she thought about it maybe getting recorded was something specific... she'll ask Orders when she gets back. Still, the First guy set up the camera and then gave the other two a thumbs up. "Okay... just stand under the shower." He said, "Let's get her under the water first before we get to the good stuff!"

"She's so freaking hot I can't wait." Stocky Blonde said, still fondling her powerful body as she went under the shower head in front of the camera. "This was the best idea ever!" he declared. His excitement was almost cute.

But she stood under the shower and turned it on, taking a cold blast of water directly into her face, and immediately began doing the 'Superbabe Shower thing' She didn't even shiver. She grew up experiencing Russian winters she could handle a few seconds of cold but quickly warming water. Her powerful muscles glistened as water flowed down her breasts and leaped from her body onto the wall as she finally turned around, finding the guys watching her eagerly as she began running her hands slowly over her body, emphasizing her muscular body and sensuous curves.

"This is GOLD!" hissed the camera guy under his breath, all of them now sporting erections in their tight uniform pants. "Wait until the guys on the team see this!" he said, "They're going to pop in their pants right away!"

"I'm going to pop my pants right away!" Blonde said excitedly. "Come on already!" he begged as Divine arched her back, pushed out her breasts, and rested her hand behind her head as she posed and flexed... just like those pictures of Lucy in all those old Magazines Orders inexplicably finds.

"...Yeah I'm going to have to agree... this is no time to get artsy!" hissed the Samoan. Unbuckling his pants and walking in front of the camera, approached Divine as Stocky Blonde eagerly did the same. Surrounding her as the Samoan put his hand on the top of her short dark-haired head, pushing her down onto her knees. She dropped to the tiles, standing on her knees and still displaying her body to the camera as the Samoan unbuckled his belt. He pushed them down and freed his brown snake, smacking her in the face with it as she blinked up at him. His thick 9-inch dick twitched against her face before he grabbed it and pushed it between her black painted lips.


"OH SHIT..." he hissed softly, through his teeth, yanking off his tie and tugging it away, stripping down to reveal his muscular body... though not nearly as muscular as she was. Divine's lips slid slowly down his twitching cock until they kissed the base of his shaft, her hand hooking between his legs and grabbing onto the back of his thigh. Sliding her lips up his shaft and pulling him forward as she began slurping loudly under the water. "Oh! Oh damn..."

Stocky Blonde began stripping out of his uniform, watching Divine's head sliding up and down the Samona's cock until he was completely naked. Stroking his cock as he watched almost in a trance, his 7-inch cock wasn't as big but it was certainly thicker... it was like a can of soda.

They both had size but clearly no patience, pre-cum oozing from Samoan's cock onto her tongue as she pulled slowly up to his shaft, slurping, and nursing on his cock like a bottle before popping away and glancing at Stocky Blonde who seemed to take the unasked invitation and quickly approached her, practically battering away at her lips with his cock before she opened wide and stretched it onto his shaft.

"GUCK!" she flinched as she took the thick dick into her mouth, quickly moving her head back and forth until her jaw started to hurt, popping off his length as pre-cum and saliva dropped off his tip, she turned her head back to the Samoan, stroking Stocky Blonde with her other hand as she began furiously bobbing up and down on him as Strock Blonde began fondling her big breasts, his fingers sinking cautiously into her plump tits as she pulled away from the Samoan to turn her head to Stocky Blonde again, sliding down his shaft and slurping noisily.

"Oh-Hooo..." he groaned, shivering slightly as he bucked towards Divine's face, his cock twitching and oozing more and more pre-cum.

"Dude don't pop already!" snapped the camera guy as Stocky Blonde moaned happily.

"But it feels amazing! I won't be able to hold it for long!"

"Come on man!" mumbled the Samoan, though he was mostly complaining because he was no longer in Divine's mouth... so he helped. Pushing the Stocky Blonde away.

"Ah! Hey come on..." he mumbled, his cock twitching before the Samoan walked around Divine grabbing at her muscular arms and pulling her up to her feet. He pushed her forward, grabbing at her elbows and holding her arms back before thrusting into her.

"Haah!" her head rocked up and down as he began thrusting hard into her from behind, her big breasts bouncing up and down, clapping wetly together for the camera. Her moans echoed around the showers as his hips clapped loudly against her ass from behind. "Ugh! Uuh..." she moaned loudly as the Samoan planted his feet, still holding tightly to her arms and furiously pumping into her from behind.

"Look at those titties clapping!" Stocky blonde moaned, stroking himself again as Divine's moans of pleasure encouraged more pre-cum to ooze out from his tip the big Samoan grunting loudly.

"MMN she fucking loves it!" He groaned, his head rolling back as he kept thrusting, the water splashing on his back as he pulled her upright, cupping her big breasts from behind and squeezing them firmly as he roared loudly. "Yeah! I'm gonna cum! UUGH!!"

"Aah! Ha! Ah! Haa! Ahh!!" Divine twitched, her insides tightening up around his length as he buried it into her body. "Aah!!" her back arching in orgasm.

"UUgh!!" he pulled out of her body as she dropped to her knees he quickly hobbled around them, standing beside her as she shuddered, moaning erotically as he aimed his cock towards her face. "Aaah! Money shot!" he groaned, cumming on her cheek, shoulder, and breasts. She cupped her hands under her breasts, lifting them up together to catch the rest as he groaned... his cock hanging limp. "Ahh... Man that was awesome.

"My turn! My turn quick!" Stocky Blonde put his hand on Divine's shoulder, pushing her over onto her muscled back. His thick length already poking at her pussy, sliding into her body and moaning loudly as he began pumping away inside her, "Ugh! Oh yeah!"

"NNgh! MMn!!" writhing under him as he pressed his hands down on her upper arms, thrusting again and again as their wet smacks echoed around them. Her big breasts still bounced up and down on her chest as she moaned encouragingly. Stocky Blonde kept wildly thrusting, hard, fast, and deep inside her as her back arched and her breasts bounced up and down.

"Ahh?! AHH!!" he pushed into her and then pulled out before unloading thick ropes across her stomach. "Haah..." he sighed happily as he kept cumming on her body.

"Damn it!" mumbled the Camera guy. "Dude! You weren't supposed to cum so early!" he replied angrily as Stocky Blonde got up.

"Dude she feels too awesome! It's not my fault!... It's a complement to her!"

"Dude the video is barely thirty minutes now and you're BOTH spent!" he said as they grumbled feebly.

"Give me a second I'll get it going..." grumbled the Samoan, trying to stroke himself back to erection, "She's a hot piece of ass, just look at those tits!" he grumbled as Divine tried to 'encourage' them for another round... grabbing her big breasts and pushing them firmly together, covered in cum as Stocky Blonde pointed at her.

"Hey! Hey I got an idea why don't you have her titty fuck you! Look at those things and you're still hard right?!"

"Well DUH I'm still hard!" the camera guy replied as Samoan stopped trying to chaff himself and went for the camera, yanking it from the tri-pod. "Hey!"

"Just do it man I'll record you..." He noted, "We don't even need your face just your dick in her tits. "Dude you know you want to." Divine sat up from the floor and sensing an oncoming titjob, cupped her big breasts together and made them bulge together making a tight little pocket to stuff dicks into. Camera guy, who was really now more along the lines of 'Last hope guy' dropping his pants and exposing his 9-inch erection as he slapped it onto her breasts like he was trying to stuff a hotdog into a set of oversized and fantastic buns...

She gaped at it briefly before fiddling with her breasts, pulling them open and abruptly slapping them around his length as he hissed excitedly, already pushing against her bulging breasts as she bounced them up and down on his cock. Sliding it back and forth between them, his cock tip tapping against her chin as Samoan held the camera over them, watching his Camera guy's cock disappearing and reappearing between her breasts like the best magic trick ever...

Okay maybe not the best, but it was certainly fun to watch. And experience.

Camera guy groaned as pre-cum oozed from his tip onto her cleavage with each thrust of his length. His hand resting on her shoulders and then remembered that Samoan shot a load on them and grunted. "Ah! Damn it I got you nut on my hand!" he snapped, waving it to get it off before sticking it under the shower but not before Samoan recoiled.

"Don't toss it on me jerk!"

"Guys come on!" Stocky Blonde mumbled irately as Divine continued her tit-job regardless like a consummate professional, opening her mouth to slurp quickly on his tip before it slid shyly back between her big, soft, yet firm breasts. Faster and faster she moved them as they stopped goofing around long enough to remember that they were filming an amateur porno and one of them had his cock between a set of amazing titties...

You'd think that'd be more important.

Still Divine continued servicing his cock as they all focused on her again, it was pretty easy to do. Camera guy groaned warningly as she squeezed her big tits tightly together. "Ugh!" and her cleavage exploded in a thick gooey load like a gushing Geyser. "Ahhh..." she gasped, holding her tongue out and slowly rubbing the last ropes out of his cock with her tits before letting him go by releasing her breasts...

"Hold this." Samoan said, handing Camera guy the camera before furiously stroking himself. "Here you go baby I got one more for you!" he said, clearly warmed up by sexy titfucking, ready to explode all over her face with Stocky Blonde Joining him, she closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, lifting her breasts and moaning erotically with a sensuous sigh.




Ropes of cum sprayed across her face and into her mouth, lips, and chest as she groped her big soft breasts, gazing into the camera as cum oozed across her skin. "mmmn..." giving the lens bedroom eyes as she spat out the cum in her mouth to dribble like nectar into her displayed cleavage.

"I'm out..." Moaned the Samoan as Stocky Blonde groaned.

"Me too."

"...Then I guess we... should call it." Camera guy said, looking into his camera. He stopped it and pressed a few buttons, going over the footage with Stocky Blonde and Samoan as Divine stood up, and then properly slid under the water of the still running shower. Quickly washing herself. "....This is awful." He declared, cringing slightly.

"I mean it's not a masterpiece but it's still hot." Declared Samoan indignantly.

"Yeah but she carries the whole scene." Said Camera guy.

"Dude! It's an amateur porn and she's the hot chick. She's supposed to carry the scene have you looked at her?! She's got all the charisma just washing herself in the water!" they then all looked at her... and she was doing the Superbabe shower thing again... it was mostly unintentional.

"...Maybe we should just record that." noted Camera guy thoughtfully as Samoan scratched himself.

"...Let's just edit everything as best we can and cut out the sound." He said, "Not like we were going to post this online or anything." Divine finished washing herself, then turned off the shower. Turning to face them fully.

"...Why are you making a porno if you're not going to post it?"

"It's just... something we said we'd do." Replied Stocky blonde. "...Do you want us to post it?"

Divine frowned, seemingly thinking about it before she grabbed a towel from a stack and began to dry herself off. "...I'm fairly sure my boss would not approve." She said, then added as she dried her hair. "...And I'm pretty sure she might have me do something awful to you if you tried..."

"...Like what?" asked the Samoan as Divine frowned again, not entirely sure... but if she had a guess...

"Probably something violent that ends in broken limbs..." she looked at them, hiding a smile as she asked. "...If I was going to break something of yours, what would it be?" The boys were understandably very nervous. They were young, healthy and reasonably fit... but she was built like a sexy Armata tank... "Never mind, I'll guess." She said, walking out of the showers and back to her clothes, stuffing her various sexy bits into her black leather bra, gloves, and pants. Finishing with buckling her belt around her waist as the boys walked out after her.

She held out her hand, "...So?" she said, letting the question linger as Camera guy elbowed Stocky blonde.

"Oh! Right hang on." He moved out of sight for a second behind the lockers and returned with a small stack of crisp bills. "here you go." He said, handing them to her.

"Good. Order again. Dasvidanya." She waved the stack as she turned and walked out of the locker rooms, retracing her steps out the side door and back to the company car, heading back to Superbabes as the Gotham night chilled her exposed skin. Still nothing compared to Russian winters.

Time: 10:28 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Uuuugh!" Jenny grumbled, lying on the couch tits down and a bag of ice on her ass and Yaya comfortingly patting her shoulder... also snickering just a little. "She wasn't black OR Hispanic!" she hissed under her breath.

"Oh let it go Jenny." Yaya replied. "...At least you weren't walking funny?"

"She shoved a dildo as big as an arm inside me!" Jenny hissed as Divine returned to that particular bit of information.

"...It wasn't a black dildo." Yaya tried but she was too busy laughing. "No! No I'm sorry... look at it this way Jen at least you have an appeal for everyone... even Indian girls with a fondness for exotic dildos.

"...I feel that was more interesting than what happened to me..." Divine noted, handing a snickering Orders a stack of bills. "...But before I forget... what is your policy on... recordings?"

"Oh we get a cut of any profits and a copy of the original recording." Orders noted practically, sorting the money and quickly handing Divine back her cut. "But don't worry about it, those three aren't going to post it, Xue."

"Oh..." Xue then turned her attention back to Jenny and her iced bubble butt. "I guess that's good to know."

"Yes, well, in all likelihood we'll have you recording on my professional websites. I have a guy for that..." Orders noted as Xue sighed.

"Yes, I suppose you would..."

"Indeed." She then gestured to the other couch, "Go take your rest, we're going to be swarming with Japanese students soon enough and I'll need your buxom bodies on the floor for maximum profit.

"Fuck off..." growled Jenny exasperatedly...

"Oh lighten up Jen." Yaya lightly patted Jenny's ass as she flinched, whimpering arousingly as she shuddered. "Xue's not complaining and she got gangbanged!"

"I wouldn't say gangbanged..." Xue noted hesitantly as Yaya held a finger to her lips.

"Shuush! She can't hear you over the dildo up her butt." She joked but Jenny snarled.

"Fuck off Yaya... there's no dildo up my ass!... anymore!"

"Just your usual stick..." replied Yaya as she and Xue chuckled, Jenny slammed her head into the couch and tried to ignore the buxom Asian girls...

...It wasn't working. It's hard to ignore buxom Asian girls...


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