
Delivery Girl: Green Lantern Order #5

I don't own DC

It was almost noon and just in time for the annual Gotham Marathon! Which after many delays including but not limited to explosions, alien invasions, or just general mayhem, is finally back on task. 26 miles around the city, numerous checkpoints, and generally kept out of the more… sketchy areas. Normally we wouldn't care much for the often delayed/rescheduled Marathon, not a lot of runners are going to run into Superbabes after all, even if the route goes right past the restaurant. But this time we're interested because the healthiest, fittest, and arguably the most athletic Superbabe will be participating.

Everyone's favorite luscious latina fitness instructor: Green Lantern (I)

"You're running the marathon?" asked Red Lantern, watching as Green Lantern continued to stretch in the lounge of Superbabes. People were lining up outside on the sidewalk, ready to watch the marathon as it went by, almost a hundred people were competing.

"Yes Ma'am." Teased Green Lantern, doing squats very quickly before stretching her legs. Unlike the rest of the girls she was dressed in a tight sports bra, tighter jogging shorts, and comfortable jogging shoes.

"Don't know why you're having trouble with this." Killer Frost replied, playing pool with Red Lantern and barely trying to sink her shots… meaning she was still kicking Red Lantern's gloriously large ass. "Out of all of us, she's the most likely to actually do it." she sunk a trio of solids as Red Lantern cursed flamboyantly in Korean under her breath. "Though there is no prize money or anything."

"Of course not. It's just prestige." Declared Big Barda, "Well prestige and fitness nuts." Green Lantern arched her back, flexibly stretching as she began twisting her waist. "Luckily we have one of those." She noted as Green Lantern smiled beautifully at her before brushing her long dark hair out of her gorgeous face.

"I wouldn't say I'm a nut but I am conscious about it." she rested her hands on her waist, "Besides I always wanted to run a marathon and this one keeps getting pushed back. So now I'm going to do it before someone or something comes along and messes it up again."

Everyone paused for a second but seeing as there was no ringing phone or other sudden interruptions, so that was a good sign. "Okay then." Green Lantern sighed, stretching again before swinging her arms. "I'm going to head off to the starting point."

"Need a ride? You'll be kinda early." Declared Big Barda concernedly.

"No it's fine. I was going to run there." Green Lantern replied sweetly.

"Isn't it like 4 miles from here?" asked Red Lantern, but Green Lantern just looked at her. She didn't SAY 'So?' but she might as well have. "…Never mind." She mumbled, taking her shot on the pool table.

"I'll see you all later, if my legs aren't jelly." She replied cheerily, but just before she went out the back. Orders suddenly appeared at the back door to stop her… in the middle of the day. "Oh No." she mumbled sadly, "Did the marathon get canceled?"

Orders, who had a large paper bag in her hand raised an eyebrow over her purple eyes. "What? No." she then shoved the bag into Green Lantern's sports bra chest. "Put this on." She ordered frankly. Green Lantern checked the bag and smiled wistfully.

"Orders, I already have running clothes."

"But THESE are free advertising. Get changed." She said, pointing to the locker room, then yawning broadly. "I'm going to head back home. Red Lantern give her a ride to the checkpoint. Don't want her tiring herself out to quickly." She said cryptically, walking away as Red Lantern practically threw down her pool cue, Green Lantern walking into the locker rooms.

"…You know, sometimes, she REALLY bothers me when she does that." Red Lantern said, crossing her arms and waiting for Green Lantern to come back out. And after a moment she did…

Black and Green was the theme of Green Lantern's new clothes. The sports bra remained the same but seemed far more supportive for her large breasts, her jogging pants were longer now they went to her shins, dark green with black lettering vertically down her thigh that spelled out 'Superbabes'. She was also sporting a headband, keeping her dark hair out of her face that ALSO, said Superbabes across it with a similar color scheme…

Green lantern sighed, smiled and gestured to her body. "…I'm starting to think Orders has no shame." She said turning around to show off how great her fantastic latina ass looked in her new clothes… hugging every curve somehow even better than her previous clothes…

"…At least she didn't put it on your ass or your tits." Noted Red Lantern as Big Barda stifled her giggles. "Because let's be honest that's where most people are going to look."

"I think it would've been too on the nose." Noted Green Lantern. "…I'm surprised she didn't just write 'for a good time call'."

"Give me a couple of minutes and a sharpie I could probably do something about it." noted Killer Frost as Green Lantern just raised her hands in the air in mock dismay, but didn't respond verbally to the jab.

"Jae-hwa, let's just go." She replied tiredly, "Though if I am going to be a walking-"

"Running" interrupted Killer Frost but Green Lantern continued.

"-Running billboard, I wonder why she told me to drive there?"

"Maybe she doesn't want you sweating until we get there." Noted Red Lantern, grabbing keys to the company car and spinning them on her finger as Big Barda scoffed, though waved Green Lantern off.

"Please. She doesn't sweat, she glistens."

"I don't know why you all keep saying that. I do sweat." She replied as she and Red Lantern walked to the car. "Seriously."

"Yeah well, even when you're sweating you're freaking hot." They got into the car, then carefully drove off into Gotham, although trying to drive through the viewing crowds was significantly harder than expected. It took them 20 minutes to get to the starting location, dozens of people lining up at the starting line, most of them tagged with a number strapped or taped to their bodies. "Alright. Might as well get out here." She said as Green Lantern slipped out of the car. "Good luck."

"Thanks. See you tomorrow at work." She said, waving her off as Red Lantern did a quick U-turn and headed back to Superbabes before the cops could catch her for doing so. Green Lantern adjusted her clothes and went to get in line to sign in and get a number.

"Here you go." Said the middle-aged lady working the sign-in table, handing the man in front of Green Lantern his number. "Next please." She said, smiling at Green Lantern as she approached her. "Hello hon. Sign right here…" she said, tapping the next blank space on the clipboard and sheet. Green Lantern did so, and the woman handed her the sheet with the number. "And here's your number. Want me to help you put it on?" she asked.

"No I got it, thank you." Cooed Green Lantern, sighing exasperatedly as she put on her number…

Naturally, it was '69'.

"Okay. Line up right over there." The sign-in lady said, pointing towards the growing crowd of runners. As Green Lantern turned with the various heads and walked to the gathering group. Standing between 68 and soon 70.

#68, a tall shirtless black adonis with a bald head and a short-cut bushy beard glanced down at her as she began stretching and flexing. "MMn… looking good." He said with a slight accent, Jamaican perhaps, his number strapped to his shirtless muscled chest. Green Lantern smiled politely up at him as he began to pump his pectorals, hands on his hips as he winked at her.

"Thank you." She said politely but focused on stretching again, raising her leg, behind her the way she's seen all runners do. "MMn…" she mumbled softly as more runners began to line up… she bent forward, folding herself in half and ignoring the world around her… even if the rest of the runners weren't ignoring her. Including #79 directly behind her.

"Oh man, girl, look at you." She suddenly shot back upright, swinging her hair out of her face as she glanced behind her to the strapping, Polynesian man with dark tanned skin and islander tribal tattoos on his right shoulder, built like a football player with his hair tied back in a ponytail. He gave her a bright toothy grin and gave her a wink. "You run here often?"

Green Lantern smiled at him politely, and opened her mouth.

"Hey, I saw her first." Declared #68, immediately standing toe to toe with #79.

"Yeah? I don't hear her complaining." #79 replied confidently, equal in size and height to #68. Green Lantern blinked between them, and promptly ignored their machismo… if not for the fact that they were so loud about it she would've completely written them off.

"Yeah? Find another running buddy."

"Oh? How about this then? Winner gets to ask her out." Declared #79.

#68 scoffed dismissively, "You're on! Winner asks her out for drinks! Loser pays Top shelf." He demanded confidently.

"You're on." #79 replied just as confidently, not paying attention AT ALL to the opinion of the woman they were completing over like a prize. Green Lantern began hopping in place, getting the blood flowing as #68 and #79 switched off into their own little world getting ready to run as she braced herself… the announcer of the event declared the start of the race will begin in a minute as the runners readied and he raised the starter pistol.

POP! the cheers began, and immediately the runners dashed, jogged, or sprinted ahead… Green Lantern beginning at a steady jog left #68 and #79 behind, steadying her breathing and bouncing along, distracting many behind her and beside her as she pulled further and further ahead, many of speeding runners losing steam quickly and moving at a steady pace. But Green Lantern steadily jogged on. Smiling prettily.

First, second, and third checkpoints later she finally took some water, hydrated, and poured the rest of it on her face and chest… naturally this had an… effect on many running with her. Most slowing down, or taking a quick break in an alleyway as on she went…

Stamina was always a thing she was good with, and keeping track and pace with the rest of the long runners. Many of them slowed down but clearly she wasn't affected, jogging at her steady pace while… soon enough.

"GO! Girl! GO!!" cheered a crowd of Superbabes up front, holding up the 'Happy First Time' banner of 'Congratulations!' above them. They clapped bounced and cheered as Green Lantern waved to them, they whistled and howled as she sped right past them… and they distracted the rest of the runners inadvertently mostly.

Green Lantern ran on. One-Two-One-Two. Bouncing and wobbling despite her fit and athletic form. Glistening under the Gotham sun as many other runners struggled to keep her pace or stay ahead. She knew how to pace herself after all…

She was one of the lead runners, but there were professionals in this race and they stayed ahead of her despite her constant and speedy jogging. More and more checkpoints were passed, and she finally had to take a bit of a breather, actually stopping to have a proper drink of water before continuing on…

She might actually end up 'sweating', but let's see how she does in the end…

Many other runners behind her gave up, unable to go any farther, now the remainders were her and the pros. It wasn't long now, the last checkpoint was passed and they could already hear the cheers as the first few runners finished the run. She was, surprisingly, #5… her steady jog finally came to a complete stop as she raised her arms triumphantly, moaning slightly as the burn started to kick in and her muscles pleasantly throbbing with hard work… she took her last complimentary water, having a heavy drink of it and was just about to head home when-

"I won!"

"NO! I did!"

She blinked as two exhausted runners, #68 and #79, breathed heavily as they struggled to stay standing, sweating and heaving for air as she stood there watching them both curiously.

"Me! I crossed first so I get to ask her out!"

"The hell you did. You were too busy passing out to cross the line! I crossed first."

"…Technically boys. I crossed the finish line first." She said playfully as they suddenly blinked at her, awed at her ability to glisten and NOT be completely exhausted after a marathon. "So I win." They gapped at her, as she finished her water. "…So. Since I won… how about you both buy me a drink instead?" she said playfully… it wasn't like she had anywhere else to be today. So she could go and celebrate. "…Unless of course you don't want to get a drink with me?" she said unintentionally seductive…

…Give it a second…

And… okay.

A few hours later.

Time: 6:39 PM. Place: Somewhere in Gotham (Green Lantern's apartment)


"Ooh! That's not where my KEYS are! Hee-hee!"

"Come here baby… let's keep looking!"

"Oh-...-ooo that's not… MMN!"

"Let's try here-

"Oooh… frisky…"


The door swung open and Green Lantern was practically carried into the living room as #68 and #79, wobbled inside with her between them. Their hands wandered her luscious latina body as they tossed her duffle bag aside and began stripping her out of her Superbabes branded jogging clothes. #68's heavy calloused hands slipped under her sports bra, squeezing at her big breasts as she moaned under his hands, #79, yanking down her tight pants, hooking them around her ankles until they could take off her shoes and tossing them aside, standing naked in her own living room.

#68 let go of her tits as #79 dragged her to her couch, throwing her down onto the center of it, "MMn!" he grabbed her ankles, lifting them up before shoving his face between her legs and licking at her dripping pussy as #68 threw off his pants and shirt, sporting a VERY Raven approved, throbbing 10-inch BBC. #79 pulled his tongue away from a moaning Green Lantern, removing his own pants and displaying another 10-incher. Green Lantern moaned excitedly as she sat back up and grabbed both of their throbbing girths in her hands and began stroking them excitedly.

She was all hawked up on Tequila, it was going to be a rough riding good time. Licking her lips before wrapping them around #68 first, burying her face into his crotch with three quick strokes before giving #79 the same treatment. Wrapping her lips around #79 while stroking her saliva into #68, feeling his shaft pulsate in her silky grip as she held them both close to her mouth and licked their shafts with her tongue. Salivating over their glans, drooling down between her light brown breasts as #68 grabbed at her left tit, giving it a firm squeeze as she moaned, wrapping her lips back around #79, sucking on his shaft again, burying her face into his crotch and holding firm as he engorged in her throat. Feeling his raised heartbeat through his cock as it pulsated in her gullet. She then switched again, shooting off his shaft and gasping, stroking his length before taking #68's big black dick into her throat.

"Fuck…" he sighed, holding her head as he dove up and down, taking him easily despite his size and girth.

"Mmngh! Mmngh! Mmn-hmmn~!" she moaned loudly, her tongue salivating and vibrating under his pulsating girth as pre-cum oozed into the back of her throat. #79 spread her legs with his hand, rubbing at her clit and dripping pussy before #68 pulled her to the base, before shoving her off his shaft and throwing her onto the couch. "Ah!"

Lying on her back, #79 pushed his tip between her lips as she moaned around it, #68 grabbing her ankles and spreading them apart, and sliding immediately into her pussy. "MMGH!" she moaned around #79's shaft as they began delving into her orifices on their own, pumping and slamming into her exotically sensual body. #79 holding the back of her couch, thrusting easily between her soft tight lips as #68's hips slapped wildly against her as he slammed her cervix with the tip of his 10-inch length.

"Fuck me baby you're fucking tight." He growled eagerly as she shuddered around his girth, his hands grabbing her waist and slamming her roughly on his shaft.

"MMGh! MGH! Mgh! Mng-hmn!" moaning around #79's cock as it delved into her throat, her tongue swirling hungrily around it as she writhed in orgasm, her green eyes rolling up into her beautiful head as the two well hung burly and horny runners rammed greedily into her body "mMng! MMnnggh!!" she rolled on the couch, writhing and shaking as she climaxed on #68 and he planted his hips into her.

"UUGH!! SHIT! YEAH!!" ramming her once, twice, three more times as a hot load of cum rushed into her tightening, quivering insides as she clenched his pulsating shaft, filling her with his cum before ripping out of her. Her pussy dripped with thick white goo as he sighed contentedly, watching her lower lips trembling as #79 ripped his length from her lips.

"I want some of that." he groaned as she sat up, breathing enticingly as he sat down on the couch where her head had been, leaning against the arm of it as she turned around and crawled over his body, feeling his shaft press against her lower lips and easily sliding inside her. "Damn girl…" he groaned as she began riding him, raising her hips up and slamming down on him. Pressing her tits to his chest as he held her waist, her hips smacking up and down on him as her thick latina booty wobbled and quivered for #68 who was stroking his cock excitedly at the sight…

Her hands reached around and spread her ass invitingly, looking right at him with her tongue out as he climbed up behind her on the couch and gave her what she wanted. "AAAAAH!!! SI!!" she squealed as two monster cocks rammed greedily into her body, plowing her ass and pussy as they pinned her between their burly bodies. #68 pressing his hands on her muscled back and making her big tits and her hard nipples bulge and rub on #79. "HAaah! AAAH! Put it in me! Harder!- Empújalo en mí! Golpea mi culo duro! Fóllame! Úsame! Haz que me corra en estas pollas!"

Grinding roughly into her body, plunging greedily in and out of her as they desperately slammed away into her tightening holes. Spurred on by her howls of dirty Spanish even if they didn't know what she was talking about…

She probably could've been asking about the weather and they would've pounded her harder as long as she was speaking Spanish… and they did.

Es tan profundo! Entierren esas varillas gruesas dentro de mí! Golpéame! Más difícil! Oh sí!" their powerful arms wrapped tightly around her body, #68 wrapping around her neck and #79 around her waist, thrusting grinding and thumping their hips hard against her body as her head flopped jerked and howled in orgasm. "Haah! Aaah! Me estoy corriendo!" her mouth opening wide as she shrieked erotically, #68 rapidly jackhammering into her ass before burying his cock balls deep into her twitching, tightening hole, feeling his hot load rush into her bowels as #79 bucked up his hips and shuddered himself, depositing a hot wad into her body to join #68's previous load. She shuddered pleasurably between them, biting her bottom lip as they groaned together.

The two men ground against her body, her head lying limply as she twitched, feeling her nerves shuddering and tightening, her muscles twitching as she released a deep sigh. "MMmmn-haaaaah…"

"Oooh. Ooh Shit." Hissed #68, slowly extracting his cock from her tight ass. He slipped free of her tight puckered backdoor with a soft 'pop' as he smacked her ass cheeks with his limp cock, flopping onto the couch as she tossed her hair, rolling off #79 slowly as he slipped off the couch.

"MMmn…" she moaned seductively slowly pushing herself upright, sitting in the middle of the couch, wriggling slightly as her body rode out the rest of her orgasm. She spread her legs, leaning back against the couch and shamelessly fingering her slick pussy, scooping out dollops of cum on her fingers and slipping them into her mouth to slurp them clean. "MMng!" moaning as the two men's erections soon returned, watching Green Lantern masturbate.

#79, wanting a piece of that ass himself, sat back down, taking her by the waist and yanking her on top of him, sliding his girth easily up her ass as she spread her legs over his and straddled his lap. "Haah…" she moaned, head rolling back as he held her waist, lifting her up and down as she helped him with her tip toes on the floor pushing her up and down with him. "MMn! MMngh! MMn!!" #68 stood up on the couch, approaching her from the side and turning her head as she opened her mouth. "Ah-" and felt his tip slide easily between her lips. "Mmn! MMngh! Mnn!" jerking her head up and down his shaft as #79 kept bouncing her on his lap. Bucking up into her body as the slapping of sweaty hips echoed around the room.

"MMN! MMn! MMn!" Green Lantern moaned around #68's cock, sliding her head easily up and down his shaft regardless of where it's been. Licking in clean with her tongue before he threw her head off his cock. "Ah!" he dropped off the couch, standing in front of her before pressing his tip back against her pussy as she clenched her teeth and squealed delightedly, "Oh SI! YES! OOOH!!" his cock slamming balls deep into her body abruptly, burying himself balls deep inside her as her toes curled and they began pounding her again. Just as hard as before, if not harder, but with the added benefit of watching her big beautiful breasts bouncing wildly on her chest. "AH! Ah! Ah! AH!!" panting erotically as her eyes rolled dreamily up into her head, gazing at the ceiling as she was steadily and rigorously fucked by a pair of big throbbing cocks burying themselves again and again deep into her body and stroking her sensitive insides, sending wave after wave of drunken orgasm through her well trained and honed body.

"Aah! Aaah! Ahh! Aaah!!" Howling rapturously as their hands explored her seductive body, her skin glistening with sweat as her insides tightened up with another climax, squeezing them both eagerly for more cum and grinding, their hands squeezing her tits and tugging her hair as she clenched her teeth ready to scream again- "Aaah!! AY!! SI!!" shuddering and writhing uncontrollably between them, almost bucking off #68 as he buried himself deep into her body to not only stay inside her but to keep her in place. "Cumming! Cumming! Cumming!!" she squeaked rapidly as the two began grinding inside her again. "Haa-haa! Aah…" she shuddered excitedly between them. Feeling #68 and #79, bucking their hips slowly against her before planting them balls deep into her body and releasing heavy loads. First #79, then #68. Their cocks pulsated deep in her body as she was filled with hot, warm cum rushing inside her like broken floodgates.

"Haaaaah…" she gasped as they collapsed together in a heap on the couch. Twitching and shaking as her toes scraped the floor, muscles tensing and brain-melting as they rolled onto the couch together #68 lying on his back with her on top of him and #79 flopping on top, with her once again the meat in a 'fuck-me-hard' sandwich as both physically fit men with above average sized cocks began bumping and grinding into her again. "Ah! AH! AH! FUCK! Me! ALL! NIGHT!" she begged deliriously as they tried their absolute hardest to comply… rigorously. "AAAGGH!!!" screaming as their bodies SLAMMED into her like Ronnie-Bell and Clothesline. #68 cupped her big tits as #79 grabbed at her hair, squeezing and tugging as they fucked like horny animals in heat.

"No te detengas! No te detengas! Sigue adelante! Más difícil! Más adentro! Empuje dentro de mí no importa qué! DIOS! MIO!!" she howled happily as they rammed away into her. "HA! AH! Ahh! Aaah SI! OOOH FUCK!!!"

Their arms, legs, and bodies entwined in a mass of sweaty, sore, and exhausted flesh they collapsed together with a triumphantly primal roar, their shrieks and cries of erotic pleasure mingling like a screeching choir as they collapsed in a heap on the couch… their cocks pulsating in her sensitive, trembling body as she gazed blankly at the ceiling, before her eyes slowly shut and she passed out contentedly between a pair of handsome, muscular men…

…Some people take sleeping pills for a good night's rest, she takes double penetration (numerous creampies and orgasm) and saws logs all night… gives a new meaning to the phrase 'Take two and call me in the morning' doesn't it?

Time: 5:33 AM. Place: Haven't gone anywhere. (Green Lantern's Apartment)

Her entire body was burning inside and out. A sign that she worked it hard in multiple ways. Through plenty of exercise, hard physical activity, and hardcore sex… or some combination of the two or all three, obviously. Her arms and legs stretched, but she remained mostly unmoving as she was pinned between a pair of men she didn't recognize, at first, but then groaned as she did. From the Marathon, they got drinks and now they were at her apartment…

She didn't have to be Batman to deduce what happened. It's occurred so many times before in just as many ways… but her body thanked her anyway and her holes were still stuffed with cock… "Mmn…" she whimpered softly, stiff, sore, but filled was such a gratifying feeling that she didn't necessarily want it to end but she certainly KNEW it had to… she can't spend all day getting Double Penetrated she had to work today…

She'd probably spend most of the NIGHT getting double penetrated but she needed a cold bath and a good rub-down before she went to work and staying pinned between to muscular adonis-like men wasn't going to help… much.

Okay. What she DID NOT need to do right now was set them off again. It has happened before on more than one occasion when upon waking up balls deep inside her, her various partners would just start pounding her again… So, carefully now, she removed… whoever was inside her, she thinks it was #79, shuddering slightly as she then abruptly rolled her legs out from beneath him, off the couch and slipped #68 out of her ass as she wobbled upright. Quietly moaning as she was emptied and left the two on top of each other on the couch.

"Phew." She sighed, brushing her hair with her fingers and realizing she was still wearing the Superbabes sweatband, "Hah." She yanked it off and waddled toward her bathroom and the shower. She'll deal with the two men later after she was thoroughly cleansed. She entered her bathroom, turned on the shower and let the water heat up a little before slipping inside and sighing softly. "MMmn…" she washed her body quickly, then shampooed her hair, closing her eyes as she did so and jumping slightly as she heard her shower door open. "Wha-ooh." She mumbled, feeling a cock between her ass cheeks. "Come on boys I can't don't this all day-OH!" she squeaked as his cock rushed up her ass.

"One last time." Came the accented Jamaican voice as he immediately began thrusting into her ass.

"Ah! Ah! You're oh! OH!" shampoo hosed out of her hair as she clawed at his arms squeezing her chest, opening her eyes just in time for #79 to slip into the shower. "Ah…" she groaned, her legs spread as he rushed up her snug little pussy. "NNGH!" clenching her teeth as her lips stretched into a knowing smirk. "NGh!" both of them pounding and slapping away in her body as her toes scraped the slippery shower floor. #68 pressed back against the wall for support as #79 kept pounding into her. "Ha! Aah! Ah!"

"I can't stop cumming inside you!" snarled #79, burying his cock into her body and doing just that as #68 trembled in her ass, and dropped another thick load up inside it as she shrieked an orgasm that echoed in the bathroom. "Fuck…" he growled, their lengths twitching inside her as she breathed heavily. "How about we just take her into her bedroom and lock the door.

"A… very… interesting idea but…" Green Lantern cooed, "I have work today… so-Oooooh…" they began grinding inside her again. "B-Boys, please, I'd love to play but I have work!" she groaned, "Toda-aya-ay AH SI… wait… Boys!" she groaned as they began slamming into her. "I! Can't just! Fuck! All Oh! DIOS! MIO!!!"

Grinding inside her once again as she tightened up around their massive cocks, Green Lantern howled erotically and encouragingly as the two pounded her harder, faster, pressing her firmly between them as they used her body for another deposit of thick cum into her body… "Haah…"

Suddenly the shower door opened again and a pair of huge hands reached in, grabbed #79 and yanked him from Green Lantern. "Whoa-AH!" there was a crash as he was hurled out of the bathroom, followed closely by #68. Green Lantern knelt in the shower, her legs jelly and her body twitching in orgasm as she raised her hand and gave the towering Ronnie-Bell a trembling thumbs up. "…Thank you…" she cooed satisfyingly as the big girl sighed.

"Uh huh. Be right back Lucy." She walked out of the bathroom, and there was a few moments of-"Hey! Whoa! How strong are you?!"

"I am to CRANKY to deal with this." Declared Ronnie-Bell, "Bye boys!" she said.

"Wait let us get our clothes!" WHAM! The door swung shut. Then after a second, it opened again, and it was followed by a "Thank you." Before the door swung shut again. Lucy grabbed the wall, and climbed the wall of the shower, wobbling on her legs as Ronnie-Bell returned and yawned.


"Obviously." Replied Ronnie-Bell, yawning again. "She woke me up for this you know." she stretched, "I'm crashing on your couch."

"I wouldn't it has all sorts of fluids on it."

"…I'm taking your bed. I need at least 3 more hours of sleep." She declared as Lucy wiggled out of the bathroom and dried herself off.

"It is a pretty big bed…" she replied under her breath, before wiggling out of the bathroom and sitting on the couch, sighing, then turning on the TV to watch her friend's early morning workout show… then falling asleep naked…

…Feeling kinda empty… but she'd probably only have to wait for tonight for another round of air-tight sex… especially after the free advertising she gave during the event. She was VERY popular for the various cameras on the route.


Now to the butchering.

Empújalo en mí! Golpea mi culo duro! Fóllame! Úsame! Haz que me corra en estas pollas! = Shove it in me! Pound my ass hard! Fuck me! Use me! Make me cum on these cocks!

Es tan profundo! Entierren esas varillas gruesas dentro de mí! Golpéame! Más difícil! Oh sí! = It's so deep! Bury those thick rods inside me! Pound me! Harder! Oh YES!

Me estoy corriendo! = I'm cumming!"

No te detengas! No te detengas! Sigue adelante! Más difícil! Más adentro! Empuje dentro de mí no importa qué! = Don't stop! Don't Stop! Keep going! Harder! Deeper! Thrust inside me no matter what!

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