
Catered Party: Huntress, Black Canary, Catwoman II

I don't own DC

"TWEET!" Giganta whistled sharply as the girls on the floor, currently crowded with patrons stuck her big red head through the doorframe leading into the lounge. "Ladies! Fall in!" she declared as many of the other girls hesitated, but they all strutted into the back, most of the girls waving temporary farewells to the crowd as they stood before Orders.

"Party." She declared, and immediately half the girls headed back onto the floor to the happy cheers of the patrons. "Oh that will never not be funny." The purple-eyed boss of Superbabes added sarcastically before giving Giganta a glance as the biggest babe promptly blocked the doorway with her very sexy bulk, (giving the floor a spectacular view of her backside.) Huntress walked right into her before she could escape. Giganta winked down at her as Huntress sighed.

"Damn it."

"Who wants it?" declared Orders waving the receipt.

"I'll take it." Catwoman (II) declared arriving late but hearing 'party'. "Let me get changed." She added.

"That's one. Any other takers?"

"Fine. I'll go." Huntress noted. "Not like I'm dealing with half a dozen guys out there or anything. At least I'll have good company."

"I'm sure the boys out there will be happy with their temporary replacement waitress." Orders noted sarcastically as Star Sapphire was already claiming those tips… and nearly taking some other 'tips' too. "Giganta will you watch her for a minute." Giganta rolled her pretty blue eyes whimsically, before walking out onto the floor to help work the crowd and throw a few out who got too handsy with local sweetheart bimbo Star Sapphire. "Now anyone else?" she asked.

Normally catered parties were good money and she'd have no shortage of volunteers, but there were more than a few criminals out of Arkham tonight, half a dozen police sirens passed by the restaurant more than once in different directions in the last hour alone, and if it was safe ANYWHERE in Gotham it was safe at Superbabes.

"Fine." Orders sighed, "Back to work." The girls funneled back onto the floor as Catwoman walked out of the locker rooms zipping up that gorgeous brown body into the tight catsuit and smiling at her friend Huntress. "…Maybe you could make do with two-" she paused, her purple-eyes flickering. "…Ugh, she rubbed her forehead. "No... you'll be there forever if I just send just you two, I can't have you out all night."

"I'm sorry. Two ex-pornstars will be out all night?" Huntress asked suspiciously.

"Hmn…" Orders didn't really answer so that was concerning.

"Orders." Huntress added sternly.

"…A couple of regulars are throwing a party." Orders replied, "…They're pretty constant in their ordering and now they have company." She tapped the table. "Black Canary."

"Awe-Come on!" Black Canary groaned, missing a shot at the pool table before putting down the stick irately. "Really? You're sending me?"

"Well I can't send Veronica she's not here." Orders replied dismissively. "…You can have a drink or two." Black Canary raised an eyebrow at that. "This catered party is happening at an actual party so have fun. You'll have designated drivers."

"…Oooh I know this is a trap. But fine…" grumbled Black Canary approaching the counter as several bags of food soon slid across it. Huntress claimed the receipt.

"Just have a good time until you're done." Orders checked the clock. "See you in a few hours."

"Hours huh? So it's an Orgy?" Black Canary asked as the girls hefted the bags from the counter. Orders however didn't answer. "Orders? You're not answering."

"Just come on." Huntress declared as they got to the catered party van. Securing the food in the back as they all got into their seats. Huntress driving, they buckled in and began to drive off into Gotham. "It's just like old times." She noted to Catwoman who laughed. "When we had to party with producers."

"At least we're getting paid more…" noted Catwoman with a laugh as Huntress began driving towards Gotham heights, "And have better medical, our coworkers are nicer…"

"Our boss is still a bitch." Mumbled Black Canary exasperatedly.

"That's only REALLY to you?" replied Catwoman apologetically, "You give her a LOT of lip." Black Canary chose not to comment. "I mean actual confrontational lip, we all give her a bit of a ribbing sometimes that's part of the fun…"

They drove through Gotham, and watched a police chase drive through an intersection, before finally climbing up into Gotham heights until they came across a manor that was CLEARLY having a party. There were people out in the yard dancing and drinking in what appeared to be moderation. "And where the hell are we?" asked Black Canary as Huntress parked on the curb. She got out and already strutted around to the back of the van to carry some of the food.

"…Harland manor." Huntress replied. "…Aren't those the guys who are always banging Leslie?"

"And anyone else they can get their mitts on." Catwoman added, smirking as they began walking towards the front of the house through the crowd of dancing people. One of them carrying two beers in his hand as Black Canary casually yanked it from his grip, he didn't even really notice until he tried to give it to his date. "Not even going to wait huh?" asked Catwoman as they all reached the front door.

"Orders said I could drink." Black Canary replied, winking a pretty blue eye at the thick-bottomed beauty before tilting the bottle back and letting it flow quickly down her throat with little to no resistance. "Ah… so I'm having a drink." She replied, putting the empty bottle on the railing of the steps. Huntress and Catwoman were a little impressed that Black Canary could gulp that down so quickly, but they put it behind them and raised their fists to knock on the front door. The two ex-pornstars declaring-


Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Harland Manor)

"Special Delivery Service!"

The door took a minute to open as Catwoman wiggled that big, beautiful booty, dancing to the thumping music playing outside as Black Canary soon joined in, her big breasts bouncing in her corset as the door finally opened…

If they expected a full-figured maid with big breasts, a big ass, and in a tight black bikini and matching high heels they were still a little surprised. She still wore her maid cap which was the only thing that told them that she was a maid in the first place. her large plump breasts wobbled as she sighed at the all too familiar sight of Superbabes.

"Oh…" she mumbled upon seeing them, then her face a little red as she gestured for them to follow her. "Come in." she said, taking a bag of food from Huntress and turning around displaying that big poundable backside barely restrained by her bikini bottoms and leading them into the dining room where there was already an impressive but diminished spread of food. "Young masters!" she shouted, putting the bag down on the table as the girls did the same. "…You have guests." She added, standing submissively away from the table.

She stopped being a proper maid for a moment, looking irritated as she gazed up, as if seeing through the roof. "Young masters!" she shouted impatiently before sighing audibly. "…They're fighting right now." She said conversationally as if that explained anything.

"…Do you always look like that?" asked Huntress curiously as the maid fidgeted arousingly.

"Not always." She replied exasperatedly. Blushing again. "Only when they're entertaining... and want to show me off."

"Speaking of should we get back out there?" asked Catwoman still dancing subtly to the music.

"I'm not sure…" she replied.

"ALEXA." Shouted a pair of identical voices as they made themselves known. The Harland Twins, Leo and Colt wearing red and blue boxers tried to enter the dining room, shoving angrily at each other until they broke through together and promptly pouted. "Alexa!" they repeated again in synch before grabbing at each other. "Stop copying me!"

"Young Masters." Alexa scolded exasperatedly. Then sighed, "the SUPERBABES are here, young masters."

Leo and Colt glanced at the babes, their fingers in their mouths and stretching their lips as they gazed at the girls. The sumptuous huntress, the big-titted blonde, and the dancing, jiggling, black Catwoman who waved playfully at them. They coughed and adjusted themselves. Grinning at the girls as Black Canary claimed a cold one from a nearby cooler.

"Welcome to the party!-" they began but paused, glaring at each other before one of them, let us say Leo. Marched over to Alexa, grabbed her roughly and stood behind her.

"MGn!" he grabbed at her big breasts as she moaned whorishly as his fingers sunk into her plump tits.

"I'm holding the sex maid so I get to talk!" he declared almost childishly, before addressing the SUperbabes. "Okay girls. Ready to play?"

"Mmn-hmmn." Smiled Huntress, resting a hand on her hip. "Soo… when's this orgy getting started?" she asked almost dismissively.

"It's already started it's upstairs." Declared Colt.

"I'm holding Alexa!" Leo demanded, squeezing the beautiful sex maid as she moaned again. "It's already started."

"Young master please just get a stick or something-MMNGh!" she moaned as he stuck his stick between her plump ass cheeks holding her to his body.

"We're welcoming a new guy to the neighborhood. So we wanted to show him the best time with the Superbabes. And a few other people are already hooking up in the other rooms so feel free to join in with whoever!"

"Uh-huh… so just look around and check out who wants to bang?" Huntress laughed, rolling her eyes. "Oooh this job."

"Well first let us introduce you to our new buddy." Declared Leo, squeezing Alexa's breasts before licking her cheek as she shuddered. "Then you can do what you like! It's a party!"

"Dibs on Catwoman!" Declared Colt already rushing to a dancing Catwoman as she giggled, his hands on her wiggling body as he danced with her leading her out of the dining room.

"Hey! I wanted Catwoman!" Leo growled as Alexa moaned under his hands.

"She's got plenty of pretty holes." Cooed Black Canary sultrily, "Share and share alike." She teased sensually as Colt squeezed at Catwoman's body.

"This ass is perfect!"

"No-no." she cooed teasingly as they all ascended the steps. "It's PURRFECT." She purred as Colt laughed. Huntress laughed too but rolled her eyes as they all arrived at the second floor to the sounds of moaning and grunting from several shut rooms.

"Dick move bro, I wanted Catwoman first!" Leo growled as he continued to aggressively molest his moaning sex maid.

"You're acting like she's the only sexy piece of ass in the manor." Moaned Black Canary seductively, apparently finishing another beer before tossing it aside to roll on the floor. Before clutching Alexa's face. "This is a good one… mmmn…" she shoved her tongue into a squealing Alexa's mouth.

"Oh shit." Everyone said together in some surprise as Black Canary seemed to go full Veronica, molesting Alexa's soft sex maid body as Leo gazed in aroused awe.

"Dibs on the blonde…" Leo breathed, "And Alexa!" he quickly added before returning his hands to her soft ass as Alexa moaned into the busty blonde's mouth, their heavy breasts pressing together as Huntress looked between them as Catwoman as Colt watched jealously, but was clearly still enjoying the beautiful black woman's body. "…Well I'm feeling left out…"

"…Let's get the door first." Grumbled Colt, before opening the main bedroom door. "You can entertain our new buddy."

"Lucky me." Smiled Huntress prettily, before strutting right in.

"Hi!" declared a cheerful young man sitting half naked in a chair. Dark hair, 18-19, a distinct 'Grace would eat him alive' look. "I'm Greg. You're really pretty!" Huntress just smiled as she approached Greg. Looming over him with her breasts in his face but not touching him. As she cooed sensually down at him.

"Hi Greg. I'm Huntress." She cooed, sliding onto his lap as she felt his erection against her costumed lower body. "And I'm here to give you a good time."

"…AWESOME!" he moaned happily between her breasts, grinning up at her pretty masked face.

As Huntress introduced Greg to her big soft tits and her shapely ass cheeks in a gyrating lapdance, Colt was burying his own face into a pair of tits. Although they were darker and smelled oddly like cinnamon. "Oooh… MMn!" purred Catwoman as Colt rubbed her tits in his face as he slowly unzipped her suit, grabbing at her big beautiful ass as she yanked her suit slowly off her body. "Yes… play with this pussy…" she purred giddily, feeling his erection through his underwear against her as the suit hit the floor. She tossed her kitty hat head as she swiveled her hips, grinding against him like a stripper pole as his hands clapped her thick ass cheeks.

"You're so hot!" he praised as she pulled his face from her chest. She licked his face like a kitten as he laughed before she turned around, wiggling her rear on his cock and crawling onto the bed. Shaking her big black ass before crawling around and facing him.

"Ahh… come here and let this little kitty have her cream!" she cooed, letting her ass cheeks wobble wildly together behind her as he removed his underwear, pushing his tip against her protruding tongue. She licked at it, smiled then began thrusting her head down onto his girth as he moved closer, pumping towards her head as he grabbed at the kitty cap. "MMmn-hmn!"

"MMn!" moaned Black Canary, as Alexa wobbled between her and Leo, wobbling toward the bed where Catwoman was giving Colt head and shaking dat ass. "This slut tastes good." Black Canary purred, slowly stripping off her clothes to the floor as Alexa whimpered into her lips. Drool slobbering down their chins onto their big wobbling breasts.

"That's why we hired her." Leo declared, squeezing the sex maid's huge ass cheeks. "That and her body… and her cleaning skills." His hands slid around the plump sex Maid to slip into the front of her bikini bottoms to start fingering her tight sex maid pussy. "And she-

"-let's us fuck her as hard as we want… aah…" sighed Colt happily.

"I was getting to that! I'm fucking the sex maid!" he declared, before yanking the backside of her bikini bottoms with his hand in a fist, and shoving his cock right up her thick poundable ass cheeks.

"MMNGh! MMn!" she moaned into Black Canary's mouth before yanking her face away. "Aah-Aah young master Leo! Wait! Please! OOHO!!"

"Shut up." Moaned Black Canary whorishly, "Be thankful you're getting fucked so hard… I wish I was getting fucked hard right now…" she slovenly licked Alexa's squealing lips, before hooking the back of her head. "You're a sex maid make me feel good too." Licking Alexa's screaming lips as she lay back on the bed spreading her legs for Alexa to bend over.

"Ah-ah! Aah! Young! Master! Leo!" she whimpered before her face was buried into Black Canary's pussy. "Haaa-aah-aahlaaa!" licking it longingly as Black Canary quivered, holding Alexa's head and lips to her pussy as Leo kept pounding her fuckable body from behind.

Colt watched his brother pound their mutual sex maid, as the sexy poundable maid eat out the big titty blonde, writhing and grinding up against her face as her big breasts wobbled on her chest, moaning erotically as he returned his attention to the beautiful black girl sucking on his cock, and her thick black ass jiggling in the air behind her.

"Mmn! Mmn! MGN!" she moaned as he swatted that big beautiful ass and took a fistful of it. It wiggled in his grip. "Mmn-hmmn!" she slowly pulled her lips back on his cock, popping off as she smiled up at him. "Don't be jealous…" she purred. Pushing herself upright and displaying her beautiful belly dancer body. "Come make this pussy purr." She added, licking her lips of cock as she rubbed her dripping pussy, shaking her hips expertly. Colt grinned, crawling onto the bed after her and sucking on her big breasts as his cock poked at her dripping crotch. "Oooh…" she moaned as Colt pushed into her body, already banging away at her as her head rolled back on her neck and her moans mingled with Black Canary's howls and Alexa's muffled screams.

"Get it. Come on get it! Make that pussy purr!" cooed Catwoman as she fell backward, lying on her legs as he continued to roughly thrust into her body. "Ugh! Ugh! Aah…" mounting on top of her and furiously thrusting into her body as he pawed at her caramel-colored breasts as they wobbled with his thrusts, her bellydancer belly flexing as he pinned her to the mattress.

Alexa squealed into Black Canary's pussy, her eyes rolling up into her head as Leo kept pounding her ass until her body gave up and she collapsed to the floor in a twitching orgasmic heap. Leo gazed briefly at his erotically twitching sex maid before quickly clambering over her, pushing his tip into Black Canary's dripping pussy, lubricated by Alexa's tongue as he grabbed fistfuls of her big tits. "NGH! Ugh! Aah!" Black Canary groaned as Leo clambered on the bed, seemingly trying to match his brother's pussy fucking pace, or more likely competing with him to see who could make their superbabe cum first. And Colt got a head start.

"Fuck me. Fuck me." Chanted Black Canary, moaning as she spread her legs and clawed the bedsheets. "Harder. Harder! Uuuh!" her back arched her body up toward Leo who pinned her back down onto the bed with his thrusts as her toes curled and clawed the side of the bed. "Yeah. YEAH…" she whined, hands on his ass and pulling him deeper. "Yeah, I want to be filled up with cock. it only feels good when I'm getting used to drain DICK." she whined erotically, her eyes widening. "FUuck…meee." she moaned, shaking in orgasm.

Huntress and Catwoman could not help but note the noticeable change in the usually bitchy Black Canary, begging for dick like Veronica after a day with no deliveries. Catwoman's eyes rolled as she came on Colt's cock, clawing at the sheets as she grinned through clenched teeth.

"You smell good too!" praised Greg suddenly between Huntress's cleavage as she laughed, gyrating her thick lower body on his lap as his hands wandered her shapely frame. Black Canary screamed for more as Leo mounted her, pounding at her body in a mating press as Huntress tossed her pretty masked head.

"Hmmn… I smell good huh?" she repeated, feeling his hands on her ass cheeks as she sat up. Rubbing her crotch against his above-average erection as she began to unzip. "MMmn…" her suit falling away as she briefly slipped off his body. Her costume was loosened around her body, falling away and leaving her in her gloves boots and mask as she danced briefly in place shimmying out of her clothes as she leaned back over him, pushing her breasts back into her face.

"…I love boobs." He declared happily between them as she laughed, feeling his hands squeeze her heavy chest.

"No mouth filter huh? That's alright… we're all here to have fun aren't we?" she cooed grabbing his boxers and tugging them from his lap. Letting them crumple around his ankles as she knelt off the chair, sliding her breasts on his legs as she grabbed at his cock and gave it a few quick strokes before resting her tongue against it and giving it a firm lick. "Aaahhh…" a trail of her saliva streaked on his cock and was rubbed in by her stroking hand as she cooed softly. Kissing his tip as he relaxed in the chair, almost melting. Grinning happily as she opened her mouth and wrapped those skilled lips around the tip. "Mmn! Mmn-hmmn…" burying her face into his crotch over and over as his hands rested on her masked head.

"HAaah! Aah!! AAH!!" Black Canary howled, shrieking her orgasm as Leo pounded down into her rough and hard, gripping her wavy blonde hair. "Ooo-ooh! YEAH!!" moaned Black Canary, shaking as he planted his hips down and pumped her full of hot cum.

"NNGH!!" grinding on her body, his balls quivering as he smacked them against her ass and bucked his hips. "That was HOT."

"MMMn!!" Black Canary moaned whorishly as Catwoman began gasping for breath.

"Ha!" declared Colt, pounding away at her body, "You came first!" he declared, wrapping his mouth around Catwoman's right tit. "Mmngh!" then letting out what he had to get out.

"OOooH! Me-owww!" she purred, feeling his load rush into her body as he bucked his hips. "Uugh-uuh yeah…"

"I fucked Alexa until she passed out first!" declared Leo, slowly extracting his cock from a writhing Black Canary as Alexa whimpered erotically from the floor. "So HA! I made two of them cum before I did!"

"Now do it again…" cooed Black Canary invitingly, her fingers clawing at his waist but apparently Leo was too infuriated by Colt to succumb to Black Canary's cry… at first.

"Let's switch! I bet I make Catwoman cum before you can do the same to Black Canary!" Leo declared with dick-swinging confidence as he walked around the bed to the other side. Colt, accepting the challenge, just crawled across towards Black Canary as Leo grabbed Catwoman and hauled her from the bed. Swatting her big black ass before pressing her up against the wall.

"Ah-ha-ha…" she laughed as he squeezed her thick brown ass cheeks. Colt lay on his back, Black Canary between his legs and sucking his cock of Catwoman juices,

"Mmgnh… mmn…" she knelt at the edge of the bed, saying her prayers to her cock god as he grabbed at her blonde head, continuing to bob her head up and down. "Mmngh-SLURP! MMn!!" shaking her head wildly as her tongue slathered all over his cock.

"Get on this cock you're going for a ride!" declared Colt, pulling her to her feet by her head as she panted like a bitch in heat, swinging a leg over his lap and feeling his cock slip slowly into her pussy as Catwoman mewed adorably, Leo pushing up her ass until he was buried balls deep inside her.

"Fuck my ass! Fuck my big black ASSSS." She hissed as Leo did just that, railing her against the wall as her cheeks rippled against his hips springboarding off her, her tits pressed against the wall as she moaned whorishly. As she was taking an anal pounding Black Canary bounced up and down on Colt.

"Yes! YES! Oh FUCK! I'm riding this cock all the way home! YES! AAAH!!" the bed creaked and groaned beneath them as Colt thrust up into Black Canary's trembling body her breasts jumping up and down. So he caught them in his hands, squeezing them and tweaking her nipples as she tightened around him. "Haaaah!" shrieking in pleasure.

"Haah! Aah!" Greg moaned, bucking against Huntress's face as she kept diving into his crotch. "Sorry. SORRY! I'm gonna cum!" he warned.

"MMmngh!" and she gulped it right down, holding her lips on his tip she breathed sensually through her nose. "SLURP." Sucking his cum out of his cock as her tongue danced on his glans. "Mmm-hmm…"

"Haah…" he sighed happily, grinning broadly as he slipped from her lips. She opened her mouth to show him his load before her lips sealed shut and down it went.

"Aaah!" she stuck her tongue out as he grinned at her.

"That was awesome! Can we do that again?" he asked as his cock, immediately, jumped up at the words, erect and waiting for another round between Huntress's lips as the squeals of the other two Superbabes, and grunts of angry horny twins mingled and echoed around the room.

"…Alright." Huntress smiled, "…If you want my mouth again." she cooed, running her tongue around his tip. "Who am I, to say no?" she cooed. "Mwah." Kissing his urethra and diving back onto his cock. "Mmn! MMn! MMn!" twisting her head as her hands clawed his smooth thighs gently, sending sensual tingles over his skin as he suckled on his cock again. His hands once again resting on her head but more out of a desire to put them somewhere on her body rather than to control the motion of her cock-sucking.

"Ugh! Ugh! UGH!!" Leo slammed into Catwoman's ass, hissing angrily to himself as she squealed delightedly at the oncoming orgasm. "This ass is too good!" he moaned into her ear. "You got to cum! Cum already! Cum!"

At the same time Colt, more than satisfied in a roaring Black Canary pussy, had a similar idea. Grabbing her and rolled her over so he was on top of her now, pounding down into her body as he held her lower body up in the air, her legs flopping about. "Ugh! CUM already!"

"I want to! I want to cum fuck me!!" squealed Black Canary as both Superbabes screamed in orgasm so closely together that it was a photo-finish simultaneous climax. Black Canary twitching a jiggling erotically as Catwoman leaned back against Leo, thrusting up into her ass as Colt continued to pound down…

Both twins pumping their respective Superbabe full of semen in tandem.

Everyone was panting and gasping for breath except Huntress, who was moaning around Greg's cock, the chipper guy grinning happily as he squirmed in the reclining chair. "Damn it another tie!" Leo groaned as Catwoman wobbled gloriously in place as he pulled from her ass.

Colt yanked from Black Canary who flopped onto the bed. Cooing like a pigeon as she writhed erotically on the sheets. "We need a direct call!" declared Colt firmly. "An unbiased opinion!"

"A simultaneous opinion!" Leo agreed.

Both twins glanced at Huntress but Greg, blinked at them, then wrapped his arms around Huntress's bobbing head. "Nuh-uh! This one's mine!" he declared almost childishly. "-and I'm not ready to share yet!" he added, "Ooooh! S-Sorry!"

"Mmmn…" moaned Huntress, pushing him back into the chair as he went limp and she drained his balls again.

Leo and Colt sighed, glaring each other down. "Alexa!" she shouted, but the poor exhausted Sex Maid whimpered dejectedly from the floor.

"Young Masters I have been helping you all day… please let me rest…" she whined unintentionally seductive as Black Canary rolled over and crawled like a hungry cat toward the edge of the bed before slinking off onto the floor where Alexa whimpered and cried out like a horror movie victim. "N-No please…"

"Shush, slut… this is your job…" cooed Black Canary sultrily, "Cum here…"


Black Canary and Alexa writhed on the floor together as Catwoman sat on the mattress, rubbing her still quivering bodies as Leo and Colt watched the big titty blonde and their maid-for-pounding sex maid furiously finger and kiss each other on the floor. Their cocks rose up together at the sight before both glanced over their shoulders at Catwoman, who smiled prettily at them.

"Tie breaker?" asked Leo

"Tie. Break. Her." declared Colt, encouragingly.

"Me-ow…" purred Catwoman. "…Come here kittens." She declared invitingly. "Let me take care of you purrfectly…" she was dragged carefully onto the bed. Leo and Colt lay her in the middle before both doing the same on either side as they caressed her. "Haaah…" rubbing their cocks against her shapely legs as they ground hot and heavy against her body. "Ha-ha-haaaah." She laughed as she was rolled onto her side, her right leg was lifted in the air by both of them, as their cocks smacked against her pussy and ass… she wiggled her hips exactly, gyrating that belly dancer body as their tips found her entrances.

"Fuck me boys." She begged as their arms wrapped around her waist, "Haaah!!" she went limp as they began pounding the FUCK out of her. Like they practiced Double Penetration or something. "Aah! HA! MEOW!" she howled as their cocks throbbed excitedly inside her. "Oh YES! Just how I LIKE it! Being double fucked by two big dicked tomcats!" her eyes rolling with her hips as she pushed them back and forth on their cocks, biting her lower lip and moaning. "MMMGN!!" wrapping her arms around their heads, "Ha! AH! Aaah!! MMN!!" purring loudly as her holes were ravaged by DP specialists.

"Haah…" Greg moaned again as Huntress slipped off his cock, licking her lips again as he immediately twitched back to life. "Again please." He moaned as Huntress… sighed.

"Again? Greg, I sucked out four loads already!" she declared sternly as Greg pouted adorably at her.

"But it feels so good…" he declared, his cock twitching as Huntress cracked her neck.

"…Okay." She said as he smiled. "…Okay." She repeated smiling prettily back before running her tongue over her lips so they wouldn't chaff. She glanced quickly around, and spotted an empty discarded beer bottle, she grabbed it and stood it up beside her thigh. "…Speed round." She declared, opening her mouth and wrapping those lips around Greg's cock that just wouldn't stay down.

Speaking of staying down.

"Finger me." Groaned Black Canary, grinding her pussy on Alexa's fingers. "You're good for cock but you're terrible with women." and the sex maid squirmed under her fingers. "Come on." She moaned, licking Alexa's big tits, up her neck, and then her face as the sex maid squirmed. "Feel that dick juice on your fingers? That's your regular cock juice." She pulled away from her hand before swinging around, 69-ing the Sex Maid. Squeezing Alexa's fat ass as she buried her face into her shaven pussy. "Aah… Suck out that cum."


"No wonder they love this pussy it's sweat. Aaaah…" moaned Black Canary shoving her tongue into Alexa's warm, dripping slit as her own pussy muffled her squeals of orgasmic pleasure not that her bucking hips up into Black Canary's face as she spasmed weren't a dead giveaway.

"Haaah!!" Greg thrashed about as he deposited another wad into Huntress's mouth in rapid suck-cession. Now a regular person might think that a man cumming in under a minute in a woman's mouth might be something to degrade them about… depending on the circumstances.

For instance. If Huntress got Greg to cum in less than a minute again, and again, and again, and again…

"Haaaha!!" Greg moaned again as he lost track of just how many times he ejaculated in Huntress's mouth. It happened so fast that he was starting to consider the idea that it was actually just one big orgasm that didn't stop. Her head pounding up and down on his cock as she slurped noisily, she popped off his quivering dick as it oozed precum from the tip and down the shaft. She took about ten seconds to claim the beer bottle near her thigh with squirrel-stuffed cheeks before depositing the load into the bottle. Then going back for more, licking the cum up his shaft before sucking him again. "Haah!" And slurping out another load.

"MEOW! BOYS! OOOH!!" yowled Catwoman as Leo and Colt Harland continued to eagerly do what they did best, double teaming a sexy babe. "Oh-OH! Bad boys! Fucking me so hard!" she purred seductively, pumping her hips back and forth on them as she clenched her teeth. "Nasty! Nasty fucking boys! OOH!! FUCK!" she thrashed between them as she climaxed, her body tensing around their cocks as Leo and Colt pounded deep into her body, squeezing her tightly as they bucked and pumped their cum into her.

Holding tightly to her body they licked and sucked on her skin, her neck, back and shoulders… pinning her body between them as their limbs wrapped around her like animals seeking warmth. It might have been cute if they weren't clearly making sure she couldn't escape as they emptied their balls into her taught brown body. She purred softly, licking them both over the squeals of Alexa, the orgasmic moans of Greg and the grunting slurps of Huntress depositing another of Greg's plentiful loads into the beer bottle with seductive moans.

"Oooh..." she cooed as Colt, buried in her pussy squeezed her ass cheeks. Leo, up her ass, squeezed her tits. "Yeah…"

"Who made you cum more?!" the twins asked, before glaring at each other.

"Boys. Boys. Boys…" she purred. "…I don't care." she declared giggling seductively as she licked a pouty Leo's cheek, then an annoyed Colt's forehead. "You should just fuck and make-up… not with each other of course." She declared quickly, "That's just gross… I meant me. Or Black Canary. Or Huntress… or your sexy maid…" she pushed Colt out of her pussy, sliding off Leo's cock before rolling over on top of him. "Or me." She repeated with a purr, shaking her big black ass until she caught his cock inside her pussy. "Mmn!" she grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading herself as she gazed at Colt, licking his brother's cheek playfully. "Fuck me like you're pornstars…" Colt crawled behind her catching her wriggling ass cheeks in his hands, "Yeah kitty wants more cream."

Leo's arms lashed around her mid-back, and Colt's hooked around her neck, "Oh!" they began pounding her beautiful body, slamming into her holes as her teeth clenched, restrained between them and 'forced' to take their Double Penetration. "YES!!"

"MMmn-MMN! MWAH!!!" Greg shuddered as Huntress popped off his cock, and took the beer bottle from the floor spitting out the recent load… it filled up almost to the neck of the bottle. She wasn't sure how many loads she sucked out of him but his cock finally didn't shoot back up once she was done. Huntress shook out her hair, slowly standing up as Greg managed to pry himself out of the chair and press his face between her tits as she chuckled.

"Glad you liked it…" she cooed, feeling his erection throb with the squeals of Catwoman on the bed. "Haah… Alright." She shoved him playfully away, before turning around and clapping her hands on her own thick ass cheeks. Certainly not on Catwoman's level but nice and big for your pounding pleasure. "I'm getting bored of sucking you off." and dry lips. "So…" she sat on his lap, grinding her hips on his lap and his cock between her ass cheek. "Let's really have some fun." She grabbed the arms of the recliner, standing up as she shimmied her ass cheeks behind her, catching his cock with her pussy lips.

"Like that?" she breathed sensually, glancing over his shoulder as he gazed in worshipful awe at her ass cheeks, his hands rubbing them as she began to swing her ass up and down. She wasn't 'bouncing' on him, she was doing squats on him. Bending her knees and using the arms of the chair for balance. "haah! Aah yes… Ooh making me suck your cock when I wanted it inside me. How mean…" playing her pornstar cards well as Greg moaned happily, bucking his hips up into her harder and harder. "Haah! Aah!" she slammed her hips on him, pinning him to the chair as NOW, she bounced on him. "Oh! Oh! Oh! YES!" his hands fondling her heavy breasts from behind as she moaned. "Yes squeeze my tits while I ride your cock!"

Greg cheered happily, sinking his fingers into her chest. "This is AWESOME!"

"Yes! Yes!..." Panted Huntress, glancing over her shoulder, "Do you like fucking me?"

"Yes!" he cheered giddily, "You're awesome!"

She smiled seductively, "Then fuck me harder. Aah!" pulling her down and bucking up into her body, smacking away at her with his hips. "AH YES! Use me!" it sounded like there was an echo because half a second later-

"USE ME!" Squealed Catwoman, "FUCK me! Use me! OH god I'm gonna cuuuuum!" she whined happily as Colt and Leo railed away at her sumptuous flesh. "It feels so GOOOOOD!"

"Haa-aah! So tight! I want to fuck her all night!" declared Leo

"Let's fuck her all night!" agreed Colt.

"FUCK ME ALL NIGHT!! STUFF YOUR COCKS INSIDE MEEEEEE. UGH!!" her eyes widened, staring at the headboard of the bed as she stuck out her tongue and moaned.

"OH SHIT!/AAAARGH!!" the twins planted their cocks inside her as they all clung together in a jello-y mass of flesh.

"Cumming inside…" purred Catwoman, "Oooh shit…" she cooed, lying on top of Colt, or maybe Leo…

"…Black chicks are awesome." Declared Leo ad Colt together as they all went limp and Catwoman purred/giggled. They rolled her back onto her side but stayed in her body as she groaned contentedly.

"FUCK! My! Warm! Little! PUSSY!!" Moaned Huntress, shaking as Greg buried his cock up into her. "Haaaah!" and clung to her body as she swiveled her hips on his lap. "Ah yeah… how was that?" she cooed, caressing his hands on her tits as she shivered off her orgasm. "Mmmn…"

"Awesome!" Praised Greg happily, his dick twitching inside her as he shot another load. "Phew…" Huntress leaned back, pressing him into the recliner before lifting herself off his lap and glancing down at the cum filled beer bottle, picking it up to do… something with it maybe dump it down a toilet… when she glanced around.

"…Where's Black Canary?" she noted, but even the sex maid who was Black Canary's partner 20 minutes ago didn't seem to have an answer.

"Yeah…" mumbled Leo, licking a slutty, purring Catwoman with his brother. "Alexa where is the blonde? I want her lips wrapped around my cock…"

"I want her tits wrapped around mine!" declared Colt curiously, moaning on Catwoman's neck as she cooed between them. "Hey! Alexa."

"Nnghmn…" whimpered the Sex Maid as the twins clambered away from Catwoman to glance down at their disheveled Sex Maid. Her bikini was heavily askew and exposed her body to them as they both reached down, grabbed an arm and hauled her upright. "Ah!..." she gasped, blinking blearily around.

"Look how wet you are Alexa!" Colt declared, rubbing her dripping pussy as she whimpered, shimmying on his hand as Leo slipped off the bed to spank her backside lightly.

"Mn! Young masters…" she whined seductively again. She apparently did it so much that the girls wondered if it was actually unintentional.

Leo casually glanced at the bottle in Huntress's hands, filled with Greg's orally extracted loads as the young man furiously hugged Huntress from behind. "Ugh!" Leo cringed, "Is that all cum?"

"You invited him." Huntress replied dismissively as Greg took one of her nipples into his mouth, slurping noisily as she absently ruffled his hair.

"Alexa where did the blonde go?" Leo asked again as Alexa fidgeted.

"Young masters I don't know. I was distracted…" she whimpered, getting distracted again as the pair began rubbing up against her. "Haah…" she gasped as they began tonging her, shoving their tongues between her lips in turn as she squirmed. Huntress and Catwoman watched, Greg still nursing on Huntress's tits, as Leo and Colt salivated over their poundable maid.

"You're a bad girl Alexa." cooed one

"Yeah you're our sex maid, how dare you let a hot blonde get you off without us involved!" declared the other.

"Young masters…" she moaned submissively, "It's not my fault… ah…" their fingers churned her squelching pussy. "Ahh…"

"Here's your punishment. Drink this." Ordered Leo handing her the beer bottle of cum as she cringed, sniffing it.

"Young master Leo!"

"Drink!" Ordered Colt giddily as she cringed again, putting the bottle to her lips.

"Drink! Drink!" chanted the twins, and Greg just wanting to be involved managed to pry his lips away from Huntress's chest. Joined in. "Drink! Drink!"

"Mgnph!" Alexa gripped the bottle in both hands and tilted it up, and her head back. "GULP! GULP!!"

"YEAH!!" the twins cheered. "Our Alexa's a hot slut!"

"Ah…" she gasped, shaking as she emptied the bottle. Panting as she gripped it tightly with both hands.

"Did that taste good?" Leo teased taking the bottle and tossing it away.

"N-No… young master." She bit her bottom lip as the boys began fondling her again, "It-It wasn't your cum, so it didn't taste good at all." she moaned. The twins giggled happily... She knew how to work them, clearly. If she said she liked it she would've been 'punished' for liking cum that wasn't theirs... but-

"What a good sex maid! Here's your reward!" declared Colt as together they dragged her onto the bed as she moaned 'reluctantly'. But it was hard to tell if she actually didn't enjoy it or not.

"OH god…" she cringed as they swarmed over her, "Oh! GOD! Young masters! Please be gentle!" she squealed happily, despite her assumed reluctance.

"We should leave them alone and find Black Canary." Noted Huntress as Alexa's squeals and howls of pleasure echoed.

"MMngh!" moaned Greg happily, making Huntress coo and shiver as Catwoman eyed him on her big soft tit.

"What about that guy?" she asked teasingly as Huntress wiggled, feeling Greg's cock on her thigh.

"Ugh… he just won't stay down." She said, "…Can you handle him? I'll go look for Black Canary."

"Alright… hey Kitten.' She purred, taking Greg's head and popping him off Huntress's tits. "Come here I got some Chocolate for you." She declared seductively, grabbing him by the dick and leading him towards the bathroom.

"I'm not really into chocolate." He said hesitantly as Catwoman laughed.

"…Give me five minutes to change your mind. I have the PURRfect argument for you."

About 10 minutes earlier, a room away.

"Aaha SHIT!!" moaned an attractive dark-skinned woman as she was nailed into the bed. "UGH! UGH! UGH!!" A young black man pounded her black ass, his hair shaved into a military crew cut, and his muscles glistened as he slammed balls deep into his one-night stand before ripping his cock from her pussy.

"UGH you sexy tart!" he groaned in a british accent as he shot a wad over her chocolate ass cheeks and back. "YEAH you liked that didn't you?" he swatted her ass cheeks as she moaned, shaking in orgasm as he slipped off the bed. "Thanks for that love…" the girl moaned into the mattress as he grabbed a bathrobe and started to walk out of the room. When his friends invited him to a welcome party/orgy he didn't really know what to expect… probably exactly what they said it would be.

But the friend of the twins known as The Brit, to some in the Superbabes circles was pleasantly surprised to find a sexy big-titted blonde standing outside the room naked with her hand around the thick cock of a guy he didn't recognize… that was less presently surprising…

"Hey." Cooed Black Canary, licking her lips around the wide-mouth bottle of beer before tossing its empty contents away. "…Wanna fuck?" she purred drunkily as his cock rose from his bathrobe, she grabbed it, licking her lips.

"…Yeah alright. Suck my knob tart." He declared as she dropped to her knees, "Shit." He gasped as he eyed the other guy.

"Sup." He mumbled as he nodded back. "Nngh!"

Black Canary switched her lips from The Brit's cock to the Other guy's. Kneeling between them as she swirled her tongue around both their tips, expertly stroking their cocks as she twisted her head left and right. "MMngh! MMngh! AH!" switching to the Other Guy. "Mmngh! MMngh!"

"Ugh Shit." Hissed The Brit, as she returned to his cock, resting his hands on the doorframe of the room. "Ugh SHIT… bloody big titted blonde white girls…"

"MMmngh!" Moaned Black Canary, burying her face into his crotch and his cock expertly into her throat.

"Shit where did you learn to suck cock!" he praised happily, "…Should teach lessons on this shit." He sighed as Black Canary slowly rose up, her face still buried on The Brit's cock as she wiggled her ass behind her for Other Guy to take rigorous advantage of… which he did.

"Mmgn-mmn-MNGH!" she moaned as his hand cracked on her ass, and his cock jammed up into her wet pussy. "Mmmgn!" she moaned whorishly on the Brit who wrapped his hand around the back of her head.

"You're a nasty white bitch." He groaned, jerking her head up and down as she was spit-roasted. "Got that big black dick addiction huh?"

"MMmngh!" she moaned around his cock, salivating and drooling. Other Guy pounding hard into her as she gazed up at the Brit, her blue eyes rolled up into her head as she clawed at his robe. "Mmn!"

"Yeah, you like the taste. I just got done pounding another tart so it's marinated in pussy juice. Suck it. Suck it!" he groaned.

"MMmngh!" Black Canary happily obeyed, her big beautiful breasts swinging beneath her as she was jerked back and forth, bent in half as they thrust into her spit-roasted body trying to meet in the middle.

"Well, at least I didn't have to search long." Mumbled Huntress, exiting the main bedroom to find Black Canary just fucking two random guys in the hallway.

"Shit you thick!" praised The Birt. "Stand right there looking SEXY!" he groaned, "OOoh!" Holding Black Canary's head to the base and gazing at Huntress's body.

Black Canary's nostrils flared in his pubic hairs as Other Guy kept railing into her from behind. "Mngh! mNhg! Mmnn-hmmn!" gulping down the Brit's load as he extracted his cock from her mouth, "Haa-aha-HARDER! FUCK ME! HARDER!! I'm not done yet!" Moaned Black Canary whorishly as Other Guy yanked her from The Brit and slammed her against the wall as she tried to crawl up it. "UGH! Haa-aah!!! YES! Put that dick in me!" she slammed against the wall as Huntress sighed. The Brit stroked his big dick as he began approaching her.

"Ello love. How's about you let me have a taste of that?" he grabbed at her ass with his other hand, stroking his dripping cock as he slapped it against her stomach. "You look like you was made for taking knob."

That's just the kind of talk you find in a rich Gotham man's orgy. "…Fine." Huntress declared as Black Canary squealed. "I'll give you-" she leaned her back against the wall, spreading her snug wet pussy for him as she pushed out her lower body. "A few minutes. That's all you need right?" she added dismissively. "Haah…" she breathed sensually as The Brit wasted no time. The squeals of Black Canary getting railed against the wall getting him harder.

"Good thing this Twat isn't as frigid as your attitude." He teased, "UGH! I like that in a tart!"

"Oh fuck me..." moaned Huntress seductively as he lifted her from the floor and fucked her against the wall.

Meanwhile in the shower.

"Aah Ahh oh… you were referring to YOURSELF as Chocolate…" praised Greg, holding Catwoman's head firmly as she bobbed it between his legs, sucking the Huntress off his cock as the shower hosed their bodies. "If you're chocolate then I love it from now on."

"Mmn-hmmn!" she moaned seductively on his cock, squatting before him as her big beautiful ass was sprayed with water. "MMn-wah! Aren't you sweet?" she chuckled, standing up and pressing her body against him as she licked his face and forehead. "Mmn! Mnwah! Meow." She purred, "I like cute kittens." She pinched his cheek, tugging his lips. "Now come here you're all warmed up." She rubbed at his hard cock playfully before pressing her body against the wall, swaying her ass behind her before hopping slowly in place. Clapping her ass cheeks.

"Come here kitten come get it."

"I'm Greg." He replied playfully as she rested her right hand on her right ass cheek and gave it a more thorough jiggle.

"Well Greg come get it…" she repeated as she rapidly clapped her ass cheeks. "Got to use it before we go. "Want to spank it?" she teased seductively as he approached her, swatting her ass cheek lightly as she giggled. "That's it. Ahhh you're a good kitten…" she purred as he slipped into her pussy. "Mmn-MMGNH!!" she moaned wildly, already shaking as he began rapidly pumping his hips against her thick brown ass cheeks. "That's it kitten! Aah! Aah! Come on!" she raised her left leg pushing it against the wall as he buried himself into her.

"MMn! Tight? Warm? Wet? Like that kitten? Because it feels PURRfect inside me." Her head rolled back as she clenched her teeth. "Ngh! Ngh-aah!"

"Ha-h-aaha-aawesome!!" praised Greg. Pushing his cock deep and flooding her insides with his warmth. "Haaah…"

"MMngh! Chocolate cream-filled kitty. MMn. Did that PURRfect pussy feel good?" Greg rubbed his face into her back before smacking his hand on her big round ass cheek. "Ooh… Pet the kitty…" she purred feeling his hand rubbing her butt. Giggling as he continued to toy with her big beautiful ass.

"Aaah!" Huntress roared orgasmically as the Brit furiously pounded into her, "Haa-aha-aah!"

"This twat's tight!" slamming hard into her suspended body as he squeezed at her tits. "Ugghingn! I'm gonna drop a load in you!" squeezing her breasts as he pushed her up the wall. "Ugh! FUCK!! Getting that pussy!" he growled as Huntress writhed on the wall, her toes brushing the carpet as he emptied his balls. "Shit…

"Mmn! Mmmn…" Huntress shuddered as he pulled out of her abruptly, sighing as his cock hung between his legs as he spread her pussy with his thumbs watching his load ooze out.

"Shit I had a lot in me!" he declared proudly as Huntress groaned slightly. Pushing him away as she laughed and then stood up to look at Black Canary…

Who had somehow managed to find ANOTHER cock.

"FUCK! Me! FUCK ME FUCK MEE! YES!!" she shrieked, standing between two hung men and furiously being manhandled, "UGH! NGH!!" a hand around her neck, holding her head back as they plunged wildly inside and out of her pussy and ass. Her body jerked and twitched as they held her body tight between them and used her like a real doll. "UGH! UGH!"

It was almost tough to watch. But it was definitely hot.

"I'm such a fucking slut! Shoot it in me! On me! Make me take your jizz! Haa-AAAH!!" she screamed, shaking as the powerful men slammed balls deep into her, she sneered… but her eyes crossed as she trembled, mumbling incoherently as her body squirmed, "Fuuuack! Me… Fill those fucking holes! MMMNGH!!" Biting her bottom lip as she rode her orgasm HARD.

They both extracted their cocks from her body, the one that had been in her ass smacked her ass cheek HARD as she wiggled in pleasure. Wobbling dangerously as if one strong wind would blow her over. "Mmn… MMN!" they walked away, leaving her like a frozen doll as Huntress raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm getting a beer." Declared The Brit. "Want to join me sexy?"

"No." Huntress replied bluntly as she absently touched a shivering Black Canary. The Brit to his credit tightened his robe and walked away. "…Black Canary?... Jenny?" but Black Canary was too busy coming right now. Call back later.

"Hey! You found the blonde!" declared Leo, or Colt, sticking his head out the door. "Bring her back I still want that titjob." It was apparently Colt. However, before Huntress could argue both twins walked out of the room and promptly 'claimed' the catatonic blonde. Colt grabbed her arms, Leo grabbed her legs and they carried her back into the room…

Like they've had practice moving well-fucked bodies or something.

Huntress returned to the bedroom to find Black Canary on her knees, Sex Maid Alexa looking not only disheveled but EXHAUSTED sat behind her on the floor holding a catatonic Black Canary upright by her big tittied blonde titties. Leo and Colt stood over Black Canary, their cocks looked rubbed raw but still eager… Leo twisted her head before stuffing her cock-sucking lips with his cock. He had hardly done so before Colt pushed his dick between her tight titty hug and they began using her…

"…They'll be fine." mumbled Huntress, choosing to just save some time and go bathe… entering the bathroom.

"MEOW! MMN! ME-OW!!" purred catwoman, her back against the wall and being slammed into greedily by Greg. "Oh-ooH! Hey-GIRL!" she moaned, biting her lower lip. "…Give me a haa-aaand…" she shuddered, "Oooh Kitten that was a good one…" he trembled against her, filling her with another load as Huntress sighed, stripped off her gloves and boots and soaked herself in the shower.

"Okay." She sighed, tugging a grinning Greg from Catwoman before she dropped to her knees and pinned him against the wall to Catwoman's right. Lifting up one of Greg's legs onto her shoulder, then the other. Trapping him between her face and the wall before taking his cock into her throat… and speed running it…

…The first blowjob only lasted about a minute… but she kept going. Two. Three. Four cumshots… she didn't even bother to swallow she just suppressed her gag reflex and kept SUCKING. More. And more… load after load of cum spraying into her mouth as she opened it, letting it flow out like a waterfall of white liquid before messily and disgustingly continued. Gazing up into Greg's eyes even as he became limper and limper against the wall.

"FUCK I haven't seen you do that since The GUSHER…" whispered Catwoman but Huntress KEPT. SUCKING…

Nine cumshots later… her eyes were watering, Greg's balls seemed to have shrunk as they were power-blasting her throat with cum so much they were running dry. But on and on she sucked until finally, she broke her record… not that she counted this… Greg was eager, but he was a quick shot. It didn't count towards her regular record breaking head game.

"Bwaaah!!" she gasped, yanking her face from his cock as it slipped like a dead snake from her lips. "bleeugh…" she moaned letting his load ooze out of her mouth and down her chest as she gazed at his empty face…

Then he slid off the wall and hit the ground.

"Ding ding ding!" laughed Catwoman mimicking a bell. "We have a winner! Wooh! Holy Crap…" she sighed as Huntress wiped her mouth and stood up, both women bathing normally under the shower as a perfectly content Greg continued to lie on the shower floor.

"Mngh! mmNgh! mMngh MMngh! BWAH! I love COOOOCK." Moaned Black Canary whorishly as the twins continued to violate her mouth and tits, but she didn't care nor did she stop. Only Alexa seemed disturbed by this display of expert whore-mongering. Slobbering over Leo as Colt continued his assault on her big tits. Black Canary's hands hooking onto their asses and pulling them toward her for more.

It wasn't until Huntress and Catwoman strutted out of the bathroom then they finished up.

"UGH!!" Leo went first, yanking from Black Canary's lips as she moaned open-mouthed.

"Nooo in my mouth!-Ah…" she gasped as Leo sprayed a thorough coating of jizz on her pretty face. "Yeaaah…" she sighed as Colt soon finished, pushing up between her tits and sending ropes up and back down onto them before ripping his cock from between her big tits and spraying directly onto her face.

"And some for you Alexa!" he cheered, giving the Sex Maid a surprise facial as she jumped, but moaned… not recoiling from his load across her skin.

"Now kiss!" declared Leo happily as Black Canary and Alexa shared a cum covered tongue embrace. Moaning whorishly for their depraved partners as Leo and Colt's cocks twitched eagerly at the sight of Alexa groping Black Canary's big soft tits… but didn't manage to get erect.

"…Okay Boys." Cooed Huntress as they continued to watch Alexa and Black Canary. "I think you've had enough." She noted as she and Catwoman went to redress, Colt giving Catwoman's ass a firm squeeze before asking curiously.

"How much do we owe you?"

"How long have we been… here?" Huntress paused, checking a digital clock that had at one point been knocked to the floor with the side table. "…SHIT we've been here for over three hours!?"

"Seriously?" Catwoman asked surprised. "…Stupid orgies. It was fun though." She added, zipping up her suit as Huntress nodded reluctantly in agreement.

"Okay. You! Sex maid."

"Mmgn?! Y-yes…" Moaned Alexa trying to escape Black Canary's tongue. ANd mostly failing.

"You get the blonde into the shower and get her cleaned up. I'll help you in a minute and DON'T have sex with her. You two!" she gestured to the twins who fidgeted nervously. "You go get what you owe us for three hours.

"R-Right." They declared as Alexa and Catwoman hauled Black Canary to her feet, huntress grabbing her clothes… it was a rather troublesome task to get a drunk Black Canary cleaned with a naked Alexa, and Greg, both in the shower. Finally, Huntress and Catwoman managed to dry off the blonde and get her back into costume, each taking an arm of the big tittied blonde and swinging them over their shoulders, lifting her out of the room as Leo and Colt stood there waiting for them with a small brown bag of cash.

Alexa exited the bathroom, concernedly glancing in on a smiling Greg, but went to retrieve her own clothes as Catwoman smiled prettily and took the bag. "Thank you boys." They grinned at them, and she paused. "…Out of curiosity what were you two fighting about?" the Twins had looks on their faces that implied that they had TOTALLY forgotten they were fighting in the first place.

Alexa desperately shook her head behind them, holding her bikini top it crumpled in her hand as she squeaked out a desperate. "Oh no."

"We were fighting about…" began Colt slowly remembering and glaring at Alexa with his brother.

"Who Alexa likes the best." Finished Leo as Alexa whimpered.

"Young masters PLEASE. I LITERALLY can't decide between you!" she pleaded as Catwoman just asked.

"Why not just hire another sex maid?" Leo and Colt looked at her angrily.

"Do you know how hard it was to find ALEXA?!" they said together as Alexa squeaked adorably, she quickly crawled/jiggled onto the bed but the two surrounded her on both sides of it. 'Trapping' her.

"Y-Young Masters, wait. Wait-wait-WAIT…" she whimpered as they descended upon her poundable body, licking at her face as their hands slid around her. The Superbabes made their exit, and shutting the doors behind them. "YOUNG MASTERS~!" she squealed rapturously.

"…I imagine it can't be that hard to find a Sex Maid…" Catwoman noted. "This is Gotham you can find anything here… I wonder how much it pays?"

"Oh just come on." Huntress laughed, carrying a drunken Black Canary down the stairs as she wobbled and wiggled awkwardly between them.

Time: 2:06 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Laura and Divya hauled a sleepy drunk Jenny between them, Laura had the legs. Divya had the arms… Jenny swung between them like a sexy hammock, the bag of Delivery Cash resting on Jenny's belly as Orders snapped her fingers lazily and pointed to Jenny.

"Ronnie-Bell." She noted as the big redhead easily lifted Jenny in her arms.

"I got her Shugs." The southern bell cooed, as Laura took the money from Jenny's stomach and tossed it on the counter as Ronnie-Bell easily carried Jenny into the locker rooms.

"Those two are really cute together." Divya smiled, "Like those twins. Wild couple of idiots…"

"They literally have a sex maid and regularly order from us. I guess it's only fair we give them a good time." Orders replied dismissively, taking the bag of Cash that had been on Jenny's stomach. Laura narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Orders. Who sensed her stare. "What?"

"Did you send Jenny JUST to stretch out the time?" Laura asked as Divya chuckled under her breath. "Seems like you're trying to stiff your customers." She noted as Orders's purple eyes flicked up from separating their money before noting quietly.

"If I had just sent you two you would've been there until the morning entertaining everyone…" she declared, "Jenny was the better of the two options. Her being there stopped the house wide orgy." she stared blankly off in space for a minute before shaking it off. "...She was the better of two options." she repeated.

"Who was the other?"

"Hi!" Lindsey declared as if making the choice apparent. She walked in through the back door with her own Delivery money. "I'm back Orders!"

"Lindsey. You're late." She noted. "I TOLD you you'd be late." she added patiently but Lindsey wasn't really listening?

"I got lost." replied Lindsey honestly. "Did you know that 'one way' doesn't mean the way you're going? Those Policemen were VERY nice…" she added, heading into the locker room to take a quick bath.

"It's a good thing-" Orders declared, gesturing to a disappearing Lindsey. "-she is pretty." She added, the 'other option' clearly apparent.

"…Good Call." Divya smiled as Orders shrugged.

"I thought so. Maximum profits and efficient time this way."

"AAGH!" Jenny squealed from the lockers. "COLD!!"

"Jenny you shouldn't take a shower in the costumes… Hi Ronnie-Bell I'm back!" declared Lindsey from the lockers.

Huntress. Remembering Greg, took a breath and realized what a bullet was dodged there. They couldn't handle two of them at once. "VEERY good call. Poor Alexa though."

"If she didn't like it, she would've quit by now." Orders declared as the two ex-pornstars gave her stern looks. "…I'm not wrong!" she added. The two rolled their eyes, heading toward the poker tables. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Yes MOM." They declared together as Orders sighed. Shaking her head and going back to her crosswords as a soaked Jenny stomped out of the locker rooms, glaring irately at her.


"Mmn-hmmn. Take your break young lady." She declared condescendingly and smiled as Jenny went right back into the locker room to change into a dry costume.


What? The TWINS? ALEXA the Sex Maid?! GREG(ory) from the Supergirl Daily Special!? The Brit from that one Green Lantern II chapter?! It was a regular REGULAR-smorgasbord!

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