
Delivery Girl: Stargirl Order #5

I don't own DC

Despite the madness, lustfulness, lunacy, and downright craziness that seemed to surround the Superbabes on a daily basis there was some, SOME, days where everything was calm, casual, and completely 'normal'… Today was amazingly one of those days. Although admittedly it did help that the regular troublemakers, rabble-rousers, and Veronicas weren't there… For one reason or another the usual 'Sluts' of Superbabes were currently off, out, or just didn't come in today.

Green Lantern (I) is currently filling in for a friend doing a morning workout show on Public access… with her clothes on surprisingly enough: Ratings were expected to improve 17 percent.

Poison Ivy is in Canada visiting her brother, who wasn't aware of her… transformation: So that might be funny.

Bumblebee was in Jamaica. She caught a ride and the interest of a rich yacht owner who likes flexible black girls. So she's on vacation.

Batgirl had the stomach flu: she was currently at home with her roommates in an attempt to take care of the cum-addict redhead, and to prevent the spreading of germs.

Hawkgirl was doing… something… Orders didn't really care to ask or know, but she's taking the night off.

And Starfire was off visiting her recently, but amicably divorced father. But to be fair the divorce hasn't been finalized yet, so according to Raven she was attempting a 'parent trap' situation… She promised to keep Orders posted if it became a porn parody of itself.

The only 'Super Slut' currently still available to work was Wonder Girl, but she had an asterisk, she wasn't officially a Super Slut, just a natural one. Regardless that's the reason why everything was quiet today. So Orders had mixed feelings…

On the one hand the insanity was kept at a minimum. On the other she wasn't making nearly as much money as she normally would… But decided for now she'll enjoy the quiet… plus she had to dog-sit Hector again, so that might have helped her mood…

But even Hector had his limits. "Hwaaaaah-wu…" he yawned by her chair, quietly dozing as the jukebox played some sort of 80's pop on the floor… Giganta yawned herself as Orders looked up from her crosswords eyeing the big redhead suspiciously…

Then as if to break the air of boredom that was when Star Sapphire walked in carrying a large bouquet of red roses. Red Lantern was playing pool with Killer Frost and currently looking for any excuse to finish her losing game early. She leaned on her pool cue like a stripper pole and gazed curiously at the beauty queen looking Star Sapphire. Enhanced even further by the previously mentioned rose bouquet.

"Where did you get that? Did you accidentally win a beauty pageant again?" It has happened before after all…

"No." Star Sapphire replied, looking confused. "Why do you ask?" Killer Frost, for once, missed a shot. She was too busy laughing to aim properly.

Red Lantern smiled affectionately, "The bouquet Lindsey?"

"…What about it?" She asked, glancing curiously now at the elaborate bouquet of roses.

Orders glared at Red Lantern and Killer Frost, both now thoroughly restraining their own snorts of giggles. "Good thing she's pretty…." Orders mumbled under her breath before she rolled her purple-eyes exasperatedly. "ENOUGH… Why do you have the bouquet of roses?" she asked Star Sapphire as the very pretty and air-headed natural bimbo smiled at her boss.

"Brielle asked me to hold them for her." and as if summoned by her name Stargirl rushed into the back of Superbabes a little red faced, combing her long blonde hair out of her eyes with her fingers. Breathing heavily from an apparent dash into Superbabes, her large fake breasts seemed to stretch out her tight T-shirt even further than normal as she gently pushed Star Sapphire towards the locker rooms just as a collection of men, young and old tried to follow after her.


"Beautiful come on!"

"Come on girl how about dinner?!"

Their cries mingling as they struggled to enter the back door… but were quickly met with teeth and Muscle.

"OUT!" barked Giganta, literally jumping into action. She landed in front of a young man, barely of age as he just managed to squeeze through the crowd into the lounge. She rested a huge hand on his comparatively tiny face, and shoved him back into the crowd knocking most of them away like bowling pins. "Get out! Who the hell do you think you are!?" she was the muscle… now Orders sent the teeth.

"HECTOR…" she snarled, coldly glaring at the cause of the broken decorum and sanctity of the Superbabes lounge.

If the 7ft tall wall of gorgeous, sexy, redheaded muscle wasn't a big enough warning (or perhaps considered an invitation). The snarling, jagged teeth of Hector the Superbabes' dog was the nail in the proverbial coffin. "BARK BARK! WOOF!! SNARL!" his barks echoing angrily, almost as if saying.

Break it up! Break it up!

Darting between Giganta's big legs immediately the crowd of 'fans' quickly backed further away in fear of his sharp gnashing teeth. His head twisted warningly this way and that with the look of a rabid dog. Drool dripping from his hackles as he picked his targets and started dashing at them around the parking lot until their distance satisfied him and he trotted back through the backdoor that Giganta slammed shut…

"…Okay. What the fuck?" asked Red Lantern curiously, a little shaken at the riot that almost broke into Superbabes. She was getting confinement flashbacks.

Stargirl and Star Sapphire, now both in uniform walked out of the locker rooms. Stargirl was now carrying the bouquet, and even under the mask the girls could tell that the pretty French girl was blushing furiously.

"Je n'aurais jamais dû monter sur scene!" she mumbled as Orders raised a well groom eyebrow.

"Vous pourriez expliquer la situation? De préférence en anglais?" Stargirl blinked at Orders, putting the roses on the counter and clearing her throat.

"…Well." She blushed, "I went to a strip club to dance. Earn a few emergency dollars. I've done it before…" she had, while she wouldn't go back to professional stripping she had stepped on stage in various clubs, but never the same one and always as an 'amateur'. "But this time there was a man in the crowd, Rico Marsade, watching the amateurs and he thought I had talent."

"Well of course you have talent! You used to do it before!" Star Sapphire replied cheerily as Orders gave Giganta a subtle signal, and the big girl gently guided the well known air-head onto the floor.

"Come on Sugar let's work a few tables ourselves." Taking her kindly by the shoulders and pushed her carefully out of the room.

"Continue." Orders noted thoughtfully, eyeing Stargirl and her generously large fake breasts… it was hard NOT to eye them.

"W-well…" Stargirl mumbled, "It wasn't exactly stripping, it was Burlesque. He asked me to perform at the burlesque theater. "Viva Va Voom. I thought I'd give it a try…" she sighed, "…Apparently, even though I only danced and didn't even get naked, I've gotten a few… admirers."

"Okay but how did they know to find you here?" Killer Frost asked, brandishing her pool cue like a spear just in case she had to help fend off Stargirl's rabid fanboys.

"I don't know! I was ambushed out there after picking up Lindsey, by one of them when he handed me some flowers and then more started to show up and recognize me…"

"But why were there so many?" Orders asked suspiciously, her purple eyes narrowing. "One or two recognizing you is one thing but to be ambushed like that?"

"Boss…" Giganta stuck her head in the doorway. "…If you were going to call Becca and Ash for backup I wouldn't hold it against you." She said warningly, "…Because Stargirl's fanboys aren't leaving…" she pointed out the front and sure enough there was a collection of admirers outside glancing through the sturdy Superbabes front window, lecherously looking at the girls on the floor but also keeping an eye out for the star spangled blonde… not that they knew she was Stargirl… maybe.

"…God damn it…NGH! Not… NOW…" her eyes suddenly flashed, and she clenched her teeth in pain. "…God. DAMN… That woman!" she rubbed her temples slowly with her fingers.

"Orders these guys are blocking clients." Wonder Woman declared concernedly sticking her beautiful head in the doorway, "They clearly want to come in, but they're scared of Giganta…" GIganta rightfully looked smug.

Orders grunted continuing to rub her temples, "…Fine. FINE alright! Too much at once!" she snapped, "It'll be good to get you out of here for a bit. Leslie call Rebecca! Tell her I need her and Ashley now, and if they can bring reinforcements. Do it." Killer Frost whipped out her phone with no further questions asked, if Orders was using real names this was serious and best not to argue.

"Giganta, stand imposingly by the front door and keep them out, escort our real clients in if you can, and YOU!" she gestured to Stargirl. "…Sorry." She apologized, before reaching for the phone.

Time: 8:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


Superbabes we deliver."

"Hey this chick says-"

"Stargirl, you're ordering Stargirl and all the food that comes with her."

"Whoa. That's pretty forward."

"This is an emergency; you'll take what I give you."

"Uh… all… all right then."

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please. Hurry it up."


"Becca's on her way." Declared Killer Frost hanging up her cellphone.

"Good." Orders growled, "I'm not in the mood for HER shit today…" she growled, rubbing her temples as the food slid out. "Stargirl, go and take your time coming back. We should have this cleared out." She gestured to the gawping crowd. "…And I'm going to make a call to this Rico Marsade…" she growled… "Hector walk her out." She added dismissively…

The girls didn't question Orders's orders, but they did appropriately marvel at Hector's intelligence as he walked Stargirl happily to the company car. Sitting outside as she rubbed his head between his emotive ears and shut the door, he didn't watch her leave. Walking back into the lounge as Red Lantern shut the backdoor once he entered. Stargirl glanced over her shoulder, just barely seeing the crowd out front… none of them noticed her.

These costumes were very effective. Then without drawing attention to herself she drove casually out of the Parking lot and into traffic leaving the chaos behind her for now…

It wasn't hard to figure out just where she was going once she closed in on an address. It was clearly a house party of some kind. A bunch of partiers having a good time in a suburban two story, a gated back yard leading to a crowded pool and a grill erupting in flames as a DJ and a mixologist worked the patio…

"Oh Merde…" she sighed, judging by the amount of food Orders sent with her… this was going to be a long hour. She got out of the car, passing a few groups of people chattering eagerly and drawing a few of their gazes onto her sexy stripper booty. She approached the front door, and raised her fist to knock loudly over the music.


Time: 8:40 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Party Time House)

"Special Delivery…" she paused as the door swung open, "…Service?" she blinked at the beautiful Latina woman before her.

"Hola chica…" Cooed a very familiar and milf-like woman as she licked her lips. She was wearing a tight red dress that hugged ALL the curves, and was just a little to small, riding up her Latina booty and giving those behind her a show. "Vamos." She curled a finger at a surprised Stargirl, leading her to some nearby steps guarded by a big, hulking, bouncer like young man…

Wearing a bear hat and sunglasses and looking imposing… so he was physically giving out mixed signals…

But as Stargirl and the familiar latina approached him she handed him the food Stargirl brought and walked right past him up the stairs. Once they got to the top hallway, Stargirl glanced her up and down curiously. "Rosa what are you doing here?"

"I'm having fun!" Rosa smiled, doing a seductive twirl and strutting down the hallway. "La-la-Cha-cha-cha!" swinging her shapely hips and ass cheeks behind her as the dress rose up further. "I got all these sexy chicos all ready but there are to much for little old me!" she cooed, reaching the last door. "…Come on chica…" she purred, gesturing for Stargirl to come close with her other hand seductively.

Stargirl was briefly surprised at the presence of the off duty Superbabe Hawkgirl… but now she wasn't. This is just how Rosa was, with or without the mask… she approached, and Rosa opened the door.

"Hola boys! I promised a good time, si?" she led Stargirl into what was clearly the master bedroom, who the master bedroom belonged to remained in question but they probably wouldn't approve of what was about to happen in it. She glanced around at the collection of young men of all sorts of varieties, at least a dozen and only half looked appropriately nervous as Rosa shut the door, and locked it with an obvious click. "Now then, chica…" Rosa gave Stargirl's rear a firm swat, making her honed stripper booty jiggle despite the tight pants of her costume. "Let's get you pretty…" she purred, and before Stargirl knew what was happening. She was mostly naked…

Credit should be given to Rosa, she managed to strip the ex-stripper in record time, removing Stargirl's tight belly shirt and getting her big fake breasts out for all to admire. Rosa gave Stargirl's firm round tits a found hello squeeze before she dropped down onto her heels behind Stargirl, and tugged her tight pants down over her big stripper booty. "Ay! Bend over for mama! Si…" she purred as Stargirl bent over, lifting one leg and the other, getting out of her pants as she rested her hands on her knees and made her ass cheeks jiggle as Rosa ran her tongue over Stargirl's smooth as silk ass cheek.

"Dios mio…" cooed Rosa as she began hiking up her dress, exposing her own shapely, latina, booty and her lack of underwear, of course. "Oh Chica you're so sexy…"

"Aaah…" Stargirl moaned, shooting upright and shaking as Rosa spread her knees exposing her dripping pussy as she began to rub herself with one hand and Stargirl with the other. Her fingers clawing between Stargirl's shapely thighs to gently slid her fingers into her. 'Mmn! Aah…" she shuddered, swiveling her hips as she then felt Rosa's tongue between her ass cheeks, "Haa-aah! Oui…" thrusting her hips towards Rosa's fingers as her tits subtly bounced up and down. "Oui… OOoh-Oui…"

"That French chick is fucking HOT…" someone in the crowd said admiringly.

"And her tits are HUGE…" conquered another, squirming eagerly as he stared at her jiggling tits.

"Not to mention that ASS… damn it's like she was designed to be a sex object!" added another eager whisper.

"…Well with those store bought tits I wouldn't be surprised." Replied another. "…Not that I'm complaining I'm just stating the obvious-"

"Aaah!" Stargirl came on Rosa's finger… or potentially her tongue being shove up her ass. "Haaa-haaah…"

"Chicos I hear a lot of talking…" Rosa purred, standing up and yanking down her top so her dress crumpled around her waist exposing her big milf breasts as she squeezed Stargirl's trembling body from behind. "When you should be watching… or participating…" she purred, running her tongue on Stargirl's ear… then turning her head. "Let's drive them WILD chica…" she cooed lovingly before sloppily making out with Stargirl.

The two seductive Superbabes (one off duty) open mouthed kissed with their tongues writhing lustfully around each other as Stargirl turned around pressing her heavy fake breasts to Rosa's natural ones as their hands explored each other… "Mmngh! Mmn! Aah…" Rosa cooed, pulling away as she turned the beautiful blonde back around towards the bed. "Lie down Chica, I'll get them going…"

Stargirl planted her hands on the end of the large double bed before stripper crawling up the middle, swinging her ex-stripper booty side to side before rolling onto her back. Spreading her legs wide open and slowly worming on the bed, thrusting her hips up in a display of her dancer's flexibility as Rosa crawled across the bed after her.

"Feel free to join in boys… this is a interactive performance." She licked her lips hungrily, gazing into Stargirl's moist teen pussy, "haaah…" she opened her mouth, wrapping her lips entirely around Stargirl's slit.

"mmmngh!!" she squeezed her big fake breasts as Rosa tongue and kissed Stargirl's pussy.

"Mmn-MMN! Oooh you taste so good!" she cooed, kissing Stargirl's lower lips again lovingly before spiralling her tongue inside her. Face down munching carpet and her samba booty in the air and wiggling and jiggling invitingly behind her…

Stargirl wasn't quite sure what was going on-"Aah… OUI… OOOh!" but… she didn't have enough cognitive thought to care or ask…

"Ahh… Aah! Aaahh…" Rosa's tongue lapped away like a cat to cream at Stargirl's pussy, her brown ass cheeks clapping approvingly as Stargirl shuddered. "Cum for mama chica!" she cooed, wrapping her lips around Stargirl's pussy again and shooting her tongue inside.

"Haaaah! Aaah! Ouuii…" whine Stargirl, shaking and jiggling off an orgasm as Rosa gave her wet pussy a loving kiss.

"Ah Chica… you're so pretty…"

"…FUCK IT. I can't take it!" declared one of the crowd. "Move!" he dropped his shorts to his thighs exposing a rigid hard on as he loomed up behind a positively ecstatic Rosa as her ass cheeks clapped louder and faster. "Come here you cock tease!"

"Ay? SI! OOH! Ay! Aah! Aah!! Aaah!!" his right hand grabbed her crumpled dress, apparently it was well accustomed to being used as a handlebar. "HA-Ahh-aah-aah!! AY!!" he grabbed at her auburn hair and yanked… "SI! SI! SI! SI!!" Rocking wildly on the bed as Stargirl watched fascinatedly… rubbing herself as Rosa was hauled up the bed. "Aah-aah-aaah-AAAH! AAY!!"

"Fuck! FUUUCK! YES! OOOoh!" he buried his cock into Rosa and still holding onto her rolled backward.

"AY!" she laughed as THUMP. They both hit the floor together off the bed. "…Chicos…" she raised her hands invitingly, "Mamacita needs mooooore…" she purred as the dam… broke. At least three more for a total of four boys suddenly fell upon her like horny ants. "Ay! Si! mMgn-MMGN?!"

Stargirl didn't even have time to process that the REAL event had now started until one of them crawled between her legs, he was a big husky boy. His pants were off, his cock was hard and he was looking at her like a particularly tasty meal. "Oh Merde…' she shivered, her lower body shaking as he fell onto her. "Ooooh! OOH! OOOH!!" howling erotically as he used his considerably weight to thrust his cock deep into her. "AH-Aagh! Aah! OH! OOH!! Mon dieu!"

"Haah-aaah!" breathing heavily he amateurishly kept pounding away at her body, but she was already so warmed up it didn't take her long to boil over.

"OOOH! MERDE!!" she shuddered, shaking beneath him as he squeezed at her tits and pressed his lips to hers. "MMng-mmgh!" wrapping her arms and legs around his head and waist, moaning into his slobbering kisses as he continued to slam his bulk into her. "MMGn! MMGnh! MMGNh!!"

"Dude don't kiss her!" complained another, "You have no idea where those lips have been!"

"Aaah!" she gasped as her current pussy pounder was pulled away.

"I know where they're going!" laughed another before turning her pretty blonde head and stuffing her plump cock-sucking lips. "Oh shit… OOOH!"

"Haah-aaha-aah! Aaah-HAAAH…" wheezed the one in her pussy as the one in her mouth slid his cock in and out of her lips, holding her head as she twisted it up and down. "I'm cumming!! Aaah!!" he slammed his whole heavy bulk onto her. "UUGh!"

"MMMGNH!!?" she shuddered, partially in pant as about 200-something pounds of desperate man slammed onto her and stuffed her womb with jizz. "MMmngh…" she came hard, shaking as he pulled out of her only for the one in her mouth to begin grinding on her face.

"Ugh! Oooh don't stop you suck so-"

"HARDER! HARDER! Fóllame más fuerte!" squealed Rosa, "MMgh!" before her mouth was obviously stuffed with cock.

"Man nobody want's sloppy seconds!" grunted another one, crawling between Stargirl's legs and finishing off a red solo cup before tossing it away. "But that pussy still looks amazing…" he breathed grabbing at her waist and lifting her hips up.

Cock-in-her-mouth cupped her left tit, squeezing it fondly as she started to be fucked again. "MMgh! MMng-hmmn! Mmn!!" slurping and moaning on the cock in her mouth as the smacking of her hips echoed around the room even over Rosa's shrieks of muffled pleasure. "MMn! MMn! mMGN-NMGN?!" she moaned as a thick dollop of cum rushed into her mouth, followed but the rest of his dick as he pushed it to the root. "MMmgnh!?"

"Shit-shit-shit!" he gasped, shaking as he yanked his spent dick from between her lips. "Man that was-"

But Stargirl was already screamed, "Haa-haa-ahaa-haa-aaah! OUI! OUI! OUI!" her pussy liberally pounded as her tits jumped up and down on her chest.

"Haag-aaah GOD!" he shuddered wildly, slamming into Stargirl and giving her a thick deposit of his load, "Uuugh!" shaking as he pinned his hips to hers and filled her up. "FUCK…"

"Quick shot." Chuckled one in the crowd.

"FUCK you she's too good!" he pulled out of her as she writhed erotically on the bed, bucking her hips slowly upward and moaning.

"Yeah yeah excuses… come here sexy I'll give it to you good…" her ankle was grabbed as she was dragged to the left edge of the bed, she got her feet on the floor and stood up as the handsome body-builder before her eagerly stroked his meat. "Look at what you did blondie… shit…" he laughed as her hands already started to stroke his twitching cock. He reached around to grab her ex-stripper booty.

"Aaah…" she whimpered as he spread her legs, then slammed up into her. "Haaa-! AAH!!" he hefted her from the floor, grunting as her legs wrapped around his waist. "Aah! AAAH! OUI!" standing firmly he power fucked her, lifting her up and down on his girth as her head rocked wildly up and down, "OH! MERDE! OH MERDE!!"

"Hold on man! Hold on!" he planted his cock inside her as the one who spoke snuck up behind her. "Can't let this go to waste!"

"OOOOOH!!" Stargirl howled erotically as she shuddered around both their cocks, the new participant ramming his girth up between her ex-stripper ass cheeks. "MERDE! OOH! Tu vas me rendre folle!" she howled as they slowly, rhythmically, began thrusting in and out of her. Plowing up her ass as the one inside her pussy pulled out, they buried their cocks in and out of her alternatingly at first… but then getting more and more aggressive.

"Ooh!" the one in her ass clapped her ass cheek hard, "AH-AAH! Ah! MErde!"

"Come on! Oh! Come on! Shit!" he grunted, grabbing at her waist and pounding rapidly into her ass as she screamed, the one in her front squeezing her ass cheeks firmly, and deciding to be selfish.

"AAH-AA! Aah! nGH! NAaagh!!" screaming as they ravaged her body hard, fast, and eagerly. "OOoooh!" her body jumped and quivered, but they held onto her tightly…

"Aaaah!" the one in her ass emptied his balls, "NGNH!" shooting deep into her bowls as her lower body spasmed on the both of them with her orgasm. Still buried in her ass, the other gripped her tightly then pounded her so hard they all fell back onto the bed in a heap.


"UGUGH! UUUGhaaah…" moaning incoherently her eyes rolled up into her head. The one in her pussy filled her up, railing into her ass if pounding nails into a board.

"Raah…AAGH!" he grinned dazedly. Gripping her sweaty blonde hair and squeezing her tit firmly as he shot thick ropes inside her. "OOoh…" he pulled out of her body giving her tits a light playful swat. "Mmn… that is good pussy."

"Whoo… I haven't felt this empty in years!" she was rolled over onto her belly as the other one pulled out of her ass.

"Haa-aaaaah…" she moaned erotically as her wrists were grabbed and she was pulled across the bed.

"haah…. Ahaaah…" she glanced up to see a furiously masturbating scrawny young man, clenching his teeth as he poked at her dick sucking lips.

"Ahh… mmmn…" she pressed her lips to the tip before sliding her head down. "MMnn… mmn-mmgh?!" he wrapped his arms around her pretty blonde head and began furiously fucking her masked face. "MGn-guck-guck-guck-guck!"

"Keep pounding her this is fucking hot!"

"Guck-guck-MMGNH!?" she squirmed as she was pierced again from behind. Lifted from the bed as her pussy was speared by another cock. "Mhgh! Mmgh! Mmngh! Mmngh!" balancing on her bulging tits as her legs flopped about behind her. "mMNGh-guck! GUCK!!" the one in her mouth pinned her face to his crotch as she was ravaged from behind.

"Dude let her breathe she's not a toy!"

"Yes she is!" cheered Rosa. CRACK! "Ay my culo!!"

"Fuck em! Fuck them both!"

"MMgnh-mmgnh-mmgngggh!" Stargirl was pounded harder, her eyes rolling as the cock in her mouth pulsated on her tongue.

"Haaagh!!" he yanked his cock from her lips as she kept her mouth open, "Oh YES! YES!!"

"Haa-haaaaah…" she whimpered lustfully, feeling his load on her mask face as he gave her a facial, "Haaaah-AAAH!!" the cock pounding her from behind slipped from her wet pussy, then rammed up her ass. "AAGH! Aaaaah!!" she howled erotically, but to the crowd it was just another mating call.

"I'm not sticking my dick in that mess roll her over!"

"AHaah!" she gasped as the cock in her ass went deep, and she was rolled over. Her big breasts swinging invitingly as another with a big pussy ruining cock loomed over her and rammed into her body. "Haah! Aaaah!! Aaah!!" wide-eyed and mouth gaping she could only squeal and writhe.

"Ugh! NGH! Fuck you're tight!" praised the one ruining her pussy as the one beneath her thrust up into her, pushing her onto his cock again and again as they pounded on.

"Haa-aaha! Aah! Aaah! OUI!!" her head thrashing and rolling about, swinging her long blonde hair as they both grabbed fistfuls of big fake tits.

"She fucking loves it! fuck she's getting tighter!"

"Oui! OUI!!"

"Fuck her harder! Fuck! Her! Harder!"

"MERDE!! Aaah! OUI!!!"

"Oh god! OOoooh!" Her ass felt warm as a thick load rushed up it. "Oh-ohhh. SHIT!"

"FUCK!! FUUUCK!!!" roared the pussy ruining as his cock was beating. "UGH! FUCK!!" slamming into hr and stuffing her full of thick jiizz. "NNGH!!" it oozed out of her pussy, "NGH!!"

"That ain't my baby!" laughed someone as the rest chortled like it was some sort of sick catchphrase.

Stargirl went a little blank for a moment, twitching on the bed as they both pulled out and got off, she gazed lazily at the ceiling as Rosa cries of well-used bliss seemed far away in comparison… she felt a weight on her stomach and almost on reflex she pushed her big fake tits together as something was forced through them…

"Haaa… ooh…" his hands rested on her breasts, holding and squeezing them himself as he began sliding it in and out. "Oh my god why didn't anyone do THIS?"

"Because I wanted to FUCK…" declared another to raucous laughter, only it quickly died as he kept thrusting his cock between her tits.

'Ooh… ooh my god… OOOH! MMGNh!!" Fap fap fap fap…" he planted his hands over her head as she gazed at his tip appearing between her breasts again and again. "These… tits! Are amazing!!"

…Like a code word she was showered in cum. It sprayed from his cock like a firehose as he coated her masked face. Her mouth hung up, tasting more thick seed as it roped across her lips and on her nose. Moving her breasts slowly up and down his cock, squeezing the rest out onto her chest as he trembled on top of her.

"…That… looked REALLY fucking good." Said someone jealously. "…Do I have time for a turn?"

He did not and Rosa made that apparent.

Exhaustedly the beautiful Latina cupped her breasts, kneeling between a squad of equally exhausted boys as her various holes, including her mouth, dripped ropey semen as they circle-jerked around her. Wagging her wide hips and samba ass eagerly like a bitch in heat. "Come on chicos finish up! I need to get my friend out of here before she's too well fucked to walk!" she smiled as one of them grunted, pre-cum ready to fire! "Cum on me! Cum on me! AH…" she closed her eyes and the damn burst again. "Ahh…" Rope after rope shot across her body, coating her tits, face and shoulders as she smiled. "Alright-Oh!" she giggled as a stray rope shot across her lips.

"Hee-hee! Alright Chicos… pictures!" Many of them whipped out their phones… including the one still on Stargirl's chest. There were a lot of camera flashes in the room… "Thank you Chicos…" purred Rosa, "Send them to my phone!" she added as a phone resting on a nearby dresser suddenly blew up with texts. "Okay…" she got to her feet, blowing them all cum sticky kisses. "Mwah! Mwah! Donations are appreciated! Thank you! I'll see you around! Mwah!"

"Wha-…wait… Pardon…" Stargirl mumbled wearily, pushing her sticky body up. "Wait I still need to get-!" the door shut as the last one left. "…Paid…" she mumbled, however Rosa got to her feet.

"Come on Chica… let's take a shower." She purred, helping Stargirl to the bathroom. She shoved her dress, amazingly unaffected by cum, to the floor and led Stargirl into the bathroom shower.

"…Ugh… can you wash my mask?" Stargirl mumbled, yanking the cum coated blue mask from her face…

"Just put it in the sink…" Rosa replied already getting into the shower, "Start it up I'll be out in a minute…" Stargirl began scrubbing the mask, it was easily washable after all.

"…Um… Rosa? excusez-moi de demander?"

"Hmmn? Yes Chica?"

"…What just happened?" Stargirl blinked behind a sticky facial as Rosa laughed.

"Oh… just another of my little hobbies, I was off duty tonight after all and my Hubby needed to go in to the office and-"

"Oh! I need to get paid! Who made the order?!" Stargirl asked nervously as Rosa got out of the shower and guided Stargirl in before taking over mask washing duty.

"I did Chica, don't worry about it. Just take any donations and checked the top dresser." She said scrobbing the mask as Stargirl rinsed her beautiful body. Once the beautiful blonde got out she gazed at Rosa as she squeezed out the water of the mask.

"…Rosa is this your house?" she asked surprised.

"Nooo chica!" laughed Rosa. "It's my cousin's!" she smiled playfully, "Oh… could you tell Orders-" she handed Stargirl the mask. "That I'm going to need next Friday off? I have a… thing…" she smiled cryptically.

"Oooh… oui…" Stargirl replied, very confused. She felt like Lindsey…

She got out of the Bathroom as Rosa shut the door behind her, apparently doing some private business. And sure enough there was a stack of crisp bills waiting for Stargirl along with several 'donations' on the dresser.

…She resolved herself to leave as quickly as possible. The rabid fanboy stalkers might be better than anything Rosa plans…

Time: 10:05 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Talk." Orders snarled at a middle-aged man being held on his knees by Hott Ash Ashley and Royal Rampart Rebecca. Glaring him down as he whimpered.

"W-what is… I just wanted to see her again!"

Orders walked around the counter, and grabbed his face. Glaring into his eyes as her own purple one's flickered. She scoffed and let go of his face. "Toss him out. I don't need him anymore. If I see you anywhere near her, I'm not calling the cops…" she said coldly, gesturing out the open back door "I'm calling them…" the man nervously looked outside at the veritable squad of Roller Derby girls, all in various uniforms and wearing roller derby gear, standing guard over the more desperate stalkers.

Because that's what they were.

Rebecca only had to mention 'stalkers' and that rallied the regular roller derby girls. Despite being on rival teams, at least 20 of them showed up to break up the crowd… efficiently: With little, but effective violence. "If I catch you or anyone out there who haven't come to eat or more accurately give me money, I'm letting them use your asses for wheel greasing…" as if to emphasize her point. Rebecca stomped her skate beside his thigh… it was joined by many other girls stomping in unity. "Get them out of here."

"Alright let's go fecker!" Ashley hauled him off the floor, he admired her beautiful unpainted face for only a moment before she shoved him roughly out the back door. Rebecca remained behind as she stood on her roller skates.

"So? What's the deal boss"

"…Apparently." Orders sighed in disbelief, "…Brielle is absurdly popular now on the burlesque circuit… she's… gone viral." She said, looking like she HATES herself for saying that. "…There's no conspiracy, nobody paid those idiots to harass her. Rico Marsade is actually very professional, so he didn't tell anyone about her…" she sighed, "One of them who saw her dance, saw her pick up Lindsey, followed her, and posted on a damn community board… giving her the flowers delayed her long enough for the rest of them to find her."

"…Well, that's messed up." Rebecca laughed nervously

"What's worse is that until these assholes ease up, I'm going to have to let her take a…a…" Orders snarled, closed her eyes and hissed out the words. "…Paid vacation…" she shuddered, as if in pain… "God damn it. It's going to take me a week to clean this up…"

"Clean it up? What do you mean?" Asked Jae-Hwa, leaning her thick shapely cheeks against the pool table.

"Intimidation, blackmail, maybe even a few arrests… I'll probably have to call Cajun Jim…" she sighed, "Clean up: Pick out the worst ones who won't learn easily and one way or the other make sure they never bother Brielle again." Said blonde pulled into the parking lot, "Starting with the one dumb enough to remain behind. Behind the dumpster Ronnie-Bell…" she noted lazily as the big girl cracked her knuckles.

"I got him."

"Good. Break something…" Orders noted harshly. Ronnie-Bell walked out, shaking her beautiful red-haired head. "Thank you, Rebecca. Keep your friends on speed dial." Orders replied coldly, as Brielle entered and there was a whimpering scream outside.

"No problem boss. Later Brielle…" she gave Brielle's rather sore behind a light pat as she rolled past her out the back door. Brielle moaned softly, wobbling towards Orders's counter as the purple-eyed boss sat down, stroking Hector's head as he sat beside her.

"Rosa says-" Brielle began

"I know what she said." Orders groaned, "…Never mind that. Brielle, until these… stalkers die down…"

"OH GOD MY FINGERS!" they all ignored the scream from outside.

"You're going to have to take a… Ngh…" Orders cringed again, "…PAID… Leave…" Leslie and Jae-Hwa, chuckling, went back to their pool game.

"Oh… um… alright Orders. F-For how long?" Orders scowled…

"About a week… give or take how many of them I need to break…"

"AAAAH!" once again, the scream was ignored.

"Hmmn…5 days." She said confidently, her purple-eyes flickering menacingly. "I'll call when I'm finished." She added. "Don't go dancing for a while either."

"Oh. Oui…" Brielle replied with an exasperated, and somewhat exhausted eye roll. "It'll take a LOT to get me on a burlesque stage again!"

"Oh I don't know." Jae-Hwa smiled, "Clearly, you're a popular girl Brielle…" Orders silently agreed, a dancing Brielle was a golden-haired, gold mine…

"…Tell me about it." moaned Brielle in her sexy French accent, making her way to the locker rooms and the shower to take a nice warm soak… being 'popular' is exhausting.


Now the butchering of the french language.

Je n'aurais jamais dû monter sur scene! = I never should have gone on stage!

Vous pourriez expliquer la situation? De préférence en anglais? = Could you explain the situation? Preferably in English?

Tu vas me rendre folle!= You'll drive me crazy!

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