
Delivery Girl: Wonder Girl Order #3

I don't own DC

"Has anyone heard from Tasha in the last few days?" asked Catwoman (I) abruptly as the rest of the girls blinked around curiously. "I keep calling her, but she doesn't answer." She gestured to her own cellphone, wiggling it in her hand

"I saw her just the other night." Huntress supplied cautiously, "We had the same shift. But honestly, she was spacing out when she wasn't shaking her ass…"

Catwoman frowned. "…Maybe I should ask Orders?" she said as Big Barda yawned broadly, coming out of the locker rooms in costume and ready to handle her shift and anyone dumb enough to start something in the restaurant.

"Well obviously Orders knows what's going on with her. It's Orders." She yawned, stretching her muscular body. "Mmmngh!" she sighed, as she rested her arms on her head giving off the appearance of posing before glancing around. "Why are you calling Tasha anyway? Do you game with her or something?"

"She was going to be my model… well. She and her ass were going to be my model… and Jae-Hwa…" she hesitated.

"…You're taking pictures of their asses?" Big Barda smirked.

"Oh yeah. It's a thing in the photography business." She noted, "This guy bought a bunch of black and whites off me awhile back, people can't get enough of them."

"I'll bet." Huntress noted, lounging on the couch now.

"It's very artistic and tasteful." Catwoman replied 'poshly' posing herself. While Wonder Girl, yet to be in costume, arrived promptly. Unaware of the conversation she walked right into the locker rooms as Big Barda crossed her muscularly fit arms across her impressive chest and declared politely.

"BULLSHIT." Politely for her mind you. "It's just a bunch of guys who like big, round asses. Hell get Lori to pose for you, her ass is pretty fat."

"I'll have you know that their big asses are posted in several very tasteful, over 18, galleries!" Catwoman replied as Huntress looked between them skeptically.

"…I don't think you need to defend their asses. They're pretty popular asses." She admitted. "Tasha does have 'the Best Ass in Gotham'." Catwoman and Big Barda snorted as Wonder Girl walked out of the locker rooms looking very confused.

"What?" she asked surprised as Huntress sighed exasperatedly. Catwoman however smirked almost catlike.

"Ah… right. I once found an amateur porn video with Tasha. The guys in it said she has 'The Best Ass in Gotham'… apparently, it's a lot more widespread than expected."

"…It is a very nice backside." Wonder Girl admitted as the other girls chuckled, Catwoman however eyed Wonder Girl thoughtfully.

"…Hey, are you doing anything later? If I can't get Tasha maybe I can get a few pictures of you. Maybe turn our soldier girl into a real pin-up."

"Wha-?" Wonder girl replied surprised only for Huntress to add in thoughtfully.

"She is pretty glamorous looking." She admitted confidently, eyeing the model-like body of Wonder Girl who raised her hands defensively, shaking them negatively as she shook her head.

"Oh. No. I'm not photogenic." She declared as Catwoman scoffed, it was her turn to be polite.

"Bullshit. You're so photogenic it hurts."

"Ah calm down. I'll pose for you." Big Barda declared confidently, flexing her muscles and posing her athletic body. "I'm sure I could draw in the athletic crowd."

"Pft." Catwoman replied, as Big Barda scowled and wiggled a finger in her ear. "Please. I could get WAY more sales if she posed for me…"

"What? Sorry Yaya all I'm hearing right now is. 'Please Becca, hit me in the face. I want to spend a few hours in the ICU'." Catwoman flinched nervously

"You better get that 'hearing problem' checked out." Orders declared firmly, walking into Superbabes as Big Barda's anger vanished instantly. Well, not so much 'instantly, as dissipated quickly as she pouted. "I can't have you putting my girls in the ICU, embellishment or otherwise." She noted quickly, putting down her things and returning to her counter before eyeing Catwomen. "Don't antagonize the girls hired to protect you from jerks."

"Right right, it's all in good fun." Big Barda declared, Catwoman nodding in agreement before Big Barda slapped Catwoman's back good-naturedly… but judging from Catwoman's face, and her uncomfortable flinching, it was a little harder than necessary.

Wonder Girl, thankful that the subject of turning her into a pin-up girl was now effectively de-railed, tried to make her way to the floor only for Orders to catch her. "Wonder Girl. Pose for Catwoman."

"What!? But Ma'am!" she replied, trying very hard not to sound childish as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

Orders sighed tiredly, reclining in her comfy chair as she gazed wistfully up at the ceiling. "Unfortunately, Tasha is a bit indisposed. I sent Ronnie-Bell to deal with it, but she won't be very picturesque in time for Catwoman's photos. So. You will be an excellent substitute." She said, turning to the computer to turn on deliveries on the website.

"But why do I have to?" replied Wonder Girl indignantly.

"Because I get a cut of the photos." Orders replied as Catwoman shrugged defeatedly as Big Barda laughed. "Now go on. Pictures later, floor now." Big Barda leaned against the counter as the lounge girls flooded the floor. The big brunette glanced over her shoulder at Orders as she began fiddling with Sudoku today.

"…Yaya gives you a cut of her photo money?"

"Of course, she does." Orders replied frankly. "Not all of them, but some. She can keep the fancy art gallery earnings but any cheap pin-ups, the mass-produced stuff with you girls, that's okay."

"…Is it?" Big Barda asked hesitantly as Orders scoffed again.

"Yes. Now shush. Go slap Pinchy Joe for me." She declared firmly as Big Barda chanced a glance at Pinchy Joe's regular booth.

"Why am I slapping Pinchy Joe?" and as if on cue.

"Ooh!" squeaked Stargirl in surprise, barely keeping her platter of Hawkgirl hot wings in hand as she skipped away from Pinchy Joe's fingers.

"Ah... Alright hang on." Big Barda declared shrugging as Orders rubbed her forehead. Reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:59 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"The... Wonder Girl meal. For delivery. Please…"

"…One ham and cheese sandwich with fries, anything else?"

"Delivered by Wonder Girl."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


Big Barda stood in the doorway her arms on the frames as she posed, letting Wonder Girl slip under her arm as she raised an eyebrow at Orders asking curiously. "A ham and cheese sandwich?" Orders just glared at her. "You're really stretching it."

"Shut up." Grumbled Orders, rubbing her forehead as a particularly artisanal-looking ham and cheese sandwich slid across the counter in a bag. "Here. Take this." She ordered, slipping the receipt into the bag as Big Barda eyed the sandwich.

"That was a fancy-looking sandwich." Big Barda noted as Wonder Girl walked out the back. "Even when you half-ass something, your still going the full ass."

"That's not a thing. And if you call me an ass again, I'll smack yours with a bat." Orders added as Wonder Girl just sighed and tried very hard not stay tuned into the sass Orders channel as she got into the car. A lot of 'ass' discussion tonight… she sat hers onto the seat, turned the car on, and slowly drove off into Gotham.

It didn't take her long to get to 'upper' Upper-east Gotham. The 'richer than you but not quite rich enough for Gotham Heights' neighborhood. With gated communities, private boarding schools that preferred the words 'academy', and a consistent police patrol car to soothe the residents.

She got out of the company car, casually shutting the door behind her as a trio of young boys rode bikes on the sidewalk passing her by, only one turned his head to view her in awe, older than the other two by at least a year or so. Thankfully he didn't crash into anything, but he did slow himself until she walked towards the iron gate surrounding the house with a high grass wall hedge. Although she imagined there was an actual fence in the hedge as she opened the gate.

It screamed like all old iron gates do when they try to creep someone out, but she was made of stronger stuff. Her feet echoed on the sidewalk as she approached the porch steps, glancing around at the high hedges and the shortly cut grass that made the path towards the house seem more like a platform.

She stepped up towards the door, ignoring the old iron knocker grafted to it as she raised her fist high and pounded the door so hard it rattled on its hinges. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: 'Upper' Upper-east district (House with the hedge wall)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, resting her hands on her hips. Unknowingly posing as she distracted herself with another look around the yard, pushing her big breasts out as her red suit squeezed them firmly in place. One highlight of her costume was it displayed every inch of her fit, toned young body.

Soft to the touch, but well-honed like a steel knife.

After a minute. The door finally opened revealing a less than pleasant-looking man. Hefty, balding, a couple of chins and far older than she expected 50's, closer to 60. He gave her a surprisingly charming smile, but his hand was already reaching around to her ass and squeezing it as he guided her inside. "Come in." he added as she walked into his living room.

Nice looking, didn't smell weird, wasn't getting off any creepy serial killer vibes, but his hand wasn't leaving her ass… he kept guiding her through as she absently tossed his sandwich on the table in the kitchen as they went towards a back door… then he opened the door and led her outside.

The house looked like a classic Gotham designed brick home. The backyard however was a far more modern pool and above-ground Jacuzzi combination and so shiny it must have been recently completed. In fact, judging from some heavy working tools and machinery still in the corner of his yard, possibly yesterday.

He led her towards his above-ground Jacuzzi, already bubbling and gurgling with heated water, judging from the steam she could see in the cold Gotham air. It was held together by wood so polished it glittered in the faint light of the house. He led her to the steps of the Jacuzzi, you had to climb them first before you could get into the water, a raised platform of the same polished wood surrounding the tub wide enough for her lie flat on her back comfortably…

…She noted this fact for future reference.

"Get naked." He ordered with little fanfare as he tugged at the belt of his knee-length robe. Letting his gut push it open revealing loose swimming trunks as she shook her mane of glamourous hair out of her face and followed orders. Lifting up the suit from behind her neck and over her head, her breasts wobbling free as she lowered it down. "Mmn…" he cupped at her bare breasts, squeezing them with sausage-like fingers as she pushed it down to her waist.

The hand on her ass slid up her curves to slide back down into her ever-lowering suit, squeezing her ass cheek more directly as he leaned over and licked her. From shoulder, to the curve of her neck, then to her cheek sending a shiver through her body as her suit hit the ground.

A shiver of disgust or pleasure, she was inwardly leaning towards the latter.

He was already hard in his trunks and his hands explored her body with a mixture of curiosity and pure lecherousness. Caressing her shape, and her curves, as if trying to memorize her body on touch alone. His tongue was thick, and surprisingly long, coiling against her neck like a serpent as he licked her. Sliding his thick fingers against her holes, prodding curiously at them but not getting inside her.

"Haah… aah… mmmngh…" she moaned as his thick fingers spread her pussy, rubbing only a centimeter in and out of her as she panted on them.

"Mmn-aaah… touch yourself…" he hissed firmly, his tongue licking her earlobe as her hand moved to her crotch, thrusting her fingers inside herself as his arousal dripped down her thigh,

"MMn-MMN!!" She bucked her hips forward onto her hand as his other hand went back to her tits, squeezing them as he softly smack her rear. "Haah…" the clap of his hand on her ass echoed over the bubbling water, and he rubbed her curves. "Haah-aah…"

Her body shuddered in the cold from her fingers as she clenched her teeth, "Nngh! Aaaah… haaaa-ugh…" she twitched, cumming on her fingers as he squeezed her softer parts. Her arousal dripped onto the concrete as he smacked her rear again.

"Lick your fingers clean…" he ordered as her wet hand quickly went to her lips, longingly running her tongue over each digit as she moaned seductively. "Taste good?"

"Mmn-aah… yeah…" she cooed.

"Are you a nasty girl?" he growled, licking her neck again as his fingers prodded her ass.

"I'm so nasty." She declared with a soft moan, resting her middle finger on her tongue as she added almost on instinct. "Daddy." His cock wobbled against her thigh through his trunks as she slowly wrapped her lips around her middle finger, "MMmn-hmmn…" she moaned pushing her finger deep into her mouth until her knuckles rested against her face then she pulled it out, and back in "Mmn. Mmn… mmn…" sucking and slurping loudly on her finger as she gazed into his eyes.

He took her hand by the wrist, pulling her finger from her lips with a pop before licking her hand. "Mmn… you do taste good." He declared before firmly shoving her towards the steps. "Sit on the top." He ordered as she climbed slowly up the steps to the second from the top, turned around and sat down. Spreading her legs as the cold air brushed across her nipples only for him to put his hands on them and shove her back with surprising force.

Not enough to hurt her once she hit the platform of the tub, but it was just surprising.

"Dirty girls taste the best." He declared almost evilly, resting his hands on her knees as he awkwardly stood on the steps, leaning forward to run his tongue firmly over her lower lips. "MMnhaaaah!" he gasped, wrapping his mouth around her pussy and sucking her juices out noisily as his tongue slithered inside her.

"Haa!! mNGH!" she covered her own squealing mouth, thrusting her hips up against his face as his tongue squirmed and writhed inside her. Thrusting in and out of her moistened insides as he wrapped his arms under her knees and around her legs, holding himself up as he eagerly ate her out.

"Nom-nom-nom…" he chuckled, gumming her clit, her labia… all over and inside her as she squirmed on the wood, bucking her hips towards his face as she moaned into her hand. "MMn-mmn!"

"MMGH! MMGH! MMNgaaa-aahaah…" she gasped, shaking in climax as he pulled away, his tongue slipping from her pussy leaving a trail of her arousal as he stood over her. His hard cock stretched his trunks, twitching as he gazed at her naked climaxing body. He watched her shaking, wobbling breasts as he squeezed his crotch, licking his lips of her taste as he groaned.

"Get in the tub." He said firmly as she rolled over. Her ass cheeks twitching as she crawled around the Jacuzzi, slipping a leg into the tub before sliding in the other. She shivered slightly as the warmth clashed against her cold body, her ass cheeks jiggling as she dropped into the water completely. All the way up to her shoulders as the tips of her wavey hair dipped inside the bubbling tub. Then went the hole way. She knelt in the center of the tub, beneath the water as it soaked and warmed her completely.

She finally rose to the surface, shooting from the water and throwing her hair out of her face by swinging her head back, and running her hands over it, squeezing water down her glamourous body as she opened her eyes and realized he was sitting at the edge of the tub. Feet in the water on the seats and tugging his trunks down as his erection jumped free.

He wasn't anything to sneeze at but Raven wouldn't approve him… or something along those lines. He didn't have to say anything she was already moving towards him resting her hands on his knees and bending over… the curves of her ass cheeks bouncing just over the bubbling waters as she opened her mouth. And wrapped her soft lips around his tip.

He sighed loudly, rolling his head back as his hands gripped her head. Apparently thick fingers gave him a firm grip. He pulled her further and further down his cock, until her chin rubbed against the cheap material of his trunks.

"MMn-mmm…" she mumbled softly, swirling her tongue around his shaft before pulling up, and back down again. Slowly, and determinedly but every inch of his shaft as stroked by her tongue at one point of another.

"Keep sucking… that feels good." He declared cautiously.

"MMn-hmmn…" she moaned, her vibrations sending shivers down his cock and up his spine, her saliva dripping into the tub as she slipped beneath the water and sat on the seat. "MMngh-mn…" sitting sideways as she bobbed her head back and forth without pausing. "Mmng… mmn.. mmmn…"

He let go of her head, not that it deterred her cock sucking, nor did she think about stopping. His hands moved to her chest, squeezing her bouncing breasts as she kept her lips moving up and down on his shaft at a steady but unceasing pace. Sinking his thick fingers into her chest as her forehead bopped against his bulging stomach.

"Oh...!" he gasped abruptly as she tasted a spurt of seed across her tongue. His cock rigidly twitched in her mouth as she continued, going faster and faster as he tried to hold on… but he broke. "Ooooh…"


Cum burst into her mouth as she hummed softly at the taste, quickly swallowing it down but the taste still lingered… she didn't hate it, but she didn't like it. She honestly couldn't figure out how Batgirl was so addicted to such a substance. 'Mmn…"

He sighed, gliding her head up and down slowly. Shaking as he emptied his balls into her mouth. "Hah… haah…" he sighed. He let go of her breasts, leaning back as he used on hand to rest on the jacuzzi and the other to hold her face to his crotch. His fingers curled in her wet hair, guiding her mouth up and down his flaccid length as she licked the last drops of cum oozing from his urethra. He glanced down at her as she gazed back up, he squirmed, his cock twitching in her mouth. He pulled her lips from his cock, she kept them puckered as he stood up, dropping his trunks into the bubbling water.

Holding her head in one hand, he poked her lips with his tip as she stuck out her tongue, and he slapped it twice with his cock before walking further into the water as she stood off the seat. "Haah!" she gasped suddenly as he pressed his hand to her pussy, sliding his fingers inside her. "Haaaah…" she shuddered as he pushed her back onto the seat, grabbing her legs beneath the water.

"I want something young… and I want it raw." He growled eagerly, spreading her as she hooked her hands on the edge of the jacuzzi to keep her head and at least half of her very buoyant breasts above the water. Her legs hooked on his arms, her knees above the water and her feet splashing in the foam as he pushed his cock against her pussy. "Haaah!" he groaned, pushing into her.

"Haah!" she gasped, shaking as his fists curled around her breasts, she clenched her teeth. "NGh-aah-aah-aahhgh!" and quickly opened her mouth as he pounded against her body. The water thrashed from more than the jets as she squirmed, her knuckles whitening on the edge of the tub as he pushed her against the seat. "Haaa-aah!"

"NGh! Aah-Haaa!" he groaned, grinding against her as her pushed her further and further against the side of the tub, squeezing at her breasts as her legs swung wildly over his arms as he squeezed her breasts firmly, lifting her up and down with his grinding as her screams were muffled by splashing water.

"Haa-haaa! Argggle! Gllaaah!" she gasped out the sloshing water as he fell against her, "Ahaa-aah!" both now clawing at the side of the tube as she shudder beneath his pounding and against his chest. "Haaa-aha-aah BLlub!" she dropped beneath the water from his weight, "Bluuurgh!"

Unintentionally holding her underwater, he rested his chin on the edge. Eyes rolling up into his head as he planted his hips and spread his seed as her legs thrashed in the air, the only thing apart from her hands above water as he held her down and filled her insides…

She might be concerned if circumstances weren't making her cum her brains out. She squirmed and thrash, to anyone outside looking into such a scene it might look like he was drowning her. Her arms and legs twitched and thrashed…

But no, again, she was cumming her brains out. Screaming underwater as her eyes rolled in her head more from her orgasm than lack of oxygen. But her body couldn't deny that she was running on empty so her legs were going limp and flopping against his hefty back. Her hands dropped into the water as he grunted and finally pulled out of her… hefting her from the water as she turned her head.

"Blaagh…" water flowed from her mouth, splashing into the jacuzzi as she gasped for breath. "Haaah… hah…" she gasped, shaking as her breasts floated in the water and her head rested on the side of the jacuzzi, gazing at the Stars… and a sudden streak of pink and green across the night sky… "Mmngh…" she grunted as his heavyweight body fell onto her slowly he ran his tongue on her neck as his cock rubbed against her crotch with his twitching length.

She squirmed excitedly, her legs rubbing his mass instinctively as he moaned while grinding on her body and licking her silky skin. "Ahhh I haven't cum that hard in years…" he hissed, squeezing at her breasts now as he rolled off her. "I hope you're proud making men feel as good as I do you little slut." He sat beside her, wrapping an arm around his head and fingering her once more with his thick fingers as she squirmed. He licked her cheek slowly as she gasped, moaning loudly on his fingers as she spread her legs. "Are you a little slut?"

"I'm a little slut…" she moaned as he licked her, stretching out her tongue and moaning, "I'm a nasty whore daddy…" he chuckled giddily, pulling away as she flicked her tongue from her mouth after him as if inviting him for a little wrestling before it went stiff, "Haa-aahh…"

"You slutty bitch you're cumming again…" he hissed, continuing to finger her as her hips thrashed beneath the water. "You're not here to have fun by yourself…" he yanked his hand from her twitching pussy as he gripped her right tight, "Cum here give me some more…"

"Oooh yes, Daddy…" she cooed, sliding over his lap as he gasped, feeling his dick shoot up against her as he lied back as best he could against the side of the tub. "Haa… aah-ah-aaah! Ah! Ahh! YES! DADDY!" she screamed as he hissed, covering her mouth as she kept bouncing. "MMGH! MNGH!"

"Keep it down you little slut!" he gasped desperately, pumping up into her body. "NGh! Ahh-I don't want the neighbors to hear you!"

"MMMGnh! MN!" she moaned into his hand, gripping her face tightly as her nose burst jets of hair as she breathed heavily in and out through it. Grinding and bouncing on his lap as he panted, cupping her breasts to squeeze them around his arm as he pulled it away from their embrace to bury his face into her cleavage. "MMNGh! MMNGh!" she squealed, her insides trembling around his cock as he made her cum again.

He rubbed his portly face between her chest, bucking furiously against her. Grunting and squealing softly like a pig, a name she was certain he has been called more than once. But she didn't care, she was climaxing again, squeezing his twitching member as he smacked her ass beneath the water before wrapping his arm tightly around her. "MMNGh-mMNGH!"

"MNhaa-aah!" he kept his face buried between her tits as another load of cum sprayed into her. "NNGh!!" holding her tight, holding her down, pumping her full of a diminishing load of seed as he finally went limp, shaking as he pulled his hand and face from her… she fell backward into the water, sinking to the bottom even as her tits (the only thing 'fat' about her') tried to pull her back to the surface.

He stood up moaning softly as his body seemed stiffer than before… apart from his cock. he reached into the water and pulled her back to the surface by her arm as he moaned erotically, gazing at him under her wet hair as they stood face to face… he seemed contemplative for a minute, before taking her face firmly in his hands and forcefully kissing her. She moaned, opening her mouth as he shoved his tongue inside, wrestling her tongue as his cock rubbed against her leg. Her hand ran her fingers over it as she moaned. "Mmngh-mmnn…" she hummed as he pulled away, breathing heavily…

Her mouth open, her eyes sultry and her body still as fucking hot as ever… something bubbled up inside her. Like a sudden burst of inspiration… but at this point, others would call it as 'instinct'. "Thank you, daddy…" she cooed longingly as his cock shivered against her.

"NNgh… I want more." He growled greedily, squeezing her body as she moaned.

"I can't give you more I have to go… Daddy." She cooed as he groaned eagerly.

"Come here I'll be quick." He gasped, crawling out of the tub as his bulk dripped down into it. She did the same, kneeling before him as he held her head in one hand, and furiously stroked himself with the other. He sneered down at her, grunting, panting, struggling to cum as he gazed at her 'innocent' look. Her big breasts pressed together by her upper arms, her hands in her lap, her glamours face tilted up at him as he stroked himself. "I always wanted to do this…!" he groaned, "Cum all over a nasty little slut like you…!"

"…Do it Daddy." She cooed, pre-cum oozing from his tip at her 'magic word'. "Do it. Do it…" her lips inches from his twitching tip, she opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue. Breathing heavily as she gasped, "Ahhh…" He planted his other hand on her forehead, holding her in place as he groaned.

"NNGH! UGH-GAaah…" he sighed, ropes spraying feebly over her face as his hairy old sack quiver. "Ha-aah…" Ropes of cum streaking across her skin, hitting his wrist as he sighed, letting his cock hang limp between his legs as he held his cum covered wrist over her mouth, her tongue licking it clean before she hooked her tongue on the tip of his cock, licking out the rest before pulling away. "Worth every cent." He sighed contentedly as she snorted cum from her nostril and got to her feet, turning around to walk down the steps as he gave her ass a light clap in farewell. "MMn…"

She glanced around for some sort of shower, but saw nothing. "…I need to clean up." She declared as he frowned and pointed to what looked like a small shed but obviously it was a shower once he pointed it out.

"Right over there." He said, waddling down the steps, grabbing his robe from the floor and heading towards the house. "I'll get your payment…"

She slipped into the small shower, already turning it on and hosing his cum from her porcelain skin, moaning softly as she tried to find soap… to no avail, apparently, it was a new installation and there was nothing to use. So she washed as best she could before walking wet out of the shower… retrieving her suit from the ground as she went back inside to find the man counting a stack of bills, deep in contemplation as she approached him.

He glanced at her, "Thank you for your service." He grinned lecherously, as she took the proffered amount. "See you again." he noted as she winked slowly.

"…Order again." she replied as she strutted past him… a part of her suit squeaking slightly from her wet body as she returned to the car. Shifting uncomfortably on her ass, before struggling to get back to Superbabes as quickly as possible.

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Ugh…" Helen squeaked uncomfortably back into Superbabes as Orders glanced up at her. "I am positively soaked." She declared, "He didn't have towels in his shower. Why the hell didn't he have any towels?"

"Why didn't you use the ones in the trunk?" Declared, Yaya casually from the couch as Helen stared at her.

"…What trunk?"

"There are towels in the trunks of the company cars." Orders declared calmly, "…Just in case someone needs a towel. It's a massively useful item." Britney, who had arrived for her shift snorted with restrained laughter as she walked out of the locker rooms in her uniform, jiggling onto the floor. Orders just rolled her eyes, "…Regardless Helena, nice work." She said, holding out her hand as Helen shuffled towards the locker room already stripping down to take a proper shower and "When you are done let Yaya take pictures of you…" she added as Helen complained tiredly.

"…But Ma'am…" she groaned as Yaya prepped her camera.

"Tasha won't be ready for another hour." Orders added casually.

"What about Tasha?" Yaya blinked in surprise as Ronnie-Bell abruptly arrived…

Over her shoulder was a thick chocolate ass in casual shorts, the other half of Tasha was draped down Ronnie-Bell's back grumbling and moaning exhaustedly. "She did NOT make it easy…" Ronnie-Bell declared with some surprise. "For a girl who's been up for three days marathoning video games, she put up a fight…" Ronnie-Bell added as Tasha groaned.

"Got to get… all the stars…" Tasha moaned into Ronnie-Bell's powerful back, all her limbs were limp and hanging over Ronnie-Bells body like some awkward modern art decoration… her ass was still great. "Must… play… games."

"Toss her in the shower." Orders noted, "Wake her up and get her looking pretty… And a pillow, she'll need some sleep after she's done making me money."

"Alright Sugar let's go make you pretty." Ronnie-Bell cooed encouragingly, patting Tasha fondly on her big beautiful ass. "You should know better." She added as Yaya warmed up her camera.

"…Should I just go and take pictures of them now?" she asked mischievously, "Naked and in water?"

"That sounds like gallery work, I don't get a cut of that." Orders noted as Yaya skipped into the locker rooms, Orders sighed. "…I can't blame her initiative…"

'Bathing Beauties' became quite popular... Even the posh rich art critics still like naked women.


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