
Delivery Girl: Huntress Order #4

I don't own DC or other stuff I don't own

Twas the average night at Superbabes: Packed floor. Giggling and flirtatious girls. Harley Quinn singing on the karaoke machine. Mysterious Ninjas running across rooftops. Orders on the phone, but NOT taking a delivery order… Oh, that's curious let's listen in.

"Of course, I knew you were going to call." Orders said into the phone. "…Yes, I'm aware." Orders sighed, brushing aside the Spanish Crossword that Livewire brought back from her trip to Columbia after Christmas for her…

Seeing as it's one of the only things the girls see her do, she got a LOT of crossword books for Christmas. She was just getting around to them. But back on task…

Orders rubbed her forehead; she was getting a light headache. "Yes. Grace, it's fine. Rest, relax. Drink lots of fluids." Orders hesitated, "And I mean water... Yes, even for you I have to be specific. Stay home… and you know I WILL know if you don't." she paused for a moment as Grace said something raspy over the phone. "…Yes, I know someone made a reservation for you, I'll take care of it." she replied, "Get well soon Grace." She hung up the phone as Livewire lingered over the counter.

"Eight down is 'Toronja'." She said helpfully as Orders sighed, glancing up at the blue Superbabe as Harley Quinn's 'Man! I Feel Like a Woman' Shania Twain impression finished up.

"Yes, it is. Thank you." She replied politely but irately. When Livewire didn't run away, she added briskly, "What is it?"

"Well, I heard you mentioned reservations. I didn't know we did that for deliveries."

"It doesn't often come up." Orders replied, "Normally they just look up the site for what they want to eat but mainly who they usually want…" she shrugged. "I don't encourage it, but sometimes I get bored."

"…They paid you a lot of money, didn't they?" Livewire snarked after a moment as Orders purple-eyes flicked up towards her once more.

"Don't they always?" she replied, "…What can I say? Like the rest of the girls that work for me. I'm easy to please." A few of the other girls giggled as Livewire rolled her eyes.

"So. Who are you going to get to replace Grace? I assume they REALLY wanted Wonder Woman?"

"What they REALLY wanted was an expert." Orders replied casually, "…And she's an expert in this particular field." She wrote down 'Argentina' for Seven across, and glanced up again, "Also they were very polite about it, and I respect that."

Such a statement however was interrupted by a particularly loud voice outside in the parking lot.

"Heeey! Thanks babe! Have a Totally awesome night!" Huntress smiled nervously walking in from the back door, waving to someone they couldn't see before turning to the girls.

"…I just gave a talking bipedal turtle in a trench coat, directions to Wayne Tower…" she said casually, jerking her thumb over her shoulder. "…Should I be concerned?"

"…Was it the red one or the orange one?" Orders asked seriously, not looking up from her crosswords.

It took a moment for Huntress to understand what Orders was asking her, but then remembered a brief flash of color beneath the fedora. "…The orange one?"

"He can get a little handsy if you let him, but he's a good kid… for a teenager." Orders replied, "Anyway. Huntress. I got a job for you later if you want it."

"A job?" Huntress asked heading quickly into the locker room to change. "What sort of job?"

"A pre-paid delivery." Orders replied, "I was going to send Grace, but she's out sick."

"What she sick with?" Huntress asked curiously

"…Something you definitely don't want Wonder Woman to have while giving you your first time." Orders replied cryptically, "Do you really want me to describe exactly what's wrong with her? It's not pleasant."

"I'm eating. Please don't." Declared Supergirl (I) nervously from the poker table eating an early-late dinner with Wonder Girl, who nodded in agreement with a mouthful of food.

"No. It's fine. I got a pretty good idea." Huntress added, walking out of the locker rooms in costume and eyeing Orders. "…So… some cherry-popping? I can do that, sure."

"Oh si…" Livewire smirked, "…If you can't have the professional man-maker do it, an ex-pornstar is a pretty good pick."

"Good. You'll leave at Nine." Orders replied checking the clock. "You should get to the Star of Gotham in plenty of time."

"That fancy rich people apartment building with like, fifty floors?" Livewire asked surprised, paused, and asked curiously. "…Can I go instead?"

"No. I'm sending Huntress." Orders declared with finality. Livewire scoffed and jiggled that beautiful blue ass onto the floor as Huntress adjusted her mask slightly.

"…Who am I delivering too?" she asked as Orders shrugged.

"I didn't ask questions. The valet gave me a time, an order, and requested one of my… best girls." Orders hesitated only slightly, her eyes flashing.

"What a shame. They're going to get me." Huntress added sarcastically with a cheeky smile as Orders briefly returned it.

"…Don't sell yourself short." Orders replied with the air of a genuine compliment as Huntress went to kill some time by teasing some patrons for tips.

A little later.

Time: 9:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

…Oh… right… the order was already placed… this is weird for me.

Should I… should I 'Meanwhile'? I'm very confused.

The promised food slid across the counter as Orders checked the clock with skilled precision. "Huntress, it's time."

Huntress had been snacking on some leftover fish and chips from the kitchen, pushed her plate across the poker table to Harley Quinn playing poker with Livewire and got up, grabbing her mask as she tugged it back down over her beautiful face approaching the counter and taking the bag and double checking the receipt.

"…Some rich kid's popping his cherry…" she said quietly to herself, eying Orders, "Just channel Grace, right?"

"Nothing you haven't done before." Orders replied.

"But Grace has it down to an art form." Huntress replied, "That's a lot to work up too." Orders just sighed and absently brushed her hand towards the door as if sweeping away dust.

"You and Grace are two distinctly different but efficient lovers. But more importantly… you're both very attractive and whoever it is should be fucking thankful his first time is with someone so gorgeous. Now get going." Orders began complimentarily but ended abruptly, making Huntress laugh as she walked out the back towards a company car.

"What do you have to worry about you already got paid." She noted to herself, slipping into the car and checking the mirror. Getting a good look at her face as she did. She wasn't egotistical, but she was indeed 'very attractive'. "…I'm overthinking it." she finally declared to herself and heading off into Gotham.

To be honest there were at least five different things that had the title of Star of Gotham. How is a question for the ages… or not considering a good bribe can misplace just about anything if you know who to talk to. There was a hotel called 'Star of Gotham'. A theater close to the Bowery. A cruise ship. And two different buildings, one tiny, grungy and condemned and the other massive and expensive.

The expensive one was the one she was heading to in Upper-East. Originally owned by Johnathan St. John the III, after the arrest/conviction/ and failed appeals of his sociopathic son, the messy trials, the divorce of his 5th​ trophy wife the marriage to his 6th​ trophy wife/mistress and a failed attempt at politics he had to liquidate it, among other things, very quickly. Blaming everything on one man doing his job and throwing his son in prison.

Huntress only knew such information because that one man was Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach. He brought about his downfall and Britney liked to brag often about the fact that she was dating Gotham's most Uncorruptible Judge. She drove into the lot of the apartment building, going up several floors to park in the guest stalls.

She checked her face again and got out of the car. She had parked 8 floors up and the wind was brisk as she walked towards the elevators, took them to the ground floor, and walked right in through the front doors. She got a few looks, as always when a Superbabe goes in through the front doors, but nobody stopped her. Nobody had the balls: Just the erections.

She got into the elevator and click the 40th​ floor. Joining an older woman with a small dog: there was always at least one in these rich buildings, a punk girl straight out of a K-Pop stage show, and a middle-aged man whom she did a favor for by NOT standing in front of him for the ride. Taking a far corner of the elevator as the older woman stared disapprovingly at her.

As the elevator rose the middle-aged man trying to pass a glance almost missed his floor, then the older woman quickly and judgingly got off. The K-Pop girl took off her headphones, and eyed Huntress, getting off on her floor she hesitated before asking curiously. "Aren't you cold in that?"

Huntress seemed to think about it, the smiled back. "In bad weather sure. But I'm told I'm really hot." The K-Pop girl laughed, waving goodbye, then the elevator went up the rest of the way to the 40th​ floor. There were only two doors on this floor so they must have been luxury suites of some kind. She walked to the right door, raised her hand and knocked. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:12 PM Place: Star of Gotham (Suite #2)

"Special Delivery Service." She only had to wait a few moments before the door opened to reveal a wizened old butler. Bald, almost hunched over, with a full white beard as he adjusted his glasses and gestured for her to enter.

"Come in." he said with a rasp as she entered the immaculately furnished apartment.

A Standard but expensive living room. A view of Gotham from the windows that lead to a balcony, a fully furnished kitchen, dining room, a luxurious bathroom and a few empty bedrooms. But one closed door.

"Young Master Wyatt is in there." Whispered the old butler… or wheezed the old butler it was hard to tell. He then reached for a hat, and a coat, and began to put it on. "You can see yourself out when you're finished." She watched him shuffle off, and shut the front door with a nod.

"…Wow Grace really needed to be here for this…" she noted quietly to herself before she made her way to the bedroom door and knocked again. "…Hello?"

"…Come in." declared the occupant as she opened the door.

At least he wasn't an ugly kid. Thin, glasses, longer than necessary blonde hair and a few freckles on his face. He wore a bathrobe and sat on a large bed, playing some sort of fighting game on a Gamestation 5… he paused it, and stared at her. "…W-whoa." She smiled, and did a little turn, showing him the full package as she entered. Strutting towards him.

"Hey. Ready for a good time?"

"Um… about that…" he said, trying not to stare at her breasts and failing. "I-"

"You're nervous. Yeah… I get it." she sat next to him. "To be honest? I am too. I'm not really very good at de-virgining guys." She whispered in his ear as his face blushed furiously red as her voice did a number on his hormones.

"…Look this is…" he took a breath, "This is all my stupid brother's idea. He says I need to man up and get laid before I go off to college. He dropped me in our vacation home and told me not to come out into I 'popped my cherry'.

"Mmn-hmmn." She nodded understandingly, leaning back and lying on the bed. Squirming slightly as she made herself comfortable. "Hey, I don't mind if you don't really want to."

"W-Wait really?" he asked surprised.

"Sure. Happens all the time." Replied Huntress with a smile. Orders was already paid and the kid didn't want to do it, who was she to push him?...

Then again… just sitting around for an hour. Still… getting paid to do nothing didn't sit well with her. If she was anything she was a professional, and while some of the other girls might have taken this opportunity to relax she needed to do something… maybe just a little head, just give him a little taste of what he's passing up…

Plus he was a cute guy, and Grace seemed to get ALL of the cute guys. All she got was frat boys, drunks and the occasional jackass with money.

"But you know." she added, sitting up and pushing out her breasts as he seemed to fail at not noticing them once again. "…Not to brag, but not a lot of girls look like me." She whispered as he froze, gazing into her come-hither eyes, also known as her 'I'm going to suck dick eyes': made famous during her 'Heather Hottie' reign. "And they CERTAINLY won't do the things I do…"

It was undeniable that even in a mask Huntress had a certain skill of seduction only a World Class Pornstar could develop. Wyatt's gaze was transfixed on her inviting eyes as she slid from the bed. Head and hands first, planting her fingers on the floor as she silkily slid to it with, so catlike Kitty Katie would be jealous of such a performance.

He instinctively studied every curve of her voluptuous body, her breasts, waist, hips, thighs, legs and her ass as she crawled on the floor like a stripper, and crawled up his legs. Huntress's gloved hands rested on his robe-covered knees, her face inches from his ever-increasing bulge. His upper body understandably recoiled, leaning away from her… however his lower body was far more honestly. Remaining firmly in place as she slowly swayed her shapely behind side to side, subtly dancing as she hummed softly, rubbing his knees as her hands slipped up the robe.

"…Tell you what." She whispered, keeping eye contact like a snake to prey, hypnotizing him. "I'll give you something a normal girl wouldn't… it's called a blowjob." She smirked confidently, "And if you REALLY don't like it when I'm done... Just consider it masturbating."

Oddly ironic considering number of men (and woman) who have masturbated to her blowjobs would do anything for the opportunity.

She nuzzled under the robe, finding little Wyatt easily, and opening her mouth. "Haahh…" Wyatt shuddered as a new sensation rippled through his body, and he flopped onto the bed. "Haah… Ah!" he grabbed the sheets of the bed as she slowly went up, and down… the lower half of his robe covered the lower half of her face, even if he was looking at her, he wouldn't be able to see what she was doing… but he could feel it.

BOY could he feel it.

A little tongue, a little kiss, a lot of lip work: a small warm-up. She had a brief moment of thought, whether or not to go the 'full Hottie'… but she might as well do her best… even if the poor guy didn't know what hit him.

"Haa-haah! Aahh! AH! AH! AH….!"

1 Minute. 29 seconds… but she doesn't count virgins towards her 'record'.

His cum burst into her mouth with little warning other than her professional senses. She swallowed it quickly, pressing her lips to the base of his pulsating member as she gazed up his body. He bucked his hips against her face, but that was instinct taking over, trying to get deeper into her throat as she held his hips gently down. Sucking out his soul…

Metaphorically I mean.

She slid her lips slowly from his base to his tip. Then off his length as she ran her tongue over her lips. Using his knees she pushed up from the floor. Standing over him as he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling. She didn't even smear her make-up or mess up her mask. She looked him over, his chest rising and falling as he opened and closed his mouth… finally, he seemed to collect his words.

"That was awesome." He finally declared before groaning regretfully. "...It's… bad that it was quick. Wasn't it?"

She rolled her eyes, "Not with me." She noted with a smirk. "…Everyone is a quickshot at one time or another…" she leaned over him, pushing her chest out and bulging… Like his eyes at the sight of them… "Better a quickshot than a no shot in my opinion…" she added, her breasts inches now from his face as she gazed into his eyes. "So… are you content with just that or would you like the whole package?" she asked, wiggling her chest and making her girls bounce side to side.

"Honestly…" she whispered seductively, sensing rather than feeling his growing erection. "I think I look just as good in the suit as out of it…" she pushed off of him, standing before him as she reached behind her back and grabbed the zipper. "But just in case you REALLY don't want to…" she unzipped… The suit fell away as he stared at her… her big bulging breasts and her soft but curvy body. Standing before him as she kept the mask on. Running her fingers through her hair and tossing it behind her.

She ran her hands over her thighs, her waist, then up towards her breasts, lifting them up and dropping them as she ran her hands over her curves, and rubbing her neck, moaning softly as she 'massaged' herself, but really it was more to get him going than anything… Standing naked in gloves, boots and the mask… if this didn't encourage him then she'd call it a job done and head back to Superbabes.

"…Aren't you going to take off the mask?"

"Company policy. The cloths come off, but the masks stay on." She smiled, "…I promise I'm really pretty under this thing…" she whispered, tugging at the mask as he coughed slightly, his erection finally breaking free from his robe as he sat up to cover it. Her eyes flicked down to it, then back to his face… now eye level with her bare breasts. "…Sure, you want to hide that from me?" she asked, "Especially with your hands… when there are so many NEW things to touch…" she said, bobbing on her heels as her breasts bounced up and down with his eyes. "New. Soft… fun things…" she said, squeezing her breasts as he bit his bottom lip.

"…I was hoping my first time would be special." He mumbled defeatedly as she smiled…

"…The beauty about this Wyatt? I can MAKE you feel special." She declared, gently taking his hands by the wrist, pulling them away from his erection, and resting them firmly on her breasts where he did what all guys do when they get their hands on big, luscious titties… he squeezed. "MMN…" she pushed her chest into hands and wrapped her gloved fingers around his twitching erection. "Get a feel… I like it." she whispered, channeling her inner Grace as his length twitched in her hand. "That's it." she slid onto his lap, feeling his erection against her silky pussy, pushing his face between her cleavage as she rolled her hips slowly on his lap.

Her hips swiveled and swirled on his lap, his length rubbing up against her well-groomed pubic hairs and her moistening pussy lips. "Mmn-mmn…" she rode on his lap, letting him inhale the scent of her body as his hands steadily went from her breasts to her waist, hips, and then onto her ass cheeks. She rested her hands on his shoulders and shoved him down onto the bed.

"Ah…!" he gasped as she rubbed his chest, raised her hips… and he moaned as she dropped them back down, and he was inside her. He moaned happily, squeezing her ass on reflex as she rubbed his chest, raised her hips and dropped them back down. "Ahhh… Ha… ugh!"

"Mmn… mmn…" she went slow at first, letting him get used to it. No point in making him pop immediately. Her body moved with full control, her insides warm and tight around him as she rolled her hips up and down, up and down. "Haa… haahh…" breathing erotically in his face, rolling her eyes, moaning like a banshee. "Haaah… ahh!"

Steadily she began to feel him buck up into her as her hips slowly came down. "Ugh… ah…" his length vibrated inside her, he clenched his teeth as his hands pawed at her waist: trying to get her off, or pull her down, both options were understandable…

"Look at me…" she breathed softly, pressing her breasts to his chest, gazing into his eyes. "It's alright." She said, speeding up, slamming her hips down as he grunted, gritting his teeth loudly as she lied her head on the bed beside his ears, hissing and moaning erotically as she moved faster, and faster… slamming her hips down on his lap until-

"AHhh!" he bucked up into her and she slammed his hips back down onto the bed. "Ugh-UGN!!" he groaned happily as his inside her and she felt his load rush up inside her.

"MMNh… mmn that's it… get it all out…" she breathed, "Touch me… squeeze me… Mmn…" she put her full weight on him. Grinding up against his body until every drop was out. Then she shot up, caressing his chest and tossing her hair, and smirking down at him. "…How was that?" she breathed as he opened his mouth and sighed.


"That a boy." She whispered, lifting a leg and getting off his lap, crawling towards the head of the bed. "…Alright. Now that we got the embarrassing first time out of the way…" she wiggled her behind at him, humming softly to herself. "Let's try something a little more involved."

"Involved?" he asked surprised as she chuckled.

"Mmn-hmmn…" he slowly sat up and watched her ass sway sigh to side, hypnotized by her swaying cheeks. "How can it be special if you don't take charge?" she asked seductively, "I'll tell you how to start. Then you take it from there. Alright?" She rolled her hips so her ass cheeks bucked up and down as he approached her. "Alright… grab my waist… just like that." she breathed as he did so, his hands tightening around her curvy waist as she smirked. "Now… go for it."

"Go for it?"

"Don't be cute. Shove it in. And FUCK my brains out…" she chuckled, "I'm the pornstar. And you're the pornstar cock… just pound away!" she encouraged, feeling his erection against her. "If I'm squealing, that's how you know you're doing it right." She cooed. "Haa-AHH!" she gasped as he pushed into her. "AH… yes. AH! Ah!... let your… instincts! Take! Over! NGH!!" she clenched her teeth, throwing her ass back as he began to messily thrust into her. "AH-AH…"

Her ass cheeks clapping against his waist as he pushed, hands tightly gripping her waist. Feebly pulling her back as her ass slammed against his hips. "Ugh… UGH! AH! AH!!"

"AHha! Ahh! aH! Ahh! Yes! Ooh! OOOh! Just like that! YES… UUgh! YES!" throwing her head back as her breasts swung beneath her, "Ahh! Ahh!" moaning whorishly as he grit his teeth and pounded away.


Grunting, panting, groaning and moaning she fucked him harder than he fucked her… at first… but he was getting into his own rhythm… she began to notice that he stopped trying to be careful and began to strive for more. Sliding his hands up her waist, cupping her breasts with his hands, squeezing them playfully as she released another 'Slutty Pornstar Cry'.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Oooh yeah… squeeze my big fucking tits!" she moaned, "OOooh yeah…" rolling her hips back as she stuck out her tongue. "Come on… come on…" she encouraged, "YEAH pound me, pound the dirty girl. MMN! MMN! MMN!!" he slammed into her, moaning uncontrollably.

"Ugh… UGH! It's… aah! Ah!"

His cock throbbed inside her, she cooed clawing her hands up the headboard and furiously slamming her hips back, "Yeah? Are you cumming? Cum wherever you want…" she moaned, "On my face? Inside? On my ass? My tits?"

"Haa! AH!" he slammed deep into her body, then ripped his cock back out. "Ahh!"

…Wherever his intent to let it out was, the result was all over her ass cheeks. "Oooooh yeah… a hot load all over my ass…" she chuckled as her cheeks became stickier and sticker… she couldn't twerk like Tasha, Brielle, or even Jackie… but it was an admirable effort of ass shaking… "Hmm-hmm…" she chuckled as he stroked out the last drops between her cheeks, shaking in post-coital orgasm as he lost strength in his legs.

He took a deep breath and sighed with a charming but exhausted smile. "…Wow…"

"You're welcome." She said, absently petting the only spot on her ass he DIDN'T shoot a load on. "…Feeling better."

"I… feel great…" he laughed, "A little guilty but great."

"Guilty?" she chuckled, slipping off the bed and out of her boots… then her gloves. Dropping them onto her clothes as she kept talking. "What are you feeling guilty for? Do you have a girlfriend?"




"Then don't feel guilty… you did great… Now come." She said, taking limp cock in hand and gently guiding him wobbling off the bed. "You got about 20mins left with me… and I can't think of a better idea of using them then washing up."

"Washing up?" he said surprised as she smiled, leading him out of his room by his dick. Popping her sticky ass cheeks as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Washing up…" she whispered as she stood in the elaborate bathroom. Jacuzzi tub, polished shower, even a bidet. That's how you KNOW they're rich. "Hmmn… Tub." She pointed to the tub, "Or… shower." She then gestured to the shower…"

"I… uh…" she smiled at him, "…If we get in the shower will you take off the mask?" he asked cheekily as she chuckled.

"…Tub it is." She teased. Pushing him towards the tub, "…Lie down." She said, turning on the water as it poured steaming hot water from the facet. She whistled in response as he got tentatively into the tub, lying down as she joined him. Lying down on his back, his cock wobbling nervously as she grabbed the bottle of nearby soap.

She squeezed a clear blue liquid across his cock like ketchup on a hot dog… then sat on her knees, hated that decision as kneeling on in a hard bathtub is murder on the knees but she was soothed by rising water as she squirted soap between her cleavage... tossing the bottle away with a clatter she pressed her breasts together with her hands and rubbed them alternatingly up and down until she got a good lather.

Smearing soap between her breasts until foam covered her cleavage, she flopped down onto him with a splash and immediately began to bounce up and down on his lap. Wop-Wop-Wop. "There we go." She declared, springing up and down on him as his cock wiggled between her titty hug. "Ha-ha-ha…" she chanted, slapping down on him as the water rose higher and higher.

"Haah-aahh…" foam spilling everywhere until the water rose over his waist. And suddenly water was sloshing everywhere, splashing against the walls of the tub as her big breasts tried to fight her titfucking, trying to float in the water as she squeezed and squeezed and squeezed. "Haaah…"

She frowned as the water eventually got to her shoulders and he didn't cum. "Well…" she sighed, letting go of her breasts as he panted. "Good. You're learning stamina." She smiled, "And I think I scrubbed your cock to a shine…" she tilted her head left, right… then took several breaths. "Hwah! Hoo. Hwah! Hoo… before attempting to break a record.

He head sloshed under the water, as he gasped. "He-Heeoooooow…" his legs shot out of the tub, sending water everywhere as she buried her head onto his cock under the water. "Haha-aah! Ahh-oh my… OOOH!!"

His toes scraped the edges of the tub, shaking as her ass breached the surface of the water, wiggling in the air as it dripped water and she slammed her face balls deep… quickly running out of air, tongue swirling around his shaft, sucking, and sucking and sucking…!

42 seconds… with about 15 minutes of titfucking prep-work…

"Haaah…" he went limp as she shot off his cock.

"Bwah!" shaking the wet hair from her face, gasping for breath as water and semen poured out of her mouth into the water. "Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed feebly, gripping his cock beneath the water and giving it a few quick strokes. "Hah." She got up, letting the water drip off her body.

She left Wyatt in the tub, enjoying the afterglow before quickly scampering into the shower for a more thorough cleaning… that, and she didn't want to bathe in dirty cum water. She's already learned that lesson…

Huntress allowed the water from the shower to soothe her body and her knees, taking a spray on the face as she slightly adjusted the mask on her head. Good thing it was water safe… although she couldn't wait to take it off when she got out of here. Eventually out of the corner of her eye she saw a watching Wyatt, taking the opportunity to watch her shower as she smiled, and opened the door.

"You coming in?" she asked as he fidgeted, then joined her. Not even asking permission now to touch her, running his hands over her body as she took the opportunity to soap his hands first letting him soap her up. "Haah… haa…" feeling his hands run all over her body until she started to rinse. Water housed away the soap suds on her breasts… and he buried his face between them. Hugging her tightly as he inhaled deeply. "Alright…" she declared, rubbing his head and pushing him out of her cleavage. "That's enough." She said patiently…

Rinsing she got out, grabbed a towel and began to dry off. She got her hair, and mumbled, the points of her mask deterring her as she yanked off the towel. "Lucky you." She said, taking off her mask as he stared at her face and she dried off. "Hold this." She tossed her mask to him as he blinked.

"You're right you're beautiful." She smirked, tossing the towel at his face. "Mgnhg!?" blinding him while she yanked the mask from his hands and dashed out of the bathroom back to the bedroom. "Ah-Hey!" He tried to dash after her but slipped, catching himself then quickly drying off and hopping after her and heading to his room…

"…How did you get dressed so quickly?" he asked in awe as she tugged on her boots. She had gotten dressed in less than 50 seconds.

"Quick change training." She said, making sure her mask was a good fit on her face as she winked at him. "Hope you enjoyed yourself." She said strutting at him, swaying her hips with each step as she tapped his chin and winked.

"…I did." She chuckled as he stared at her face… then her ass as she kept walking out.

"Well. You know where to find me if you want some more." She said temptingly, "Order again Wyatt…" she said, waving her fingers in farewell as he smiled goofily, and waved… standing naked in his rich apartment. "…And put on some pants." She teased, walking out.

"MMN!!" she stretched, her body tensing and her breasts wobbling. "…That wasn't so bad." She smiled to herself, shaking out her legs. "…Felt nice being tended to. No wonder Grace likes them young." She walked back to the elevator, and made her way down and not even the odd looks put a damper on her oddly chipper mood.

Time: 10:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders rubbed her forehead. She just sent out Mel and Kathy out on deliveries, her powers were giving her a bell ringing tonight. She took her painkillers out from beneath her counter popping one into her mouth just as Laura entered and a glass of water slid across the counter.

Laura had her mask in hand, still a little wet she was going to toss it into the locker rooms' dryer. "Hey. I'm back…"

"How was cherry popping?" grinned Lori from the poker table with Helen.

"Oddly satisfying." Laura replied, holding her free hand palm up and fingers hooked like a claw. "I had him in the palm of my hand and molded him into a sex addict ready to THROW himself at me on command. Mwah-ha-ha!" she then rolled her eyes and said more appropriately, "What do you think? He was just some cute kid who got pressured into losing his virginity…"

"You laugh." Orders mumbled, placing a stack of bills on the counter and pushing it towards Laura. "But you pretty much just described Grace's daily life. Except she's self-aware enough to avoid it."

"Yeah well… I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered me again." She smirked, "…Maybe I have a knack for teen dicks now. Grace 2.0 everybody!"

"…You'd certainly be able to go through them in record time with that mouth of yours chica." Lori stuck out and bit her tongue playfully as Laura shrugged.

However Orders' eyes flashed, and she looked towards the back door, absently adding "Told you you'd do fine." she added before getting up from her counter. "Excuse me for one second, go freshen up." She then walked to the back door Standing in the doorframe. "Hey!" she suddenly shouted. "I DON'T have windows, or large vents into the locker rooms, so you won't see ANY of my girls changing."

Mel and Lori blinked at her. "…Jefe you, okay?" Lori asked curiously as Orders held a finger up to her.

"Blue boy. You know better. Keep the orange one on a leash. Tell our mutual friend." and she emphasized the word 'friend' rather exasperatedly, "That the ninjas you're looking for are at the docks. Warehouse 43" She rolled her eyes. "Did you really think the four of you trying to sneak into my office was a good idea?" She added cryptically as she returned to her counter… getting odd looks from Mel and Lori. "What?" she asked dismissively as 'Desfibradora' was two across on her Spanish crosswords.

Outside however on the roof of Superbabes, a quiet conversation was taking place.

"…Dude she is goooood." Whispered an immature 90's voice. SMACK! "OW!"

"Shut up Mikey." Growled an angry voice, "I TOLD you not to go snooping! I told you!"

"…Is anyone going to ask how she knew we were out here?" asked an inquisitive third.

"Batman said she was incredibly skilled. I'm not surprised." Added an authoritative fourth.

"…Dudes speaking of skilled, are we not going to talk about that 'cherry-popping?' conversation?... think they might like Tur-OW!"

"Shut up Mikey." The other three said together.

"…Just saying dudes." Mumbled Mikey, following his high-leaping brothers. "These babes are smoking… think they deliver pizza?"


Not going to lie this ended a little more comedic than expected but I'm still pretty chuffed about it. And Yes I did toss the Turtles into a DC Universe. Batman vs TMNT was a good movie: Fight me.

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