
Delivery Girl: Red Lantern Order #3

I don't own DC

Superbabes was quiet, loud but quiet. A nice, packed room of drunken pervs and not so drunken pervs but generally everyone was having a good time. Wonder Woman worked the front door, greeting and assigning tables and sometimes girls. She had just put a couple of frat boys under Cheetah's care when the door opened as usual but with a not-so-usual patron.

Fedora, trench coat, boots, a toothpick in his teeth, and a rat-like disposition… he was definitely a Gotham Mobster. They all dressed the same… "How you doin beautiful." He greeted pleasantly enough as Wonder Woman smiled pleasantly at him.

"Hello yourself handsome." She played the role perfectly. "Table for one?"

"Nah I'm here to see your boss." He said, walking right past her.

"Ah-HEY!" she noted indignantly, before shouting the stop all- "…Giganta!"

He almost reached the back until he came to a very distinct wall of muscle. The seven-foot-tall woman loomed over him, glaring angrily. "I suggest you turn around, sugar." She scolded firmly. He glared up at her and opened his mouth.

"Let the idiot through." Orders noted. "I'll be quick." Giganta sneered at him imposingly but stepped aside as he smirked. Ignoring the 'idiot' crack, he'll get her back later… his eyes wandered the lounge at the girls. Red Lantern and Huntress briefly eyed him but quickly lost interest, enjoying their game of cards. Maybe he'll demand a couple of girls as compensation for the disrespect.

He quickly noticed the purple eyed Orders behind the counter as she reached for the phone. Glancing at him dismissively. "What do you want?" she asked, with the air of someone completely over the conversation before it even began.

"Well, it's not about what I want. But what my boss wants…" he said smarmily. "See… I noticed that this lovely place of business…" he was briefly distracted by Starfire as she smiled politely at him and walked right by to the floor. His eyes followed her ass for a moment, but he quickly got back on task. "Is behind in its payments."

"Uh huh." Orders noted dismissively. "That so?" she mumbled lazily. "Give him the phone. NOW." She said into the phone as the man, a little annoyed at her tone continued.

"I don't think you understand-"

"You're shaking me down for protection money…" she said lazily. "I understand." She paused. "No, you heard me right." She said into the phone as the mobster grumbled. "Some idiot is shaking me down."

"Get off the phone. I'm talking to you!" he snarled punching the table and pulling out a switchblade. Giganta made a move to intercept but Orders held up a halting hand. Giganta could snap him like an old brittle twig, but she'd still be stabbed… it would mean practically nothing to Giganta physically, but Orders liked it when her girls weren't seriously injured. Call her a softie. "Do you know who I work for!?"

"Cajun Jim." She replied flatly, as he blinked. A little taken aback. Orders eyes flickered at the mobster. "…You got three minutes." She said, slamming the phone on the hook and glaring at the mobster. "Put that away…" she said, coldly. The mobster continued to hold the knife in hand as Orders sighed irately and checked her watch. "…Red Lantern."

Red lantern looked up from her cards, "…Yeah Orders?"

"Do me a favor and get me a glass of water from the kitchen… I'm going to need it." she said continuing to glare unblinkingly at the mobster as Red Lantern got up, her big booty wobbling as she passed a tense situation, but quickly returned with the glass of ice-cold water. She put it on the counter as Orders started the irate mobster down, she briefly brushed pass him… and slipped his wallet beneath her as she sat down on the couch. He didn't even notice she picked his pocket.

No sooner had she sat down than a man burst through the backdoor of the lounge. He had long black dreadlocks and a dark natural suntan, he'd be considered handsome by most if not a little out of shape. He wore the traditional mobster clothes, a coat and a fedora, but beneath that, he wore a silk shirt and a few golden charm-like trinkets, a bit of stereotypical voodoo-like iconography to sow suspicions in the criminal element. "Orders!" he said in a distinctly friendly cajun accent, grinning nervously as he approached.

"…Boss?" mumbled the other mobster as Cajun Jim stared at the switchblade and abruptly slapped it out of his hand, it clattered on the floor near Huntress's foot, she put her boot on it. "Boss?!"

"SHUT. UP…" he hissed so fiercely it was like a whip crack. Before he turned to Orders. "Orders." Like a queen, Orders held up her hand and like a gentleman, Cajun Jim took it and kissed her fingers. Absently breathing heavily on them as she gave him the water. "Thank you Ma chère." He said politely before gulping it down.

'Cajun' James Lafayette was more of a gang boss than a mob boss, but he was rising in the rankings as it were… he had an uneasy grip around the general area and an un-easier alliance with the criminal element in general.

"Is there a problem Ma chère?" he asked pleasantly polite, as his associate stared at him in shock. He was practically kowtowing to Orders. Cajun Jim might not be a big supervillain crime boss Like Two-Face or Black Mask, but he was still a feared and respected man in the area.

"I was informing your lacky that I don't pay for protection…" Cajun Jim's charming smile, faded nervously. "Did you happen to tell him that?"

"…I thought I didn't need to…" he soured, glaring at the 'lackey'. "…I'll take care of it. Ma chère." He said apologetically.

"Punch him." she said simply.

"What?" the lackey replied and without hesitation, Cajun Jim slammed his powerful fist into the lackey's jaw and sent him to the floor. Giganta laughed derisively, glaring at the thug on the ground and deeply annoyed she wasn't able to do that herself..

"…Apology accepted." Orders smiled pleasantly as if ordering local gangsters to beat on their toadies was a regular habit of hers. Cajun Jim, taking Orders' good mood as a good sign, sighed contentedly. "I don't want to see him anywhere near here."

"Done, ma belle amie." He said charmingly before glaring at the very bruised lackey. "Outside." He declared, pointing to the back door as he scrambled out quickly. "I'll have a good long chat with him." he kissed her fingers again as she smiled, before he stomped out.

Orders wiped her fingers down with hand sanitizer. "Red Lantern."

She got up, the wallet dexterously flicking between her fingers as Orders held her hand out. She put the wallet into Orders' outstretched hand as she promptly extracted all the cash then put the wallet on the counter. Slipping most of it into Red Lantern's pile out of sight… then began reaching for the phone.

Time: 8:35 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hello, Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…One… uh. Two Red Lantern meals please."

"Two Thick and Spicy blood Sausage and a drink of your choosing, anything else?"

"Delivered by Red Lantern. please"

"…We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name address and choice of drink please."


"You got one." Orders noted as the food soon slid out, she then pushed the wallet towards her. "Give that to James. He's still outside, and tell him to curse his idiot out somewhere else...." She noted as Red Lantern smirked, picking it up with the food.

"I guess I'm not the only criminal you have in your pocket." She noted casually.

"…You're really the only one I like." Orders added casually, "…At least you don't kiss my fingers."

Red Lantern approached the back door as the FURIOUS Cajun Jim hissed angrily at his lackey.

"Do you have any idea how CLOSE you came to fucking up everything?!" he snarled as Red Lantern rounded the corner as Cajun Jim held the lackey easily against the wall. "Do you have any idea WHY I run this block?!" he hissed. "It's because SHE lets ME!!" he added as the Lackey twitched nervously.

"Hey." Red Lantern noted as Cajun Jim dropped the lackey, brushing his long dreadlocks out of his furious face. "He dropped this." She added, tossing the lackey the cash empty wallet. "And Orders says take him somewhere else."

Cajun Jim sighed, glaring angrily at the lackey and licking his lips. "…Très bien…" he mumbled, grabbing the lackey by the coat collar. "Please give Orders my apologies again." he said pleasantly, with that cajun charm as Red Lantern was completely unaffected by it waving it off.

"Sure." She mumbled, feeling his eyes on her big thick ass cheeks as she made her way to the company car and Cajun Jim dragged off his lackey to do God knows what to him… and after giving them time to clear the parking lot she drove off into Gotham.

She skimmed into Upper-east Gotham, driving through several apartment blocks until she saw one surrounding a basketball court with no nets under the rims and various graffiti designs littering the surrounding brick walls. She parked on the sidewalk, checked the receipt, then got out, strutting into the building and skipping up the stairs to the second floor as her big shapely ass wobbled with each step. She walked down a hallway, counting the numbers until she got to one right at the end of the hall. Apartment 210. She slipped the receipt into the bag, then raised her hand to knock loudly.


Time: 8:55 PM. Place: Upper-East District (Basketball apartment Room #210)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited half a minute, feeling someone's eyes on her ass she chose to ignore it. She felt a lot of eyes on her ass all the time, it was best to not acknowledge it when it was hanging out in the open most of the time nowadays. Finally, the door popped open to reveal a man, dark hair, good build. A few tattoos on his arm but nothing unique, a few 'cool' looking tattoos…

"MMmn… come on in." he took a swig from a bottle, clearly beer as she walked inside.

The first thing she noticed, instantly, was the fact that the outside didn't match the inside. Significantly more expensive stuff littered the apartment, mostly electronic devices, gaming systems, new TV, speakers… the boxes at least were open in the corner ready to be tossed or recycled. Her ex-con brain was giving her seriously bad vibes… but she put her trust in Orders and sold it. Strutting inside to find a big screen TV and a brand-new Gamestation 5 being played by another man, younger, but similar in look to the first.

"Hey Nate! Food!" the first one said, taking the bag and dropping it on a kitchen table.

"Sweet I'm starrrrrving-holy shit." He grinned stupidly at her as she smiled, hand on her shapely hit. "And who is this?"

"THIS is for me!" declared the other man, hand on her ass and drinking from his bottle before he tossed the empty thing expertly in one of the open boxes. "Gonna spluuuurge!" he cheered drunkenly as 'Nate' scowled.

"Not cool bro!" he noted, watching forlornly as she was led into a back room filled with yet more new electronics and a messy bed. 'Bro' retrieved another beer bottle from a brand new mini-fridge. "Want?"

"I'm not allowed to drink with these clothes on." She declared smugly as he answered with the obvious drunken reply.

"Then take them off!" he cheered, sitting on the edge of the bed, kicking aside a new stereo and a couple of phone boxes, grinning like he won the lottery as he drank heavily... Nobody wanted to win the lottery in Gotham… because there were a lot of 'sore losers' who'd want a piece of that.

But, she was here for 'a piece of that' and she was drilled thoroughly by the finest girls of Gotham to get it. "Alright already calm down…" she grinned playfully, undoing her suit so it loosened up, swaying her hips as she turned in place, swinging that big Asian girl ass in his face as she shimmied, "Don't want to wake the neighbours…"

Her suit fell away and she bent forward, hands on her knees as she wiggled that big phat ass for him, letting the red and black suit crumple to her ankles as she ran her hands up the back of her thick legs before standing upright, clapping her hands on her ass cheeks loudly, lifting and dropping her big ass as he stared at it grinning…

Before she could really start twerking and shaking he reached out, pulling her back by the waist and, "Oh what the hell…" she sighed as he POURED the remaining beer in the bottle over her ass cheeks and began to lick her curves. The empty bottle clattered to the now beer-stained carpet as he ran his tongue over her ass cheeks, lashing it across her crack as he cupped her big ass cheeks, pushing them together as he buried her face into it. She flexed her ass cheeks around his face, 'clapping' his cheeks with hers as he laughed into her canyon of ass.

"OOoh!!" he bounced his hands off her wiggling ass cheeks before lying back, shoving off his basketball shorts and getting his rock-hard average length cock out. It flicked free of his waist band as she turned, running her hands over her body and inhaling the scent of beer that was just… lingering… for some reason. "Are those pierced nips? That's so hot…" he sat back up, tugging her forward and eyeing her pierced clit. "Damn you're just covered in metal!"

She stuck out her tongue, wiggling the iron bar inside it as he laughed dazedly. "Oooh! Come here!" he grabbed his length, furiously stroking it as she dropped to her knees, ignoring the soggy carpet from the beer and flicking her tongue against him. "Oooh… I'm getting ma dick sucked!" he declared proudly.

"Ahh…" her tongue lolled against his shaft as it wiggled against her touch, her iron rod flicking against his glans before she wrapped her lips around him. "Mmmn…" sliding up and down, slowly as she gazed up at him. Rubbing his manspreading legs as he lied back.

"Oooh… hoooo…" she bobbed sensually up and down, flicking her tongue around him as he soon rested a hand on her rubber masked head. "Ooh… Ooooooh…" his cock shuddered between her pierced lips as her tongue wagged attentively against his shaft, his tip poking the back of her throat.

"Gluck. Gluck. Gluck… MMmmgh!" she buried her face into his crotch as he lied fully back on the bed clearly enjoying her blowjob as she kept sucking, and sucking… and sucking. "Mmmgn…mmmgn… mmmgnnh… ahh…" she pulled off his cock, flicking her tongue along his side, up and down… she even slurped his balls into her mouth, absently tugging a loose hair from her lips before she wrapped them back around his erection. "Mmmgnh! MMmngh! MMngh!! Mn-pffft!?" she pulled her lips to his tip as thick warm goo flooded her mouth. "Mmmn-hmmn…" she slurped, noisily, sliding her hand up and down his shaft as she milked his quivering balls…

"…Mmmmn…" he sighed as his cock dripped limply from her mouth.

"MMgh?" …was he fucking asleep?" she frowned, her mouth filled with a thick salty load. Glued stickily to her tongue as she grabbed the empty beer bottle and spat it inside. If he wasn't going to stay awake for her blowjob she didn't have to swallow it. She wasn't fucking Jackie. She wiped her mouth on his bed sheets and frowned, standing up and shaking him.

"Hey… Hey? Are you… are you done?" she glanced at a brand new digital commodity clock… some sore of rapper brand. She had barely sucked him for a little over 10 minutes… "Hey! If you're going to pass out pay me first!"

"…SNOOOOORE!" he dozed dreamily, his limp cock twitching against his thigh as she frowned.

"…Well shit." She mumbled but glanced at the door… "…There are two of them I guess." She mumbled, smiling prettily. "…I can probably get it out of him."

The Money, sex, cum… probably all of the above really.

She strutted naked out of the room as Nate, a little pouty, continued to play his shooter game. He had apparently eaten his blood sausage as she subtly walked behind him, he hadn't noticed her yet… she briefly debated the best move..... then decided as he finished a 'stage' that she needed to make the first one at least.

"Hey Nate." He jumped and then looking up, stared at her naked body as she leaned over the back of the couch. "Your big brother's all tuckered out and left me all on my lonesome…" she cooed, pouting her pierced lips as he grinned stupidly, it was a stupid cute grin she had to admit… but he wasn't the sharpest hammer in the fridge… or something along those lines.

Nate quickly lost interest in his gaming controller as she strutted naked around the couch, she slid onto his lap, straddling it as she pushed her pierced nipples in his very eager face as he quickly did what all horny boys do with access to her body… he copped a feel, squeezing her big soft ass cheeks as she cooed. "…You're not going to go to sleep on me are you?" she moaned, grinding on his quickly hardening erection, feeling it through his basketball trunks as she slid her pussy along it.

"No way." He declared, squeezing her ass as she giggled, cooing softly as she slapped his face with her breasts.

"Good boy… I got a job to do, and I intend to do it." she declared. Of course, not to mention that she also intended to get PAID to do it. But semantics. She squeezed her breasts as she rolled her hips on his lap, "Oooh… how do you want to start baby?" His hands, eagerly caressing her big, beautiful ass, suddenly slid away and around. One hand slid between her cheeks, finding her tight puckered asshole quickly, and lifting her off his lap. "Ooh!" she moaned softly as he fidgeted and tugged at his shorts, just enough to free his eager young dick as he wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked loudly. "NNgh! You know what you want… good. Makes it easy…" she purred, gasping softly before sliding down over his dick.

"MMMGH!!" he wasted no time bucking his hips up into her. "MMGh! MMNGh!!" sucking on her nipples like he wanted milk. She bounced her hips on his lap as he rapidly shoved up into her.

"Ah-aha-aah… yeah… you really wanted to FUCK me didn't you?" she cooed as he moaned around her nipple. "MMGh… soon as you saw me." She gasped. "Ahh-Ahh-Ahh…" she licked her lips, rolling her head on her long neck, "Well fuck me already… like you mean it! MMngh!!" his hand cracked on her big ass, "Yeah!"

Slap. Slap. Slap. He drummed his hands on her ass, moaning eagerly around her nipple as she gripped the back of the couch, dropping her ass on his lap like bombs. BOOM BOOM BOOM. Her hips bouncing her up and down as his hand clapped on her fleshy cheeks.

"OH yeah! Oh Yeah! MMMGH!!!" he stopped smacking her ass cheeks, and squeezed them. Pushing them down hard on his upward thrusts. "Fuck that pussy! MMGH! Fuck it!" she moaned, "Pound me! Good and hard! Ahh-AAAGH!!" her head rolled back, gasping in pleasure as she twitched, clenching around his cock as he pushed her ass down hard.

"MMgh!! SLURP!!" he suckled on her nipple eagerly, his tongue dancing around her piercing as his cock bulged and pumped her warm pussy full of his eager jizz.

"Haa-Aaah…" she sighed, thrusting her tit into his mouth as her back arched, gazing at the ceiling. "Ooh yeah kid… MMmn…" she wiggled slowly, dancing subtly on his lap as his cock shuddered inside her, rubbing eagerly against her wet inner walls as she licked her lips. His hands groped her big ass as he drained his balls inside her, cum and arousal oozing down his length and staining his pants as she slapped his cheek faintly. Then slipped off him abruptly with a satisfying squelch.

"That was WAY better than porn!" he declared, grabbing a fistful of her phat ass and shaking it up and down, grinning happily. Suddenly he was on his feet, she stumbled slightly as he wrapped his lips around her pierced nipple, sucking loudly as she moaned and his hands groped her big ass.

"Want some-ah… more?" she moaned as he played with her body, feeling his cock against her thick thigh as he bucked his hips back and forth instinctively rubbing against her.

"MMM-hmmn!" he moaned around her nipple as she cooed, he sucked on it hard, it popped free from his lips as he grinned. "Oh yeah!" his hands clapped on her ass cheeks, swatting her plump meat pleasantly. "Let me do you from behind…"

"Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed as she took a quick glance around the room for the most comfortable spot… but since most of the room was stuffed with brand new boxes. She pushed him aside, then crawled onto the couch, on her knees she hooked her hands on the back, swaying her ass left and right as she smirked. "Alright… here you go." She rested a hand on it, then smacked it twice invitingly. "Come get it."

"You're the sexiest woman ever!" he praised eagerly as she chuckled, he stood behind her as her ass cheeks subtly twerked, slapping lightly against him as his cock pressed against her wet pussy. "You are so hot you should be in porn!"

"That is not a compliment." She mumbled, "…In normal circles." She added to herself as his hands patted, swatted, and jiggled her big asian ass. "…Are you going to play with my ass? Or fuck it?"

"Ha-ha." He laughed nervously, before grabbing her hips, her ass cheeks wobbling as he pulled her back, "Haaa-aagh yeah!" he hissed, "Oooh it's even better than the first time!"

"It feels so fucking good baby…" she moaned softly, slapping her ass back against him, letting her pussy engulf his shaft as she wiggled her hips. Rubbing against him as she moaned, "Ooh your cock is just so big… Ugh!" she grunted, selling her porn dialogue as he began to pump his hips. "Ugh. Ugh… Ugh yeah… do it hard baby…" she moaned softly as the smacking of her big ass on his hips echoed around the room. "Ha-Ah-haa… fuck…" she gasped, her ass slapping away at him as he let his hand swing free to crack across her ass.

Smack! "Ahh! NNgh! Ugh!" she grunted as he slammed hard against her.

"So good." He praised, "You like that?"

"Oh yeah…" she moaned, wiggling her ass, "I liked that…" she cooed, feeling his cock twitch inside her. "Ah…" she adjusted slightly, moving forward towards the couch as he climbed onto it, planting his feet on the cushions and gripping her shoulders. "HAa-AAAH! FUCK!!"

Moving solely on instinct now he jackhammered away at her, yanking her shoulder's back, her ass cheeks clapping loudly against his bucking hips as he roared out happily.

"Aah-aah-aah-YEAH!!" he slammed against her ass as it rippled erotically, "Ooh! You like that! You like that!"

"Oh I love it! fuck me baby!" she sold it, "Ugh!! Ugh-aah-Ugh!! Fuck…" she gasped.

"MMnh! MMngh!! Ugh!!-Shit." He mumbled as he went wild on her, slipping free of her pussy and adjusting himself quickly as she moaned.

"Oooh pace yourself-FUCK!" she hissed from surprise anal. "F-FUCK! AH! Ahh! AGH! FUCK!!" she gasped, shaking as he, again, moved on instinct. Not caring at the second which hole he stuck it back into as he railed against her rippling ass cheeks. "Ugh! FU-UCK!! Ahh! Ahh! AGGH!!"

Luckily, bigger dicks than his have made their way up her ass recently… so it wasn't as much painful as it was surprising… like drinking a Pep and realizing it was Dr. Popper.

"It's so TIGHT!" he praised happily, "Oh my god!"

"That's my ass…" she hissed through her teeth, shaking as she started to feel better. "Fuck…" she moaned, sliding a hand between her legs, rubbing her clit and sliding fingers into her silky pussy as his cock rampaged in her ass. Her body clenching and tightening as she bit into the couch. "NNGh!!"

"Haa-Aaagh!!" his hips slapped away at her ass cheeks as her feet hooked over the edge of the couch, pushing back hard against his thrusts as her echoing ass claps increased louder and louder. "I'm! Gonna cum!" he groaned, his cock bulging in her ass, pre-cum leaking inside her as he valiantly held out.

"Oh! Yeah! Yes…" she gasped, squeezing him as he moaned. "Do it! Cum wherever you want!"

"Ahaa-Aahh!!" he suddenly pulled out of her ass.

"AH?" she managed to gasp, shaking as he grabbed her shoulder and tugged her back… however.

"Shit! Oooh…" he grunted, "Damn it…"

Ropes of cum sprayed across her back, she cooed, feeling the sticky warmth of a job well done as he grabbed his cock at the base, as if trying to stop his orgasm as she wiggled her ass cheeks, encouraging his cock to pump out some more… Another rope, then a another, "Ugh! Aahh…" he sighed as a final splash plopped onto her right ass cheek as she wobbled it. "Dang it…" he mumbled.

She pushed herself up on her knees, shaking slightly as her ass gaped. She pushed her ass cheeks together, avoiding the cum on her ass as she grunted quietly. "…Oh come on… you lasted pretty long for a rookie pornstar…" she smirked as he mumbled.

"But I was trying to cum on your face…" she rolled her eyes, "Like Nikki Nasty."

"Yeah I don't know who that is…" she mumbled flatly. "…Hey you got the time?"

"Yeah it's uh…" he checked his watch. 9:35… why?"

She sighed, glancing at the obvious bathroom… then rolled her eyes, wiggling a finger at him to follow her as his gaze locked onto her cum covered ass cheek as it popped and rolled with each step. "…Cause I got about 15 minutes to let you blow your load all over my face…" she said as his cock sprang up as he giggled giddily. "…Significantly easier task now…" She smacked her left ass cheek hard, slipping off her long boots before turning on the water. "Come here…" she grabbed his throbbing cock and pulled him into the shower with her.

It was dirty and grimy, making her opinion far more obvious of the apartment and it's contents… but if she was going to be a 'dirty girl' then this was the best place to do it. She grabbed a diminished bar of soap, and lathered her hands rubbing the suds on his cock as he sighed happily, reaching for her mask.

"Don't touch…" she said, slapping his hand away. "The mask needs to stay on…" No matter how annoying it got to shower with it on. "You just focus on getting hard…" she moaned softly, "and getting off.

"MMMn…" he moaned, his cock throbbing eagerly as she scrubbed and cleaned him. His hand reaching around to grip her ass cheek. "Let me touch that ass some more." He said, she smirked… why ask if he was already doing it? He gave her ass a wet swat as she stroked him. "MMMn!" She rinsed off his cock, then squatted on her knees, "Ho-ly… OOoooh."

She didn't do direct ass to mouth if she could avoid it. Giving his rod somewhat of a cleaning as she opened wide. "Ahh." Her tongue and bolt left her mouth, swirling around his tip as he moaned eagerly, and she threw her head forward. "Mmgh! mMngh… mmmngh…" she bobbed rapidly and quickly, sucking off one half of his shaft and stroking the rest, sliding her hand from his base to her lips. "MMgh! mMngh!! MMng…"

"So… hot… you're so hot! I'm going to cum all over your face…"

"MMMn-hmmn…" she moaned, sliding all the way down his shaft. "Gluck-guck…"

"Oh my god!" he gasped, shaking as she deep throated him, slurping around his cock and sliding to the tip. Before taking her hand once more and rapidly stroking him, her tongue flicking on his tip as she gazed sensually up at him.

"Mmngh-mmmn-mmmn-mmmn!" His cock pumped, a dollop of pre-cum shot into her mouth, "Ahh!" she opened her mouth wide, still stroking him as she stared up at him. Letting the cum dribble down and off her tongue into the water.

"UGgh!! Yes! Yes-yes-yes!!" he stroked himself, it only took him two full pumps, "Uugh!!" he gazed down at her, holding his cock at the base as he spastically pumped his hips towards her face. "Ah-Aaahhh…"

Cum roped across her masked features as she sighed contentedly. "Ahhh…" like being covered in porn addict cum was refreshing… but he seemed to enjoy it enough to give her just a little bit extra. "Ooh you slut…" she smiled sensually up at him as his cock dropped between his leg. He lied against the wall of the shower… she cooed sexily, getting to her feet and turning to wash her face of what cum she could… before promptly pulling him from the wall…

Then shoved him out of the shower.

"Hey!" he laughed as she smiled, posing under the water for a second, stretching erotically and shaking her ass as she let the water wash his previously load off.

"I need to be paid kiddo…" she said, "And I need to take my mask off to wash it. So give me a second…" she said sensually, before turning. "Shut the door when you leave." She added as she heard the door click. Checked, then removed her mask. "Whooo… I need to leave…" she said determinedly to herself… then washed as best she could.

A few minutes later she was dried and what clothes she had in the bathroom were re-applied. She ignored Nate, walking into his brother's room and retrieved the rest of it, easily suiting up as she returned to the living room where Nate was at least wearing boxers.

"…So… how much do we-"

"Oh lord…" she mumbled. Going towards the half empty bag and retrieving the receipt. "See this? Times that by about 7 rounding up and we'll call it even…"

"…Oh…" he blinked, quickly doing the math. "Uh… don't move…" he rushed back into his brother's room as she eyed the expensive things, she sighed and thought to herself for a minute or two when Nate returned with a neat pile of money. "This should cover you!" he said proudly.

"Okay." Smiled Red Lantern adjusting her costume before taking the money from Nate and shoving it into her right boot. "…Listen. Here's a freebie." She said smiled, running her hands on his chest as he grinned excitedly. "MMn…" she sultrily gazed into his eyes, and- "Wherever you got the money? Take what's left of it and get out of Gotham."

Nate frown and chuckled. "We won the lottery." He said simply, clearly the line his brother fed him in case anyone asked.

"Ha-ha…" she chuckled sweetly. So naïve. "Kid. Winning the lottery in Gotham is like losing in Russian roulette. Someone's going to keep pulling triggers until one keeps." His stupid cheerful grin faded. "Someone is going to come looking for the money you guys have. I don't know if you found it, or stole it, or whatever, but if you stick around with this kinda loot." She absently kicked an expensive-looking TV box, "It means someone's going to be angry that they don't have it… and I don't know if you noticed but there are a LOT of mob bosses and angry supervillains in this city." She pinched his cheek, "…Fair warning kid. See you around…" she lightly slapped his other cheek, then strutted that shapely ass past him and out their front door.

Heading back to the car, and Superbabes.

Time: 10:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm back." Jae-hwa declared as she strutted into the back, Orders fiddled absently with the switchblade left behind by the lackey. Deftly spinning it between her fingers as Jae-hwa put the money on the counter. "What are you going to do with that?"

"Give it to…" she hesitated for a minute, and frowned, thinking about how to phrase it. "…An acquaintance who may want to know who it belongs to…" she sheathed the switchblade in it's hilt and put it under the counter.

"I never expected you to have a mob-boss in your pocket." Jae said as Orders casually sorted her cut.

"He's not really a mob boss, just the most superstitious highest-ranking criminal thug on the block." Orders relaxed in her seat, "Having friends in high places is good, but having a few in lower places keeps the rats away…" she waved a hand dismissively, "Cajun Jim is a means to an end, he keeps the stupid grunts away and I help him stay alive next week when Black Mask starts 'recruiting' again…"

"Hmph." Jae-hwa shrugged casually, she had to admit that Orders generally knew what she was doing.

Ronnie-Bell however stuck her head through the doorway, eyeing Orders oddly. "Hey… boss. You know that Gangster from earlier-…"

"Yes, I'm aware he's watching us outside." Orders mumbled as Jae chuckled. She gazed up at the ceiling, her eyes flickering as she sighed. "…I'd rather not bother HIM with some low-level dickhead… and if I call Cajun Jim again he'll be bothering me for the next week and I just don't feel like dealing with his pleading..." she eyed Ronnie-Bell. "…Give that lackey a reason to avoid us, would you?"

"…I thought you'd never ask, sugar." She smiled and cracking her knuckles ominously she walked out the back of Superbabes as Laura followed her, watching out the side as Ronnie-Bell reintroduced herself to the mobster from earlier… and introduced him to his new intimate relationship with the ground.

Laura flinched, "Ooh… that's… oh... wow he's going to be feeling that when… if he wakes up." She smiled, "Gave me a nasty feeling that guy…"

"…Speaking of nasty." Jae began, "…Do you happen to know a 'Nikki Nasty'?"

"Oh… yeah. I did a gangbang with her once… I think. We didn't do a lot of talking with our mouths full though… why?"

"I think I was compared to her earlier…" Jae mumbled indignantly, walking with her back onto the floor. "…She any good?"

"I mean… I think that depends on your definition of 'good' when it comes to pornstars…" Laura laughed sweetly, "…She's... attractive?" she noted with a shrug as she and Jae spoke candidly on the intricacies of being compared to a pornstar. Orders came to a rather annoying decision, retrieving her phone in her office, and calling Mr. Pennyworth. She needed to relay some information on Cajun Jim's rivals… he was safe for as long as he didn't piss her off, and despite the fact that she had Ronnie-Bell beat the shit out of his rogue thug, Cajun Jim did punch him on command earlier...

In fact… it was hard to tell who was the real criminal here… it's still Cajun Jim, but Orders is REALLY close.


It occurred to me that Orders would keep the local gang leader on retainer, (or in her case MAKE the local gang leader) having the Batman on speed dial only works as far as... having the Batman on speed dial. He's not going to be her muscle he's the goddamn Batman, so she needs a bit of an underworld buffer.

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