
Delivery Girl: Killer Frost Order #3

I don't own DC

"Ever wonder what you'd be doing if Orders never hired you?" asked Zatanna as Killer Frost looked up from her pool cue, that she was using to play pool… at the pool table. Her bent over body displayed her leotard wrapped rear JUST right to catch an eye or two from the floor.

Killer Frost frowned, standing up and seemingly thinking on it as Black Canary, sitting on the couch reading an old 'Lucy Lopez' covered magazine. "Probably go back to bartending." She absently pushed her breasts together with her upper arms, "Put these tip makers to work."

"You could do that stripping." Vixen noted lazily, shuffling playing cards next to the busty blonde, mostly just to do something with her hands.

"Yeah, but then I'm putting a lot more effort into it." Black Canary mumbled lazily, "Why shake my ass on stage all night? Sounds exhausting." She eyed the big bootied black girl skeptically. "Didn't you quit for the same reason?"

Vixen shrugged, "Turning tricks was just more profitable… set my own hours, my own prices…" Black Canary just laughed.

"Late at night, 20 for a handy?" Vixen just smiled and shrugged again.

"Oh, when you get a reputation like mine honey, you can charge a LOT more…" she added sultrily as Killer Frost still seemed to ponder her answer.

"I'd probably be back working at my buddy's geek shop." Zatanna mumbled, "Comics, miniatures, games: board and video."

Vixen's ears twitched; she was an avid gamer. "Oh yeah? What kind of games? Retro or newer stuff?"

"Bit of both." Zatanna replied simply. "Although back when I was working there, customers were more interested in these…" Zatanna smirked, looking down her bodice at her own prominent bust. "Though I was more 'geek chic' than magical showgirl."

"Tits are an excellent investment…" Black Canary mumbled practically as Killer Frost frowned, bent over, and knocked the 9 ball easily into the corner pocket.

"…No idea what I'd be doing." She added rather forlorn. "…Never really had a career, just went from one job to the next…" Zatanna took the pool cue as Killer Frost seemed to think, "…Although my longest and favorite was working at a classic movie theater." She smiled, "…Maybe I'd try to get into movies?"

"Got to go to Hollywood for that…" Huntress supplied as she walked in from the floor to take a delivery. "Annnnd if you were going to get screwed over by those guys, you might as well keep doing what we're doing." She took the bag and waved Orders off as Orders waved absently back, "Back in an hour." she declared, leaving from the backdoor.

"…Maybe I'll just buy my own theater." Killer Frost grinned, "Show a bunch of Simon Trent films."

"The… Gray Ghost guy?" Smiled Zatana, missing her shot. "From those Beyond Gray Ghost films?"

"Those are the reboots, where he's the mentor to his son." Killer Frost said excitedly. "But there's a whole series of old films with him!"

"Good luck with that." Black Canary smiled as Killer Frost waved her off.

"Hey, I heard Bruce Wayne's a huge fan. Boom… investor right there." She smiled taking the cue from Zatanna. "…And with my track record of hooking rich guys, maybe I can convince him?" she smirked, easily sinking two balls into separate pockets."

"Don't bet on it." Orders noted suddenly, "He might have that playboy reputation but I've yet to get one of you girls into his pants."

The girls eyed her surprised. "…Have you actually been trying?" Vixen laughed, asking jokingly as Orders snorted.

"The guy is SURPRISINGLY straight-laced… I can't even begin to tell you how many fliers I've sent to his manor." She actually pouted. "You'd be surprised how easy that works with everyone else I send them too… speaking off…" Killer Frost sighed and watched as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello Superbabes. We deliver."

"…I'd like to order a Killer Frost Dessert for delivery, please."

"That's a frozen fruit yogurt parfait."

"Yes please."

"Anything else?"

"Yes. Delivered by Killer Frost. Please."

"We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery, name and address please."


"Frost." Orders noted, holding up the receipt as the ice-haired beauty handed off her pool cue to Zatanna and approached the counter as the parfait slid out. She took the receipt eyed the address then claimed the parfait, wagging it towards Orders who sent her off to the car. Parfait in the cupholder, keys in the ignition, ass in the driver's seat. And she was off to Gotham Heights.

Normally a frequent visitor to the mansions and manors close to the outskirts of Gotham Heights. The twins come to mind as some of her more regular 'customers'. It was actually a little surprising to find that she was going 'deeper' into the Heights… or perhaps 'higher' was a more apt phrase, more on the hills. This is big money territory, deep family pockets and Gotham History… the only one higher than that was Bruce Wayne himself.

She found the mansion she was looking for rather easily even though many of them were spread out with city blocks worth of space between them. Double-checking the receipt to make sure she wasn't going to waste the next five minutes of her life driving towards the entrance, she sped off down the winding road, paved for a scenic view of the grounds if it wasn't so dark. She pulled right up to the entrance and got out of the car.

The mansion she arrived at was bigger and fancier than The Twins'. Probably had 'Been in the family for generations on generations!'… and yes she was saying that in an old man sort of voice. But she strutted up to the large oaken doors, checked for a knocker, then a doorbell… then raised her hand.



Time: 9:46 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Fancy Mansion)

"Special Delivery Service." She put her hand on her hip and waited, glancing around absently, and just about to reach for the doorbell before it quickly popped open.

"In. Come in please. Quickly." She was rushed inside by a diminutive Japanese man. Or at least he looked that way, he was walking with a bit of a hunch in his back, like he spent most of his time bowing. He's Japanese, so that's probable, but it was more like he spent ALL of his time in a bowed position. He snatched the Parfait from her hand placing it down, he glanced outside, left then right, before shutting the door and locking it. "To the bedroom." He said, quickly, putting his hands on her back and leading her ahead of him through the entryway and up the stairs as she laughed.

"Pretty eager huh? If you like I can just strip here…" she teased, reaching for the clasp that held her suit together behind her neck.

"No! Not here." He fidgeted as they reached the top of the stairs, walking down a hallway of dozens of rooms to a large set of double doors. He seemed less nervous now, and even managed to straight up. "You, "Superbabes'. Come highly recommended." He said, adjusting himself in his suit. He looked rather like a butler now that she got a better look at him.

She just smiled, hand on her hip… she was sensing a story.

"…I want you to go in there… and prove it. Rock his world…" she chuckled as his face fell a little.

"Ah… so I was ordered for whoever was in this room?" she asked, brushing the smooth wood with the back of her gloved hand. "Sure."

"No. I am serious." He said firmly, his Japanese accent coming on strong.

"So am I…" she grinned, reaching for the handle. "He'll come out of there with a smile on his face." he brushed her hand aside and opened the door, walking in first.

"Otou-san." He said hesitantly, as she casually followed him in, she wasn't fluent in Japanese but thanks to Zatanna's anime and White Rabbit's conversations with orders she knew it meant 'father' at least.

So sonny boy ordered a 'delivery girl' for his daddy? Not the weirdest thing a Superbabe had to do… or the oldest.

However 'Otou-san' was apparently MUCH older than his son would imply. The son looked mid to late thirties. The father looked geriatric. He wore a red silk robe probably worth more than her apartment with elaborate and colorful Asian patterns that match the rest of the Asian decor and design of the room. It was like she stepped right into Tokyo… or at least a westernized version of Tokyo. It did have a mansion staple of a four-poster bed with curtains… big enough three times over for the man in the chair.

The man himself had stringy white hair and matching long trimmed beard, but at least both were clean, and shining lustrously. His robe hung off his body making him look thin, there were plenty of liver spots on what skin he did show, and his face was heavily wrinkled… he looked like an aging emperor… but admittedly the red fuzzy slippers threw off the feeling a little.

"What do you want?" he said absently, reading a blank covered hardback in a comfy armchair next to an elaborate fireplace… no, wait… it was just a screen with a picture of a fireplace. Provided ample light however.

"I…have brought you a gift." He said hesitantly, gesturing her to come forward behind his back. She rolled her eyes… they were being so FORMAL. She strutted right past the bowing son as he looked positively panicked. She then leaned right onto the old man's chair, pushing her breasts towards his face, now at perfect viewing level to them as she glanced at the book… all in Japanese. So NO idea what it said…

"Hi…" she grinned sweetly, practically SHOVING her tits into the old man's face. His son didn't know whether to look horrified or embarrassed.

The old man looked up, and towards her big beautiful mounds wrapped tightly in her suit. Granted she didn't have the chest sizes of Zatanna or Black Canary, or the sheer mass of ass that Vixen strutted, but she wasn't one to dismiss off-hand.

"Hmmph…" his nostrils flared dramatically, but his gaze WAS locked onto her body. She smirked knowingly… men of ALL ages were going to stare.

"…Do you think buying me a high-quality Gaijin escort will get me to forgive you?" he asked with frosty calmness and a 'stereotypical' Japanese accent.

…Well the 'gaijin' part could've been left out, a word that White Rabbit assured everyone at Superbabes was an insult to anyone not Japanese, but he DID consider her high-quality… so bad with the good.

"…It is a start." He said coldly as his son, still very nervous, breathed a sigh of relief. "Leave us."

"You only have an hour otou-san…" the son declared quickly.

"Less… technically… like 55 minutes." Killer Frost supplied unhelpfully; the son gave her a hurt look as she shrugged. "Timer starts once I knock."

"Less of a start." His father said stiffly, but humorously to her. "Leave." He added as his son quickly made for the door, the father's hand reaching for her chin. His wrinkly bony fingers rubbed her smooth skin as she smiled prettily… the book snapped shut the moment his son shut the bedroom door. Resting the book on a nightstand she stood up, placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped around to the front of the chair with a bit of a swing in her hips.

He didn't look happy or disappointed, his face was of stone… which was interesting considering the rest of him was a bag of bones. His shoulder felt bonier than a graveyard full of skeletons. "So… 'daddy'…" she smirked, hands on the back of his chair as she loomed over him, her breasts closer to his face now as she smiled. "…How shall I take care of you?"

He sat like an emperor on his throne, gazing into her breasts as his hands slid up her sides. "Mmmn." She smiled, letting his aged hands feel her. They moved up at first, before sliding down to squeeze her ass cheeks firmly, molding around his bony fingers before he let her go.

"They say gaijin girls have loose morals." He said firmly, relaxing in his chair. Dismissive of her close proximity, she just smiled at him. "…Prove it." he said with some command.

She laughed, he put up a strong appearance but he wanted his dick sucked like every other red-blooded man. Her hands slid from the back of the couch over his shoulders, and into his robe as she knelt before him, her face close to his lap as his legs spread wide. She pulled the robe open as it fell off his body…

He was thin and clearly showed his age, he had very little muscle and fat left except around his pot-belly which was surprisingly round. His pubic hair was untamed and as white as his hair, his sack sagging and his cock wrinkly, but regardless without hesitation, she opened her mouth and made all 'gaijin girls' proud.

"Ahhh… Sugoi…" he sighed as she slowly went up and down his limp cock, but it wasn't limp for long, getting harder and longer with each bob of her head as he rested a dominating hand on her icy-blue hair.

"MMMn-mmmm-ahhh…" she slipped off his twitching old cock as she ran her tongue along its side, flicking the tip as she went down, then back up to the tip to wrap her lips back around it. "Mmmn-hmmmn…" He wasn't a big man even at full mast, her face burying into his snowy pubic hairs as she popped her head up and down, gazing up at him as he lied back and enjoyed his blowjob from a woman who could've been young enough to be his daughter…

What? Fuck that. GRANDAUGHTER…

Fine, a woman who could've been young enough to be his granddaughter…

Her hands rubbed his thighs, before her gloved hand wrapped gently around his sack, rubbing and fondling his balls as his cock twitched between her lips. "MMmhn?" she moaned, gazing up at him as he sighed contentedly, his sack quivered in her hand and his cock pulsated. "MMpgh!?" her eyes widened and she dropped reflexively to the base of his cock, feeling his load burst against the back of her mouth as her lips suckled around him. "MMMn-hrmmn…" she moaned, slurping loudly as she slid back to his still spurting tip, feeling his salty load on her tongue as she ran it over his urethra.

"Haaa…" he sighed, stroking her hair as he went soft. He slipped from her lips as she tilted her head back.

"Ahhh…" she stuck her tongue out, cupping it so the viscous fluid pooled inside it, before she slipped it inside, grinned broadly and gulped it down elaborately, "Ahh…" sticking out her tongue again and wiggling it side to side, tapping it gently on his flaccid dick.

"MMmmgh…" he made a noise somewhere between a growl, a sigh, and a grunt. Rubbing her head absently like a pet as she licked at his cock. "…Good." He declared as she smirked, he acted like he got a blowjob like that every day...

A cheap girl… or, at least a cheaper girl than her, would hope that he was one and done, thanks to his age. But Superbabes aimed to please everyone… especially themselves. So, while she'd apricate the quick paycheck…

She'd RATHER get laid… so… What was she going to do about a flaccid old man dick?

She got to her feet, his eyes following her as she reached and undid her suit… it fell away to the floor exposing her fit, slender, and curvaceous body… her breasts bouncing free as she rubbed her blue gloved hands over them… His cock jumped back to life as she curled a finger at him, and jiggled towards the neatly made bed.

She ran her fingers over the smooth blanket. "MMMN!" she cooed loudly, "…This is going to feel GREAT on my body…" she growled slowly gyrating her ass behind her, bent over the bed like she was playing pool back at the restaurant. She pushed herself onto the bed, sliding over the silky blanket, lying on her side as she ran a hand over her curvy body sensually, curling her finger enticingly at him again with the same hand.

"…You should take off your boots…" he said, absently eyeing his erection as if it insulted him by becoming erect again.

"…Most prefer when I leave them on…" she said, sultrily, "Now are you going to come over here or am I going to have to come get you?"

…That sort of ended the argument… as you could expect.

The aged Japanese man stared at her, then with a groan and a surprising pop of his joints. He was on his feet… he walked steadily towards her, his robe draping onto the floor as he ran a hand on her soft thigh. "Hmmmn…" she rolled onto her back as she rubbed her smooth crotch, spreading herself as he raised a well-groomed eyebrow at the sight, his erection twitching…

"If you like you can lie back and I can give YOU a ride…" she said lazily, her eyes half-lidded as he crawled onto the bed slowly, he knelt on the bed between her legs, grabbing her waist and surprisingly lifting her up. "ooh…" she laughed as she felt his throbbing member against her wet pussy, well warmed up…

"Ahh-ooooh…" she smiled as he pushed right into her, "MMmnnn-hmm-hmm!" she laughed, wiggling her hips on his lap as he took a breath. "Take your time-Ooh!" she laughed as he began to pump his bony hips. "Ugh. Ugh… Ugh." She grunted softly as he thrust his hips again her, her breasts bouncing as she lied submissively on the bed. "NNgh ahh-ah-ah…"

Steadily he moved his hips, carefully, back and forth, back and forth, his cock throbbing inside her tight moistened lower lips as her shoulders rubbed the blanket of the bed. His bony aged body slapping against her soft lower one as her breasts wobbled up and down on her chest. "Haa ahh-aaah…" she moaned softly… then, sat up.

Pushing away she rolled onto her hands and knees, wiggling her ass behind her towards him. "You know what? Try it like this…" He scoffed, but grabbed her hips pushing into her from behind "Oooh yeah…" she pushed herself back against his thrusts as she rolled her head. "Mmmn… mmmn… mmmn…"

His hips bounced off her ass as he pulled her against him, her breasts swaying beneath her as she panted and moaned. She felt his hands on her shoulders, then he pushed her to the bed. "Ha-ha!" she laughed, ass still in the air as he wildly pumped his hips into her from behind. "Ugh-ugh-ugh-ugh-uggh!!" she grunted, clawing the sheets as her eyes rolled, half of her hoped he'd keep up the pace, the other half hoped he didn't break anything.

"Haa-hAaa-AHHH!!" she moaned out loudly as he suddenly pulled out, "HAa!" she shook her ass enticingly as she felt his load burst across her ass cheeks. She kept shaking her ass in the air as he fell backward onto the bed, lying down with a sigh as she pushed herself up onto her knees, glancing over his shoulder at him as his cum dripped down her round ass cheeks and down the back of her legs as she put her gloves on her cheeks, and spread them. She let them clap back into place as he groaned, lying comfortably on his back as she crawled over to him.

Then crawled over him, she faced away from him, as she squatted over his lap, shaking her ass behind her as she bent her knees, bouncing her ass up and down as she reached down to grab at his sack and cock, stroking and fondling as he groaned, it twitched slowly back to life as she aimed it upward…

"Okay daddy… let me have my fun… you just lie back and-Ahhhh…" she squatted slowly on his cock, her rear dangling in the air as she looked upside down at him, "Ah-Ahh yeah…" Up and down, up and down went her ass, still covered in his jizz as she raised her ass perfectly up and down. Not even touching his hips but going faster and faster.

"NNngh-NNngh…" grunted the older man, gazing at her 'dancing' ass as he bucked his hips more and more to match her pace.

Hands on the bed, knees bent like a frog about to hop she bounced her ass up and down, in a V sort of motion, left and right as she panted erotically, "Ah-HAa-hAaa let me… let me cum!" she groaned, her body building up to her orgasm, the burning in her legs begging her to stop as she clenched the sheets with her hands, "Cum. Cum! CUM!!"

"IKU!!" he groaned, his hands lashing to her ass to push her off but he was an old man who blew his load THREE times tonight… that's two more then he would've expected. Needless to say, she resisted, and held her pussy just on the tip of his cock, licking her lips as her body shivered excitedly.

"MMMN-HMMMN!! Ahhhh…" she grabbed his cock gently and STROKED it up towards her pussy, "Ahh yeah… drain all of that hot load into me…" she cooed sensually, gazing down between her tits as she stroked his cock, feeling it pulsate a thick wad of cum into her. "That's how a real man does it…" she smiled leaning forward as-POP-went his cock out of her pussy, she raised her ass in the air, shaking it left and right as her pussy oozed cum down her legs. "Hee-hee-hee… what do you call a creampie in japan?"

"Nakadashi." He grunted, breathing heavily, clearly exhausted… but obviously satisfied.

"Look at your messy nakadashi." She purred as his cock twitched, she licked her lips as she spread her lower lips with her fingers. And smacked her ass with her other hand… she was going to have to wash that glove later.

She crawled slowly around lying over his leg as she rubbed his cock with her sticky glove, running her tongue slowly against his cock again. "Got to clean your dick now…" she purred, running her tongue along his twitching shaft. "After you gave me a nice nakadashi." His cock twitched again against her tongue as she giggled. "…Do you like it when a 'gaijin' girl speaks your language?" she giggled as she wrapped her lips around his tip.

"NNngh…" he grunted, not answering her as she bobbed her head up and down… slowly, he was done, good and spent… but he still had time and she could still make it good for him.

"MMMn-mmmmn…" inhaling his old man smell as she devotedly sucked on his nearly flaccid dick, stained with pussy juice and cum… both of which was drying on her lower body.

"…That is enough." He grunted after what felt like 10 minutes of constantly devoted sucking.

"MMmnph?" she mumbled, mouth full of cock and honestly more focused ON sucking it than listening to anything else. "Mwaah!" she gasped, popping off his cock, "Are you sure Otou-san?" she cooed as his cock twitched, but hardly hardened.

"…I do not think, even if I wished it, I'd be able to perform again." he said coolly as she pushed herself up to her hands and knees and crawled slowly to the edge of the bed.

"Alright… mind if I borrow your bath?"

"Yes." He said flatly as she frowned.

"…Seriously?" she replied, a little indignantly.

"Have you ever had an authentic Japanese bath before?" he grunted. She frowned at the question.

"…No." she answered honestly

"That is why… " He pointed to the door to his room. "…The room immediately to your left… it is my butler's quarters, he is on vacation so you may use his bathroom for your needs."

Feeling somewhat insulted that she was too 'dirty' to use 'HIS' bath she strutted proudly to the door and made her way to the butler's quarters. However, once she left his room his son suddenly jumped to his feet, sitting right outside. "Ah! Is he…" but he trailed off, staring at her naked body as she absently brushed him aside and walked right into the small apartment…

Quickly finding the modern bathroom she stripped off her boots, and one of her gloves, and promptly rinsed, soaped and washed… his son was still outside as she left to return to the room, he followed her in as she retrieved her suit.

A side door was open with a clear light from it, clearly the old man was enjoying a bath. His son approached and opened it to find the old man dumping a bucket of water onto his body outside of the tube, then getting into a steaming hot bath. Slipping beneath the water as she pulled up her suit.

"…She was…" began the old man, glancing at her as she winked at him playfully… there was a small 'twitch' in the corner of his mouth. "…Acceptable." She might not have known him that long, but she was pretty sure 'acceptable' translated to 'amazing' for him because his son breathed a sigh of relief. "…You are back in the will Yochiro."

"GAMPAI!!" he cheered happily as Killer Frost glanced rather humoredly between them.

"URUSAI!" the old man growled angrily, silencing 'Yochiro' in a moment like a scolded puppy... but less adorable. "Josei ni hansamu ni shiharau." He added, waving his arm away as he relaxed in the hot scented water.

Yochiro ran out as she winked at the old man, waving her fingers playfully as his lips twitched again, but he bowed his head politely as she strutted behind Yochiro. As she left the old man's room Yochiro scampered towards her, grinning like an idiot as he handed her a fistful of money, and some in yen.

"I'm back in the will!" he declared happily as she smiled, and raising her leg slipped the money he gave her into her boot.

"Good for you…" she patted his cheek with her 'dirty' glove. "Let me know how that works out…" she added as Yochiro cheered. She laughed to herself as she got outside, getting to the car. "First time I was used as a 'bribe'…" she added giggling as she slipped right in.

Time: 10:59 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

Leslie expertly hopped on one foot back into Superbabes and pulled the money from her boot before slapping it onto Orders' counter as the purple-eyed woman sorted out the money, and the yen, before slipping back Leslie's cut. "I helped a guy get back into his dad's will." Leslie declared mockingly, before stretching towards the pool table. "Maybe I should be a lawyer."

"I think you've would've made a fine care nurse." Orders noted absently, slipping the yen into a small pile of other foreign bills that she had to exchange.

"I don't know Leslie…" Tasha purred, she had taken over the pool table in Leslie's absence, "With your track record maybe you should just hook yourself a nice eligible…" CRACK, she knocked the cue ball into the rack, sending multiple balls all over the table. "RICH bachelor…" she added as Leslie approached and took the pool cue… Bending over, she aimed and CRACK… sinking two balls as Tasha raised an eyebrow.

"…Let's call that plan B." Leslie grinned.

"Could always just go back to hustling pool sharks." Orders noted as Leslie laughed. Hustling pool halls was EXACTLY where Orders found, then hustled, Leslie.

"Plan C…" she added mockingly, "…But I think plan A is still going to be that movie theater…" she smiled wistfully. "…I can't keep sucking old man dick for the rest of my life."

"Not the rest of your life!" Tasha smiled playfully, taking the pool cue. "…Just long enough to get into the will." That got a laugh, drowned out only by the CRACK of the pool balls.

End of chapter

To the butchering/Translation? This is probably off, but again the 'translation' part is what I put into what I intended to be said. Since characters would clearly be too confusing, I've used the romaji.

Josei ni hansamu ni shiharau = Pay the woman handsomely

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