
Super Beach Babes: Day 3

I don't own DC

"So… How do you think THAT came out of Tom?" asked Jessica smiling rather seductively at the handsome, bearded blonde man who was chatting happily with his father over a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches and beer. His father was brown-haired and while rugged, he wasn't nearly as built as the handsome blonde man.

"…Maybe he gets it from his mother?" Yaya noted, also eyeing the handsome man. Tom Curry said his son's name was 'Arthur' but the girls didn't quite register the name yet. Too busy staring at his broad shoulders, handsome face, and powerful all-around build.

"I don't know, I can see the family resemblance." Katie declared purring, her tail swishing behind her as she leaned on the table as they watched them. "They sound similar, and they have the same eyes…"

Hector, freed by Ronnie-Bell upstairs trotted down to the first floor, seeing Arthur Curry, he happily scampered over to him, resting his head on his lap.

"Hector!" Arthur grinned proudly as the dog moaned happily, feeling the man rub his recently groomed head and body. "Look at you! Outrageous…" he smiled, "Looks like somebody finally got a haircut."

"I did! I got him that!" Grinned Jessica raising her hand.

"Can he be in here?" Tom asked, but seemingly didn't seem to mind the former stray's presence as Hector curled near Arthur's boots.

"Sure, I don't see why not… we don't let him near the kitchen." Yaya noted, "…when we're working." She added as Ronnie-Bell returned, eyeing the men interestedly.

"You look like you work out Arthur." She asked.

"Oh… I keep in shape." He declared, grinning at the tall woman as he flexed a bicep impressively. "And what did you eat to get so tall! I've only seen the real Giganta as big as you!"

She just smirked, "Experimental steroids." She noted to his somewhat confused but good-humored laughter. She turned on turning to the girls. "Want to help me clean up?"

"Must we?" Britney asked, still staring at Arthur with a grin.

"And we need to take Hector on a walk before we go to bed." Jessica noted rather forlornly. Before Yaya perked up.

"Oooh that's Riiiiight…" she said, eying a rather concerned Ronnie-Bell. "Your morning run! What happened?"

"Not in current company…" noted Ronnie-Bell. "Just help me wipe up…" before tossing a fistful of cleaning rags to the girls.

"I suppose we should get out of your hair…" Tom noted as the girls reluctantly began to clean. "Arthur?"

"Well I should get going… don't want to keep Mera waiting! You know how she worries when I don't come back right after patrol."

"Mera?" asked Alice, who unlike the rest of the girls was NOT gazing at the built man like a piece of meat. Alice is pretty practical like that… she doesn't judge people on size… until the pants come off. THAT's when she judges size.

"My dear wife…" he said, looking wistful. "Ah… well… After I make a call to an old chum of course! He'd like to know I took care of his little ocean problems again." he grinned smugly, "Come on Pops, I'll walk you home." Tom chuckled, their plates clean and beer bottles empty he reached for his pocket. "Nonsense pop! I got it." Arthur said reaching into his coat pocket.

"Uh. Son-" Tom began before Arthur dropped a solid gold coin onto the table.

"Holy shit." Yaya replied amazed as the rest of the girls stared.

"That ought to cover it!" he said, as if he DIDN'T just drop a solid gold coin.

"I… YEAH…" Alice decided, walking over and picking it up examining it for a minute. "It… will… but I think you overpaid?" she said hesitantly as Arthur just waved it off… Tom looking increasingly concerned.

"Then consider it a tip!" he declared.

"Son… we talked about this. Thanks girls." He said, pushing the larger Arthur out the door. "You can't pay in GOLD…" he said, but didn't try to snatch back the coin as Alice stared at the odd markings.

"Can we accept that?" Britney asked eagerly, snatching it from her hand as Alice blinked.

"Uh… well… it's definitely gold." Before Alice snatched it back, "I need to make a call." She said, running to the steps that led upstairs.

"Who is she going to call?" asked Ronnie-Bell as Yaya shrugged.

"Probably Veronica… you know how she is with money and math, she does all our taxes for fun…" she blinked and rolled her eyes. "Speaking of skanky redheads. Talk, before we get distracted again…"

Giganta, ignoring Yaya's 'skanky' crack, locked the front door and turned the sign to 'close' before she took a seat at a booth, the entire side of a booth, then rolled her eyes. "Alright… Pay attention…"


Giganta jogged down the beach with Hector happily trotting beside her. He was in fact surprisingly well trained, he was probably owned by someone before he became a stray, keeping beside her stoically as she bounced down the road. Her big breasts bouncing slightly in her firm sports bra as her tight spandex pants that went to her knees, it stretched tightly over her powerful muscles showing off every crease…

She jogged until the handsome dog began to pant and slow his pace, she then halted and checked her pulse with a smile. "That a good run for you boy?" she asked before the handsome dog seemed to wander onto the sand and-"…Oh…"

After doing some business. Hector trotted back, still panting as she smiled. "Should we head back?" she asked, kneeling down and stroking his head. "I haven't really gotten a good burn yet."

"Woo… check her out!" she blinked, looking briefly around and discovering a sectioned off a little area on the beach. Ever been to muscle beach? It was sort of like a mini-one or at the very least and outside gym... With a few benches, weights, and other sorts of gym equipment, sectioned off by a chain-link fence and covered from the elements by a canopy roof, nearby was a concrete building, but apparently, it was for showers and changing… with men and women signs on different doors.

Currently, only three men were working out there. A glisteningly built black man wearing a speedo, a stocky white man in a powerlifter's unitard, and another man on a bench, easily lifting weights. She couldn't quite see him in the shade of the roof but he seemed to be working up a sweat in tight shorts.

Giganta's eyes narrowed as the black man, very muscular and handsome, leaned against the chain-link fence, clearly ogling her. "Man that's a FIT girl right there. Hey baby! Want to learn how to wrestle?"

Giganta stood up, and stepping over Hector's sandy mess, kicking sand over it, she began to approach the fence.

The man's previously smug grin slowly vanished on his face as he realized that Giganta was GIGANTA… she towered over him easily. He was a tall man himself, but she was over SEVEN FEET TALL. You'd be hard press to find her match. She stared down at him with a smug smile. "…Whoa." He declared as she stepped towards the door of the fence, opening it and stepping inside as Hector trotted in after her.

The powerlifter chuckled as the other man glared at him, "Looks like you bit off more than you can chew this time Phil."

The black bodybuilder, Phil grumbled as he tried not to seem intimidated by Giganta's sheer size. "Shut up Will."

"You're a bit on the tiny side to get my opinion on wrestling…" she said smugly as the man lifting weights in the corner set the barbells and sat up. Now that she got a better look at him, she saw that he was not only CLEARLY Japanese, but looked like a sumo… he had a round face, and his hair was in a topknot. His body was heavyset but not fat… not that all sumo were fat. She knew that SOME certainly were, but it was mostly deceptive muscle. And judging by the amount of weight he was lifting it certainly was muscle.

"Okay okay…" Phil began, "You're a muscle girl, fine…" he grinned appreciatively, "How much can you bench?"

She shrugged, "…I haven't really checked in a while, 300… 350?"

"Ha. No way." The powerlifter Will declared. "I'd like to see that!"

Giganta flexed her powerful arms as the sumo watched them disinterestedly before she walked past the both of them and approached him. "Hello." She declared as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"…Hello." He nodded his head politely, he had a STRONG Japanese accent, but his English was clear.

"Would you like to help me with something impressive?"

"Hmph…" he stood up, he was about as tall compared to her as the other two. Then held out his hands as if to say 'what?' she walked behind him.

"Relax." he blinked.

"Wha-aaah!" hand on his back, the other on his fat but surprisingly firm ass. He was LIFTED into the air. Laughing wildly as Giganta lifted him up and down over his head. "Ha-ha! Hahahahaha!"

"Holy shit!" the other two declared as Giganta pushed herself, doing ten reps with the sumo as he seemed to stiffen, making it a little easier.

"I believe her… and now I feel a little…" Will began thoughtfully. "What's the word?"

"Emasculated?" Phil noted dejectedly as they realized they were no longer the strongest people in Amnesty Bay.

"Yeah that…"

After ten reps, she bent a knee and dropped the sumo back onto his feet as he stepped away, laughing proudly. "Hijō ni inshō-teki!" when Giganta smiled prettily but tilted her head confused he nodded and gave her a thumbs up. "Very GOOD!" he declared clearly, clapping his hands at her feat of strength as she winked.

"Thank you." She smiled, flexing her arm muscle and kissing her bicep as she sniffed herself. She had apparently sweated a lot more than expected… must be the sunnier climate of 'Not Gotham'. "I don't suppose there are showers in there?" she asked gesturing to the rooms.

"Yeah. Changing rooms, showers…" Phil noted, "But you need a key…" he patted himself. "Oh… hey Takeshi-san." The sumo turned his head to him, to show he was listening. "Shower key?"

"MMnph." He nodded and reached into his pocket for a hard iron key with a strap so it was harder to lose, then waved his hand for Giganta to follow him. They walked around the corner out of sight as Will and Phil sighed forlornly. Takeshi opened the girl's side door for her, as she winked again as she smiled.

She stood in the door frame for a minute, then grinning she grabbed his shorts. He frowned at her for a minute as she tugged him towards the door. "…Want to help me with something fun?" his frown lessened and an eyebrow rose as her other hand grabbed her sports bra and lifted it up, her big tits wobbling free as he eyed them, rather impressed. "Nothing quite like relaxing after a morning workout…" she said, and she pulled him inside…

The showers were open, with four heads looming over a single somewhat sandy looking drain as she lifted her bra over her head and tossed it onto a nearby bench as Takeshi followed behind her. Walking with a bit of swagger as she slipped her thumbs into her tight, hip-hugging spandex and pushed it down over her ass, pushing it towards him, and wiggling it side to side as she shimmied her pants to the floor before kicking them accurately towards her bra.

"Hmm-hmmm… how do I look hon?" she purred as Takeshi almost immediately pushed his shorts to the floor. He wasn't fat, he was stocky, with obvious muscle under what actual fat he had. Sturdy legs, and arms. His cock was average, and hard already she laughed as his hand wrapped around her waist to grab at her big firm ass as she reached for the shower and turned it on. Laughing as he eagerly buried his face into her tits. Most men were at the perfect level for it… but many were a little embarrassed about it. Takeshi didn't seem to care.

"Sugoi!!" he growled eagerly, already suckling on a nipple as she gasped, his powerful hands rubbing over her back and ass as the cold water cooled her hot sweaty body.

"Oooh eager aren't you sugar!?" she laughed, rubbing her breasts against his face as his cock throbbed against her leg, his stomach rubbing against her muscled abs, "Ahh-mmmn…" he groped her ass cheeks firmly, feeling his strong fingers sinking into her ass before he released her and slapped them both, "Ah!" she gasped, as he began squeezed again, switching nipples. "Ah-ha…"

He slurped loudly on her tit. "SLUUUURP-POP!" before popping free as it jiggled back into position as he grinned lecherously, pinning her to the wall as the water poured onto them.

"Ahh…OOoooh…" she moaned as he lifted her powerful leg, easily, resting it on his shoulder as he rubbed her exposed pussy with a strong hand. She sucked in air through her teeth, rocking her hips back and forth on his rubbing hand as she gripped the showerhead above her. "That's it… feel that pussy…" his fingers slipped inside her, thrusting back and forth as she writhed against the wall...

He pulled his fingers away, covered in her arousal as he rubbed it onto his cock, and pushed his tip against her. "Ahh-YES!!" she groaned as he pushed his cock all the way in, his hand shooting to her breasts to squeeze as he pulled back and forth, "Ahh…AHH!" his strokes were constant and strong, slamming her against the wall as she eagerly panted, "Ah-Ah-AH-AH!!" she grinned broadly, shaking against the wall as he relentlessly pounded her pussy.

Grunting like an animal he strived onward, hardly paying any attention to her screams of pleasure as he groped her huge tits, she bit her bottom lip as his cock plunged in and out of her quivering pussy, shaking in orgasm as he pushed deep inside her. "Haaa-aaahhh…" she laughed, "Woo… not bad sugar-OH!" he LIFTED her…

Legs on his shoulders and using the wall he pounded away at her in the air, "AH-AH-AH-AH!!"

She can honestly say she can't remember a guy who's been able to do this to her. Normally her 'deliveries' are young men looking for a BIG girl… and on one occasion a dwarf. That was fun, but mostly it was interesting. Reflexively she grabbed onto the showerhead above her in case he dropped her but her legs bounced on his back and he pounded on.

"Ugh! UGH! UGHh!!" his hands on her ass cheeks, holding her in the air as she panted and gasped, her toes curling as she climaxed, the showerhead creaking as she yanked it.

"HAAAa!! AHhh!!" her tits bouncing, her body shaking. "AHH!! AHHHH-FUCK!!"

"NNGH!! BANZAI!!!" he laughed, pushing into her and pinning her to the wall as she both shook. She panted heavily eyes rolling as she felt his hot cum rushing into her. He was as still as a statue and as sturdy as one. Standing proud as Benkei as his load rushed inside her…

"MMMn-mmmmn…" she sighed as she slowly slid her legs off him. Planting firmly on the ground as he gave her ass one more squeeze before slipping out of her. "Ooooh… oops…" the showerhead above her wobbled dangerously, spewing water. "…Broke another shower…" she laughed as she dripped into the water, turning it off as it diminished. Dripping but not flooding…

Much like her pussy actually.

"Ha-ha-ah…Wooo… not bad hon." She turned, brushing her wet hair from her eyes as she walked towards another shower to turn it on. As the water sprayed out his hand grabbed at her breasts from behind as she laughed. "Oooh… want some more?" she reached around, grabbing his dick from behind her and stroking, "…Sure hon." She turned as he groped her tits. But soon she was on her knees, "MMMn-mmmn!" she bobbed on his cock as he rested a hand on her red hair, guiding her up and down.


"OOoh Sugoi…" he growled, holding her pretty head in both hands, "Uugh….mmmn…" sliding her back and forth as she sucked him in the shower, her body now soaked. His cock twitching eagerly in her mouth, oozing pre-cum onto her swirling tongue, "Guu!"

She gasped as she was pushed away, "Ahh…" water sprayed her tits as cum sprayed her face. "Oooh… she pouted as cum splashed onto her skin, he stroked wildly as she rubbed his seed with her fingers. "MMmn… cumming all over me…" she licked her sticky lips as he stroked out his load.

"Oooh… Kimochii." He grinned down at her as she pushed her face under the water.

"Bllluurb-woo!" she was on her back, laughing as Takeshi was on her, "Ha-Ha-ha! What a stallion!" she teased as he fondled her tits and immediately stuffed his cock inside her. "Ah that's it… AH-HA-ha!!" his heavy body slammed down into her again and again as she writhed against the bathroom tiles, "AH-AHHH!!! Fuck ME fuck me SUGAR…" she cooed as she lied submissively under his wide thrusts. "Ugh-UGH!!"

"Ugh! UGH! GHHH!! UGH!!" he grunted and growled, hands on her tits and pinning her down as she rocked back and forth from his thrusts, his toes scraping the slippery tiles for traction as his cock slipped deep inside. He suddenly stopped, sitting up on his knees as he lifted her hips and began pumping again, fast and rough.

"Ah-AH-AH-HA-AHH!!!" she gasped, her shoulders on the tiles but her lower body in the air as her tits wobbled up and down quickly, "Ha-uugh!! AHHH!!!" he was on his feet, thrusting like a madman and his head rolling back as he roared into the acoustic bathroom.

"BANZAI!!" he laughed, before panting happily… standing proud as he held her lower body up… she panted, shaking slightly as he eventually let her back down so she could get to her feet.

"….Woooo… usually I need a whole group of guys to play with me like that…" she grinned, getting up and dripping all sorts of fluids as Takeshi sighed contentedly, his hand-clapping onto her ass as she jumped. "Ooh!" she pouted at him as he gave her a thumbs up and a cheeky, toothy grin.

"VERY GOOD!" he praised, she wagged a warning finger at him as she spruced up under the water… he seemed content with just fondling her body as she finished before going to retrieve her clothes.

"That's it? You got pounded by a fat guy in a bathroom? That's why you were late?" Britney asked lazily.

"I pounded a SUMO in a bathroom." Ronnie-Bell declared, "Big difference… oh and he invited me to a local match… who knew that Maine had a Sumo scene…" the girls shrugged but Yaya scowled.

"And you DIDN'T record it!?"

"I'll record myself working out or something later." Ronnie Bell declared, yawning…

"Girls, RECORD your sessions!" she then frowned. "But that only really lasted you like an hour at most. What were you doing for the rest of the time?"

"Working out…" Ronnie-Bell added in an 'obviously' sort of voice. "A functional beach gym is better than just doing sit-ups in my room."

"How much do you work out?" Yaya asked indignantly.

"How much porn do you watch?" Ronnie-Bell replied with her southern-bell charm. Yaya after a moment of contemplation just shrugged.

"Yeah okay, fine." She conceded, "…I guess we should get as much sleep as we can, we're working another shift after all…" the girls remembering how late it was, yawned, and collectively went upstairs… finding Alice on the couch talking on her phone…

"…NO. V… can you just tell me how much it's worth?" she asked, flicking the gold coin in her fingers as Jessica and Hector, not caring at this point went straight to her room. "Uh huh… uh huh… okay… no I don't want to know how many guys are at the apartment right now… yep… uh-huh…" she rolled her eyes. "…Okay… yeah. Yeah, I love you too… don't fuck anybody on my bed or you're doing your own laundry for a week." She hung up, and held up the coin.

"This is Atlantean. Accord to Veronica and a lesser extent Orders we need to exchange this, but it IS valid… it's like paying with Euro's or Yen… except you know… it's solid GOLD." She added tossing the coin onto the table as it wobbled to a stop "…It's also worth a bit more than 2 sandwiches and a couple of beers…"

"How much more?"

"Mmmn…" she shook her head, "…About a 'delivery' or two?"

"Seriously?" Ronnie-Bell asked surprised as Alice shrugged.

"More or less…" she pushed off the couch and stretched, yawning broadly as her tits wobbled from the movement of her arms. "One of us has to go to a bank and exchange it…" then, still in her bikini she went straight to her little room.

Britney sighed and shrugged, "We'll… I'll do it when we wake up…" she offered before they all went to bed.

…One of the reasons Orders usually doesn't have the girls work multiple days in a row is because the scheduling and timing is simply impossible to stay healthy. Most work long nights, usually having sex. So while the girls could potentially function on less sleep than most, it's not exactly encouraged.

They were up by at the latest, 10 am. And even then, Jessica rolled over and went back to sleep. Britney however, took the Atlantean coin to the closest bank.

"I'm going to the beach and hopefully this time I'll be able to relax." Alice declared, already rubbing the sunscreen on her skin as Ronnie-Bell assisted her with her back. And she was done in half the time thanks to her big hands… "I'll be back long before we open." Yaya was absently checking things on her phone, transferring videos to her laptop.

"Okay." She noted lazily as Giganta hooked Hector's new leash onto his collar. "Don't do anything if you're not going to record it." Yaya added as Giganta rolled her eyes.

"I'll run in a different direction today…" she said, walking down the steps with Alice and both stepped outside to their various days.


The Big Titty Goth girl drew all sorts of attention as she often did, but now she was in a bikini that seemed a size too small, drawing noticeable attention to her already magnificent rack… A day ago she had Vixen which in itself is also a very impressive sight, but today she was all on her own and more than content in not doing anything or anyone. She lied out her lounging towel in the same area as last time, adjusted her top, then lied down on her back, sunglasses on, music in her ears, and the salty smell of the sea blowing in on the wind as she relaxed…

"Um… Hey… hey miss." She must have dozed if. It was rather likely, she was up most of the night. She checked her device, frowned. She was out for about 15-20 minutes. "Are you Raven from the Teen Titans?"

She looked up to find a trio of young men, staring at her chest from the angle…

"No. I just look like her." Raven replied, relaxing again and considering the conversation finished.

"I'm telling you man she's from that Superbabes place that just opened up." Said one of them, a blonde white guy, slapping the one who asked in the chest. A tanned black haired one. "They got one in Star City…" before adding under his breath, "Besides the real Raven doesn't have tits like her."

"…Are you from Superbabes?" asked a third of the trio, a redhead, as Raven sighed again, sitting up.

"YES. But we're not open right now. And I'm trying to relax."

"…I heard in Gotham." He said, whispering conspiratorially, "That if you order a Superbabe just right, they'll do something special?" Raven raised an eyebrow at him. The other two, about to walk away, hesitated and their interest was redirected back to Raven and her big breasts.

Raven eyed him, he looked more curious than anything, asking a legitimate question. She sniffed pondering her answer before deciding. "We're not in Gotham." She declared, lying down on her back again, her breasts wobbling gently.

"But is it true?" he asked again in a conspiratorial whisper as the other two spared glances.

Raven was silent for a while and sighed, finally surrendering herself to her fate. Sitting up, and lowering her sunglasses at them. "What if it is?" she asked seriously.

They exchanged looks as she watched them. "Maybe… we want to order something?" he asked as she snorted. Bunch of young idiots looking to get laid… and not a Veronica in sight, never around when you need her. Raven got fully to her feet, they were about her height. She looked around for a moment then snorted finding the coast clear… "…Get all the money you got." She whispered, "and meet me right over there…" she gestured to the rocks she and Vixen 'entertained' at yesterday. "I'll give you 15 minutes to decide if you want to or not…" she added, strutting away from them.

She leaned against the rocks waiting for them, listening to her audiobook, and just as she was about to head back to her towel when they charged in, kicking up sand behind them… she scoffed and approached them as they grinned at her. Each with a fistful of bills. She eyed the paltry amount, holding out her hand. "Hand it over."

The blonde first, gave her about 45 dollars, the Black-haired one gave her about 50. And the Redhead handed her 40… she eyed it. It was barely a FRACTION of what she'd get an actual delivery for… and that was for just from one person ordering. Well, they were barely out of high school, they wouldn't have nearly the amount she'd usually get…

And if you're asking how she knows they're barely out of high school; she's an excellent judge of age. Consider it a 'gift'. She HAS to be when she lives with a woman like Veronica and needs to keep her out of jail for cradle robbing.

She pulled the strings of her bikini bottoms out and slipped the bills in for safekeeping as the string snapped back to her waist. "…You don't nearly have enough for the good stuff." She declared as their faces fell. "…But I'm not so prude as too stiff you… so." she hooked her top with her fingers, and pulled down…

Their eyes collectively widened, and their cocks instinctively hardened as her big pale breasts wobbled free. She grabbed them, molding and squeezing them as they watch her fondle herself. "You don't say anything, you don't tell anyone. And you leave me the hell alone… and you can fuck my tits." She declared as their shorts tightened from their throbbing erections. "Got it?" They nodded eagerly, greedily, and happily… "And say 'please can we fuck your tits'…" she added.

"Please can we fuck your tits?" their words echoed in stereo as she dropped to her knees.

"Sure… line up." Rubbing and fondling her tits she watched as they pushed, shoved, and elbowed each other until the blonde, and the biggest among the three, managed to get ahead, followed by the black-haired one, and naturally the redhead last.

His pants were in the sand before she could even argue. His average-sized length was throbbing eagerly as she stared at it, wrapping an arm around the front of her breasts she squeezed them tightly together as she gripped his cock with her other hand, pulling him forward as she spat on it… stroking her saliva on his length as he sighed.

"Wow…" breathed the black-haired one and the redhead in awe as the blonde grinned broadly. His cock twitching as Raven expertly stroked him, before pulling him as close as comfortably possible. She lifted her breasts, and slipped him right in. Smirking proudly up at him as he trembled.

"Oooh man…" he breathed, reaching out to hold her massive breasts together as she rocked herself up and down. Her breasts slapping against his thrusting hips as she and he held them together, "Uh. Uh uugh..." she smirked up at him, before spitting between her breasts, his cock sliding more easily between them. His tip barely breaking her cleavage as she stared up at him. Not looking away as he slapped his hips beneath her breasts.

"Fuck them." She whispered softly, "FUCK my tits… they're big and soft… and WARM…" she squeezed them together around him, rubbing them alternatingly up and down as he trembled, she put her hands on his, squeezing them tighter together as she licked her soft pouty lips. "MMMMn-MMMMN-mmmn…" she moaned, speeding up as he cried out in whimper…


"MMN!" she closed her eyes as a rope of cum splattered on her right cheek, then more shot out, hitting her chin and neck she let go of her tits as his cock went limp, dripping into the sand as she squeezed her breasts, ignoring his cum on her skin. "Next." She declared, licking her lips and cleaning her mouth of cum.

Black haired was more than eager and slightly bigger than his friend, already stroking himself as she cupped her breasts, and let him slid directly from the front, engulfing his cock as he pumped his hips against her, banging against her nipples as he fucked her tits lengthways. She smiled knowingly feeling him throb as he moaned. "Ahhh that's so good…" she cooed knowingly, "Fuck them, fuck those tits… ah-ah-ah…" panting encouragingly.

The sound of his smacking hips echoed over the waves as he grunted rapidly, "Ugh-ha-ahhh…"

Her tits were suddenly oozed with warmth as he shot a massive load between them, goo dripped down between her heavy tits as she let go, feeling him blast another wad onto the top of her tits as she sat there covered in cum. "Next." She said dismissively as the redhead approached.

Her eyes widened on his impressive length. "Well now…" she pinched her nipples as the other two watched, "…That's more like it…" she licked her lips hungrily, as he stroked himself… "Let me…" she said, "MMMn!"

"OOoooh!" he sighed as she engulfed it into her mouth. "Uuh!"

"Hey no fair…" grumbled the blonde as Raven greedily sucked, and then flipped him off.

"MMMN…mMMN! Ahh…" she pulled away, then wrapped her tits around his girth, his tip pulsating as he penetrated her titty hug. "Shut it…" she said as she immediately began to bounce her sticky, "Come on… come on… MMMN! I love titty fucking big… DICKS…" she growled primally, "Ah-ah-ah… like that?"

"Nghgh mmn!" he nodded, clenching his teeth as she sped up.

"Let it out… let out all that hot fucking cum on me… cum. Cum. Cum…" the other two wildly stroked themselves, watching the sight of their friend about to blow his load. She panted erotically, her breath warming his tip. "Cum on me… cum on me… cum all over me! Yes!" she praised closing her eyes as he exploded all over her, "Ahh yes-ahh!" two more cocks sprayed onto her face as she sat still, feeling three loads splatter on her face…

The first two were pretty feeble after their first cumshots, but the redhead apparently fired two loads from his balls… her entire upper body was coated in jizz, she blew cum bubbles from her lips as they stared at her exotic body. "Haaaa…" she sighed, getting to her feet. "You're welcome… not a word." She added as they grinned at her, she covered herself and grabbed her top… "Go on…" she said as they excitedly ran off after putting on their pants. "Haaaa…" she sighed again, "Sometimes I'm worse than Veronica…" she left the money nearby under her phone before strolling into the sea, diving down to reapply her top and wash off the cum as best she could before retrieving the cash.

Then as if she didn't just give three guys a tit-job she lied back down on her towel and relaxed… before inwardly cursing and reminding herself not to tell Yaya she didn't get it on recording…


Speaking of Catwoman she sighed softly to herself, relaxing on the couch in her swimsuit as she finished her work and sent it to Orders. She blinked as 'face-chat' was displayed on the screen, and she clicked it.

"How is everything?" Orders asked, sitting… somewhere… potentially at her apartment.

"Fine. The grand opening was a success…" Catwoman purred. "And we got a few vids."

"I'll look them over later… I've interviewed a few girls, some have accepted but I'm still looking. I should have everything well in hand by the end of the week."

"Great…" yawned Catwoman. "Anything else?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary…" Orders replied, "I was just checking in...is that a dog?"

Catwoman blinked as Hector suddenly intruded on her video call, sniffing the screen as Orders stared curiously. "…Yes…"

"...….Okay…" Orders noted lazily, "Keep him away from the food."

"No questions about the dog?" Catwoman asked as Hector's tail wagged happily looking at Orders.

"Nope." Noted Orders. "I'll talk to you girls later…"

"Kay… bye." Catwoman replied yawning again, "Damn…" she mumbled, petting Hector and turning off the video chat. "I either need a nap or a good fuck…" she said with a chuckle. "Want to go outside boy?" she asked as Hector followed the beautiful Asian Catwoman down the stairs… she headed to the back door with Hector and opened it up half a second after somebody knocked.


"AHH!!" she shrieked as the guy jumped as well. Hector, ignoring them both darted past the hand-cart of stuff and trotted outside.

The delivery guy tipped his hat, "Sorry bout that." he said "You… surprised me…" he blinked at her as she smiled mischievously. "I got a delivery for Superbabes."

"Oh… well this is an odd change of pace…" she noted, stepping aside, "Come on in…" he pushed the cart in, it had a couple of boxes of napkins and other utensils.

He glanced around. "Anywhere?" he asked politely.

"Well if you want to hall them upstairs for me that would be nice." She added, leaning seductively on the doorframe. He grinned rather roguishly.

"Well, I… do like to be nice." He said, hefting one box as she smiled. Hauling upstairs. "Anywhere?"

"Anywhere out of the way." She added as she heard a careful thump. He bounced down the stairs, before retrieving the second box. "Anymore stops today?"

"You're the last one before I have to go back to the office." He said, "Got to get ready for tomorrow."

"Oh cool…" she said as she heard the thump. "So you're not busy?" he dusted his hands on his jumpsuit as she smirked at her.

"Not really. Why?" she smiled and pulled out her camera phone.


"OOOoh fuck me…" he sighed as Catwoman's hands held his waist, he held the camera over her face as her mouth slid sensually up and down his cock. "Oooh look at me girl… MMMMN!!" he said as she gazed right into the camera.

"MMMN-mmmn! Hmmmn…" she wiggled her head eagerly, sliding up and down his length as she licked his shaft.

"OOoooh man you girls… mMMN!!" he put a hand on her cat-eared head and moved her faster, she sucked louder and louder on his cock, moaning eagerly as it pulsated between her stretching lips.

"MMMN-MMMN!! MWAH!!" her tongue flicked against his twitching length. "Is that good?"

"That's fucking great…" he grinned as she slobbered over his tip.

"Ahh… sometimes a girl just needs some dick…" she grinned as he gripped his cock and lightly slapped her face with it, "Ahh-ha-ha!" she gaped like a fish gasping for breath as she caught it between her lips again and bobbed her head wildly. "MMm-mmph mmn… MMMPGH!!" she dove all the way down his cock, her nose buried in his hair as it tickled her nostrils, she inhaled his scent before she was sliding back up, tongue dancing beneath his shaft as she rubbed his hips, feeling his cock bulged warningly in her mouth. "MMMn-mmmn-ahh…" she let her tongue dance on his tip, "You going to cum baby?"

"Oh yeah…" he sighed as she suckled his tip, popping wetly off.

"Let me suck it out… mmnwah! Let me swallow it… MMMn-mmmn…" he put his hand on her head, guiding her quickly up and down, "MMmn-mmmn-mmnn-mmmnn!"


His body trembled as he blew his load into her mouth, halfway down his cock she slid her tongue beneath his pulsating let as hot sperm stuffed her cheeks, she moaned softly until he finally stopped, then pulled off. Opening her mouth wide for the camera to show off his load on her tongue

"That's so hot!" he breathed as she smiled, closed her mouth, and without looking away from him or the camera she gulped it down.

"Ahh!! Yummy…" she purred licking her lips, "Oh!" she giggled as his cock jumped eagerly back into frame. "Ooooh… I like a guy who recovers quick…" she got to her feet, pushing him onto a chair as he recorded her. "Let me get more comfortable…" she pulled her suit open, her big tits wobbling as she stripped, shimmying the suit to the floor as she approached him, straddling his lap as she buried his face between her tits. "Hee-hee-hee!" she giggled.



"OOOh!!" his free hand smacked onto her ass and squeezed as she gyrated on his lap. She took the phone, set it up on the nearby table, then began to roll her pussy on his cock, grinding slowly… then speeding up, then slow again. "Aahhh… like that?" she purred as, now with his other hand free, he grabbed onto her other ass cheek. "OOoh that's it… that's a dick that wants some pussy…" she purred as he lifted her swiveling hips. "Ah-Ahhhhh…" she sighed as he lowered her down on his cock.

"Damn you are tight!" he whispered as she swiveled, "Ugh…"

"Maybe you just got a big dick…" she cooed playfully, feeling him pulsate inside her as she began gyrating on his lap before lifting herself on her legs and dropping down. "Ah-Ah-ah-ah-ah…" she bounced on his cock as he watched her tits sway up and down on her chest, her head rolling back. "Ooh yeah… oooh… mmmn! MMN!!"

"That's good baby… come on…" he grunted, pumping his hips to match her drops as she laughed.

"Oh yeah? You like that?" she leaned forward, her hips wildly bouncing up and down as she buried his face in her chest, "Oooh that's it! That's it!" her ass was practically twerking like B Vixen's as she rolled her hips on his cock. "Ahh-AHH-AAHHH!!" she swung her head back, practically flying off his lap as he held her waist, she hung backward almost falling away if not for his grip, "Ugh-ah-ah-ah-ah!!" he wasn't stopping thrusting into her tightening pussy as she gasped for breath.

"Ah-ah-oh shit! AH! AH!! UGH!!!"


"AHhh!!" she gasped, shaking wildly as he came, "Oooh that's hot fucking cum…" she swung forward, grinning as her hips gyrated on his spurting cock. she giggled playfully, "OOooh… naughty naughty…" he rubbed her ass, before giving it another clap as she giggled, feeling him grope her ass cheeks.

"Damn you are… out of this world…" he smirked as she laughed.

"Well… maybe I'm backed up…" she smirked, "It's been about… a day since I've was last FUCKED so hard…" she licked her lips, feeling him twitch inside her. "Are you done baby?"

He was not…

She painfully squeezed her ass as she clenched her teeth, tightening around him as he stood up. "Oooh!" and walked her to the wall. "Ugh!!" pinning her firmly against it he held her hands above her head, before abruptly pulling back, and slamming deep. "Ugh!...Ugh!! OOOh!!" she laughed. "Oh… THAT's… it… OOH! OH! OH!"

He nailed her to the wall with his cock, her legs wrapping around his waist as he pressed her firmly to it. "Ugh. NNgh… Ooh… OOooh! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!!" she begged as she writhed against the cold paneling. "Ugh! AH-ah-ah-ah-ah!!" her pussy drooled cum and arousal as he sped up, jackhammering into her as he growled and strained.

"Ooh ugh! NNGh!!" he pressed firmly against her, his cock pulsating as he grabbed her ass, "Fuck! This pussy… is too GOOD!"

"Ah-ah-h-a-aaaahhhh-aaaahhHHHHH!!!" she shrieked, as she climaxed from his wild rapid pounding.

"Ah-aaaagh take my cum!!"

The orgasm ravage through her as he flooded her insides, she slapped at his shoulders as her body reflexively tried to escape the mind-blowing climax as she gasped and panted for breath before she went limp… the gasped again.

"Haaaaaa-hooly… fuck…" she breathed, shaking as her legs tightened around his waist. "Fuuuck… you're wasted as a delivery boy…" she breathed. As he reached for her tits, she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck… "Thanks for that baby… I really needed-oh fuck!" she was pulled from the wall and slammed onto a table, "Oh-FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!!"

Her body shuddered and trembled, too sensitive to fight back, and she was pretty sure her legs were now stuck around his waist. Her muscles cramping permanently. "Ha-haa!!" she grabbed the opposite side of the table, trying to pull away from his pounding hips but he grabbed hers and pulled her to the edge, "NNGh-ahh-fuck!" she cried out, grinning broadly as her teeth clenched, "Shhhhhhit!!" he climbed onto the table as she shook her head wildly.


Like a jackhammer, he pounded down into her, mating press at hyperspeed. "Ah-ah-ugh!! You asshole!! AHHGGH! STOP!! STOP!! I'm CUMMING-FUCK!!!" she thrashed but he slammed his hips to hers and exploded, hot insemination sex as he stuck his tongue out like a certain rock-star… or a pornstar: she knew a girl…

"Haaa-aaahhhhFUuuuuuck…" she shuddered as his hot cum just kept cumming, he dropped onto her, pinning her on top of the center table of the restaurant, his load oozing down her ass as she twitched, clawing the polished tabletop as she tried to remember to clean up her mess.

"Shuuuut uppp…" groaned Jessica, stumbling down the stairs in little more than a nightie as the delivery boy twitched inside a very contented and possibly mind-fucked Yaya… "Fuck the girls in GOTHAM could hear that!…"

"Get him… off meee…" whimpered Yaya with a laugh, as Jessica approached the rather bleary-eyed delivery boy… shook him… then SMACKED him

"Ow!" he grunted, slipping off the table and out of an exhausted Yaya as her legs hooked over the side of the table, dangling in the air as her hole IMMEDIATELY leaked cum down her ass.

"You can't be here fucking girls all day! Don't you have work to do?!"

"But I-"

"And I'm TRYING to sleep! Do you know how late I have to work tonight!?"

"But she-" she slapped his shoulders as he zipped up, struggling to get to the door.

"Out! Out! Look at the mess you made! Now she has to clean that up because I'AM not going to do it, and our usual semen Vacuum is all the way back in Gotham!" she shoved him out the door with the handcart as Hector slipped right by back inside. "Thank you for the delivery." Jessica smiled pleasantly, slamming the door in his face.

"Thanks Jess…" Yaya sighed as Jessica dusted her hands.

"No problem…" she then approached Yaya, turning off the phone. "…You ARE cleaning that up right?"

"…As soon as the feeling gets back into my legs…" she replied as Alice entered.

"…What smells like cum?" Yaya raised her hand weakly but Alice grunted reluctantly. "Oh… wait… I think that might be-…" she thoughtfully rubbed her nose with a finger and cringed. "-nevermind... let me help you Yaya."

They had hardly finished cleaning up Yaya's mess as the feeling came back in her legs when Britney entered followed by Ronnie-Bell. "You would not believe the trouble I had to go through to get this." She said, waving a stack of bills from her purse.

"Let me guess… you had sex?" Alice asked, tossing away a handful of cum soaked napkins.

"…Okay maybe you would believe…" Britney noted, "Do you know how long they were going to make us wait for this?" she asked putting the money back in her purse. "Months. MONTHS…"

However before she could properly get into the story, the kitchen staff began to arrive. "…Well we'll just have to hear it later…" Yaya noted, walking straighter. "Let's get prepared for tonight…"

Later that night.

While not as impressive as the grand opening there were still an adequate amount of people… there were very little hiccups, and Giganta almost had to throw somebody out, but all in all, it was mostly quiet… until about 2 in the morning.

"What do you do with a drunken sailor, what do you with a drunken sailor, what do you do with a drunken sailor early in the MORNING!!" cheered the veritable smorgasbord of drunken sailors and fishermen charging inside.

"Ahh-shit…" Alice grumbled, recognizing a rush when she saw it.

Turns out a bunch of fishing ships had returned from months at sea, and now they wanted two things. 'Wine and women'… or variations of that. Normally the girls might be a little put-off, but drunken sailors while handsy were EXCELLENT tippers… especially when they got to stick it in very… enticing places.

"OOoooh yeah!!" cheered on as he slipped a five between a smiling Raven's tits as she wobbled them for him. "Wooo!! Another beer lassie!" he cheered to Vixen as she strutted by… she felt three hands on her ass but only one of them slipped a bill into her bottoms… at least it was a ten.

"They've been at this for two hours…" Giganta noted to Catwoman as Vixen closed in on them, depositing her tips into one of the many recently filled jars. "…We need to talk about what's going to happen if we need to toss them out to close…"

"Can't you do that?"

"I'm good, but I'm not 30 something drunken sailors good."

"Hmmmmn… you know… I might have a bloody good idea about that…" smiled Vixen as Cheetah and Ivy approached for beer refills.

Cheetah and Poison Ivy

Vixen glanced around at the drunken sailors, then at Cheetah and Poison Ivy before smiling. "…Hey… girls. Come here…" Catwoman watched thoughtfully as the three huddled up soon joined by Raven adjusting her top from a recent 'deposit' and tossing a few bills from her cleavage into a tip jar. The men around them laughing and giggling drunkenly as Vixen reached behind the counter and took out an empty tip jar, and Orders' little marble thing. Giving it a shake… then seemingly proud of the answer.

Cheetah and Poison Ivy booth took barstools down from the second floor and place them on the counter before both straddled them, leaning on the counter as they jutted out their round asses, perfectly formed on the seats… and drawing a bit of attention of the rowdy patrons as Giganta snorted, oddly seeing where this was going, standing beside both Cheetah and Poison Ivy.

"Alright lads!" Shouted Vixen, getting their attention as she placed the tip jar between Poison Ivy and Cheetah on the counter. "It's closing time!" the sailors roared their disapproval, but she whistled loudly, "But because you've been such EXCELLENT tippers…" Raven went to the window and pulled down the blinds. "We're going to have a bit of a happy hour!"

She banged the jar on the counter again like a gavel as Poison Ivy and Cheetah wiggled their rears on the stools. Cheetah's tail swishing. "Any guy who empties their wallets in THIS jar gets to participate!"

More than one cursed her out and promptly paid their tabs, storming out of the bar as Vixen grinned prettily, one particular surly, and possibly very drunk bearded sailor got up and approached Vixen at the counter… he promptly opened his wallet, and dumped out its contents into the jar. It wasn't a lot, 20 something plus change… but it was all he had left.

"Now what?" he grinned toothily at her, he was missing a few.

"Now take your pick." She said, gesturing to Cheetah, and Poison Ivy as Catwoman smiled, sat down nearby… and turned her camera phone on.

"My pick?" he asked confusedly, glancing at the two smiling bikini-clad Superbabes. "my pick of what?" Eyeing Cheetah, then Poison Ivy… then tilted his head towards the redhead. "I like this one…" Poison Ivy smiled prettily, then wiggled her maple-leaf covered rear.

"Then bugger her arse…" Vixen whispered as the man blinked blearily.


"It's happy hour innit? Bugger. Her. Arssssse… " she hissed, "And be happy for the hour. She'll LIKE it…" the sailor blinked, then stared at her for a minute as many of the other sailors went quiet. "From now until closing time… as long as you pay up." She banged the jar lightly again. "Their asses are open season."

"You're joking!" laughed the sailor, then went silent as Poison Ivy pulled her bottoms aside, revealing her tight puckered ass, pleasantly presented for penetrating… as both sexy Superbabes wiggled on the stools enticingly.

"Well if you don't want a turn, somebody else can stick his dick in!" cooed Ivy… come on boys you only have an hour!!" she whined erotically, bouncing her ass on the stool. "And it's been so LONG since I've had a dick in there..." a day or so but who's REALLY keeping track?

Suddenly there was cheering and the sailors, some of the younger ones first, rushed the counter.

"Line up!" Giganta roared, shoving them back easily as the first one elbowed his way to grab at Poison Ivy's hips as she cooed, fiddling with his belt before his drunkenly hard cock was shoved up her ass.

"Oooh yeah!! MMMN!!"

"Oh shit! Ooh damn!!" he grabbed her red hair, yanking her head back as she smiled.

"NNNgh! Pull my hair! Fuck my ass!!" she hissed as he grunted his repeatedly thrusting hips.

Cheetah pulled her one-piece to the side, her tail flicking as a younger sailor simply tossed his whole wallet into the jar before eagerly pulling out his cock as Vixen took his wallet out after emptying the contents. Cheetah hissed excitedly as he groaned, shoving his rockhard cock up her furry ass as her toes clawed the floor. "Ahh yeah… ah-ah-meeow…"

"Line up!" Giganta roared as bills after bills, and coins aplenty dumped into the jar, many of them getting in line behind Poison Ivy but Cheetah had her fans. And seeing that Ivy's ass was going to be occupied for the foreseeable future many in the back of the line changed their choice, slipping into line behind Cheetah until they were more equal.

"Oh yeah! Oh Yeah! AH-AH-AHHHH!!" Poison Ivy gasped as the old sailor yanked hard on her hair, "Oooooh…" hot fresh cum sprayed relentlessly into her bowels as he let go of her hair and clapped a hand on her green ass cheek.

"Damn… that's the finest ass I've ever tapped…" he praised.

"Good for you love." Cooed Vixen as Poison Ivy shuddered happily, clawing the counter. "Now out of t'way she's got other dicks to please…"

"Agh you dropped your load in her!" groaned the next sailor as the old man zipped up. "Who want's sloppy seconds?" he asked, more indignantly than rhetorically.

"Next cock please." Cooed Ivy impatiently. Spreading her green ass cheeks as she wiggled on the stool, her gaping ass gasping for more cock. "Hurry…" she whimpered as the sailor after next shoved him forward.

"Hurry up or I'm going for you!"

"You better, I'm only giving you boys an hour…" Vixen winked as Cheetah yowled in pleasure. "First cum first served!

"Ah-AH-AH-AHHHHHHH!!" her fur stood on end as the Sailor groaned his release, rubbing his hand on her furry head as she twitched at the hot load rushing into her. then without another word he was out of her ass, with a wet pop and barely half a second after another fresh cock rushed up into her ass. "Ahh-ahhh…" she trembled as the burly sailor grabbed her hips and pounded her ass like he spent 8 months at sea… "Ugh! Ugh! Fuck… UGH!!" she fell onto the counter as he pounded away.

Poison Ivy shuddered as the hesitant sailor FINALLY shoved his cock into her ass, "Ugh YES MMMN!!!" she winked at him, "Finally… do me hard baby-ah-ah-ah-ah!!" she panted as he pumped rapidly against her ass as it wobbled pleasantly.

"UGHH!!" Cheetah spread her ass cheeks as the sailor behind her kept pushing forward until she was almost forced off the seat, shaking in pleasure as her legs wobbled. "Ah-AH-AH-AH!! NNgh-w-wait!"

"Ahhhhhh…" he sighed, cum rushing up into her quickly as she shivered. Not quite there yet as he pulled out, she adjusted herself back on the seat, spreading her ass.

"More!! More hurry-AHHHHH!" she shuddered as a NICE big dick stretched her and her tail stretched stiffly out. "YES!!" she squealed as the climax hit her as hard as her face on the counter. "Ahhh-haaaa…"

"Ooh… nggh!" he grabbed her hair and pulled, rapidly slapping against her furry ass cheeks.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-AAAAAAAH!" she screamed her shaking orgasm as he filled her ass with cream.

"Wooo…" and just like that he was gone, another in his place.

"UUgh! UUGHH FUCK!!" praised the one in Ivy's ass, his cock spurting out his hot load as he enjoyed the sensation of the green redhead as Ivy twitched happily, licking her lips.

"God I love being filled…" Ivy sighed as Vixen cooed, leaning close to her.

"You like that arse filled with spunk?"

"MMMN-hmmmn…" she shuddered as he pulled out with a wet pop, quickly replaced by the one behind him. "H-aahaaah-aaaahhh!!" she shuddered as Vixen sensually kissed the green girl.

"Good cause here cums more!" she praised as Poison Ivy shrieked in rapturous undulation as the sailor ravaged her.

"Ha-ah! OW!!" yelled Cheetah reaching around to smack the drunken sailor who grabbed her tail on the hips\. "Don't pull that!"

"Shut up!" he grunted slovenly, reaching for it again before a massive fist knocked him the fuck out… the revelry stopped as he lied sprawled on the floor as Giganta loomed warningly over the Cheetah line.

"Don't. HURT. The GIRLS…" she said coldly, putting the fear of the gods into them. She then promptly kicked the knocked out sailor aside, "Next."

The next sailor was much gentler, seemingly unnerved enough by Giganta not to go hard… however, there were quite a few behind him so. "Harder…" purred Cheetah encouragingly. "I like it fast… I like it deep… just don't hurt me…" she cooed sensually as, encouraged, he grabbed her hips and bucked rapidly away. "Yes… yes… oh it feel so good…" she meowed as her cries of pleasure mingled with Poison Ivy's.

After about 5 or 6 cocks… the girls shrieked together in orgasm, collapsing feebly on the counter. "Hold up boys!" Vixen declared as Ivy and Cheetah panted exhaustedly, losing count long ago about how many orgasms rippled through them… Cheetah lost count at 10, Ivy about 15… "…Let's do an equipment check…" grinned Vixen, grabbing Raven's arm as she jumped in surprise before she was led to behind Cheetah… Vixen standing behind Poison Ivy…

Their rear holes gaped noticeably, oozing cum down their cracks onto the stools as Vixen knelt… as did Raven… then, the later significantly more annoyed at what Vixen wanted her to do… both beautiful big titty bitches stuck their talented tongues into their respective girls asses…

"Ahaa/uugh!! Oh my gods!/VIXEN!!" shrieked the girls as they were rimmed out by the busty beauties, "Haa-agguuh!! Oh fuck ooHHH!! Oh shit! OOoh!!" the voices mingling as the remaining sailors encourage the anal play.

"OOO clean that porthole good for me!"

"Ah think she likes it! Ha-ha!! Keep going girl!"

"30 on the Green girl cumming first!"

"We already gave them all our money! What are you betting with!?"

"AHHH-HAAA-AAAAAAAH!!!" Poison Ivy shrieked her climax as Vixen licked her lips of three or four loads of cum and gave that big green ass a slap as it wobbled pleasantly.

Several fresh claw marks racked the counter and floor as Cheetah released a silent yowling climax, her eyes crossing before she dropped onto the counter. Raven wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and brushed Cheetah's flicking tail lightly before walking away.

"Game on lads!" Vixen declared as the remaining half of the Sailors approached.

Cheetah went through two cocks before she finally started making noises again, Poison Ivy grunting lovingly with a mad grin on her face. "Ha-aahh…" she gasped as her most recent sailor released abruptly inside her and pulled out without another word but a good 'I'm done' smack on her plump ass… the one after him however.

"She's had at least 9 men tonight that ass looks loose…" he smacked her rear as she cooed. "How about you turn around?"

"Anal only… you don't like it you can leave…" Vixen declared abruptly.

"I don't mind…" Moaned Poison Ivy blearily

"Them's the rules love." Vixen added crossing her arms as Cheetah gasped a climax and her sailor grunted his own, quickly replaced by another man making her yowl adorably.

"What rules?" Poison Ivy pouted before spreading her ass cheeks. "Fiiiiine… hard… fuck me hard… smack my ass, pull my hair…" she gyrated on the sticky seat. Just put more cock in my ass…" the sailor sniffed but he wasn't one to look a gift hole in the ass… "Ahh-aaahhhh…" he slid easily inside, grabbed her hair and yanked. "Ugh! Yeah-ah-ah-ah!!" she gasped as he immediately began thrusting, his hand-clapping across her green ass as it echoed around the restaurant.

"I'm gonna…cum!" declared Cheetah's second to last sailor. "Haa-…" he shuddered with her as she cooed, purring softly as he stroked her fur. "Who's a good kitty?"

"I'm a good kitty…" she whimpered lovingly as he rubbed her furry ass cheeks.

"Ha-ha… how about we take you on our ship? The captain has like 3 other cats…" he stroked her hair, "You'd be able to play with the WHOLE crew for weeks on end…" she trembled, her ass shaking…


"Out of the way! I had to wait forever…" the last sailor declared. "Ahhh-worth… it…" he sighed contentedly as he began to thrust into Cheetah's hole.

"AH-ah-ah-ah… I'm. A… good… pussy…" she shuddered, purring wildly as Poison Ivy's last cock rampaged against her rippling green cheeks so hard he pushed her off the stool, she was lying on the counter as he kicked the stool aside, almost fucking her over it as she panted and writhed.

"Ah-ha-ah-ah-ah-aahahhhhh FUCK MEEEE!!!" her body shaking from the marathon of cocks running trains on her as her legs gave out and she went limp. "H-aaa-aahhghghghghhhhnnnngh!!!?" he popped out of her incoherently rambling ass as a STREAM of cum leaked from her loosened hole. "Haaa-aaahhhh…"

"Wooo…" he sighed as a puddle of viscous fluid formed between her legs as she dangled on the counter. "…I'm definitely coming here next shore leave…" he grinned, putting on his knit cap and heading out.

"Meow for me… meow for me!" breathed the last sailor into Cheetah's ear as Cheetah bounced feebly back and forth.

She yowled and howled, mewling erotically as she went limp. "AH-ha-ahh meow… ah-! Ah!! Meow!! Rooowl!!" she howled, and went stiff as he gasped… pushing against her furry ass and squeezing her ass cheeks as he sighed…

Her ass squelched gently as he pulled out, the stool sticking with cum as it oozed out of her as he promptly stepped over the unconscious sailor and left…

"Now THAT! was a good haul!" declared Vixen, holding up the absolutely STUFFED tip jars as Poison Ivy slowly lifted a thumbs up…"

"…G-great… Help please…" she begged with a satisfied grin…

"One second." Giganta noted, easily hefting the sailor from the floor, matching to the front door she stepped out, walked halfway across the street, and hurled him onto the beach before dusting her hands and returning. "Alright girls I got you…" Poison Ivy first, she was hauled into the showers, followed by Cheetah.

"Take your time…" Yaya encouraged as she flicked Britney's ear. "We CANNOT do that again."

"What? Why not? Those guys are definitely coming back after that." she grinned.

"Yeah… and WE won't be here!" Yaya noted as Britney frowned. "This isn't SUPPOSED to be like our place! This place is supposed to be legit!"

"She's got a point." Alice noted. "…If we end up fucking every group that comes here they're going to get the wrong idea."

Ronnie-bell nodded as she heard moaning from the showers. "…Right… Orders is not hiring girls like us, she's hiring legitimate waitresses… I can only imagine the scandals that we'd end up causing after we leave."

"Right… so NO MORE of that… at least right here…" Yaya pointed to the slightly sticky floor. "We can always find a bar or something…" she checked her phone. "I'm going to put this on my computer…" she wagged to the semen stools. "Clean this up." She added to Britney who looked indignant.

"What? Oh come on…" then she got a rather chipper look. "How about I tell you about t'bank first?"

"First clean up… then your sex story." Ronnie-Bell declared, shoving 'cum rags' into Britney's hand as she looked pleadingly at Alice.


"…I had to anally rim a girl tonight…" Alice noted, "Oddly enough, I thought I wouldn't do that since Veronica's not here… so I'M going to go brush my teeth. You enjoy your mess…" Britney sighed, and got to work…

End of Day 3

Somewhere in and undisclosed location





"I might live in Atlantis, Batman. but isn't it polite to answer when you pick up the phone?"

"Are The Penguin's fishing boats taken care of?"

"…Yes. I had taken care of them late last night, their illegal fishing is through and the drugs they were trying to traffic have been sent back to Gotham PD as evidence."

"Good...How's the wife?"

"Oh, she is doing well! Mera says hello by the way. She would've love to come and visit my pops with me but somebody has to make sure Orm doesn't go all 'coup' on us again… By the way Batman… do you know anything about a place called… 'Superbabes?'"


"There's this new restaurant in town I went to with pops when I dropped in to visit, a bunch of very friendly young ladies was there… there was a Cheetah! And a Giganta! Even a green girl as Poison Ivy! Very authentic… but HIGHLY suspicious."

"…Don't mind it… it's just a… franchise."

"…Well… I suppose they can't be too bad if my Pops likes them. Still, it seems sort of… Fishy?"

Batman rubbed his eyes, already FEELING Aquaman grinning, but he refused to take the bait… not to mention the coincidental phrasing. "…I'll… check into it."

"Ha-ha! Excellent! I will see you in Gotham soon enough old chum!" and hung up. He got to his feet, his cape swishing as he went to the Batmobile… yet another conversation he had to have with 'Orders'.


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