

A few days had passed. Alice was in the gym with Yoshi. While she was practicing takedowns on a dummy, Yoshi was boxing a punching bag. Usually, on these days, Belle would join them for a group workout. But she hasn't left her room in several days.

"How many times has Belle locked herself in her room?" asked Alice.

"I don't know. A good few dozen. She might even be more of a basement dweller than you are."

"Ok, ow. I'll have you know I touch plenty of grass."

"The only grass you touch is the anime grass on your TV screen."

Alice pouts. She came up from behind him and ticked his neck, making him fall to the ground. "Apologize."

"Never!" said Yoshi dying of laughter.

He gripped her tail, making her squeal with both ecstasy and discomfort. "Ok, ok, fine, you win! You win!!!"

The two let each other go, lying on the ground next to each other. They couldn't help but laugh together.

"Hey, Yoshi, should I talk to Belle?"

"Honestly, no. This is something she should figure out for herself. We'd only get in the way. Though, if she asks us for help, we should absolutely assist her."

"Ok. Whatever you say, captain."

"I heard you killed a zenith class anomaly."

"Yep. How does it feel? Being the boyfriend of a beast like m-"

"Can I touch your feet?"

"W-Wha... are you a foot person?"

"Well... only for you. I just think they're really cute and I wanna touch them."

"Fine. You can briefly after we finish working out."

Later, Alice sat on the bed in her room and Yoshi knelt before her. Alice crossed her legs while sitting on her bed and raised her foot up to Yoshi. She curled her foot in, gesturing for Yoshi to come and touch them.

He stared at her toe beans. He poked one quickly, making her twitch. Yoshi then grabbed her ankle and started pressing on and massaging her toe beans. She got jittery and made cute little moans as Yoshi squeezed the bottom of her feet.

"Wow, they're so soft and squishy. Are you ok, Alice?"

Alice formed at the mouth with excitement. She didn't realize how good getting her feet groped would feel. "W-Way too g-good!"

Me : W-What... The... What did I just write?

"Hey, Alice, I have a... question. Would you maybe... want to share a room. Like, I-"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!! You don't even have to finish!"


"Yes! I've been waiting for you to ask me that question. I was too embarrassed to ask it myself..."

Later that night, Yoshi moved all his important stuff into Alice's room. He told Taiyo he was moving into Alice's room. With the snap of her finger, Taiyo got rid of the rest of his stuff by turning back time on the room. Now, it looked exactly how it did before Yoshi moved in.

That night, Yoshi was in Alice's bed, listening to music through his headphones. Alice came out of the bathroom. She wore a skin tight, dark purple romper onesie that let both her ears and tail stick out. She also had fluffy, long, purple socks, letting her thick thighs show. She wore long fingerless purple gloves and purple lipstick.

"H-How do I look?" she asked shyly.

Yoshi was speechless when he first saw her. "I've... just unlocked a new fetish. You look so adorable!"

"Really? I-I never wore anything like this before. I'm glad you like it."

"So, what now?"

"Can you... hug me?"

"Sure, come here."

Alice lay next to him in the bed and his arms enveloped her. Her fur was already super soft, but the onesie boosted both her softness, her sexiness, and her cuteness to unseen levels.

Alice's body started twitching as she wrapped her hands around Yoshi's torso. She couldn't keep still. She was too excited. Alice ended up pinning him to the bed.

"I'm sorry, but I need some of this heat drained. Help."

Alice held Yoshi's face and started to make out with him. His mouth was covered with lipstick and saliva in a matter of seconds. One of Yoshi's hands moved down to her hips and he gave them a light squeeze, which made her gently moan and kiss him harder.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" Alice said repeated while locking Yoshi between her thighs and kissing him more. I love you were the only thing she could say and think about in this state. After a long make-out session, the two took a breather. Both were panting, and Alice's thick and longer tongue was drooling all over Yoshi.

Me : Oh yeah... She is a dog, isn't she?... Kind of forgot about that for a second. (Obvious sarcasm)

Before he could fully regain his composure, she went back in for a second, wrapping her arms around him, and pressing herself against his body. Yoshi took one of his hands and held hers, while he took the other one and patted her on the head.

"Call me a good girl!" Alice begged.

"You're a good girl."

This only made Alice more turned on. She squeezed Yoshi's hand tightly in hers as she grinded her hips against his. After she finished assaulting his face with kisses, Yoshi reversed her and pinned her down. She stuck her hands up like a helpless little puppy while looking at him with heart-shaped pupils.

Yoshi took both of his hands and pressed them against her breasts, which made her moan loudly and get a little wet. He began to massage his hands into her large cleavage. Her bountiful chest pounded with each squeeze.

"Oh, yes! Harder, sweetie, harder!"

Yoshi pulled out a dog collar. "Wanna take this a set further?"


He put the collar on her neck, and yanked it, making her leak between her legs. Yoshi was about to go further, but then, Alice's expression of happiness instantly faded. Her face grew shocked and terrified.

"A-Alice, d-did I do something wrong?"

She slowly raised her hand to point behind him. He turned around and saw pure terror incarnate. It was Star, standing over both of them on their bed.

Me : O-Oh... Oh no...

"Hello, motherless bastards." Star said with a welcoming smile on his face. "I've come to take away you happy relationship." 

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