
Internet Access

Alice was brought her new clothes by Belle a few days later. She wore a black and gold dress adorned with purple gems, each shining like stars against the night sky. A long purple scarf wrapped around her neck and she had two new weapons on her hips; sickles. They were nuker class that got stronger the more times they hit the enemy. She placed them in front of her scepter carrier.

She headed over to Yoshi's room. Alice watched him bake in the oven and cook over a stone. She wanted to join him, but she got distracted. Yoshi was wearing tights that emphasized his muscular thighs and his tight butt. She couldn't stop herself from staring. Though, she didn't feel as embarrassed as she did before, since Yoshi was hers.

"Honey, I'm gonna head out to the store real quick. We ran out of salt."

"Ok, sweetie. Give me a goodbye hug."

Alice ran over and hugged Yoshi, then kissed and licked him multiple times on his face, making Yoshi giggle. Yoshi patted her head and scratched her behind her ears, making her pant and making her tail wagging rapidly. Afterwards, he set out towards the city.

Even licking Yoshi wasn't something she did until a few weeks ago. She enjoyed his head pats way more than usual and she even acted hostile toward cats, which she never did before. Alice, however, didn't care. The average life expectancy for keepers was 23 and she'd lose her mind around 21. She just wanted to enjoy her time now. Plus, she was under a lot of stress from always suppressing her powers and hiding her null ability. Keeping null a secret alone made combat in the school's examination so much harder. She just wanted to take a break and do something fun.

Suddenly, she started to smell something weird and borderline demonic from the other side of the campus. Alice tracked it down, fearing an anomaly had broken into the school. But once she got there, it was just Pinoy's room again. Alice figured he was just hunting the social media anomaly again. The Cyber Demon was none of her business, but the smell was intense and hurting her nose, so she still wanted to ask him to stop or at least dial it down.

Alice barged into Pinoy's room without so much as knocking. Pinoy whipped around and looked at Alice with a shocked expression. Digital hands suddenly grabbed onto Alice and Pinoyonce as she entered the room. Before she could even react, the hands dragged her inside of the computer.

Suddenly, Alice and Pinoy find themselves inside of a white space with words behind them. Alice looked up and saw texts that said Comments 4,274. She looked around and noticed she was in a YouTube-like location. To her side, she saw flat surfaces that looked like YouTube videos.

"W-Where are we?"

"... His territory."

Suddenly, a creature landed in front of them like a meteor. The impact made the seemingly invisible ground they were standing on shake.

It was a man with purple skin and long dark purple hair with two strands in the front. He had a long, tattered, grey robe. He had big glowing pink eyes, and a big, creepy, distorted smile that was also glowing.

His body started contorting as he walked creepily towards them. Pinoy's body began to shame with fear and he could barely move. The anomaly didn't even attack yet, but his aura alone was overwhelming. Yet, behind Pinoy's quaking body was an expression of disdain and hatred. It was a look Alice had never seen on his face before.

"T-That's it... that's the monster that killed my village."

Alice had only felt this type of pressure once before. When she saw Star for the first time. But back then, Star wasn't trying to kill her. His aura was more playful and unserious. But this monster wanted them both dead. Alice couldn't even move her body due to the being's aura.

The anomaly charged at them faster than Alice's eyes could perceive. Alice thought she was about to die. She saw her father flash in her eyes like a death flag as he reached his hand out to her. But before the anomaly could hit Alice, Pinoy slammed his hand against the view replies button on one of the YouTube comments. Suddenly, tons of sentences of texts from the comments hit the anomaly like meteorites.

It got sent several kilometers down and crashed into several comments that were tougher than Diamond. Alice was surprised, not only at Pinoy's reaction time but also by the anomalies' horrifying strength.

Pinoy looked up and saw several tabs open in a Google Chrome-like format. He threw one of his chakrams and hit the YouTube tab, shutting down the page. The anomaly, who was off-screen, vanished. Alice and Pinoynwere left on the search engine.

"I can't believe you..." said an upset Pinoy. "Of course, you'd get in the way of my revenge."

"Me?! How was I supposed to know you were trying to get sick into the web?!"

"Ugh... the Cyber Demon was attracted to your powerful aura. That means I can use you as bait."

"I'm sorry... what did you just say?"

"Never mind, it wouldn't fall for that."

"Question... what do you plan to do once you kill that thing... or better said if you even manage to."

"What would I do... retire? I only became a keeper so I could hunt this thing down and kill it."

"So, your only motivation is revenge?"

"Yeah, so what."

"Explains why you're so weak."

"What did you say to me, whore?!"

"Belle had the same motivation, but she could never be me. A goal as flimsy as revenge would never get you even close to being able to kill a zenith class."

"You're right... that's why I'm gonna do something drastic."

Pinoy pulls out a phone and a cord. He plunged the cord into his phone and stuck the other end of the cord into the air. Suddenly, a portal began to open to a giant tower-like arena. Thousand of feet up with a blue esthetic, cords and batteries everywhere, and a screen showing every app on the internet.

"What is that?" Alice asked.

"It's the central server. Every social media in the world. Everything that requires the internet can be found here. I'm gonna destroy it and kill the Cyber Demon."

"Wouldn't that destroy all internet-based items and technology as well?"

"Not my problem. I just want this thing dead."

This was the power and the danger of desires. The desires of a keeper were all-consuming. Their character, personality, and even their powers could change based on their desires. The stronger one's desires are, the more powerful, and the more at risk their mental and emotional states become. Alice knew Belle would be pissed if her social were deleted and Alice wanted to watch her anime. But are the selfish desires of a few million humans worth letting a zenith class run rampant?... Maybe there was another way.

"Hey." Alice said while grabbing Pinoy's shoulder. "Let me help you."


"I could use null in order to destroy the Cyber Demon without you... Ok, the Cyber Demon's a lame name. Let's just combine the two. Let's call it Daemon. Anyways, as I was saying, I could destroy Daemon without you having you nuke all servers and wifi across the globe."

"Wait... you have Null?"

"Oh... I wasn't supposed to say that."

"... I'm not even shocked... Fine. But I have a question for you now. You call my goals flimsy, but what the hell are your goals then?"

"Simple. I want to get strong enough to live my life void of hurt. I don't want to be abandoned or have my loved ones die again-"

Suddenly, Daemon came out of nowhere and grabbed Alice, slamming her into an invisible wall and breaking it. On the opposite side was Twitter, and Daemon kicked her in to continue their fight. 

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