Holding the package and her ID card, Yao Ran stepped aside to wait for Long Yu and the others. She looked around and saw a soldier standing nearby, so she approached him. Standing two meters away, she opened her package.
Inside was a kilogram of mixed rice, two potatoes with black skins, one frozen sweet potato with red skin, one frozen corn, and three compressed biscuits.
She examined the sweet potato and corn closely. Seeing that they were frozen, Yao Ran knew they were ordinary.
The government may have opened reserved granaries and distributed food to citizens. If they can't find a way to produce food on a large scale, they might run out of food to distribute to their citizens soon.
After returning the frozen sweet potato and corn to the package, Yao Ran looked at the potatoes. Seeing their black skin, she thought they might be spoiled. However, when she pressed on them, they felt firm, though not frozen.