
New Team

A/N: Took a break, because I got really tired. We reached our goal, so there will be a Triple Release tomorrow. Get the Story to 600 powerstones by next week Sunday, for a double release. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! New Goal: 600 Powerstones! 

The day after the incident with the Sand siblings, Asuma had organized a meeting at 9 a.m. to discuss the upcoming Chunin Exams with his team.

The four Genin stood waiting for their Sensei to arrive. Shikamaru, in particular, was growing impatient as more time passed. Rubbing his eyes, Shikamaru retorted, "He always tells us to come early in the morning, but he's the last to arrive. And he has the gall to call me lazy."

The other three Genin nodded in agreement. Asuma had initially always been on time, but recently, he had been taking longer than usual.

Covering her mouth with her hand, Ino whispered, "He's been spending more time with Kurenai Sensei, so that might be part of the reason. He's probably at her place right now."

'Typical Ino. Always gossiping and drawing the wildest conclusions. I'm not saying I don't like that about her, but what would Asuma be doing at Kurenai's place at 9 a.m.?'

"I didn't even get to have a big breakfast!" Choji complained, his eyes fiery with frustration.

As soon as Choji finished his sentence, a plume of smoke rose next to Goro.

"It's about time you arrived!" Ino yelled at Asuma, who was now visible through the smoke.

Asuma nervously smiled and rubbed his finger under his nose. "Sorry about that, I got caught up, you see…" Asuma began, but he was quickly cut off by Choji.

"Is that a lunchbox in your hand?" Choji asked, excitement oozing from him.

The group's attention shifted from Asuma's face down to his hands, where there was indeed a lunchbox, just as Choji had said.

Ino grabbed the lunchbox out of Asuma's hand and raised it up high for everyone to see. "I knew it! This is from a woman!" Ino yelled.

'If she was going to say that to his face, why did she bother whispering at the start?'

Snatching the lunchbox back and placing it on a nearby rock, Asuma cleared his throat and explained, "You're probably wondering why I've told you all to meet me here this morning. The reason for this meeting is to inform you about the upcoming Chunin Exams. This is an exam to see who is worthy of being promoted to the Chunin rank. I've put forward all your names and made the case that you're all capable shinobi, but I first need acceptance from each of you. If one of you refuses, then the rest cannot continue. Raise your hand if you'd like to participate."

After hearing Asuma's explanation, both Ino and Goro simultaneously raised their hands. Asuma waited a few more seconds in the hope that Choji and Shikamaru would also raise their hands, but he didn't get what he wanted.

"What's your reason for not wanting to participate?" Asuma asked Shikamaru.

Throwing his hands behind his head, Shikamaru replied, "I want to live an easy and simple life. Why would I go and cause more trouble for myself? Also, don't Chunin have to lead harder missions? Yeah, I'm not doing that."

Asuma facepalmed upon hearing Shikamaru's reasoning. "So why did you become a ninja in the first place?" Asuma questioned.

"Well, following family tradition is part of being a man," Shikamaru answered, his expression showing a chink in his armor.

Capitalizing on Shikamaru's hypocritical answer, Asuma rebutted, "Well, isn't it your duty as a man to aim high like your father and grandfather did? Not only that, by not participating, you're preventing your teammates from reaching their goals."

Glancing at Goro and Ino, Shikamaru sighed. "Fine…"

Now the only dissenter left was Choji.

"This should be easy," Asuma thought to himself, a wide grin emerging on his face.

'He's totally going to take advantage of Choji's addiction to food, isn't he…?'

Placing a hand on Choji's shoulder, Asuma asked, "And what's your reason for not wanting to participate?"

Choji crossed his arms and revealed, "If I do an exam, I won't have time to eat. They don't allow food in exams!"

'He really takes his food seriously…'

"Choji… You know, if you participate, Goro and I will pay for a buffet just for you at Yakiniku Q," Asuma said with a nervous laugh, glancing at Goro, hoping for him to agree.

'Asuma-sensei… I guess it'll just be for my own benefit anyway since we need the whole team to participate.'

"I guess it's fine with me, as long as our team is able to participate," Goro answered.

Choji beamed and gave both Asuma and Goro a hug at the same time, squeezing them tightly against each other. Freeing himself and Goro from Choji's bear hug, Asuma chuckled nervously.

"Ehm… well, you see… about that. You aren't going to be on the same team as us," Asuma revealed.


Continuing, Asuma added, "It would be an unfair advantage if a team of four Genin entered the exam, so the Hokage has made some changes. You'll be placed on another team with two other random Genin from the village who are ready to take the exam."

Goro stroked his chin and immediately fell into deep contemplation.

'This changes a lot… Will my new team even be able to pass the first exam? Naruto passed without even writing a single answer, so if I just tell them this secret, then maybe we have a chance of passing. If we do manage to get through the first exam, however, there's the issue of making sure my teammates don't die… This is going to be tricky…'

"The first exam is in a week, and it will be at 9 a.m. at the academy. Make sure to be there on time. And Goro, you'll be meeting your team in the academy courtyard. That'll be all; you're dismissed," Asuma said, grabbing his lunchbox and flickering away.

Shikamaru frowned. "Another 9 a.m..." he muttered.

The group dispersed, each going their own way to make preparations for the upcoming exam.

The week had gone by in a flash, and Team 10 arrived at the academy courtyard.

"I was one of the first to raise my hand, but I have to admit, I'm slightly nervous," Ino said, her posture lacking confidence.

'System, what are Ino's current stats?'

[Ino's Stats:

Taijutsu: Lower Chunin (52%)

Physical: Upper Genin (10%)

Ninjutsu: Lower Chunin(12%)

Chakra Capacity: Upper Genin (1%)

Chakra Control: Upper Genin (37%)

Shurikenjutsu: Genin (72%)

Battle IQ: Upper Genin (12%)

Chakra Affinity: Earth

Skills: Mind Transfer Jutsu T2 (27%)] 

'She's going to be completely fine. Not only have her stats increased by a drastic amount, but her Mind Transfer Jutsu has also reached Tier 2. Training her has been beneficial; my Teaching Proficiency has reached 80%, and I now have 30 free slots.'

Goro let out a sinister laugh. "Ino, you'll be more than fine," Goro admitted.

Goro scanned the courtyard, looking for the teammates he had been assigned to. The only two-man team he could see was Kabuto and his teammate, Misumi.

'They're probably waiting for Yoroi… So who's my teammate?'

Shikamaru lightly slapped the back of Goro's head and said, "I wish you were on our team, but things don't always go as planned. Good luck, we're going on ahead." Team 10 then disappeared into the academy building, as did the other teams, leaving only Goro, Kabuto, and Misumi in the courtyard.

Walking over to Goro were Kabuto and Misumi. "You're Goro, aren't you?" Kabuto asked, extending his hand in greeting.

Goro reluctantly shook Kabuto's hand, baffled as to what was going on.

Noticing Goro's confusion, Kabuto asked, "Oh, you weren't told about who your teammates would be, I'm guessing?"

'Something's up… Why am I paired with Kabuto? What about Yoroi? Is he on a different team? Who's pulling the strings here?'

"Goro?" Kabuto said, trying to get his attention.

Realizing he was zoning out again, Goro laughed, trying to dispel any suspicion, and replied, "Yeah, I wasn't told. Nice to meet you two, though."

"Likewise. Anyway, we've got to get a move on; the exam could start any moment now," Kabuto said, leading the way. Goro and Misumi followed.

'I need to keep an eye out…'

Reminder: We reached our goal, so there will be a Triple Release tomorrow. Get the Story to 600 powerstones by next week Sunday, for a double release. This story's continuation depends on your support—so don't forget to give the story powerstones! New Goal: 600 Powerstones! 

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