

I snickered, leaning in just a bit closer, relishing the moment. "Oh, but I have every right to meddle, Bernard. You are a criminal who aided and abetted this whole mess. Your choices affect not just you, but everyone around you."

The tension in the room thickened as Bernard glared at me, his resolve wavering. I could see the conflict in his eyes—the fear of losing everything versus the loyalty he felt toward his so-called friends. It was clear he was trapped, and I intended to make sure he felt every bit of it.

Bernard finally broke the silence, his voice shaky but resolute. "What if I give you more information about something else going on at Armand? Would you let me off the hook and forget about the hack?"

I exchanged a glance with Ayel, who nodded, urging Bernard to continue. The desperation in his voice hinted at a glimmer of hope, but I was not about to let him off easily.

"Alright, let's hear it," Ayel pressed, leaning forward, his interest piqued.

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