


Read ahead on Patreon.com/heavenlyenel.

You are receiving more chapters than normal since we hit a hundred chapters respectively on the GILGAMESH and KEVIN fanfic. So in celebration of that, you get chapters till Saturday, enjoy.

P.S.: There's also an announcement on Saturday after that chapter.




"You haven't answered my question, young man!" Hera said firmly.


"Great Hera, please understand…" Queen Hippolyta pleaded as she ran to meet the Greek deities.


"Silence! This matter does not involve you, Amazon!" Hera scolded.


"Forgive me, great Hera, but it does! The Slayer saved us! I owe him much! The Amazons would have been reduced to Diana and me if he hadn't acted. Forgive me once more, but we called for you and didn't receive any help, but The Slayer helped us!" Queen Hippolyta wore a face of determination as she looked at her goddesses and then bowed her head after.


The light around Hera became brighter but not overwhelming for a human to bear as she contemplated her next action.


"We told you we had the same problems to deal with!" Hera said firmly.


"At Olympus?" Diana asked.


"No! At Hades! He had a sudden invasion of demons in his realm. He manages the dead, not demons. At first, it was nothing worth mentioning till many important figures joined the fray! Our quiet brother of all people asked us for our help, and we had to go! It's a matter you can't comprehend," Athena answered, causing Diana to frown.


"And concerning the mantle of the god of war. I will take it! You are too soft to bear the brunt of the responsibilities, duties, and authority that comes with it. It would be wise of you to step down," Athena said, her eyes still fixed on The Slayer.


"And what kind of name is The Slayer? Slayer of what? I am growing impatient, answer now or be eliminated!" Hera said, raising a palm against The Slayer.


"I have never had this many women wanting to know so much about me and defending me at the same time. I feel honoured, is it my birthday? When's my birthday again? Oh, I remember," The Slayer teased as a beam of light struck his figure. Hera couldn't stand his insolence anymore.


"I think you are stressed. You need a little massage. I learnt from a succu… university of massaging, I mean! Haha!" The Slayer chuckled as he was already behind Hera massaging her shoulders.


Hera was infuriated by his words and wanted to attack him but felt an otherworldly calm wash over her.


She took a deep breath to enjoy the experience but remembered why she was there.


"Ugh..." Hera moaned much to the surprise of the small group watching.


Queen Hippolyta smiled a knowing smile while Diana and Athena were left with their mouths open.


"D…D… Demon!" was what Athena managed to get out of her mouth. She could take a shot now even though The Slayer held Hera. She could curve the flight of her arrows as much as she wanted but was afraid if she added more power to it, Hera might be wounded and stopped for now.


"Sl.. Slayer. What in Hades is this magic? Ugh. You have bested me now but my... you have… forgotten… ugh! By Zeus! Ugh. Athena! I can't!" Hera cried weakly in between moans.


"Unhand her, you vile monster!" Athena cried out as her clones surrounded The Slayer.


The Slayer, on the other hand, was just jealous of Hera in his mind.


When he entered Hell new, he often fell into a lot of Incubi and Succubi traps. They envied the richness of his body and soul being one of the rarest beings in Hell to have a body and soul that wasn't being ravaged, tortured or such but was instead one of the challengers in Hell who could go about their business without being tortured for eternity like the damned unless of course, if they break a rule, lose a bet or meet a sadist who is stronger than them.


Fred learnt a lot, especially in captivity. His captors would always use their techniques repeatedly on his invulnerable body, and he couldn't help but learn all of them. Getting captured by Succubi was just a fantasy he had but soon came to fear since he saw what became of the victims of Succubi and Incubi.


His jealousy stemmed from the fact that he couldn't feel this magical and soul massage he was giving Hera no matter how many Succubi did it to him or how powerful the Succubus was. His body kept evolving with every encounter he made and he rarely felt pain anymore or sensation. Only the Twelve Kings of Hell so far could attack his soul, and even then it wasn't too painful, and that left him sad about other things. If he couldn't feel the sensation as much on his body, how would he feel the sensation on his…


The Slayer smiled wickedly and held Hera by the waist, causing Athena's eyes to widen in fury! Now she had a decent shot at his chest and head but found The Slayer in front of her. And not just in front of her but she had clones on standby already so she couldn't understand how he singled her out.


"You must be tired from fighting a lot of demons, right?" The Slayer said as he was already behind her and working his magic.


"Ah… ugh. Yes, it was a lot of hard work," Athena found herself confessing honestly.


"And shouldn't hard work be rewarded?" The Slayer teased as he talked as if he was talking to a baby while securing Hera in his right arm.


"Mmm. Your devilish arts! It won't work…" Athena said as she gathered strength once more.


"Gods work hard all the time and the mortals can't understand, right? Always complaining, whining, and praying for this and that, don't they understand you deserve a break every now and then?" The Slayer said as he divined massage tables for the goddesses and made them lie down on their faces first. He massaged their backs at the same time with one arm each.


"YES!" Hera and Athena said in unison as if agreeing with the stranger in black. Diana and her mother were beginning to see how shrewd The Slayer in black could be just to avoid a question and didn't know how the gods just went along with this.




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