
111. Kill Black Dwarf! Defeat Thanos' Army! Ready To Negotiate!

With the order of the elders to attack.Those three veterans who have already prepared have already charged up and attacked in advance!And the main guns of the rest of the battleships are all blasting towards the ground troops of Thanos Legion!Yes.This is the time the elders have been waiting for!Wait until you get everyone together!I will bombard you again!While shapeshifting King Kong into a combat spaceship and flying down.The main guns of the three veterans are already charging!First, the terrifying energy is accumulated in the middle of the muzzle!"Doo buzz~~~"And the light started appearing in the muzzle too!First a beam of light!After that is some light!Another light!With these lights the painting gets bigger and bigger!The terrifying energy fluctuations also make the space around the universe still oscillate!Collector had a shocked expression on his face.Is this a cannon?This is a world-class weapon, right?If such a shot hits the surface of the planet.That's even if the planet didn't collapse immediately.But the subsequent impact can also make living things extinct!Although At the moment Collector is still a certain distance away from the three elders.But the coercion of the main cannon's charging has already made him breathless beside him!If this gun is aimed at oneself.Collector estimated directly from the shark.Don't even plan to run!And in Collector's shock.The main guns of the three veterans are ready!next moment.Don't listen to people's orders.The main guns of the three elders fired at Thanos' holy place two at the same time!This is three beams of laser energy with a diameter of one kilometer wide!And the universe doesn't transmit sound at all!Three lasers shot to only look brilliant!But actually there is no sound at all!It's like the foreshadowing before the dead silence!All the shapeshifters are watching this Firework show too!The energy cannon is extremely fast!Almost the next moment."Doo buzz~~~boom~~~!!!"Thanos, who was cutting people, was stunned for a moment when he heard the loud noise.Psst.He pulled the knife out of the Nova Empire soldier.Then look back."???"Where is my flagship?What about my big holy place No. 2?Who of you saw it?It is ten thousand meters long and two thousand meters wide.It looks so domineering!Did any of you see it?What?You said there is only a little scum left in the sky?impossible.My flagship isn't that broken.It is complete.but the fact isThe three thousand-meter Ability Cannons of the veterans.05 just blasted down from the left, middle and right positions!Then add explosions and aftermath spread!Even if there were remaining fragments, they were directly blasted away by the aftermath for several kilometers!And the rest of the energy cannons passed by Xandar!These three beams of light just passed over the ball's head!Especially the light beam in the middle!I also shaved a middle score for Xandar!Really are.What are you doing?But you thought it was over?No.This is just the beginning!With the holy place No. 2 being bombarded!shapeshifting King Kong that 20 warships are also bombarding Thanos Legion constantly!"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"A shot hit the ground.Immediately raised earth and rocks tens of meters high!This is not a gun with MM as the unit.This is a run with M as the caliber!"Boom~!"One shot down.The effective killing diameter directly reaches hundreds of meters!One shot is a small battlefield destroyed!One shot can completely silence an area!One shot can scare nearby enemies to the ground!And such shelling.shapeshifting king kong is 20 times for a round!But I don't know how many rounds to shoot!First fill up the surface army of Thanos Legion!Anyway, for shapeshifting King Kong, the cannon is the least valuable thing on the horse!Hitting is clearing inventory!"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"The shelling continued."Ah~~~!""T~~~!""Master Thanos, save me!"for a while.Thanos Legion screams everywhere!But basically, those who can scream are all affected in the periphery.And the soldiers who were actually bombarded by the main artillery.That's true can't say a word!What a backbone!keep silent!Just be tough!It is quite crystallized.And because Thanos was the one who rushed to the front, he was not affected by the artillery for the time being.He turned around and looked up at the sky.He looked at the 20 warships in space that were as big as his flagship and fell into deep thought.Especially with 10 giants sitting on 10 warships!They look like human figures.But the whole body is mechanical.That one mechanical eye can see clearly even if they are so far apart!So how big is the eye?It was the first time Thanos was silent.It was also the first time he had been beaten so far that he didn't know how to organize a counterattack."Master Thanos?"Black Dwarf ran up to Thanos and asked."What should we do? The legion has suffered heavy losses and is already dead, close to the general king of war!"And he wasn't done yet.Phew~~~!A shell has exploded not far from Thanos and Black Dwarf."~~~!"All of a sudden, rocks and earth flew up!The terrifying aftermath sent Thanos and Black Dwarf flying together!Then smash into the ground troops of the Nova Corps together!And the people of the Nova Corps are also dumbfounded!What is this and what?Why is Thanos' flagship just gone?Why did 20 warships suddenly come to help them?What is the reason?But in fact, Thanos also wanted to ask this question.who are you?What do you want to do?what are you doingI ask what are you doing!At this moment.The bombardment has been slowly diminishing.And it didn't bombard the Nova Corps.Also can't hit Thanos at the same time.But...Bombardment is only the second step in shapeshifting the King Kong Legion.And the third step.Also the last step."Army attack!"next moment.In Thanos' sight.The sky in the distance began to rain down soldiers!real.When it rains, how many drops of rain are there!How many soldiers landed in the distance now!They fly down in piles!And it looks like a mechanical waterfall from a distance!50,000 robots!shapeshifting King Kong veteran direct one-time deployment!Stud!The elders saw that Thanos was not ready to support!So hit your head with full strength!at the same time.There is also the sound of fighter jets in the sky!Thanos looked up to the sky.Hundreds of fighter planes tens of meters long are flying towards the battlefield!They are not many bb.First find the units whose main guns have not been cleared.Then a rocket goes down.Phew~~~Boom~!Several fighters from Thanos' legion disappeared in an instant.And it's just a fighter jet!The shapeshifting King Kong offspring form formations.Then go straight to a pavement looking for a hit!Wait for two or three rounds.After killing several hundred fighters of Thanos.The robot army of shapeshifting King Kong has also arrived!ShhhhhhhhhhhhSo two or three hundred shapeshifting King Kong changed from fighter plane form to robot form and landed on the ground!Then he raised the weapon in his hand and said."Destroy the remaining enemies!"At the moment Thanos reacted.He looked around.broken.My legion is only the number that has been wiped out!Go down these few rounds.The battlefield is full of corpses from Thanos' Legion!And the shapeshifting King Kong also rushed towards the remaining fighters.But can these 2m 3m tall fighters be 15m 20m tall shapeshifting Kongo counterparts?shapeshifting King Kong with a football kick."Ah~~~!"A soldier flew hundreds of meters away on the spot.Paji~!Then smashed in front of the Nova Corps.Several fighters from Thanos' Legion want to siege a shapeshifting King Kong offspring.Then the shapeshifting King Kong just f**king looks big.A real nimble horse!A set of cold weapons.Direct three cuts and two cuts."Ah~~~!"Just cut down all the warriors of Thanos' legion.In the end, shapeshifting King Kong directly inserted the bloody cold weapon back.that's all.The situation cannot be said to be one-sided.That's basically powerless.Under the planning of the elders.Thanos' army was helpless.Nearly wiped out in an instant!"Master Thanos!" Black Dwarf saw the situation.He immediately pulled Thanos to go."Let's go and find other generals to reorganize the legion!"Thanos has five obsidian generals under his command.Black Dwarf is just one of them.That is to say, even if Thanos does not have this legion.But he still has 4 legions!As long as the green hills remain, there will be no worries about no firewood!But Thanos has never failed so far.He just quietly picked up the double-edged ring knife in his hand.Then he chopped down a few soldiers of the Nova Corps.Get out of the range of the Nova Corps.Finally, go straight to the nearest shapeshifting King Kong!"Master Thanos!"Black Dwarf takes a look.Thanos is all on.Then he can't help it!So Black Dwarf picked up huge amounts of iron pickaxes and rushed up!Thanos is more than two meters tall and has a strong build, weighing four to five hundred kilograms!And Black Dwarf is even bigger!It is a full three meters high!It weighs almost two tons!It will make the ground tremble when it runs on the ground!About the size of a Hulk!But what they're going to meet here is shapeshifting King Kong...He heard the sound of running not far away.The shapeshifting King Kong turned his head.Just saw Thanos and Black Dwarf rushing towards two shapeshifting King Kong respectively!But you thought shapeshifting King Kong was vegetarian.One of the shapeshifting King Kong directly picked up a 100mm sniper rifle and fired at Thanos.bang~!Clang!Thanos blocked it directly with the double blades in his hand.But the shapeshifting King Kong was unimpressed.Instead, he held down the trigger of the 100mm sniper rifle in his hand.So burst out.Bang~! Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!Yes, this 100mm sniper rifle is fired in bursts.Not a single shot.commonly known asEven sniper cough cough cough.Clang! Clang! Clang!But Thanos' combat experience is extremely high.He basically blocked it all!And by this time he was close to shapeshifting King Kong.But shapeshifting King Kong is not just about hot weapons.Bass~!This shapeshifting King Kong directly pulled out the alloy ax on his back.Then put on the face armor.Then rushed towards Thanos as well.Thanos wields double blades!shapeshifting King Kong wielding a giant axe!15 meters and 2 meters of collision!Clang!A dazzling spark sputtered out.But it turned out that the weapons of both sides bounced off together!Neither shapeshifting King Kong is dominant.It's not that Thanos has the upper hand, either.The shapeshifting King Kong looked at the ax in his hand.Only one sentence was said."Go back and make it bigger."Then keep slashing towards Thanos!And the other side.Black Dwarf charged directly at the two shapeshifting Kongos!It's not that he insists on rushing to these two.But these two go together.So he rushed all at once."Bang bang bang~~~"After hearing the sound of running.The two shapeshifting King Kong looked back.After discovering that it was Black Dwarf rushing over.They also looked at each other."What kind of insanity is this?"Bass~!Ka~!Two shapeshifting King Kong close their helmets at the same time.Then they drew out the cold weapons on their bodies together.Let's go together at last!Yes.shapeshifting King Kong has no martial arts.They don't say you're alone, so we fight 1.You are so beautiful!If you can do it together, you must do it together!Now you found both of them alone.Then two shapeshifting King Kong will kill you together!"Roar~~~!"Black Dwarf raised his weapon.He hits the nearest shapeshifting Kong first.And shapeshifting King Kong will not pick up such a heavy pickaxe.So it ducked sideways.Slash straight at Black Dwarf's hand!Can you believe it.The 15m tall shapeshifting King Kong is much more flexible than the 3m tall Black Dwarf.Almost in the blink of an eye.Psst~!The shapeshifting King Kong on the left slashes towards the hand.The hand that Black Dwarf used to hold the hammer is gone!And it's still missing the shoulders!Black Dwarf stared.I don't know if he wants to say something.But under 310 for a moment.Another shapeshifting King Kong has rushed to the other side!And the two-handed long sword in its hand also cut at Black Dwarf's waist!Psst~~~!After the last sound appeared.Black Dwarf's mouth fell open.Then he fell to the ground with a plop.When he fell to the ground, his upper body still slid a certain distance.Then the viscera and organs in the middle all slid out.But the shapeshifting king kong looked like he didn't see it.at this time.The first shapeshifting King Kong turned around at the sound of weapons clashing.Then I saw the shapeshifting King Kong with Thanoslv1.So it said to the shapeshifting King Kong beside him."Backup is needed there."Yes.As long as you don't win.That needs support!It doesn't matter if it's 1 on 1 or 1 on more.Just ask if you are done or not!The current shapeshifting king kong community doesn't look at dignity or mercy.I just want to be consistent with the outside world and get everything done, for Cybertron, for the Creator!If it were other beings, it would definitely be impossible.But it can be done on mechanical life.Or Zerg would do.So the other shapeshifting king also nodded and said after seeing it."let's go!"So two more shapeshifting King Kong join Thanos' team!At the moment Thanos and this shapeshifting King Kong still have a bit of a fight.But adding two more words...!Thanos had just slapped a two-handed sword flying.The next moment the ax came.Chi~!Even if Thanos dodges, a wound a few centimeters deep was cut on his arm!It's not over yet.Another two-handed sword also cut over!Then Thanos could only throw himself to the side in embarrassment.Then roll over smoothly for a week.But he hadn't gotten up yet.The first one to swing the sword has already turned the CD and rushed over to give him a kick!That foot is as big as a car door!Thanos is kicked crookedly in the face.Just take the pair and fly tens of meters away!And waited until he stood up to find out.His Black Dwarf has become two and a half Black Dwarfs!And he hasn't played long with this shapeshifting King Kong.That is Black Dwarf facing those two shapeshifting King Kong.The meeting was delayed?Then what are you talking about!It's not good to eat a big foot full of shapeshifting King Kong.Thanos, who has no Infinite Gems, is at best a sub-parent.Now he can't beat Odin when he was still alive.Can't beat Ancient One when he was still alive.So Thanos stood up with his hands on the blades.His arms were bleeding and his nose was bleeding from the kick.at this last moment.Thanos looked at the three shapeshifting King Kong and asked."What are your names?""We are, shapeshifting King Kong."Sooner or later the universe will know about shapeshifting King Kong.There is nothing to hide.So it's a very direct answer.Thanos nodded.Then he took out a gem from his bosom and crushed it directly.Kacha~!next moment.Thanos turned into blue light and disappeared.Black Dwarfx0.5x2:???.
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