
092. Housewife Wanda! Visit Cybertron! Burn The Witch!

It was indeed the first time Su Yi met someone who didn't want fans, but wanted to be unknown.To be honest, how many people in this world can do it?But turn around and think about it.This is Wanda's true heart.She didn't want to be famous, nor did she have any intention of being a star.That's what I told Wanda myself.Wanda also thought the same as herself.Compared with the much-anticipated stars.Wanda obviously wants to live a peaceful life with herself.Especially after this purpose was achieved yesterday.Then Wanda wants to be safe even more.She didn't want anything to happen that would affect her and Su Yi's life.And now.News is possible.Because the title on that is too messy.Wanda was afraid of being misled."It's okay Wanda."Su Yi patted Wanda on the back."I can accept whether you announce it or not, it depends on your own choice."Announce it if you think it will give you direction, and vice versa. I don't care, and neither do you."Wanda nodded in Su Yi's arms: "Yes.The two hugged for a while.Then separate again.Wanda looked at Su Yi and said."Didn't eat lunch.""No." Su Yi shook his head.He really didn't eat.And sometimes Su Yi doesn't eat lunch.He doesn't even eat breakfast.Only dinner will be fixed.The reason for not eating is just that he is too lazy to eat.I'm too lazy to do it in the morning, and I don't want to move at noon.And it doesn't matter to him.He can just bask in the sun.How could the multi-universe level starve to death."Then let me make it for you!"Hearing that Su Yi didn't eat.Wanda immediately took up the task of housewife happily.She turned and walked out the door.Go happily to the nearby supermarket to buy a la carte.Then went upstairs to cook.As for whether it will be troublesome to carry it out?How can it be.Have you ever heard of Portal Passing Vegetables?About an hour or less.A red portal opened next to Su Yi's office.Then Wanda put the dishes on the table one by one from the other end.Finally, take the dishes, knives, forks and drinks.The man came out wearing an apron and smiled."Dinner is ready~"A warm smile appeared on Su Yi's face.It's a great feeling.Wanda was really different when she came back.The superhero is a housewife.But that's not the point.The key is that Su Yi has been taken care of in life.This feeling is really warm.So Su Yi smiled happily, rolled up his sleeves and said."Dinner!"But just had two bites.Su Yi and Wanda reacted at the same time."Forgot to call Hela."Then he went to call Hela again.Hela sat on the chair and said with her mouth crooked."I thought you had forgotten me.""Almost." Su Yi nodded in agreement with Hela's statement: "It's useless to tell you that you have a low sense of existence."I...…"Hela wanted to refute.But she thought about it, her sense of existence was low.But...but she can work hard!"Then is there anything I can do?"Hela looked at Su Yi and Wanda and asked.Su Yi smiled while eating."The bad news: you need to wash the dishes.""The good news is: there's nothing for you to do.Hela was taken aback.I can only bury my head and show off.At least she can do the dishes now, can't she?"Su, try this, ah~~. 17Wanda picked up a piece of meat and wanted to feed it to Su Yi.Su Yi ate it.The result was surprisingly good."tasty."Wanda, you even have the ability to cook. "After hearing this sentence, Wanda suddenly became happy."It's good to eat.""I'm afraid that the cooking won't taste good, so I can't cook for you.Su Yi shook his head: "How could it be?"Those on the side also watched the two show their affection.Suddenly rolled his eyes.half an hour later.The three finished their lunch.Hela took the dishes and washed them off.Su Yi wiped his mouth with a paper towel, took out two bottles of ice milk tea and handed Wanda a bottle and said."Today is Friday, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I can have two days off.""Tonight I will take you to see some things that Gwen knows temporarily, but you don't know yet.""Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I plan to take you to a place, pick up a magic book, and take a tour by the way.something you don't know?Wanda was taken aback for a moment, but later realized that it happened after she went to Kamar-Taj during this time.Su Yi didn't tell her in the letter.I was afraid that the more she knew and thought, the more she would affect her learning of magic.But one last trip to pick up a magic bookWanda doesn't understand this."What magic book~?""Dark divine book." Su Yi said casually, and then took a sip of milk tea.suck~~~ah~~~"Dark Divine Book!?"And Wanda was shocked.Isn't this the only book that can exist in opposition to the book of Emperor Weishan?The Book of Darkness is very powerful.It's full of deadly magic!And there are all kinds of strange and powerful spells!But it has a side effect.That is, people who use this divine book will also suffer from the side effects of the divine book!It amplifies the dark side of the user.Corrupts the spirit and soul of the user at the same time!So this divine book is powerful and dangerous at the same time!But it doesn't matter to Su Yi.He took a big sip of milk tea.Then put it on the table and said easily."I can eliminate the side effects of the Dark God Book.""You can use the magic inside as you like, it's no big deal."Wanda: "Huh~?"Hear Su Yi's words.Then Wanda was more than shocked.But it feels reasonable.Because in Wanda's heart, Su Yi seems to be omnipotent.It's just that Su Yi's performance seemed too relaxed.That is the Book of Darkness!Su Yi's attitude towards it is actually just like a toy!This is too outrageous!But in fact, whether it is the hand of Weishandi or the dark Suyi, it is just a toy.A treasure from Level God Father up to Level Single Universe.That's a tick.It was of no use to him.in the afternoon hours.Su Yi also received an ordinary customer.But under Su Yi's guidance, she recovered immediately.It doesn't work.Can my Phoenix force help you change it?The time comes to 5:00 pmSu Yi and Wanda appeared outside the office door on time.Then he locked the door with a click."Hoo~~~"Su Yi let out a long breath.The next two days is a small long vacation, and we can have fun again."Let's go, I'll take you to destroy the tomb.""Um, huh~?"Hearing Su Yi's words.Wanda's expression was exactly the same as Gwen's.They all agreed first instinctively.Then I reacted."Don't worry, I'll give you a buff first."snap~Su Yi snapped his fingers.Wanda has an energy shield on her body.This shield allows Wanda to breathe normally in the universe, maintain temperature, talk normally and so on.Su Yi snapped his fingers again.The two appeared on Mars.It is also the current Cybertron star."Wow~~~!"as expected.After Wanda came to see what Mars looked like.She was almost as surprised as Gwen.And Su Yi also looked at it.The current Cybertron star has changed a lot.Almost all of its surfaces have been constructed.A large number of ordinary intelligent robots are built and maintained on the ground.There are also many descendants of the shapeshifting King Kong patriarchs who manage on it.And there are still many veterans who have gone underground.Because after the development of the surface is completed.The shapeshifting King Kongs are ready to build the interior of Cybertron!This is too fast!And Wanda also said excitedly after reacting."Is this the shapeshifting Vajra Mother Planet?""Yes." Su Yi smiled proudly: "I created them, and I am their creator."Wow~~~"Wanda's eyes are full of stars.She stared at the mass of shapeshifters and robots beneath her in shock."So this is our planet?"Su Yi nodded: "definitely.""Even if we can't live on Earth, we can still live here, it's definitely not interesting to live here."I mean, even if we don't want the earth, we may still drive this ball to travel to a planet that we can just walk away."Wanda thought about that image for a moment.Just drive Mars away.Immediately she laughed."So romantic.""That is.next.Su Yi took Wanda to visit Cybertron.This time it's not just outside.Also take a look at the interior that is under development.Wanda observes the environment.Exclaimed at last."The ecological and mechanical integration here is so beautiful.""I thought the only planet with mechanical life was the Iron Forest."Sorry, the original Botan was written like this.Now Su Yi is asking for 50% each.And animals seem to be breeding too.Some ecoregions have already begun to free-range animals.Su Yi and Wanda observed together.But looking at Su Yi, I realized...How many veterans of shapeshifting King Kong seem to be missing?what about people?"There are a few shapeshifting King Kong veterans missing." Su Yi said looking at the total number of Cybertron planets."Huh? Then where did they go?" Wanda wondered."Go and ask."Su Yi brought Wanda to the Senate.There is a patriarch living here permanently.So Su Yi asked as soon as he arrived here."A few elders are gone, where did they go?"The resident elder saw Su Yi coming.Hastily said respectfully."They are worried that the resources of the Cybertron planet will be developed sooner or later, so they built boosters in advance to scan resources on other planets.""A total of eight veterans set out together, preparing to scan the solar system data Genichi once, and then make a joint decision after returning.""This plan was voted by the Senate, and the approval ratio was 980:20"After listening to the old man's words.Su Yi can only say awesome.I have already thought of the fact that the resources have been mined.The interior of Cybertron has not yet been developed.and almost unanimouspass.Su Yi waved his hand."I'll look at the latest senate vote."He waved his hand.All voted cases and pro-against ratios are presented in front of the duo.Wanda also watched curiously."Solar System Resource Scanning 980:20""Molten Core Forge - 740:360""Galactic Heavy Warship - 280:720""The First Generation Shapeshifting King Kong-800:200"(...)Su Yi and Wanda looked at the various previous voting processes.The discovery is basically for the development of the planet Cybertron, and all of them have passed.And the weapon expansion failed.Here are the reasons for the elders.Among them, the expansion of weapons is said to have no time.When the development of the Cybertron planet is completed, when will the star warship weapons be built.That is to say, develop first, and then explode soldiers.After seeing these.Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.. Not bad, continue to develop."Yes, Creator."After Wanda read these.She just laments that her world view has been refreshed."It turns out that there are such miraculous things."Su Yi smiled."The universe is very large, and the universe is not just one universe, there are many.Wanda nodded thoughtfully.What Su Yi taught her today really surprised her.It turns out that Wanda is just an ordinary person from a small country in Eastern Europe.See here now.Just lament the grandeur of the universe.Husband is awesome~!After watching Planet Cybertron."Crack~"Su Yi snapped his fingers.The two returned to the beach in New York.Then Su Yi thought about it."It seems that this is the case. Now we have a group of younger brothers and a planet."Wanda hugged Su Yi's arm.She raised her head and searched the sky."Maybe we will have a galaxy in the future, and it will be shot down by shapeshifting king kong."By the way, where is Botan Star?"Wanda can only know where the moon is.But can't see Cybertron star.And Su Yi looked towards Cybertron.Then this piece of sky said."There, you can't see it."Wanda looked over.I really can't see it at all."Oh well."The two walked along the beach.Su Yi's off-duty time is good.After five o'clock, the earth begins to set and set the sun.This time to walk outside.There is a layer of red-yellow light spreading all over the sky.It looks very romantic.Su Yi hugged Wanda's waist.Fingers go in from the corners of the clothes and rub against the skin.He wasn't for that either.It just feels that Wanda feels good in the hand.Um.Plump.Wanda indulged Su Yi's little touch.But she was also very embarrassed.So he wrapped his arms around Su Yi's arm with one hand, and covered Su Yi's hand with the other, as if they were walking hand in hand.The two walked along the beach with few people.Su Yi squeezed it suddenly, and smiled softly."Growing flesh?" (Zhao Le Zhao)"You!" Wanda immediately glared at Su Yi: "Then stop touching it!""I don't." Su Yi was a little presumptuous: "I just like that you are a little fleshy, but just in good shape."After speaking, Su Yi thought about it."It's probably like last night when the socks were strangled on the legs, there was a circle of dents.people.Beauty has no standard.But what kind of person has what standard.Little Hela must be thinner.On the other hand, Gwen is slender, but all the places that should be warped are warped.But Wanda is different.She can't be too thin.But certainly not fat.It's a kind of moisturizing feeling that can't be done with more or less!For example.Su Yi held the little Hela's waist with both hands, just pinched it and nothing changed.Then switch to the one holding Gwen.Nagwen's vest line feels particularly good.And the elasticity of the skin is also very good.So all in all it's the best.But Wanda is different.After you grasp her waist with both hands.You can feel the very...moist texture.In short, it feels just right.And let's talk about the front.Not to mention the little Hela, a pair of peaches.Gwen is honeydew melon or dragon fruit.And what about Wanda?After she holds it with one hand, there will be a little more in the dark!Simply not perfect!Just the golden ratio!After listening to Su Yi's words.Wanda also squeezed Su Yi's face, leaned into her ear and said."Hello BT~""Huh?" Su Yi made a nasal sound, and he asked her: "Then don't you like it?"Wanda pursed her lips.Then he whispered in Su Yi's ear."I like Wo very much.""That elbow, go home."snap~Su Yi snapped his fingers directly.next moment.Neither of them returned home to change their shoes outside the room.Instead, he went straight back to the master bedroom.Then Su Yi directly threw Wanda up and said."You wicked heretic witch!""Let me burn you today!".
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