
Dealing with Troubles

Raphael sighed as he nursed his drink at the bar, feeling the familiar weight of his troubles bearing down on him. He had thought that marrying Sophia would bring him happiness, but his mother's constant interference and disapproval had created a rift between them. He loved Sophia dearly, but his loyalty to his mother made it difficult for him to stand up to her.

He thought about his mother's suggestion to take a second wife, but the idea was abhorrent to him. He didn't want to betray Sophia's trust or hurt her further. Yet, he couldn't deny the ache in his heart for a child of his own. He felt like he was stuck in a never-ending cycle of guilt and sorrow.

As he left the bar and made his way home, Raphael felt a sense of dread wash over him. He knew his mother would be waiting for him, ready to pounce on him with her criticisms and demands. He wondered how much longer he could keep this up, living in a state of tension and conflict.

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