
Plenty of fish in the sea

"We might be the same age but no one can argue that I'm more experienced when it comes to handling relationships and the dating world. Trust me when I say that Zen Starke wants to get between your silky white thighs. I wouldn't be a good friend to you if I didn't warn you that Starke's are different. They live outside the law and they have their own unique mating rituals that are unknown to the rest of the world."

"I heard a similar line of argument from Lady Mila but what makes their lovemaking different from the average human?"

"Well ahh…there are rumors that they are beastly in bed but I have never heard any complaints when it comes to Zen Stark…he had quite the reputation as a ladies man in Allerdyce."

"Seriously Estella I don't know whether you're trying to encourage or discourage me," said Lithe wryly, "can you tell me anything about the Starke Tribe that's not gossip or hearsay."

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