

His Cherubic Retribution LifeSkill could lock on to any target he could see!

Can I lock on to the door-fruit?

Atlan immediately tested it out. He turned around and chased the Genus fruit half-heartedly and as soon as he saw it teleport, he immediately turned around and held the Cherubic Retribution LifeSkill in his giant hand.

It was too frantic for him to lock onto and activate his LifeSkill, but he wasn't planning to. He grasped the planet in his Soul System with no intention of gripping it tightly—he knew it wouldn't work anyway.

However, the moment he made contact with his LifeSkill, it immediately started to look for a target in his vicinity. It didn't take long for his LifeSkill to lock onto an empty space on the right side.

As fast as that moment came, it vanished just as easily. The LifeSkill failed to activate just as he predicted. 

But it already did its job. Atlan knew where the Genus fruit would land!

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