
Chapter 13

I grinned merrily as I started to sort through the new cards that I had obtained from the Reject Shack… Some of them had already begun the process of absorbing negative energy and going through a Metamorphosis under Maelstrom and Tez's watchful eyes. Others were awaiting their turn for such a thing.

I had gathered the cards that had refused me, and I swore to them that I would give them to charities so that they could end up in the hands of new owners… Even if they didn't, at least they were likely to be made into structure decks for 'fixed deck tournaments.' That way, at least they would be used.

Akiza sat nearby, gently sorting through her own new cards. They, too, would be undergoing a metamorphosis to better fit her deck… Though under the watchful eye of Wayta rather than Tezcatlipoca.

"So…" Akiza looked at me. "What does this Metamorphosis entail? You were a little vague about it."

I hummed and leaned back. "First, you need to understand how Duel Spirits evolve. Duel Spirits can evolve or obtain new forms in three different scenarios. The first is a strong bond with their Master. Not all Spirits can reach this level of bond with their owner, it's reserved for Spirits like Pandora and Maelstrom are for me. Second is simply through training themselves, studying their passions, and so on. Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a Legendary Card, is a good example of this. They have evolved countless times, becoming the Ultimate Dragon and- in the Spirit World- they have even begun to adapt to Synchro Summoning and obtain new forms."

"What's the last?" Akiza asked.

"The last is through exposure to outside stimuli," I told Akiza. "That is the method we are using for the metamorphosis of our cards. In our case, we are filling the cards with the negative energy of the Dark Signers and Earthbound Gods. Tezcatlipoca is extremely experienced in this, so he is able to do it safely, though painfully. And some spirits may not have the will to survive. But those who do will obtain new forms, new names, and new powers beyond their wildest imaginations."

"He's right," Pandora suddenly appeared, making Akiza jump up in surprise. "I was once called Dark Magician Girl; I had no identity beyond that, and I had even stagnated in my magical studies… That was when I met Master. He made me an offer, and I agreed… I obtained the brilliant power and form you see now, far greater than I could have ever reached alone, and he gave me the name 'Pandora.' He even granted unto me my own subordinates in the 'Sin' Archetype."

"Ah, so that's why all the 'Sin' monsters also mention 'Pandora' monsters in their effects," Akiza snapped her fingers in realisation. "Wait, doesn't that mean you can create cards exactly how you want them to be?"

"Not exactly," I told her. "The thing about Duel Spirits is that their environments, the ways they are born, their inner desires, and the way they change determine their abilities, their very nature. For example, Maelstrom used to be a monster called Aqua Dragon- just like he said. However, he was not a 'true' dragon, only one in name. That burning desire to become a Dragon transformed him into a dragon. Tezcatlipoca sent him to the deep seas as he was undergoing Metamorphosis, where only the most powerful of monsters reside and rule. This helped transform him into a Dragon of the Storms, who can handle even the harshest conditions of the seas. Other conditions have also contributed to his evolution."

"I… Think I understand," she nodded slowly. "Then… What will happen with my cards? I mean… Where is a good place for them to undergo Metamorphosis?"

"Hm, that's actually a good question," I told her. "In your case, the Black Garden is probably the best place in the Spirit World for your monsters to go."

"Black Garden?" She blinked. "As in, my Field Spell? It's actually a place?"

"Oh yes," I nodded. "All Field Spells are actual places in the Duel Monsters Spirit World. Every single card in the game exists in some form in the Spirit World, be it as an item, a spell, or something that happened within the Spirit Realm. Black Garden is, of course, no exception."

"Then… Sanctuary of Sin?" She asked.

I grinned at her. "A new location set up by Pandora and the Sin Archetype, not terribly far from the Lair of Darkness. Once Maelstrom has his Armada, he will likely set up his own base of operations."

"What name will they go by?" Akiza asked, curious.

"Blue Storm, likely," I told her. "After all, Maelstrom is called the 'Blue Storm Dragon.' Blue Storm would be a fitting name for his Armada. The Blue Storm Armada."

"That… Sounds rather intimidating," she admitted.

I grinned. "That's the point. A fitting fleet for my Admiral."

"Then… My cards?" She asked slowly.

"Wayta- though you have not yet met them- will no doubt have taken them to the Black Garden. There, they will find themselves placed deep within the forest of black thorns. And then they shall be filled with the energies of the Underworld under Wayta's gaze."

What I didn't mention was there was a decent chance that Black Rose Dragon might try and interfere. Moonlight would step in and transform into Blood Rose to stop her if need be.

However, it was hard to tell. Akiza was in a very unique situation, being both a Dark Signer and a Signer, while also carrying a Signer Dragon. Unlike Goodwin, who had his own no doubt specially created monsters, Black Rose Dragon had fought against the Earthbound Gods and sealed many of them under the Crimson Dragon's directive.

With the two powers now living in Akiza, and neither showing signs of rejection, it either meant that Black Rose Dragon- and thus the Crimson Dragon- had accepted these unique circumstances, or that there would be an incident that would force Akiza to choose between being a Signer or being a Dark Signer.

However, Tez had assured me that the powers Akiza had were in such perfect sync that it was almost shocking. It was almost as though Wayta and Black Rose Dragon had come to some 'agreement' of sorts in regard to Akiza.

Akiza nodded before she checked the time and sighed. "I would… Like to spend more time with you," she said, her cheeks turning pink. "But I should be going and finishing off the last of my homework before the Exams…" She grimaced. "And then it will be our first break and… I am not looking forward to going back home."

I gently reached out and held her hand. "You can talk to me whenever you want," I told her gently. "You have my number, I'm always just a phone call away. And if you find that you can't stay at home, then just come to my place and you can stay with me, okay?"

She blushed. "… Thank you…" She said quietly. "You're a good boyfriend, Yuno."

Well damn, she'd already promoted me to 'boyfriend' in her mind after only two days?

"Don't thank me for doing the bare minimum," I told her. "This is the least I can do for my wonderful girlfriend."

Her cheeks blazed red. "… Even still, thank you," she got up, as did I.

She hesitated before she slowly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her, and the two of us just stood there holding one another for awhile before she finally let go.

She nodded at me with a fierce blush on her face before she left the dorm room, closing the door behind her quietly as she departed.

"You must be so fucking smug," Tez spoke as he appeared nearby.

"Hm?" I looked at him. "Weren't you in the Spirit World watching over the Metamorphosis of the others?" I asked him.

"Maelstrom insisted on doing so himself once I began the process," Tez told me. "In his words, 'This is my Fleet, my Armada. As the Admiral, it is my duty to watch over them.' I saw no reason to deny him, so I left Shadow Spirit behind to alert me should anything go awry."

"Good," I nodded. "That'll go a long way to getting him brownie points with everyone…" I flopped down onto the bed. "Anything else of interest?"

"I did sense Black Rose Dragon's presence in the Black Garden," he told me. "However, Wayta didn't inform me of any fight, and I didn't sense any either."

"Food for thought," I chuckled before I opened up the chatroom.

Black Sun: I'm taking a break from studying for my exams, please distract me from needing to learn more about Duel Puzzles.

Sea Diva: Duel Puzzles?

Black Sun: Is what it says on the tin. Two fields are set up in a particular way, along with cards in hand, graveyard, extra deck, and so on. You are allowed to look at all cards and the order they are in, even your opponent's, and you have to figure out a way to finish the Duel in a single turn. I've never been any good at Duel Puzzles. Give me a normal duel any day of the week, but a Duel Puzzle is just so annoying…

Deviluke Princess: I don't know, those sound like fun!

Black Sun: Any chance I can convince you all to help me cheat on my tests?

Goth Thunder: … That's genius.

God's Tongue: That's unethical, you shouldn't do that.

Goth Thunder: Spoil sport.

Black Sun: It was mostly a joke anyway.

God's Tongue: Mostly??

Black Sun: Do you really want to exercise more brain power on exams than necessary, Erina?

God's Tongue: … Touche. What does a Duel Academy exam consist of anyway?

Black Sun: First is a written exam, where you have to solve Duel Puzzles, explain card interactions, and explain the types of cards. Then we break for lunch, and it's the Duel Exam where you'll face off against people in the same year from your dorm or other dorms, depending on the skill level you've shown. If you get a high enough score, then you're considered to have 'passed' the semester. If you don't get a high enough score, you'll have to take make-up classes.

Prima Ballerina: Yeah, that's about right. I hear the make-up classes are brutal too. There are five Duel Academies worldwide where people can study, they are considered top class, and all have their own unique methods of teaching. I hear that, in North Academy, they scatter cards throughout their icy wastelands, and you have to find and build a deck of forty cards before you're allowed to take their entrance exam.

Goth Thunder: Damn, that's hardcore…

Ashen Demon: That sounds like it would be good training to adapt to the environment.

God's Tongue: That's… Actually, not to dissimilar from what Totsuki does for their advancement exams. We tend to send groups to warmer or colder climates for the advancement exams, so they learn to adapt to cooking in different climates all over the world. You never know what kind of a climate or weather you'll need to cook in, after all.

Black Sun: Probably the same logic as here then. Like I said, we live, breathe, and eat duelling. It is a fundamental part of our lives, so we always have to be ready to duel at any given time.

Black Sun: Oh, side note! I'm getting some very special custom cards coming in soon.

Prima Ballerina: You've got your own printing services!? Lucky…

Deviluke Princess: Printing services?

Black Sun: Before, Duel Monsters used to be produced by only a single company known as Industrial Illusions, founded by Maximillion Pegasus. However, for the sake of diversifying the game and making it more interesting, he released the secrets of how to create Duel Monsters to the world. This resulted in many services being created for the purpose of printing Duel Monsters. This allows people to create custom decks and themes based on their passions. Off the top of my head, I know one person has a game show based deck, and another has a clock based deck… One guy I'm aware of even has a Loan Shark themed deck where he gives you Life Points, and then makes you pay life points or discard cards to 'repay the loan.'

Deviluke Princess: Oh! That's super interesting! I should do that too, I'll spread this game all over the Universe!

Black Sun: Speaking of, did you finish the Duel Disks you promised, Lala?

Deviluke Princess: Oh! I forgot I finished those up! Yes, they are all done! I'll send them to you and Alexis now! They are customized with special technology, so you can choose the colour and everything! You'll have to download the software to link it to your own Global Database though.

You have received a gift from Deviluke Princess – Custom Compact Duel Disk!

I grinned as the Duel Disk appeared in my hands… I placed it on top of my left arm, and it clamped around my wrist, a holographic 'blade' appearing for the cards to go… It was just like the Arc-V Disk.

"Time to customize," I murmured. "I'm going to crush the Advancement Exams, and then… We'll see what happens over the break…"

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