
An Unexpected Obstacle (3)


Kakeyama Hiroshi narrowly dodged Furuya Uno's hook and landed a low kick. Pretending to back away, he suddenly changed his stance and closed the distance.

Then he quickly threw his rear hand.

Furuya Uno raised his hands to block Hiroshi's fist and swung his left hand. Hiroshi promptly retreated.

And again, he widened the distance.

This was the typical pattern of their exchanges. Hiroshi gained a slight advantage and widened the distance. When Furuya Uno closed in, Hiroshi cleverly landed his own attacks and escaped using stance changes and footwork.

"He seems to have better movement than expected, don't you think, Yu Jung-ak?"

Kim Guk-hyun said.

"Indeed. Furuya Uno might struggle a bit."

"It could be due to the contracted weight."

"Furuya Uno also made the 73kg weight, though. While the contracted weight was considerate of Kakeyama Hiroshi, Furuya Uno still has the advantage of a longer preparation period."

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