
Mana Hungover

The ringing of the phone woke me up from the sweet, sweet slumber. 

I had no idea at what time we went to sleep. Due to the exhaustion that came as a price of our great efforts that came before, I couldn't really remember the timing of anything. 

It was as if the whole procession of events starting with Claire going with me to the zone and ending on our passionate night existed in some sort of limbo, a time hidden away from my perception, eluding any attempts of proper framing. 

That left me with absolutely no clue what time it was, or what it could even be, leaving me extremely confused as I moved up and grabbed the phone, only to almost doze off just by staring at its glaring screen. 

'How the hell am I so tired?'

Sure, between all the edging and then the intense payback that followed, I've exerted quite a chunk of my general strength. And yet, my body was sluggish, my thoughts hardly operated… 

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