
Chapter 6: Warmth

This chapter is a continuation of chapter five. Maggie gets her needed reassurances and love.Enjoy Maggie and prepare for Lena in the next coming chapters!!In between Maggie's mortified tears, Sam speaks."Maggie, it's ok, it's not your fault" Sam leans in a bit, kissing the side of her head, just on the temple."You were sleeping, you had no control." Sam rubs her arms and starts to rock softly side to side."Even if you were awake, I still wouldn't care, accidents happen, you can't control it. We love you bunny, no matter what. We take care of you, we WANT and LOVE to take care of you, every big and little cell in that body of yours."Alex chimes in, "Yes, we love you my little bug." Maggie gives a tiny huff in answer, the redhead smiles endearingly."Now, I was planning on having a bath, would you like to join me?" The detective is hesitant but gives Alex a tiny nod. Sam sits Maggie up a bit and helps her untangle her limbs from the sheet."I will put blanky and fluffy in the wash. I think I will get started on breakfast too." Sam kisses Maggie on the cheek and sets her on her feet. She leans over to kiss Alex on the forehead and then she is gone to start the washing."Ready little bug?"Maggie is still embarrassed, her tears are still flowing freely down her pink-tinted cheeks. But she is silent in her crying.Alex takes her little one's hands, Maggie takes it quickly and holds on firmly. "I'm gonna rinse us off a bit in the shower so we can relax, ok? I will clean up those cuts later"Maggie squeezes Alex's hand in answer. Alex turns on the shower, waiting slightly for the water to get to the right temperature."I'm gonna undress you now, lift up your arms please." Maggie obeys without a word.The ends of the graphic tee are damp, her panties and blanky soaked up most of the liquid. Alex slides off Maggie's underlings and then undresses herself quickly.The agent guides them both to the shower and rinses them off quickly, meanwhile, the bathtub at the end of the bathroom is filling with almost too hot water, by the time they are done, it will have cooled enough to a bearable temperature.Alex motions for Maggie to take a seat first, Alex then settles behind her, tugs her shorter brunette girlfriend to her chest, and hums a random tune. Alex raps a secure arm around Maggie's abdomen, causing Maggie to relax deeper into Alex, silently accepting that everything is really ok. No longer waiting for the furious hand coming down against her being, she doesn't have to stiffen to any voices, waiting for them to raise to her and yell how stupid and weird she is. She accepts that she is loved, loved for reals, this is what it feels like. How could I have ever thought otherwise?After they soak for a while, Alex sits Maggie up to wash her properly. She stands them up and rinses the extra soap off of them both.Alex steps out of the bath and quickly dries herself off. She takes Maggie's outstretched hand and helps her step out from the bath. She grabs a warm fluffy towel that Sam must have speed in there from the dryer along with some clothes.The redhead dresses Maggie into another oversized shirt, knowing that Maggie probably won't be out of her little headspace for now, so comfort is key. She would love to try and get Maggie into a pair of diapers or at least a pull-up, but she doesn't want her to have to make that decision after such an emotional episode. Especially since she isn't fully big right now, it is best to have this conversation down the road. Alex can tell though, that they are making progress if her actually taking a pacifier is anything to show. Alex takes this with stride.She pulls up a pink set of cotton underwear, that adult Maggie would never in a million years be ok with, little bug, on the other hand, loves all colours of the rainbow, except brown, who likes brown?Maggie still hasn't looked at Alex, still a bit reluctant to make any sort of eye contact, afraid to break the softness being displayed.Alex hooks her pointer finger under Maggie's chin and guides her eyes to meet hers. "I love you Maggie Sawyer, my little bug, no matter what. I won't leave, not even if you push me away."Maggie's tears fall and fall, she jumps into Alex's open arms. She buries her head in the crook of Alex's neck, just where she would snuff her favourite vanilla scent. After a while, Maggie lets up, ready for this emotional start to the day to end.Sam is there, waiting by the entrance with a soft smile aimed towards her little one."Ready for breakfast bunny?" Maggie nods her head, the first sure answer she has given this morning. They walk out hand in hand.Alex lets out a relieved sigh, "Rao, real bacon, finally!" Maggie laughs a bit, happily munching on her vegan alternative. 
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