
Tomas Alone

Tomas Gaspar had been found in a very peculiar situation.

Following his father's defeat at the end of the Sowei Revolution, Tomas had gone into hiding, living in an old Austrian armoury under a bridge in Stormhaven.

He'd still go out under the Thomas Gardner alias, and was getting information about the current affairs through the digital watch that was given to every member of the EDGE organisation (though his was heavily modified).

In his past time, he would spy on the high council of Soweiland, aiming to figure out a way to destroy them from the inside and find out what they had done to his father.

His most impressive accomplishments were revealing to the British blabbermouth, Dr. Parr that position of Minister of Science and Development in Soweiland was open, in exchange for information on the council members, his deception of the moronic Brock MacArthur, revealing the location of AXON's secret camp, and of course, the acquisition of the files of the Grand Database.

It had been a week since he had reached out to the Black Island Mafia through Holo-Bud, and today he hoped they would send someone for him.

As funny as it was to watch Leo freak out over who the "AG4" registered in Holo-Bud's memory was, it was nigh time for his plan to be set into motion.

Jimmy Falcone had decided to go visit this Gardner guy on his own. After a week of contemplating he decided not to inform his boss of all the happenings, and let Craig and Lanos to run things while he was away.

Aaron had deciphered the coordinates for him in exchange for a bottle of vodka, which he chugged on the spot and fell unconscious.

Jimmy pushed aside the rusty doors of the warehouse,and was greeted to a mostly empty room, with only a desk, a couple of drawers and a worn out mattress on the concrete floor. Standing directly at the coordinates that he had was, presumably, Thomas Gardner.

"Greetings," he said, "I'm sure you already know who I am, so let's cut to the chase-"

"Wait wait hol' on a sec." Jimmy interrupted. "How did you figure out our frequency? It's a secret for a reason."

"I tagged the intercom of that executioner of yours. Don't be surprised, I'm only the smartest man on the planet." He explained.

"You'd think the smartest man on the planet would 'ave a better crib than this." Jimmy commented.

"My living arrangements are none of your concern. Now, if you would lead me to your hideout whose location I already am aware of so we can speak in privacy?" Tomas asked.

"You're really pushing me here, glasses. Such big talk, yet you haven't told me what you called me for exactly." Jimmy said.

"I simply wanted an escort to your 'Black Island'. I cannot be recognised in public." Tomas said. He removed his glasses, revealing dark purple eyes. He put on a wig to cover his baldness, then ditched the lab coat in favour of a deep blue sweater.

"Sweater? In the summertime? Are you mad?"

"In case you haven't noticed, my clothing options are limited."

"I guess so. Follow me then" Jimmy said. The two walked to the port without saying a word to each other, boarded a dinghy and arrived at Black Island shortly after.

Jimmy led Tomas to his office, where Craig and Lanos were playing cards.

"Oh, Monsieur No-Name. You are back." Lanos said once they entered.

"Go back to your posts, both of ya." Jimmy ordered. Lanos quickly fled the scene, and Craig walked out right after, but not before examining Tomas. He squinted his eyes in confusion as he passed by the scientist, who glared at him in a threatening manner.

"Who was that?" Tomas asked.

"New recruit, said his name's Craig or something. He's pretty low profile, I can't tell you much about him." Jimmy explained. "Now sit down. What do you have for me?"

"The high council of Soweiland has created a database of all their most important information. Information on the councilors themselves, the royal guard, the police force, every single law passed, and something about AXON."

"AXON!? I should have known. Now come on give it here! We can get rid of them for good with this information!"

"Not so fast. I require some of your services first." Tomas said.

"I'm listening."

"In exchange for this information, I want you to provide me with a comfortable place to live, a lab where I can run my experiments and...a pair of sunglasses."

"Uh, sure. I can arrange that. " Jimmy said. "LANOS!"


"Go and tell the boss we're going to be occupying a room in the casino, yeah?"

"Right away, Monsieur."

"Now, I've had enough of your stalling. Give me this information." Jimmy decisively said.

"Gladly." Tomas said, then pressed a couple buttons on his watch. It started projecting the screen of the Grand Database.

"Now, you can see right here that they've created a team of 5 to infiltrate your ranks!"

"There are spies? How long has this been going on for?"

"A couple of days. Had any new people recently?"

"A dozen or so..."

"Anyway that's not the point. You want to know the real root of your issue?" Tomas asked, and changed to another tab. "Her!"

The screen now displayed the Grand Database's page on Renee Pascal.

"Some dumb chick?" Jimmy asked, confused.

"No you moron, that's the king's daughter! And she's the new minister now that you killed Monroe!" Tomas exclaimed.

"Pfft, what's she gon' do? Get daddy to beat me up?" Jimmy laughed.

"You're hopeless. What don't you understand? She's the one orchestrating your downfall currently!" Tomas explained.

"This spoiled little daddy's girl is orchestrating my downfall. Right." Jimmy mocked him.z

"She is our prime target! Get that murderer of yours to do his job!"

"Okay, okay I'll think about it. Just go to your room dude."

Tomas squinted his eyes, turned around and left, knowing that he hadn't managed to convince Jimmy of the threat Renee posed.

But there was still one thing left to do. Tomas noticed the weird looks Craig gave him when he entered Jimmy's office, so now he looked around the hideout for him.

Eventually he found him sweeping the floor of a warehouse.

"Hello Craig. Or should I say, James?" He said, with a grin on his face. Craig's eyes went wide.

"Yeah..?" Craig muttered.

"I taked with your boss, James, and I could have revealed to him your true affiliations. Now, I'll give you a choice. Either you stay put here and cut contacts with the Ministry, or you follow along with that plan of yours and I send the entire mafia after you and your murderer pal. So, do we have an understanding?"

"Yeah." Craig spat.

"Excellent! I bid you farewell, and don't forget, I'm always listening." Tomas said as he put a tag on the wall of the warehouse, and walked away, leaving Craig to glare at the scientist.

Writing an entire chapter starring this bitch was a lot harder than I thought, but I'm happy with the result.

Things are getting real tense now that Tomas got involved. Will SWIA be able to fight back, or will Renee's efforts be fruitless? And what in the world has Anthony been doing this entire time?

All these and more will be answered next time on... Tales of Soweiland: Legends!

(also fyi I might not be able to publish a new chapter on Sunday, hence why I did this one so soon)

Cheers, Author Leo out!

Gamer_Leocreators' thoughts
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