
Chapter 124: Extremely Rigid True Dragon, Wishful Shaping, Hidden BOSS Xue Jing (4K)_2

Xue Jing pinched his chin.

"It seems I can only use persistent effort," he mused.

"A martial artist's Kungfu Body will adaptively change with the continuous practice of martial arts," he thought.

"As long as I keep practicing relentlessly, pursuing the essence of rigidity, my current Kungfu Body will gradually evolve, becoming more suited to unleashing pure rigid force, and in time, the 'Extremely Rigid True Dragon' will naturally emerge."

A feeling of dizziness came over him, and Xue Jing pressed his temples, exiting the Consciousness Simulation.

All of everything dissipated into blocks of pixels, and Xue Jing opened his eyes back in reality.

"I'll take it slow," he said to himself.

Fortunately, the Hidden Dragon School's Kungfu Body was quite versatile and innately had strong adaptability to martial arts from other sects, so the process shouldn't take too long.

[...Hidden Dragon Energy Experience Points +306]

[...Meditative Visualization True· Experience Points +288]

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