
Chapter 94 - Heavenly Sabre·Whirlwind Thunder, GOD-508·Hundred Feet Pole's Top (4K)_2

Xue Jing's eyes reflected confusion.

He felt there were still many secrets about spiritual mind powers that he didn't know...

"I'll ask the master later."

Shaking his head, Xue Jing sheathed the Crouching Rabbit Sword, holding it as he turned and walked towards 'Wind Eater,' who was grazing nearby with its head down.

"Xi lü lü——"

Seeing Xue Jing approach, Wind Eater also moved forward two steps and nuzzled him with its head.

"Good boy."

Xue Jing petted its mane and smiled.

He stepped on the stirrup and swung himself onto the horse's back.

No signal was needed, just a thought, and Wind Eater began to run across the grass.

Holding the reins and riding the horse, Xue Jing opened the panel to take a look.

Fitness Lv8, Health Cultivation Lv6, Cooking Lv5, Running Lv6, Charm Art Lv7, Aiming Lv6, Fighting Lv6, Hidden Dragon Vigor Lv5, Meditative Visualization Lv6, Combat Skills Lv4, Swimming Lv2, Riding Lv2...

"Running, Charm Art, Aiming, and Fighting are all about to level up."

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