
Emergence school meeting. (+18)

I woke up at 7 am to my phone ringing. As I answered it, it was Isuzu. She said a school meeting with the superintendent; I could tell something was wrong as I rolled out of bed, the two goddesses slept, and I went to the shower. I hurry up and get cleaned and dressed; as they wake up, I kiss them both before leaving the room. I get to the kitchen and grab coffee and some food. Isuzu tells me that some parents brought something up with the school board. The superintendent wants to address everyone, and she asked if it could have something to do with me. I told her that the only thing that they could prove was me doing a couple of porn videos, and that's not illegal as I am of legal age, and so are the girls I slept with.

"If anything else pops up, I will just deny it as they won't have any proof, and unless I rat myself out, they can't do anything to me. Plus, it could be many things that could have happened."

We get ready to head out. As we walk to the front door, Barbra stands with my bag. As I kiss her, she smiles and walks back to the kitchen. It's a good life. I get to my car, and as I get in, I let Isuzu head out first and give her a five-minute head start. I pull out and make my way to the school to ensure she gets there before me.

I get to the city after about in about 45 minutes. As I enter the city limits, I call Zehra and tell her what's going on just in case she can use her connections with influential people for me as a fallback plan. The worst they can do is bitch about the porn videos, as I looked at the city's policy about teachers with tenure unless I am proven guilty of something illegal or proven to have done something with a student that I shouldn't have. They can't fire me and, at worst, dock my pay. This, at this point, doesn't mean shit, as just sleeping with any of my girls makes more than I make in a year. 

They can only get angry with me as they can't do anything else about it, so I go to the school and finally pull into the parking lot. As I enter, I see Martina Romero. She is the front desk worker, which reminds me that I didn't see her the last time I came to the school. She looks at me sternly but then blushes as she looks away. I smirked as I said hello, and she replied as I approached the meeting room.

I sit in the back but see the other teachers looking at me. The females look a little flushed with blush as the guys look at me with distaste. Well, I know that everyone knows about the porn video or something else about me. But most likely about the porn video as we wait for the big boss to show up. I can hear some girls whispering and stealing peeks at me. I like the looks they are giving me, and I smirk as I wink at a couple. After thirty minutes, Izusu and the big boss, Rachel Bailey, came in. She is hot, and I planned on making her mine in time. 

She is one of the sexiest white women I have ever seen; she isn't married or dating anyone. She is 41, with white skin like snow and long black hair with deep red lipstick; she would look perfect in snow white. But her body is taken care of shit. I can already feel my cock getting hard with the desire to bend her over a table right here and now. 

I looked at her, and she saw me as we had a showdown with our eyes. She smirked and walked to the front of the meeting room with Izusu next to her. Before she spoke, she pulled out a folder from her bag and laid it on the podium before she looked over the room.

"We have a lot to talk about, some about the students and some about the teachers here in this room."

Nearly everyone looked at me; I just shrugged my shoulders, confirming it now. Rachel chuckled at my response as she looked at me with a hint of desire that I didn't miss. I looked at her and licked my lips as she blushed before returning to what she was about to say.

"As some of you have heard, about half our 12th-grade football players have been arrested for drug trafficking and selling. The head football coach was also arrested, and the basketball team was hit just as badly."

I look at Hazel Cox. She is 26 and dating the head coach of the football team. She has brown hair and is very attractive, as she is the female gym teacher and the coach for the cheerleaders and volleyball team. Half the football team was dating all the cheerleaders, and the basketball team was dating the volleyball team. So now I have a lonely teacher and a bunch of females who aren't dating anyone. Don't mind me helping myself to that free real state. 

"We will be doing more drug searches this year inside the school and through the student's cars; the police will be walking around every month with drug dogs until the school board thinks the place is good. Then it will go to every three months for the next couple of years as drugs have no place on school grounds."

Everyone writes down this information to keep track. It will be our job to ensure nothing gets passed around in our classes, which will defeat the purpose of the search if they pass it off to the next person and then back to the one who was cleared.

"Moving onto another note, the parents of the students that were arrested claimed that they were targeted because they were black, as the only ones that were tipped off were black. They want to know which female student did it so they can take her to court, as the police said it was a girl who called in the information."

I spoke up.

"Why do we care what the reason was? They were doing fucked up shit, then got called out. If the parents don't like it, they should have made sure their kids weren't selling drugs."

"You would say that you racist!"

I look over, and it's the assistant head football coach, a black guy. I don't think I ever do anything to him; why do you open his mouth now?

"How the hell am I racist?"

"Don't bullshit, we have all seen your porn videos. How you treated those two black girls is fucked up."

"You mean Abeba and Alem? You're an idiot if you can't tell they like to raceplay as they like white guys; just because you get butthurt from it doesn't mean it's racist. That, like me, calling any black guy doing BBC is racist, as that is raceplay also. Or is it only racist if it's a white guy doing?"

"It's not the same thing; white people don't have the same history as-"

"Oh, shut the fuck up; every ethnicity has, at one point, suffered. You use the same rule for everyone or no rule at all; you call me racist, better damn as while calling any black pornstar doing BBC-style porn as they raceplay the fuck out of that shit. If not, then you're a hypocrite, and I don't give a flying fuck what you think of me." 

He gets up, and I stand up as he gets in my face and begins to tell me to throw a punch.

"STOP! What Mr. Rockefeller said is right; you can't call him racist just because he has done raceplay porn. Unless he does it to someone unwilling, it's an act between people who agree; as an outsider, you have no say in it. And if you don't like it, don't watch the porn video."

"How can you let him keep working as a teacher when he does porn?"

"I haven't broken any law, and everyone involved is of legal age; they aren't students at this school. As I am tenured, they can't fire me as I haven't done anything wrong. But I think you are pissed because maybe your daughters have seen my porn video, and they liked it. After all, that's the only thing I can think of that would piss you off."

He didn't take too kindly to saying his 17 and 16-year-old daughters have seen my porn, but I can tell I hit the nail on the head. I am going to fuck them, just to spit this dumb fuck. I dodge his punch, and he keeps going as he can't land a hit on me. Everyone watched until other teachers held him back; I was on moral high ground and didn't hit him.

"Did I hit too close to home for you? Maybe next time, don't call people racist without anything backing it up."

Isuzu spoke up as she looked at the coach.

"You are on administrative leave for one month. Cool your head."

He gets loose from the teacher and walks out of the meeting hall as the meeting starts back up.

"Mr. Rocefeller, the parents don't like the fact that you are doing porn as some of their kids of started to show it around. But you are right; you didn't break any rule to get you fired. But that doesn't mean you won't be punished by the school board if cutting your pay in half until you stop doing porn and apologize to the parents."

I smirk at her and speak.

"Half pay, that's it; I won't stop anytime soon. I don't need the pay for this job. Tell them they can keep all my pay as I am doing; I am just fine with money. Tell the parents they should make sure their kids don't go to porn sites if they don't want them watching porn."

She smiles as her eyes are now filled with desire that isn't hiding what I already am in; I just need a time and place to fuck her brains out. Shit, I am getting horny. I will go fuck Isuzu's brains out after this, the meeting goes on for another thirty minutes before we end it as some of the female teachers look at me like they are undressing me, but I dig that shit as I love it when women lust after me.

I wait until everyone leaves before I get up and make my way to the Isuzu office. As I knocked on the door, she told me to enter. I see a woman that I have always known who is kind and sexy. Margaret Green, the English teacher in her early 40s, has three girls; two are in college now, and her last one is in 12th grade. It's a shame she is married; I would fuck her.

"Mrs. Green, how have you been?"

She blushes as she looks at me, biting her button lip before she speaks.

"It's been a hard summer; I just filed for divorce and am now living on my own."

She looked at Isuzu as she said that and then began speaking again.

"I was just asking Isuzu how did she get over her marriage. It's hard not having a man to hold you."

I begin to move over to her and hug her as I use my soothing hands as she moans; this tells me that the system backs up as long as they break up. Even if the divorce isn't finalized, it counts as not being in a relationship. Nice, if that's the case. Margaret, I will be fucking your brains out today along with Isuzu. I move my hands down to her nice and big ass as I play with it making her moan as she buries her head into my chest.

"Mr. Rockefeller, we can't, not in school or in front of Isuzu."

Isuzu walks over and gets behind me as she undoes my pants and pulls my cock out as she slides it in between Margaret's thighs. I begin to thrust my hips as my cock rubs her pussy over her underwear.

"Isuzu, what are you doing? This is wrong; what will happen if people hear us? I don't want to lose my job."

"Margaret, don't worry about it; no one will hear you as long as you cover your mouth. Haven't you been telling me you are lonely? Now is your chance to have a little warmth."

"Are you with Mr. Rockefeller? Why is he ok with you doing this?"

"Well, it's simple: I belong to his harem, and from the looks of it, he wants you to join it. You don't have to be lonely anymore, and you can get fucked by this cock that you have been talking about ever since you first watched his porn."


She buried her head into my chest as she waited for a minute before she started to move her thighs. It's game time.

Rachel Bailey Pictures

Hazel Cox Pictures

Martina Romero Pictures

Margaret Green Pictures

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