
What a Steal!

What a great day it is going to be!

My bed was trying to get me to go back to sleep but I knew that I had to go to the dungeon.

Grabbing my gear, putting on my boots, and grabbing my sword, I left my little house to go adventuring so I may eat and drink another day.

As I walked my way down the streets of Orario I waved and greeted a few friends and fellow adventures, adventures who weren't going as early as me but were still good in their own right.

I have a three-person party, however two of them are taking the day off so it's just me myself and I.

Eventually arriving at the entrance to the dungeon seeing some people I recognize and some I don't, I notice an odd merchant near the entrance.

His stand is small and it's not in the greatest of places, he looks like he's selling items for adventures, but most adventurers buy at the shops at the tops of the dungeon.

Not to mention that adventures usually make a plan for going into the dungeon, buy what's needed for that plan, buy a bit extra just in case, then head into the dungeon. Parties usually don't change plans unless it's needed.

But the merchant seems to be doing fine, I know he's been here other times, but this is the first time my party isn't here as well.

Well, I wasn't planning on going to deep in the dungeon. So, spending some extra time at the store wouldn't hurt.

Starting to walk over to the stand I gave a closer look at it, it looked like he was showing off an odd-looking item.

It was a grey ball with what looked to be lines of fire cracking out of it. I wondered if it was even safe to be put out here.

I don't know if it was the curiosity of what the object might be, or the merchant noticing me and looking at me, but I kept heading for the stall.

"Hello there!" I greeted the man, "May I ask what that is?" I then asked pointing at the ball.

"I'm glad you asked," he responded a smile forming on his face, "That's called a Fire Charge," he explained, " It can be used to light a fire anywhere, but the fire will fade if there's no fuel,"

"Hmm" I hummed, "Where specifically can it light a fire," I asked trying to see if I could narrow the uses for the Fire Charge down.

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked, "It can be used anywhere! Torches, piles of wood, living monster body's," the merchant said, "Anything, watch!"

The merchant then grabbed the Fire Charge and threw it at the ground next to me, creating a fire on the spot and causing the Fire Starter to disappear.

I jumped in surprise and tried to get away from the fire, but by the time I got at a suitable distance, the fire was already gone.

"What can you expect with a fire with no fuel," the merchant commented while reaching into his bag and pulling out another Fire Charge, "So what do you think, all it needs is some momentum to get going, " he then asked me expectingly.

"It does sound interesting, but it's not what I'm looking for right now," I tried to explain while starting to leave.

"Come on, it's only ten valis each," he said, "Would trying a few out really hurt?"

"Well," I replied, "Maybe not," stepping back towards the stand.

"Yes, now how many do you want?" The merchant then asked.

"For ten valis per," I said thinking it over, "I'll take ten!" I say.

"Coming right up!" he then says before going into the stand and pulling out ten Fire Charges.

"Thank you," I said while taking the Fire Charges and paying, "Have a good day!" I say while heading towards the dungeon.

Getting into the dungeon I look at my hands and realize I have no place to put the Fire Charges.

I can't draw my sword and hold these, and even if I could take these with me, they seem work better when going for a long and deep dungeon dive. Which I am not doing.

I just spent one hundred valis on some items I don't need and can't hold!

There's no way that merchant gives refunds, so what now?

Wait, I'll just run back home, drop off the Fire Charges, and then head back into the dungeon.

Yeah, I know what I'm doing.



'Man, that guy is weird,' Domnus thought watching his newest customer.

The customer bought ten Fire Charges, walked into the dungeon, turned around, and walked back to his house causing Domnus some confusion.

However, Domnus just shook it off knowing that it was not his problem, the customer bought the Fire Charges and that's all that matters.

Even if thoughts of the customer burning down a house entered Domnus's mind, it didn't matter, and he just pushed it to the back of his head anyway.

Looking around Domnus noticed that his conversation with the customer had taken up the big morning dungeon rush.

Making a mental note to talk with customers less to try and get more sales out of the rush, Domnus began scanning the crowd for someone who looked like they were interested in his wears.

As Domnus looked there were a few taking a look at the Fire Charges but would never look Domnus in the eyes knowing that if they did, they would probably be forced to go over and talk to him out of politeness.

Then out of nowhere a man appeared in front of Domnus's stand.

"Wait a minute," Domnus said taking a closer look at the man, "You're the guy who tried to kill me yesterday!" Domnus pointed out.

"Yes," the man responded, "Did you get the letter?" he then asked.

"Yep," Domnus then replied, "How have you been? You know failing Freya's task and all," Domnus questioned.

"That's Goddess Freya," the man quickly said back not answering Domnus's question.

"Ok, well anything else you need to say?" Domnus asked.

Wordlessly, the man turned around and left.

"Not even a goodbye?" Domnus yelled out with no response.

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