
Chapter 60 – Investigating.

"Thanks. Please come again." – said goblin merchant named Mario.

"Yea. Thanks." – replied Phantasia while walking away.


(All it took was for 1 guy to suddenly go missing to make this entire city go ballistic.)

(Still…. Should I do something?)

(The kidnapped person was a legendary blacksmith.)

(He wasn't killed, but its unknown if he is alive or not.)

(Was it somebody from the city?)

(Mario said that dwarf had many enemies…. No.)

(If they did anything to him their lifes would be ruined.)

(So then, an outsider?)

(But if so, what is their goal?)

(If their goal was to destroy his place, I would also go and kidnap the dwarf instead of killing him in order to spread chaos.)

(But, he isn't only an high standing figure, but an legendary blacksmith of this city.)

(Its quiet obvious that the kidnappers may have taken him away in order to force them to make something, but what?)


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