
Chapter 52 – Min City – The start of the real battle.

[Chimera construction: Remanning time: 00:00:00:05:12]

(Fuck me! I'm so close to finishing making that "Guy"! However, I need 5 more minutes.)

(But those bastards is still chasing me!)

While Phantasia was running, he was being chased by guard capitan alongside the few guards who had joined in.


(I can't lose this guy or anything like that!)

(Should I just give up running away and fight instead?)

(But I don't even know if I'm safe enough!)

(What if there is a lot of guards left or this area is straight up swarming with them?)

(I will be straight up fucked!)

(They also know about my tricks as well!)

(This is not good. Not good at all.)

(I fuking knew it was paranoid!)

(I fuking knew something will bite me in the ass since things were going way too easy for too long!)

Suddenly, a spear flew towards Phantasia and hit him right in the back.



Phantasia quickly recover and pulled out the spear before running away again, but then he saw another spear being throw at him, making him quickly duck and dodge the spear.


The guards continues chasing Phantasia through destroyed streets.


(Okay. Fuck it.)

(There is no way I can escape these bastards this time.)

(So, what the hell do I do?!)

(Should I lead them somewhere or something?!)

(Maybe I should bring them to the sewers?)

(It should make sure that nobody would fallow after us and would give me enough time to murder these people.)

Phantasia changed his direction and began running towards the nearest sewers entrance located in the city while also trying not to get hit with the spears that were thrown in his direction.

(Yes! Yes! Yes!)

(Just a little bit-)

Phantasia turned around the corner and saw one of the entrances to the sewers inside the city, but then he saw that the entrance was barricaded.




(Oh…. Right, I did infected the sewers with the plague.)

(Wow, they really are making sure to not repeat the past mistakes.)


(Fuck my life.)

"He went this way!" – shouted the guard capitan who was closing in on the Phantasia from behind.

"Screw you!"

Phantasia threw daggers at the guard capitan, forcing him to raise his shield and easily block the daggers, however the mad man wasn't finished and began firing spells at the guard, trying to slow him down, but the orc guard didn't cared and was continue rushing towards Phantasia.

However, while running towards Phantasia, the orc didn't realized he straight up stepped into the [Poison Trap] and ended up triggering it.

After the orc triggered the trap, he became shocked, allowing Phantasia to start running away like the coward.

(Shit! What the fuck do I do now?!) – though Phantasia while running away.

(A perfect location that could help me kill those fuckers ended up being sealed away!)

(And probably the other entrances are sealed away!)

(Now what the hell do I do?!)

Phantasia looked behind him and saw the guard capitan running.

"FOR FUCK SAKE! STAY DOWN!" – shouted Phantasia at the guard capitan.

(He got hit with many different poisons skills and should be under their effects, including the plague, so…...)


Phantasia stopped running and began firing at guard capitan that once again was using his shield to block the attacks while also getting closer to Phantasia.

Beside the guard capitan, the other 5 guards arrived at the scene and began running towards Phantasia.

However, this time Phantasia wasn't running away yet and continue firing his spells at the enemies, slowing them down, but before long the group of the enemies was getting really close and that was the thing that Phantasia was aiming for.

"[Plague Mania]."

The green smoke manifested from the Phantasia body, manifesting a skull before disappearing, but not before having Phantasia eyes began glowing green.

[[Plague Mania] level 2 has been activated.]

[Current range: 14 meters.]

[The enemies within the range will take bonus 6% damage over time.]


(What did he did?!) – though the guard, noticing the skill activation and the Phantasia glowing eyes.


"Eat my ass!" – said Phantasia while flipping off the guard capitan before starting to run away again.


"HEY!" – shouted the guard capitan.

"Stop fuking running away!"

"Nope! Fuck you and mother as well as father!" – replied Phantasia while throwing [Poison Ball] at the orc, only to have the orc to tank the ball with his shield and then look at Phantasia extremely pissed off.

Yet again, the chase continues.


(Try to get close as possible to me for max pain!) – though Phantasia.

(This skill: [Plague Mania] only increase the damage over time from poisons and stuff, including the plagues.)

(However, this skill is only level 2, meaning that damage increase is only 6%)

(Still, that guy was just charging at me without even dodging just so he can get closer to my ass.)

(However, the poison mage specialty is damage over time, meaning that guy is under effect of several poison effects since he was taking hits head on.)

(There is also the plague that he is infected with.)

(In short, this guy is taking damage, but he doesn't care.)

(I need to wore him down and then land a finishing blow.)

(But these other bastards will get in the way.)

"[Sticky Goo]!"

Phantasia fired a goo attack at the guards this time and not the guard capitan, hitting them and slowing them down.

However, this allowed the capitan to quickly rush towards Phantasia and instantly close the distance.

(…. Wait what?) – though Phantasia.

The guard swinged its sword from above, forcing Phantasia to cross his arms above his head to block the attack.

Phantasia blocked the attack, but he could fell the attack, but it wasn't the end.

Instantly, the guard capitan launched a fallow up attack with his shield, straight up stabbing Phantasia with it, dealing blunt damage like some sort of hammer.

Phantasia was visible hurt and he tried to back away, but the furious orc quickly kicked him in the stomach the moment he tried to something like this.

The Phantasia balance was broken and the orc capitan tried to go for the head with his sword, but Phantasia unleashed the skill [Acid Ball] at the orc, forcing him to block with his shield and forcing him to stop his attack, allowing Phantasia to quickly back away.


(He probably used some sort of skill to close the distance.)

(Still, those hits of his took a lot of HP.)

The guard capitan tried approaching Phantasia, but then he suddenly stopped and grabbed his chest in pain.

"…" – Phantasia observed the situation while also creating distance between himself and the orc.

(It seems he now took some real damage.)

(The poison seem to be doing its work.)

(But that bastard still seem to be full of energy.)


(I can guess without even checking that all of my chimeras are dead.)


(With all that running around we did, there should have been a huge group of guards chasing me already, right?)

(Then what the hell is this? I only see 2 more new guards and that's it!)

(There is no mistaking it! This place is the location I was aiming for!)

(Still, the chimeras in this area seems to have been dealt with, so I won't get any help from them.)

(But that doesn't matter!)

(Right now, I'm in location where there are very few or maybe no guards.)

(However I don't know for how long yet until maybe a huge group of guards appear, so I shouldn't let my guard down yet.)

(These guards are both injured and poisoned from my poison attacks and plague. That includes the big boss there who realized his state of his current body.)

(This maybe the only chance to kill them! Including the boss!)

"You know what? Fuck it." – said Phantasia while not even trying to run away.

"No more running away."

"No more fuking cat and mouse game."

"We are going to kill you right now, right here!" – said Phantasia while getting ready for combat.

"Huh! A coward like you wants to fight now?" – said the orc guard that was also getting ready while the remaining guards had catched up to the orc guard.

"Do you…."


(Wait…. Why did he said "We"?) – though the orc capitan, not knowing if the mad man was playing tricks again or not.

However, the orc guard would soon realize that this time Phantasia didn't lied about not being alone.

[Chimera construction: Remanning time: 00:00:00:00:00]

[Chimaera creation slot [1] has been finished.]


"SHOW YOURSELF!" – shouted Phantasia.


Phantasia suddenly began summoning the creature that ended up putting the guards on the high alert, but when the creature was summoned, they saw a creature they never seen before in their life.

The creature was giaganting monster with white fur.

The monster legs resembles that of the rabbit, but were way bigger, more muscular and even more savage looking as if they were straight up weapons.

The monster torso was giaganting and completely covered in white fur as well as red fur markings across its chest and back.

The monster arms were extremely muscular and were also covered in white fur and red markings.

Hands of the monsters were quite big and its claws were long and shaped like the hooks.

The neck was extremely thick and muscular, but its head was the thing that really stood out.

Head of the creature had giaganting jaws with many blade like teethes that resembles daggers.

The monster had also a pair of giant long ears sticking out from its head that resembles bunny ears.

As for the monsters eyes? There was over 8 eyes in total with 3 pairs of the crimson red eyes and one pair of the giant black eyes. And there was a giant nose that resembles that of a rabbit and a bear.

The monster bizarre appearance was accompanied with its ginormous size, easily towering over the orc guard capitan while standing on its two feets.

The guards backed away in fear after witnessing the unknown monster making its appearance on the battlefield.

Even the orc capitan was wary of the creature and backed off just in case he needed to protect his men.

"Well then." – said Phantasia.

"Shall we start the "Real Fight" now?"

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