
Chapter 49 – Last target: Min city.

Current situation.

Phantasia has entered the city through the main gate and ended up provoking a lot of guards at the same (Way more than he expected).

After he provoked the guards, he used his plague to infect the guards before using the moment of distraction to break free and run into the city.

Now Phantasia and the guards who were covered in the plague were unknowingly to them, were now spreading the plague around.

While that was happening, the chimeras who were hiding in the forest and were murdering the players inside were now charging towards the main gate.

And as of right now… Well Phantasia was playing the game of cat and mouse with guards.

"Stop him!"

A huge group of guards were chasing Phantasia right now.



(I kind of wish that I didn't used [Poison Smoke] as a means of getting attention and just saved it up to lose them.)

"!" – Phantasia noticed something going on behind him and when he looked, he saw some of the guards having hard time breathing or just straight up slowing down



(These guys didn't seem too high level, so the plague is effect is kicking them nicely.)

(But they will soon realize what they are dealing with.)

(They may think that its poison at first, but they will realize sooner or later that I had infected them with plague.)

(But most of the guards seem to be fine.)

(They are probably level 50 and above.)

(Even though this is starting location, they are not taking any chance, huh?)

(Well, there was an mad man who went around and infected the entire city with the plague and all, so….)

Phantasia turned around and began using skill [Necro Shot Barrage], firing an barrage of the necrotic bullets at the guards, trying to slow them down.

The guards put up their defense and took on the hit, but this time there was too many of them and the remaining guards were running towards Phantasia.

"[Acid Spray]!"

Phantasia fired a spray of acid at the group of the guards on his left, hitting them and making them scream in pain, but as soon as he tried going for his right side the guards were already near him and one of them tried to stab him with their spears, forcing Phantasia to quickly back away in order to dodge.

(Fuck me!)

(These guys aren't panicking at all!)

(They are nothing like the guards from the Wild town! They were extremely easy to beat!)

(But these guys are way different compare to them!)

"Hey… What is going on?" - asked the passerby player.

"Is this guy fighting NPC guards? Why?" – asked another passerby player.

"…" – Phantasia looked towards the players that were talking about him.


(Oh. It should work.)

Phantasia began running towards the players.


"W-wait?! Hey?!" – said the confused player.

Phantasia grabbed a random newbie player by their face and pushed them at the guards before running off.

 The other players instantly backed off, not wanting to get into problems.

The guards chased the Phantasia, but after chasing him a bit, they realized that they are in the main street where a lot of players and NPCs were present.


"Where the hell is he?!" – shouted the dark elf guard.



(Good thing I remember about this place being the busiest part of the city.)

(Now that I have crowd of people to block my sight I can-)

"HEY! I FUKING SEE HIM!" – shouted the orc guard.

"I fuking see his top hat sticking out!"


Phantasia began attacking the random civilians with acid attacks and even used his poison attacks.

The random passerby's who got attacked were getting killed if they were newbies players or ended up getting extremely nasty injury.

In instance, the people went in the panic and began running in all directions.


"H-hey!" – shouted the guard who tried to go through the panicking crowd, but had hard time doing so.

Phantasia was running away while attacking random civilians, spreading the chaos even further.

(Damn! I wanted to go away quietly and then reaper moments later!)

(Damn you my nice looking top hat! Damn you!)

(Still, the panicking ground will make things much harder for them to find me!)

(Not only that, they will rub off other people and infect them!)

(Thanks to this idiots the plague will spread around the city without anybody even realizing until it will be too late!)

(And the chimeras will also help out in that as well.)

[Meanwhile – The gate that was attacked by Phantasia.]

"Shit! What the hell are those things?!" – shouted the guard.

The guards that went to the gate to inspect area where the mysterious assailant broken in ended up facing off against the mysterious monsters that were created by Phantasia.

"Fuck me!" – said the guard that was holding back the pseudo centaur.

"What the hell are those things?! They look like centaur, but their top part is a dark elf!"

"What do we do?! Are those things people or something?!" – said the dark elf guard while blocking the pseudo centaur spear.

"Just kill them! If not, they will kill us!" – shouted the guard from behind who was facing off against the chimera made out of the civilian corpse.

The guards were trying to stop the chimeras from the entering the city, but so far, they were unsuccessful.

Too many guards paid attention to Phantasia, allowing the chimeras to break into the city after killing the guards.

So right now, there was a psychopath who is going around and killing people while being chased by the guards who are unaware the fact that they are infected by the plague.

And while all of that happening, the undead chimeras had made their way into the city and started spreading chaos of their own.

Pretty much, the entire city was slowly being affected by that chaos and the entire city had also raised the alarm, warning the citizens that the city is under attack.

"There he is! After him!" – shouted the guard.

"Nope." – replied Phantasia while flipping off the guards that were chasing him.

"[Poison Smoke]!"

Phantasia released [Poison Smoke] on his current location, blocking completely the guards sight.

The guards didn't wanted to approach the poison smoke, knowing its danger.

However, because they waited and lost the sight of the Phantasia, he used this chance to run away unnoticed.


"Where is he?!" – said the guard after the [Poison Smoke] disappeared.

"Look around! There is no way he could have gotten too far!" – shouted the guard that was looking for Phantasia.

"Check everything! Garbage and the alleyways! He is definitely somewhere!"

The guards were franticly looking around for Phantasia everywhere, but he didn't get too far and was on the nearby roof of a store.


"Phew." – said Phantasia.

(I did expected this place to have way stronger defenses, but still, what the fuck?)

(Did I really scared them that much with the last incident to the point their increased their defenses that much? This place has way more guards that it should!)

(Still, I was somehow able to escape.)

(I used my claws gauntlets to climb on the wall and I got to say, I thought it would be way easier, but instead I almost got caught red handed, I got here in last moment.)

(I almost shited myself.)


(Still, it seems that the chaos is spreading nicely.)

(These idiot guards ended up chasing me around and infected the other guards in the process as well as the civilians and the players.)

(This plague main power isn't damage but instead infection.)

(Its just matter of time before the plague will once again swallow this place whole.)

(The chimeras had probably gotten into the city already.)

(The plan is going somewhat well… Well there are few problems though.)

(Their defenses are too big and there are too many guards.)

(On top of that, I'm still not close enough to destroy this place.)

(Plague will spread around the chaos and the chimeras will kill people, but that is not enough.)

(Until a majority of those guards are dealt with, I won't be able to destroy this place.)

(I already killed some of them, but I don't see FUKING end to them!)

(Just how many freckling guards did they hire?!)

(This will be…. Way harder than I thought many times over…...Shit.)

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