Esme didn't dwell on how he got here, instead, she reached for the serum Orion had given her. Dahmer's face paled when he saw Esme take the serum, and he shook his head in desperate refusal as she took a measured step toward him.
"You stay the hell away from me!" His voice trembled slightly as she approached. "I said STAY AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME! ESMERAY, WAIT!" His eyes widened, and fear overtook him as Esme held up serum just out of reach, her gaze locking onto his.
"Yes, Dahmer?" her voice was calm, almost cold, as she observed his growing terror.
His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, casting a frantic glance at the serum in her hand, its tip gleaming dangerously close to his skin. "You can't… you won't actually do this. You're not as heartless as I am," he stammered, his bravado slipping with every word.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: