
Chapter 21

Author's Note:

Hi Author-san here, I ain't talking much today. Let's just say that I'm dreading the visit to the dentist, so I ask for well wishes.


Waking up to the sound of his phone ringing, Reggie groggily reached for it. Seeing Charlotte's name on the screen, he smiled before answering, "Lolla, my love, what troubles the keeper of my affections?"

Charlotte giggled on the other end. "You're gonna run out of those corny pickup lines one of these days."

Reggie scoffed, "Never. Anyway, what troubles you? Everything okay? How's everyone holding up?"

She hummed thoughtfully. "We're doing okay. I called to remind you that I do exist. Also, SPADE told me about the upcoming mission. I want in."

Reggie muttered under his breath about SPADE going behind his back, but Charlotte cut him off. "Ray ray! Don't diss on our baby. Of course, he'll listen to his mama after papa. Anyway, I don't care about permission; I'm letting you know that I'm joining you."

Sighing, Reggie ran a hand through his hair. "Fine, you win, Lolla. I'll pick you up soon."

"Good, and when you do, remember to at least say hi to your family, alright? Everyone misses you." She hung up before he could respond.

Reggie lay there for a moment, the warmth of Charlotte's call lingering. Hearing the faint hum of SPADE hovering nearby, he called out, "Come out, sunshine. I ain't mad at ya. I promise."

SPADE appeared from under the bed, its screen displaying a pair of concerned eyes. Sitting up, Reggie reached out and rubbed its head. "I can never be mad at you, buddy. Just promise to always try to keep me in the loop, will you?"

SPADE beeped in response, its eyes forming a smile. Reggie chuckled, getting out of bed. "Thanks, pal."

He walked to the bathroom, the cool tiles waking him up further. As he freshened up, he couldn't help but think about the upcoming mission and Charlotte's determination to join. He admired her spirit but also worried for her safety. With a deep breath, he resolved to do his best to have her back. No matter what.


Emerging from the bathroom with water dripping off his wet body, Reggie enjoyed the cool air's pleasant chill against his skin. As he towel-dried, he noticed SPADE hovering nearby.

"How many bugs, buddy?" he asked.

SPADE beeped in response, its screen displaying the number 23.

Reggie smirked. "Aha, make sure to short-fuse them. And set them outside their doors."

He chuckled at the audacity of their members. After all, it was the Boys. What else was he supposed to expect?


Dressed appropriately, Reggie approached the team in the command center in the afternoon. He gave out greetings, to which Butcher ignored, Frenchie smirked and gave him a mock salute, MM nodded back in greeting, and Hughie waved in response. Mallory was sitting to the side, still occupied with learning all the atrocities committed by Vought.

"Alright, before we head out, there's something we need to do. I would like Frenchie to accompany me."

Butcher's eyes narrowed as he drew attention back to Reggie. "And why should he? Remember, you ain't one of us. Why should we listen to what you order?"

Reggie took a deep breath, meeting Butcher's challenging gaze. "Look, I know you hate supes, all thanks to Homelander's actions. But let me ask you this: some people decide to be murderers—regular people at that. Does that mean all humans are evil? One decides to be a terrorist, rapist, kidnapper, cannibal... does that mean that all humanity is evil? You'd, of course, say no. It's different, but I see it all the same. Just as there are bad, there are good. The problem is you haven't found them yet."

Butcher's expression didn't change, but a flicker of something—maybe doubt, maybe curiosity—passed through his eyes. "So you think Frenchie going with you will help us find those good ones?"

Reggie nodded. "Yes, and it will help us take another step toward stopping Vought. Frenchie has the skills we need for this particular task."

The room fell silent for a moment. Frenchie looked at Butcher, waiting for his reaction. Finally, Butcher gave a short, begrudging nod. "Fine. But if this turns into some sort of shitshow, I'll make you pay."

Before turning back, Frenchie curiously asked Reggie, "Where are we heading, boss?"

Reggie smirked as he responded, "We are going on a rescue mission, one of the many victims of Vought."

Frenchie's excited expression turned serious. "Alright, got any weapons or something I could use?"

Reggie, already expecting such a response, waved his hand as he walked away. "Follow me."


Heading to a room that seemed empty, followed by Frenchie and SPADE, Reggie walked towards a wall that glowed as it scanned his palm and energy signature. He gave SPADE the order, "Activate the armory."

The room seemingly folded in on itself, revealing rows upon rows of various weapons: guns, bazookas, cold weapons, armors, and explosives. Frenchie's eyes widened in surprise as he drooled in excitement. "Oh mon putain de Dieu! Did Christmas come early?!"

Chuckling at Frenchie's reaction, Reggie replied, "Sadly no, but on the bright side, I do treat those I consider my friends like family. Anyway, pick whatever you need. We'll meet someone else who'll be joining us."

Drawing Frenchie's attention from an M13 he was admiring, Reggie added, "My spitfire of a girlfriend."


Dropping the boys off at a pier, Reggie took Frenchie to an alley and told him to wait before zooming off again. Coming back with Charlotte, she confidently approached Frenchie, who was stunned by her beauty. Hearing her clear her throat snapped Frenchie's attention back to the present, causing him to apologize.

"I'm sorry, miss, I can speak for most men when I say Reggie's a lucky man."

Patting him on the back, Reggie said, "Apology accepted. I get it, happens to the best of men. Anyway, let's get this show on the road."

"Where are we going?" Charlotte asked Reggie.

"Why, to go shopping, of course. The place we want to be is in their hidden passage, that would take us to the victim. We should be lucky enough to come upon some Compound V as well."

Heading to the Chinese shop, he led them to the deeper part of the back alley to draw less attention. Taking them each by the shoulder, he warned, "This might feel uncomfortable and wonky. Best advice I can give you is to take a deep breath and hold it."

They nodded. As soon as he saw that they were holding their breath, he vibrated alongside them and phased through the wall, leaving the place empty and silent.

Passing through the walls, they stopped for a moment. Reggie let them catch their breath.

"Never, man, never make me do that again," Frenchie pleaded, barely holding in his lunch. "I felt all my organs rearranged, definitely not doing that. Nope."

Looking at Charlotte, who was already on her feet and looking around the dimly lit narrow corridor, Reggie saw her pull out a silenced pistol and start moving.


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Vekay_Legendcreators' thoughts
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