
The Legacy Bridge

The moment she walked in, I took half a second to thank the heavens for bringing me this opportunity and giving me this system.

You know the feeling, don't you? When you get to do the things you love and make money at the same time?

Well, you probably don't. Most people would rather quit if they had the chance.

The woman that walked in was definitely stunning. But not in the way you're thinking. She wasn't beautiful in the overstated, magazine-cover way but with the kind of effortless elegance that only the truly confident possess.

What made her stand out the most wasn't even all that. It was her hourglass figure that made me sure there was someone out there in the world that has fapped to her instagram.

Her face was framed by soft waves of auburn hair that cascaded down her shoulders and she wore a tailored white blazer and matching trousers, with an understated gold necklace around her neck.

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